13 research outputs found

    Aktuelle Berichte und Forschungsprojekte

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    Autobiographie und Autofiktion. Vierte Sommerakademie Schweizer Literatur im Centre Dürrenmatt in Neuchâtel, 31. Mai – 4. Juni 2010 (Marie-Luise Wünsche) Die Stellung der Germanistik in der Tschechischen Republik nach der Bologna-Reform. Internationale Konferenz des Germanistenverbandes der Tschechischen Republik in Prag, 16. – 17. September 2010 (Monika Růžičková) Uferdasein. Quellen und Strömungen germanistischer Forschung. Internationale Tagung am Lehrstuhl für Germanistik in Ústí nad Labem, 3. – 4. Dezember 2010 (Renata Cornejo) Aktuelle Probleme der modernen Lexikologie und Phraseologie. Internationale Germanistenkonferenz an der Moskauer Staatlichen Linguistischen Universität anlässlich des 100. Geburtstags von Irina I. Černyševa, 14. – 15. März 2011 (Galina M. Fadeeva) Traum und Trauma. Kulturelle Figurationen in der österreichischen Literatur. Internationale Tagung in Wien, 15. – 16. April 2011 (Renata Cornejo) 20. Linguistik-Tage der Gesellschaft für Sprache und Sprachen in Prag, 26. – 28. Mai 2011 (Romana Vančáková) Sprichwörter kommen selten aus der Mode oder wie kann man sie im Sprachenlernen einsetzen. Über das EU-geförderte Projekt SprichWort (Vida Jesenšek

    Economy of General health insurance company

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    Tato práce je zaměřena na hospodaření Všeobecné zdravotní pojišťovny. Teoretická část se zabývá základními pojmy z oblasti zdravotnictví a zdravotnickým systémem v České republice. V praktické části je zhodnoceno hospodaření Všeobecné zdravotní pojišťovny pomocí ukazatelů, které jsou čerpány především z výročních zpráv pojišťovny z let 2007 - 2009.This thesis is focused on economy of General health insurance company. Theoretical part deals with basic terms from the health care area and health system in the Czech Republic. In practical part there is reviewed economy of General health insurance company by indicators, which are taken especially from annual reports of the insurance company from years 2007 to 2009.Ústav ekonomiky a managementuStudentka seznámila s obsahem bakalářské práce. V práci bylo analyzováno hospodaření Všeobecné zdravotní pojišťovny ČR. Dále byla vyhodnocena situace v minulých letech a navržena doporučení ke zlepšení situace. Studentka odpověděla na otázky položené vedoucím práce: 1. Jak hodnotíte navrhovaná opatření současného ministerstva zdravotnictví ČR ve vztahu k hospodaření VZP ČR. 2. Jaká je role programů prevence a klientských výhod VZP ČR na zdraví pojištěnců?Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Nursing Care of Patient with Gastro-Duodenal Ulcer.

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    Introduction: This Bachelors work deals with the issue of caring for patients with Gastro-Duodenal Ulcer disease. The population should be aware of the impact that the disease has which is caused by poor lifestyle and overusing of medicinal substances. The aim of the work: The aim of this work is to describe the knowledge of the patients about the regime measures moderate gastroduodenal diseases and to describe the impact of the disease on individual areas of life, Methodology: The empiric part was implemented by quantitative research through semi-structured dialog. The dialog consisted of 23 main questions and 50 subquestions. The informants above 18 years were selected from Vysočina (Highlands Region). They were 5 men and 3 women. Only two informants had medical education, the others were from the general future. The results: The obtained information was divided into four categories and eight subcategories. Through the research it was discovered that patients could be better educated about the complications of peptic ulcer disease. They showed the most knowledge in the field of nutrition and resting. The disease had the most impact on all areas of living in the most acute state. In the chronic phase of the disease, the informants did not observe a negative impact on individual areas of life. Conclusion: Healthy lifestyle is very important for prevention against peptic ulcer disease. Enough sleep, elimination of stress and regular regime can help prevent health issues. The result of this bachelors work can be a source of information for nursing students in education as well as nurses in practise. The results also point out the possible effects of the disease on individual areas of the patient's life, which should be taken into account during the treatment

    The Elbe – the River of Getting Together

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    Im Kulturraum, wo die Elbe Bohmen verlasst und hinter der heute unsichtbaren Grenze nach Deutschland weiter fliest, bietet der tschechisch-deutsche Fluss interessante Erinnerungsorte, Orte der Begegnung, Verfremdung, Versohnung. Im Mittelpunkt meines Beitrags steht nicht mehr das Trennende, sondern das Verbindende. Wir begeben uns auf eine kulturelle Reise im Grenzgebiet Nordbohmens und der Sachsischen Schweiz. Der Beitrag fokussiert Personlichkeiten und Werke der Region Porta Bohemika und des Elbsandsteingebirges auf beiden Seiten der Grenze.In the cultural space, where the river Elbe leaves Bohemia and without recognizing the physical border continues further to Germany, this Czech-German river offers many interesting places of history, meetings, estrangements, and reconciliations. In the centre of my contribution, there is nothing that splits or divides, but that joins, links and connects. Let us start a cultural journey over cross-border territory of North Bohemia and Saxon Switzerland. The contribution focuses on personalities and works of art in the region of “Porta Bohemica” and the Elbe Sandstones on both sides of the border

    Rehabilitation nursing at the surgical department

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    This diploma thesis deals with the problem of rehabilitation nursing in surgical wards. The aim of the research was to find out whether nurses are perceived as part of a multidisciplinary team for rehabilitation care, also to what extent the documentation of rehabilitation care is effective, finally the investigation involved the patients experiences of the nurses involvement in rehabilitation care. The empirical part of the thesis was conducted using quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative method data collection was carried out using a standardized questionnaire consisting of seventeen questions for nurse practitioners, general nurses and nurses with a masters degree, from selected surgical wards. For the qualitative method, semi-structured interview technique was chosen and was conducted with patients from trauma and orthopedic intensive care units. Information from the interviews were coded and four categories were based on the analysis. The interviews were analyzed using the "pencil and paper method". The selection of informants was deliberate. The informants were from the Hospital České Budějovice within a maximum period after surgery being fourteen. The results of the quantitative research showed that there were communication gaps in the multidisciplinary team. Thus, the possible risk of errors by staff is increased, where patients may be harmed. Another bit of findings, based on the documentation, showed that nurses perceive the implementation of rehabilitation interventions as more of an evidence of improvement in the patient's condition than as unnecessary workload. Furthermore, as is statistically demonstrated in the third hypothesis, we found that nurses provide rehabilitation treatment based on the input of other health care professionals rather than from their own initiative. In the questionnaire survey, nurses most frequently reported that their physician encouraged them to provide rehabilitation treatment. In the qualitative research part of the thesis, we mapped patients' experiences with nurses' involvement in rehabilitation treatment. The interview revealed that the informants had difficulty distinguishing between the terms rehabilitation treatment and physiotherapy. What we also learned was that most informants are satisfied with the communication between them and the nurse staff, which is necessary in promoting self-sufficiency. The interview also showed that none of the patients were educated in the preoperative period and about self-sufficiency training or verticalization. Another insufficiency, which was found through the research was in the area of education about respiratory rehabilitation, where informants showed gaps in information about prevention of complications. The informants had positive responses in the area of pain reduction in rehabilitation treatment. It is evident from the responses that nurses pay attention to analgesic treatment of patients during rehabilitation treatment. Finally, we asked informants about compensatory aids. As a result, informants from orthopedic wards were better informed about compensatory aids than informants from trauma wards. This is probably due to longer preoperative preparation. Through the analysis of the empirical part of the thesis, it is obvious that although the nursing care in the selected wards is of a high standard, there are obvious deficiencies in rehabilitation care. Therefore, the results could be helpful in order to focus on the problems in rehabilitation care. This could help facilitate the actions of management and medical staff in the selected surgical wards to improve the quality of nursing care

    Jewish identity in Romanian literature before the Second World War

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    In the beginning is important to mention close personal interest to write a final thesis on such a difficult but rewording subject based on direct connection with jewish community, their traditions and culture. The thesis is formulated in two parts. The First part reflects brief history of Jews ( Jews in general but also including Jews from Romania). The Second part is focused on Romanian Jewish writers and their literary contribution mainly during Second World War era, their difficulties, inrigues and torture. In this thesis I attempt to examine the right association of Romanian intellectuals between First World War (Jews received status of human rights which led to cultural and literature re-born time) and Second World War when the country was an ally and satelite of Nazi Germany. The thesis will focus on the impact of the ideas behind Hitler's power on Romanian society and in particular on its intellectuals

    The use of restraints in internal branch departments in Hospitals of the South Bohemia Region

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    This Bachelor thesis is both theoretical and practical. The first part of the theory focuses on an aggressive patient, the causes of aggression, expression, prevention, treatment and access to an aggressive patient. It also mentions aggression in hospitals. In the second part, the theme is restrictive devices, which are often used precisely in aggressive patients. It discusses in more detail the types of restraints, the principles in their use, the laws governing them, the documentation and the nursing care of the patient under restriction. Research goals: In this bachelor's thesis, 3 goals were set. The first was to map the nurses' experience with restrictive devices in practice. The second aim was to explore the nurses' attitude to these means. The third aim was to identify what shortcomings nurses saw in the issue of the use of restraints. Research questions: Three research questions were identified on the objectives of the work. 1. What experience do general nurses have in the use of restraints? 2. What is the general nurse's position on restraints? 3. Do general nurses perceive any shortcomings in the use of restraints? Methods: A qualitative research strategy was used in the practical part. The data collection took place through semi-structured interviews conducted with general nurses in the internal departments of hospitals of the South Bohemia Region. The selection of informace was deliberate, with a total of 12. Results: Using the pencil paper method of data analysis, we created 3 categories of questions and 21 subcategories. All nurses have experience of using curtsies and medication from their practice. The frequency of their use varies according to the ward they work in. Almost half of the nurses had a bad experience concerning the improper use of restrictive medication. Nurses' attitudes are slightly more positive positive mainly due to patient and staff protection. From the nurses' perspective, the positives outweigh the negatives when it comes to restrictive measures. Half of the nurses expressed that they were aware of the shortcomings of this issue. The most frequently mentioned was the lack of availability of orderlies or security guards on the ward

    Linguistik- und Literaturtage "Sprachen verbinden". 24. internationale GeSuS-Fachtagung an der Masaryk-Universität in Brno, 22.-24. Juni 2016

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    Linguistik- und Literaturtage "Sprachen verbinden". 24. internationale GeSuS-Fachtagung an der Masaryk-Universität in Brno, 22.-24. Juni 2016 Die 24. internationale Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Sprache und Sprachen (GeSuS) fand vom 22. bis 24. Juni 2016 statt. Als Ort wurde diesmal die Pädagogische Fakultät der Masaryk-Universität in Brno gewählt, die nicht nur einen Großteil der Organisation übernahm, sondern damit gleichzeitig auch ihr 70. Gründungsjubiläum feierte. Die internationale Tagung setzte sich zum Ziel, eine Plattform zur Präsentation neuer Forschungsergebnisse im Bereich der Germanistik zu schaffen und das Knüpfen neuer Kontakte zu ermöglichen

    "Wie schreibt man transkulturelle Literaturgeschichte?" : internationale Tagung der Akademie der Wissenschaften der Tschechischen Republik in Prag, 15.–16. November 2018

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    Vom 15. bis 16. November 2018 fand in Prag die erste internationale Fachtagung mit dem Titel "Wie schreibt man transkulturelle Literaturgeschichte?" statt. Veranstaltet wurde sie von der Akademie der Wissenschaften der Tschechischen Republik anlässlich der Gründung der Germano-bohemistischen Forschungsgruppe 2017

    Výzkum a vývoj metod na odstraňování organochlorových pesticidů a polychlorovaných dibenzodioxinů a furanů z podzemních a odpadních vod

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    Tématem výzkumného úkolu je porovnání různých způsobů odstraňování organochlorových pesticidů (OCP) a polychlorovaných dibenzodioxinů a furanů (PCDD/F) z podzemních a odpadních vod z hlediska účinnosti a finační dostupnosti a určení optimálního technologického postupu. V roce 2005 byly provedeny zkušební testy s matricí s obsahem látek PCDD/F jako prioritních kontaminantů a dále OCP jako doprovodných kontaminantů za účelem ověření možných metod a technologií odstraňování látek PCDD/F, a to v návaznosti na zkušební testy zaměřené na látky OCP a provedené v roce 2004. Z výsledků všech provedených testů vyplynuly souhrnné podklady pro návrhy koncepce technického řešení technologií aplikovaných pro odstraňování látek OCP a PCDD/F ze základních typů kontaminovaných vod zjednodušenou technologií a komplexní technologií. Ve zprávě je uvedena koncepce technického řešení a příklady návrhu základních konkrétních technologií dekontaminace vod s obsahem OCP a PCDD/F. Jsou zde také specifikována doporučení pro další rozšíření předmětného výzkumného a vývojového úkolu