13 research outputs found

    Bis (2-Methyl-Delta-2 (3)-Oxadiazine-4, 6-Dione)-5-Sulfonyl

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    The reaction of acetylisocyanate with sulfonyldiisocynate leads to bis (2-methyl Delta[Superscript 2 (3)]-oxadiazine-4, 6-dione)-5-sulfonyl

    Chromatin remodeling resets the immune system to protect against autoimmune diabetes in mice.

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    Epigenetic alteration of the genome has been shown to provide palliative effects in mouse models of certain human autoimmune diseases. We have investigated whether chromatin remodeling could provide protection against autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice. Treatment of female mice during the transition from prediabetic to diabetic stage (18-24 weeks of age) with the well-characterized histone deacetylase inhibitor, Trichostatin A effectively reduced the incidence of diabetes. However, similar treatment of overtly diabetic mice during the same time period failed to reverse the disease. Protection against diabetes was accompanied by histone hyperacetylation in pancreas and spleen, enhanced frequency of CD4+ CD62L+ cells in the spleen, reduction in cellular infiltration of islets, restoration of normoglycemia and glucose-induced insulin release by beta cells. Activation of splenic T lymphocytes derived from protected mice in vitro with pharmacological agents that bypass the antigen receptor or immobilized anti-CD3 antibody resulted in enhanced expression of Ifng mRNA and protein without altering the expression of Il4, Il17, Il18, Inos, and Tnfa genes nor the secretion of IL-2, IL-4, IL-17, and TNF-α proteins. Consistently, expression of the transcription factor involved in Ifng transcription, Tbet/Tbx21 but not Gata3 and Rorgt, respectively required for the transcription of Il4 and Il17, was upregulated in activated splenocytes of protected mice. These results indicate that chromatin remodeling can lead to amelioration of diabetes by employing multiple mechanisms including differential gene transcription. Thus, epigenetic modulation could be a novel therapeutic approach to block the transition from benign to frank diabetes

    Phylogenetic analysis for the prM gene of JEV.

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    <p>The tree was constructed with MEGA6 software using neighbor-joining method based on the kimura-2 parameter model. Data are based on a bootstrap value of 1000 and cutoff value of 50.</p

    The beginning stage of the party system formation in Ukraine: from the origin of the opposition movements to the parliamentary elektions in 1994

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    The policy of Gorbachov's Perestroika stimulated the emancipation of soviet society. At the same time it also launched the process of the political life democratization - different opposition associations and political parties started to appear. An impulse for the rise of the opposition movement in Ukraine was connected to the tragedy of Chernobyl, which influenced public and political life in the country. Many ecological and cultural organizations, which occurred right after the Chernobyl tragedy, became the base for the mass Ukrainian opposition movement named Rukh few years after. From the very start it was just the organization which gathered together people with different political views. In a few years Rukh became the strongest political subject in the opposition to the ruling power and gave the foundation for the rise of the new political parties. Despite the fact that the Communist party of Ukraine lost its absolute power and control over society, the sympathy to the left ideology among Ukrainian population still remained strong. New left-wing parties began to appear in the political stage soon after the prohibition of the Communist party. The forbidden party served as the base for newly appeared parties with the leftist ideology (similar as Rukh for national oriented parties). Renewed Ukrainian..

    Comparative analysis of critical amino acids in the E protein associated with JEV neurovirulence.

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    <p>Eight amino acids in the E protein critical for neurovirulence in the vaccine strain (SA14-14-2) and other JEV strains including current swine isolate.</p

    Phylogenetic analysis for prM gene of JEV including sequences data from Indian JEV isolates only.

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    <p>The tree was constructed with MEGA6 software using neighbor-joining method based on the kimura-2 parameter model. Data are based on a bootstrap value of 1000 and cutoff value of 50.</p

    Sows which delivered JEV positive stillborn piglets in a herd.

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    <p>Out of 28 sows that farrowed in a herd, 10 sows delivered stillborn piglets. Sow number, date of farrowing, breed, number of stillbirth and RT-PCR results for JEV are presented.</p

    Phylogenetic analysis for the E gene of JEV.

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    <p>The tree was constructed with MEGA6 software using neighbor-joining method based on the kimura-2 parameter model. Data are based on a bootstrap value of 1000 and cutoff value of 50.</p

    Additional file 3: of HE4 promotes collateral resistance to cisplatin and paclitaxel in ovarian cancer cells

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    Top 10 DAVID annotation clusters of genes differentially expressed between SKOV3-NV and SKOV3-C1. Analysis of all genes with fold-change ≥1.5 (p < .05) in either direction. (XLSX 10 kb