935 research outputs found

    Characterizing the nature of Fossil Groups with XMM

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    We present an X-ray follow-up, based on XMM plus Chandra, of six Fossil Group (FG) candidates identified in our previous work using SDSS and RASS data. Four candidates (out of six) exhibit extended X-ray emission, confirming them as true FGs. For the other two groups, the RASS emission has its origin as either an optically dull/X-ray bright AGN, or the blending of distinct X-ray sources. Using SDSS-DR7 data, we confirm, for all groups, the presence of an r-band magnitude gap between the seed elliptical and the second-rank galaxy. However, the gap value depends, up to 0.5mag, on how one estimates the seed galaxy total flux, which is greatly underestimated when using SDSS (relative to Sersic) magnitudes. This implies that many FGs may be actually missed when using SDSS data, a fact that should be carefully taken into account when comparing the observed number densities of FGs to the expectations from cosmological simulations. The similarity in the properties of seed--FG and non-fossil ellipticals, found in our previous study, extends to the sample of X-ray confirmed FGs, indicating that bright ellipticals in FGs do not represent a distinct population of galaxies. For one system, we also find that the velocity distribution of faint galaxies is bimodal, possibly showing that the system formed through the merging of two groups. This undermines the idea that all selected FGs form a population of true fossils.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures. Submitted 01/12/2011 to MNRAS, referee report received 21/02/2012, accepted 22/02/201

    Steps toward a classifier for the Virtual Observatory. I. Classifying the SDSS photometric archive

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    Modern photometric multiband digital surveys produce large amounts of data that, in order to be effectively exploited, need automatic tools capable to extract from photometric data an objective classification. We present here a new method for classifying objects in large multi-parametric photometric data bases, consisting of a combination of a clustering algorithm and a cluster agglomeration tool. The generalization capabilities and the potentialities of this approach are tested against the complexity of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey archive, for which an example of application is reported.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the "1st Workshop of Astronomy and Astrophysics for Students" - Naples, 19-20 April 200

    Morphology of low-redshift compact galaxy clusters I. Shapes and radial profiles

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    The morphology of clusters of galaxies may be described with a set of parameters which contain information about the formation and evolutionary history of these systems. In this paper we present a preliminary study of the morphological parameters of a sample of 28 compact Abell clusters extracted from DPOSS data. The morphology of galaxy clusters is parameterized by their apparent ellipticity, position angle of the major axis, centre coordinates, core radius and beta-model power law index. Our procedure provides estimates of these parameters by simultaneously fitting them all, overcoming some of the difficulties induced by sparse data and low number statistics typical of this kind of analysis. The cluster parameters were fitted in a 3 x 3 h^-2 sqMpc region, measuring the background in a 2 <R< 2.5 h^-1Mpc annulus. We also explore the correlations between shape and profile parameters and other cluster properties. One third of this compact cluster sample has core radii smaller than 50 h^-1 kpc, i.e. near the limit that our data allow us to resolve, possibly consistent with cusped models. The remaining clusters span a broad range of core radii up to 750 h^-1 kpc. More than 80 per cent of this sample has ellipticity higher than 0.2. The alignment between the cluster and the major axis of the dominant galaxy is confirmed, while no correlation is observed with other bright cluster members. No significant correlation is found between cluster richness and ellipticity. Instead, cluster richness is found to correlate, albeit with large scatter, with the cluster core radius.[abridged]Comment: 23 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. Full paper including full resolution figures 2 and 9 at http://www.eso.org/~vstrazzu/P/ME1030fv.pd

    WATCAT: a tale of wide-angle tailed radio galaxies

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    We present a catalog of 47 wide-angle tailed radio galaxies (WATs), the WATCAT; these galaxies were selected by combining observations from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory/Very Large Array Sky Survey (NVSS), the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-Centimeters (FIRST), and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), and mainly built including a radio morphological classification. We included in the catalog only radio sources showing two-sided jets with two clear "warmspots" (i.e., jet knots as bright as 20% of the nucleus) lying on the opposite side of the radio core, and having classical extended emission resembling a plume beyond them. The catalog is limited to redshifts z \leq 0.15, and lists only sources with radio emission extended beyond 30 kpc from the host galaxy. We found that host galaxies of WATCAT sources are all luminous (-20.5 \gtrsim Mr \gtrsim -23.7), red early-type galaxies with black hole masses in the range 10810^8\lesssim MBH109_{\rm BH} \lesssim 10^9 M_\odot. The spectroscopic classification indicates that they are all low-excitation galaxies (LEGs). Comparing WAT multifrequency properties with those of FRI and FRII radio galaxies at the same redshifts, we conclude that WATs show multifrequency properties remarkably similar to FRI radio galaxies, having radio power of typical FRIIs

    The Luminosity Function of 81 Abell Clusters from the CRoNaRio catalogues

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    We present the composite luminosity function (hereafter LF) of galaxies for 81 Abell clusters studied in our survey of the Northern Hemisphere, using DPOSS data processed by the CRoNaRio collaboration. The derived LF is very accurate due to the use of homogeneous data both for the clusters and the control fields and to the local estimate of the background, which takes into account the presence of large-scale structures and of foreground clusters and groups. The global composite LF is quite flat down to M+5M^*+5 has a slope α1.0±0.2\alpha\sim-1.0\pm0.2 with minor variations from blue to red filters, and M21.8,22.0,22.3M^*\sim-21.8,-22.0,-22.3 mag (H0=50H_0=50 km s1^{-1} Mpc1^{-1}) in the g,rg, r and ii filters, respectively (errors are detailed in the text). We find a significant difference between rich and poor clusters thus arguing in favour of a dependence of the LF on the properties of the environment.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. Contribution to the IAP 2000 Conference "Constructing the Universe with Clusters of Galaxies", Paris, July 200

    An automatic procedure to extract galaxy clusters from CRoNaRio catalogs

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    We present preliminary results of a simple peak finding algorithm applied to catalogues of galaxies, extracted from the Second Palomar Sky Survey in the framework of the CRoNaRio project. All previously known Abell and Zwicky clusters in a test region of 5x5 sq. deg. are recovered and new candidate clusters are also detected. This algorithm represents an alternative way of searching for galaxy clusters with respect to that implemented and tested at Caltech on the same type of data (Gal et al. 1998).Comment: in the proceeding of the XLIII SAIt national conference Mem. Soc. Astr. It., in pres

    γ-Tubulin complexes in microtubule nucleation and beyond

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    Tremendous progress has been made in understanding the functions of γ-tubulin and, in particular, its role in microtubule nucleation since the publication of its discovery in 1989. The structure of γ-tubulin has been determined, and the components of γ-tubulin complexes have been identified. Significant progress in understanding the structure of the γ-tubulin ring complex and its components has led to a persuasive model for how these complexes nucleate microtubule assembly. At the same time, data have accumulated that γ-tubulin has important but less well understood functions that are not simply a consequence of its function in microtubule nucleation. These include roles in the regulation of plus-end microtubule dynamics, gene regulation, and mitotic and cell cycle regulation. Finally, evidence is emerging that γ-tubulin mutations or alterations of γ-tubulin expression play an important role in certain types of cancer and in other diseases

    Prevalence of X-ray variability in the Chandra Deep Field South

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    We studied the X-ray variability of sources detected in the Chandra Deep Field South (Giacconi et al. 2002), nearly all of which are low to moderate z AGN (Tozzi et al. 2001). We find that 45% of the sources with >100 counts exhibit significant variability on timescales ranging from a day up to a year. The fraction of sources found to be variable increases with observed flux, suggesting that >90% of all AGNs possess intrinsic variability. We also find that the fraction of variable sources appears to decrease with increasing intrinsic absorption; a lack of variability in hard, absorbed AGNs could be due to an increased contribution of reflected X-rays to the total flux. We do not detect significant spectral variability in the majority (~70%) of our sources. In half of the remaining 30%, the hardness ratio is anti-correlated with flux, mimicking the high/soft-low/hard states of galactic sources. The X-ray variability appears anti-correlated with the luminosity of the sources, in agreement with previous studies. High redshift sources, however, have larger variability amplitudes than expected from extrapolations of their low-z counterparts, suggesting a possible evolution in the accretion rate and/or size of the X-ray emitting region. Finally, we discuss some effects that may produce the observed decrease in the fraction of variable sources from z=0.5 out to z=2.Comment: 24 pages, including 15 figures and 1 table. In press on Ap

    The XMM deep survey in the CDF-S. X. X-ray variability of bright sources

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    We aim to study the variability properties of bright hard X-ray selected Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) with redshift between 0.3 and 1.6 detected in the Chandra Deep Field South (XMM-CDFS) by a long XMM observation. Taking advantage of the good count statistics in the XMM CDFS we search for flux and spectral variability using the hardness ratio techniques. We also investigated spectral variability of different spectral components. The spectra were merged in six epochs (defined as adjacent observations) and in high and low flux states to understand whether the flux transitions are accompanied by spectral changes. The flux variability is significant in all the sources investigated. The hardness ratios in general are not as variable as the fluxes. Only one source displays a variable HR, anti-correlated with the flux (source 337). The spectral analysis in the available epochs confirms the steeper when brighter trend consistent with Comptonisation models only in this source. Finding this trend in one out of seven unabsorbed sources is consistent, within the statistical limits, with the 15 % of unabsorbed AGN in previous deep surveys. No significant variability in the column densities, nor in the Compton reflection component, has been detected across the epochs considered. The high and low states display in general different normalisations but consistent spectral properties. X-ray flux fluctuations are ubiquitous in AGN. In general, the significant flux variations are not associated with a spectral variability: photon index and column densities are not significantly variable in nine out of the ten AGN over long timescales (from 3 to 6.5 years). The photon index variability is found only in one source (which is steeper when brighter) out of seven unabsorbed AGN. These results are consistent with previous deep samples.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures. Accepted in A&