3,104 research outputs found

    Simulation of the effect of grain-boundaries in backside-passivated CIGS solar cells

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    We carry out numerical 3D simulations of CIGS cells with back-side Al2O3 passivation and point contact openings in the presence of grain boundaries in the absorber. We consider CIGS cells with different absorber thickness, from 0.35 to 3 mu mathrm{m}. For thinner absorbers (1 mu mathrm{m} or less) we observe that GBs terminating on the Al2O3 are completely or almost completely passivated, while the effectiveness of the passivation decreases for thicker absorbers. GBs terminating on the point contact, instead, significantly lower the efficiency, regardless of absorber thickness. The presence of grain boundaries and the dimension of grains should therefore be taken into consideration when optimizing the back-side point contact array geometry

    A simulation study on the effect of sodium on grain boundary passivation in CIGS thin-film solar cells

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    3D numerical simulations of CIGS thin-film solar cells with different grain-boundary (GB) characteristics have been carried out in order to investigate the effect of defect properties and band edge shifts at GBs on the cell performance. Simulation results are compared with experimental data taken on cells with and without NaF post deposition treatment. GBs with different energy gaps and defect properties have been analyzed. Simulations support the idea that the detrimental effect of defective GBs on the cell performance might be reduced by a treatment with Na. The results of this study can help with the interpretation of experimental findings

    OCVD Measurement of Ambipolar and Minority Carrier Lifetime in 4H-SiC Devices: Relevance of the Measurement Setup

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    The open-circuit voltage decay (OCVD) method is a well-known technique for conducting electrical measurements of carrier lifetime: the main advantages lie in the simple setup and the possibility of carrying out measurements in commercial devices without the need of removing the package, as for optical methods. Despite several researchers having reported carrier lifetimes measured by the OCVD method in different devices, there has been little discussion about the potential effect of the experimental setup on the obtained results. By comparing the outputs of the experimental measurements with those of numerical simulations, this study investigates the overlooked effect of the OCVD measurement setup on the former. Due to the growing importance of SiC-based devices, the analysis is applied to a 4H-SiC p-i-n diode. Two main points are addressed: 1) the effect of circuit setup on the ambipolar lifetime is discussed and a method, originally developed for improving the estimate of low-level carrier lifetime in OCVD measurements, is used to correct the measured lifetime for this influence; 2) the origin of the local minimum eventually appearing in the lifetime versus time curves is also investigated. It is found that the minimum can also be related to the time constant of the experimental setup, giving rise to doubts about the usual interpretation of this minimum as the minority carrier lifetime. A method is thus proposed to help discriminate between the two interpretations

    High Performances Corrugated Feed Horns for Space Applications at Millimetre Wavelengths

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    We report on the design, fabrication and testing of a set of high performance corrugated feed horns at 30 GHz, 70 GHz and 100 GHz, built as advanced prototypes for the Low Frequency Instrument (LFI) of the ESA Planck mission. The electromagnetic designs include linear (100 GHz) and dual shaped (30 and 70 GHz) profiles. Fabrication has been achieved by direct machining at 30 GHz, and by electro-formation at higher frequencies. The measured performances on side lobes and return loss meet the stringent Planck requirements over the large (20%) instrument bandwidth. Moreover, the advantage in terms of main lobe shape and side lobes levels of the dual profiled designs has been demonstrated.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Experimental Astronom

    An evaluation of |Vus| and precise tests of the Standard Model from world data on leptonic and semileptonic kaon decays

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    We present a global analysis of leptonic and semileptonic kaon decay data, including all recent results published by the BNL-E865, KLOE, KTeV, ISTRA+ and NA48 experiments. This analysis, in conjunction with precise lattice calculations of the hadronic matrix elements now available, leads to a very precise determination of |Vus| and allows us to perform several stringent tests of the Standard Model.Comment: LaTeX, 25 pages, 12 figures, 16 tables. Submitted to EPJC. v2: Minor changes for accepted version. No numerical results change

    Boundary layer convective-like activity at Dome Concordia, Antarctica

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    The paper presents the micro-meteorological field experiment carried out at the plateau station of Dome Concordia (3300 m a.s.l.) during the Antarctic summer of 1997. The experiment dealt with the study of the trends of boundary layer features and the characteristics of the surface energy and momentum exchanges. A monostatic Doppler sodar, fast-response sensors and radiometers were used for this study. The experiment was part of a program that aims to assess the role of the continental polar regions in shaping the surface circulation over Antarctica. In spite of the markedly stable conditions found throughout the investigated period, some convective-like activity was detected during the warmer hours of the day

    Planck LFI flight model feed horns

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    this paper is part of the Prelaunch status LFI papers published on JINST: http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/-page=extra.proc5/jinst The Low Frequency Instrument is optically interfaced with the ESA Planck telescope through 11 corrugated feed horns each connected to the Radiometer Chain Assembly (RCA). This paper describes the design, the manufacturing and the testing of the flight model feed horns. They have been designed to optimize the LFI optical interfaces taking into account the tight mechanical requirements imposed by the Planck focal plane layout. All the eleven units have been successfully tested and integrated with the Ortho Mode transducers.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in JINST. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The definitive publisher authenticated version is available online at 10.1088/1748-0221/4/12/T1200

    GPU-based Real-time Triggering in the NA62 Experiment

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    Over the last few years the GPGPU (General-Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units) paradigm represented a remarkable development in the world of computing. Computing for High-Energy Physics is no exception: several works have demonstrated the effectiveness of the integration of GPU-based systems in high level trigger of different experiments. On the other hand the use of GPUs in the low level trigger systems, characterized by stringent real-time constraints, such as tight time budget and high throughput, poses several challenges. In this paper we focus on the low level trigger in the CERN NA62 experiment, investigating the use of real-time computing on GPUs in this synchronous system. Our approach aimed at harvesting the GPU computing power to build in real-time refined physics-related trigger primitives for the RICH detector, as the the knowledge of Cerenkov rings parameters allows to build stringent conditions for data selection at trigger level. Latencies of all components of the trigger chain have been analyzed, pointing out that networking is the most critical one. To keep the latency of data transfer task under control, we devised NaNet, an FPGA-based PCIe Network Interface Card (NIC) with GPUDirect capabilities. For the processing task, we developed specific multiple ring trigger algorithms to leverage the parallel architecture of GPUs and increase the processing throughput to keep up with the high event rate. Results obtained during the first months of 2016 NA62 run are presented and discussed
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