108 research outputs found

    Phonon-like and single particle dynamics in liquid lithium

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    The dynamic structure factor, S(Q,E), of liquid lithium (T=475 K) has been determined by inelastic x-ray scattering (IXS) in the momentum transfer region (Q = 1.4-110 nm-1). These data allow to observe how, in a simple liquid, a phonon-like collective mode evolves towards the single particle dynamics. As a function of Q, one finds: i) at low Q's, a sound mode with a positive dispersion of the sound velocity, ii) at intermediate Q's, excitations whose energy oscillates similarly to phonons in the crystal Brillouin zones, and iii) at high Q's, the S(Q,E) approaches a Gaussian shape, indicating that the single particle dynamics has been reached.Comment: 3 pages and 5 figure

    Signature of a polyamorphic transition in the THz spectrum of vitreous GeO2

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    The THz spectrum of density fluctuations, S(Q,ω)S(Q, \omega), of vitreous GeO2_2 at ambient temperature was measured by inelastic x-ray scattering from ambient pressure up to pressures well beyond that of the known α\alpha-quartz to rutile polyamorphic (PA) transition. We observe significant differences in the spectral shape measured below and above the PA transition, in particular, in the 30-80 meV range. Guided by first-principle lattice dynamics calculations, we interpret the changes in the phonon dispersion as the evolution from a quartz-like to a rutile-like coordination. Notably, such a crossover is accompanied by a cusp-like behavior in the pressure dependence of the elastic response of the system. Overall, the presented results highlight the complex fingerprint of PA phenomena on the high-frequency phonon dispersion.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Acoustic Nature of the Boson Peak in Vitreous Silica

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    New temperature dependent inelastic x-ray (IXS) and Raman (RS) scattering data are compared to each other and with existing inelastic neutron scattering data in vitreous silica (v-SiO_2), in the 300 - 1775 K region. The IXS data show collective propagating excitations up to Q=3.5 nm^-1. The temperature behaviour of the excitations at Q=1.6 nm^-1 matches that of the boson peak found in INS and RS. This supports the acoustic origin of the excess of vibrational states giving rise to the boson peak in this glass.Comment: 10 pages and 4 figure

    High frequency longitudinal and transverse dynamics in water

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    High-resolution, inelastic x-ray scattering measurements of the dynamic structure factor S(Q,\omega) of liquid water have been performed for wave vectors Q between 4 and 30 nm^-1 in distinctly different thermodynamic conditions (T= 263 - 420 K ; at, or close to, ambient pressure and at P = 2 kbar). In agreement with previous inelastic x-ray and neutron studies, the presence of two inelastic contributions (one dispersing with Q and the other almost non-dispersive) is confirmed. The study of their temperature- and Q-dependence provides strong support for a dynamics of liquid water controlled by the structural relaxation process. A viscoelastic analysis of the Q-dispersing mode, associated with the longitudinal dynamics, reveals that the sound velocity undergoes the complete transition from the adiabatic sound velocity (c_0) (viscous limit) to the infinite frequency sound velocity (c_\infinity) (elastic limit). On decreasing Q, as the transition regime is approached from the elastic side, we observe a decrease of the intensity of the second, weakly dispersing feature, which completely disappears when the viscous regime is reached. These findings unambiguously identify the second excitation to be a signature of the transverse dynamics with a longitudinal symmetry component, which becomes visible in the S(Q,\omega) as soon as the purely viscous regime is left.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figure

    Deconvolving Instrumental and Intrinsic Broadening in Excited State X-ray Spectroscopies

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    Intrinsic and experimental mechanisms frequently lead to broadening of spectral features in excited-state spectroscopies. For example, intrinsic broadening occurs in x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) measurements of heavy elements where the core-hole lifetime is very short. On the other hand, nonresonant x-ray Raman scattering (XRS) and other energy loss measurements are more limited by instrumental resolution. Here, we demonstrate that the Richardson-Lucy (RL) iterative algorithm provides a robust method for deconvolving instrumental and intrinsic resolutions from typical XAS and XRS data. For the K-edge XAS of Ag, we find nearly complete removal of ~9.3 eV FWHM broadening from the combined effects of the short core-hole lifetime and instrumental resolution. We are also able to remove nearly all instrumental broadening in an XRS measurement of diamond, with the resulting improved spectrum comparing favorably with prior soft x-ray XAS measurements. We present a practical methodology for implementing the RL algorithm to these problems, emphasizing the importance of testing for stability of the deconvolution process against noise amplification, perturbations in the initial spectra, and uncertainties in the core-hole lifetime.Comment: 35 pages, 13 figure

    A large-solid-angle X-ray Raman scattering spectrometer at ID20 of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility

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    An end-station for X-ray Raman scattering spectroscopy at beamline ID20 of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility is described. This end-station is dedicated to the study of shallow core electronic excitations using non-resonant inelastic X-ray scattering. The spectrometer has 72 spherically bent analyzer crystals arranged in six modular groups of 12 analyzer crystals each for a combined maximum flexibility and large solid angle of detection. Each of the six analyzer modules houses one pixelated area detector allowing for X-ray Raman scattering based imaging and efficient separation of the desired signal from the sample and spurious scattering from the often used complicated sample environments. This new end-station provides an unprecedented instrument for X-ray Raman scattering, which is a spectroscopic tool of great interest for the study of low-energy X-ray absorption spectra in materials under insitu conditions, such as inoperando batteries and fuel cells, insitu catalytic reactions, and extreme pressure and temperature conditions.Peer reviewe

    Evidence of short time dynamical correlations in simple liquids

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    We report a molecular dynamics (MD) study of the collective dynamics of a simple monatomic liquid -interacting through a two body potential that mimics that of lithium- across the liquid-glass transition. In the glassy phase we find evidences of a fast relaxation process similar to that recently found in Lennard-Jones glasses. The origin of this process is ascribed to the topological disorder, i.e. to the dephasing of the different momentum QQ Fourier components of the actual normal modes of vibration of the disordered structure. More important, we find that the fast relaxation persists in the liquid phase with almost no temperature dependence of its characteristic parameters (strength and relaxation time). We conclude, therefore, that in the liquid phase well above the melting point, at variance with the usual assumption of {\it un-correlated} binary collisions, the short time particles motion is strongly {\it correlated} and can be described via a normal mode expansion of the atomic dynamics.Comment: 7 pages, 7 .eps figs. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Inelastic X-ray scattering study of the collective dynamics in liquid sodium

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    Inelastic X-ray scattering data have been collected for liquid sodium at T=390 K, i.e. slightly above the melting point. Owing to the very high instrumental resolution, pushed up to 1.5 meV, it has been possible to determine accurately the dynamic structure factor, S(Q,ω)S(Q,\omega), in a wide wavevector range, 1.5÷151.5 \div 15 nm1^{-1}, and to investigate on the dynamical processes underlying the collective dynamics. A detailed analysis of the lineshape of S(Q,ω)S(Q,\omega), similarly to other liquid metals, reveals the co-existence of two different relaxation processes with slow and fast characteristic timescales respectively. The present data lead to the conclusion that: i) the picture of the relaxation mechanism based on a simple viscoelastic model fails; ii) although the comparison with other liquid metals reveals similar behavior, the data do not exhibit an exact scaling law as the principle of corresponding state would predict.Comment: RevTex, 7 pages, 6 eps figures. Accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Anomalous Dispersion of Longitudinal Optical Phonons in Nd1.86Ce0.14CuO4+δ\mathrm{\mathbf{Nd_{1.86}Ce_{0.14}CuO_{4+\bm{\delta}}}} Determined by Inelastic X-ray Scattering

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    The phonon dispersions of Nd1.86Ce0.14CuO4+δ\mathrm{Nd_{1.86}Ce_{0.14}CuO_{4+\delta}} along the [ξ,0,0][\xi,0,0] direction have been determined by inelastic x-ray scattering. Compared to the undoped parent compound, the two highest longitudinal phonon branches, associated with the Cu-O bond-stretching and out-of-plane oxygen vibration, are shifted to lower energies. Moreover, an anomalous softening of the bond-stretching band is observed around q=(0.2,0,0)\mathbf{q}=(0.2,0,0). These signatures provide evidence for strong electron-phonon coupling in this electron-doped high-temperature superconductor.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure