16 research outputs found
Cost estimation methods of transport infrastructure projects
Since overhead costs, general and administrative expenses, and profit are usually
added to costs as a percentage of direct transport project costs, it is imperative that
estimate accuracy begin with precise estimates of the materials and labour hours
required to the job. In many transport firms and infrastructure concession investors
it is the materials and `hands-on´ labour that are estimated before any other
peripheral costs are calculated even though these peripheral costs frequently
exceed the original hardware costs. The paper describes the methods used to
determine material quantities and costs, labour hours, some of the engineering
activities, and `factors´ that affect these material and labour costs, and
costs other than those that are normally classified as material and labour
The introduced cost estimation methodology can also be understood as a value
analysis process for the assessment methodology. In this look, the described cost
estimation process is an equivalent of the value engineering of the cost calculation
Budapest - on the way to join the IDIOMA project
As traffic volume increases continuously, problems appearing in this field need new
kind of solutions. Old freight operation methods are often not satisfactory to the
needs of new demands. This paper will show the opportunity for the capital Budapest
to join the EU project in the fields of city-logistics: `Innovative
with Intermodal Freight Operation in Metropolitan Areas (IDIOMA)´. Summarising
the objectives and the general project scope will help to find connection points to
the current shape of freight transport in Budapest. Providing, analysing important
data, and specifying the stressed fields for logistic operations the paper finishes
with the already reached steps of the project assessment contribution
Marginális költség alapú árak alkalmazási lehetősége a vasúti fuvarozásban
A dolgozat a nagy közgazdaság-történelmi háttérrel rendelkező marginális (határ-) költség alapú árképzés bevezethetőségét vizsgálja a vasúti árufuvarozás területén, felvillantja a lehetőségeket, amelyek előnyként jelentkezhetnek az alternatív árképzési technika alkalmazásával, és egyben rámutat a veszélyekre, buktatókra is, amelyek a nem kellően megfontolt bevezetést kísérhetik. Hasonló jelentőségű hozadéka a határ- költség alapú árképzésnek, hogy támpontot ad mind a vasútvállalat, mind pedig az állam számára, hogy mekkora legyen az optimális kibocsátás (szállítási szolgáltatási teljesítmény), amelyet a piac igényel
A logisztikai stratégiaalkotás térségi- és időhorizontjai
A szerző egy ugyan még csak formálódó speciális stratégiaalkotási metodikát ismertet, amely közép- és hosszú távon várhatóan meghatározza majd mind a fejlesztési prioritásokat, mind a legfontosabb vezetéselméleti összetevőket a terület döntéshozói számára
A háziállatok energia-metabolizmusát szabályzó fontosabb tényezők molekuláris szintű vizsgálata = Molecular aspects of hormonal factors influencing the energy metabolism in domestic animals
Kutatásainkban két anyagcserehormon a leptin és a pajzsmirigyhormon háztartását elemeztük molekuláris biológiai eszközökkel. A leptin vizsgálataink során in situ hibridizációs technikát dolgoztunk ki a leptin és receptorai mRNS-ének kimutatására. Az mRNS mennyiséget kompetitív PCR, később valós idejű PCR segítségével mértük. Szarvasmarha tejmirigyben azt találtuk, hogy a lokálisan termelt leptin parakrin módon befolyásolja a tőgy működését. Negatív energia egyensúlyban a helyileg termelt leptin ellensúlyozza a vér csökkenő leptin tartalmát. Kimutattunk a leptin lokális szabályozó szerepét járulékos nemi mirigyekben. Bizonyítottuk, hogy baromfiban a csökkenő energiaszintű takarmányozás hatására kialakuló alacsony T3 szint nemcsak a megnövekedett májbeli hormon inaktiválás következménye (dejodáz-3, D3 csökkenés), hanem a hormon aktiválás csökkenésének (D2) következménye is. Korábbi irodalmi eredmények csak a D1 enzimet vizsgálták, amiben nem volt eltérés. Átfogó kísérleteket végeztünk a csökkent energia-felvétel hatásainak kimutatására. Kimutattuk, hogy a megváltozott dejodáz aktivitás biológiai hatással rendelkezik, eredményeképpen az oxigénfogyasztás megváltozik. Negatív energia-egyensúlyban lévő szarvasmarhákban szénhidrátok hatására nő a T3 szint, ami növeli a helyi leptin termelést. Ez végülis csökkenti a máj elzsírosodását. Szövettenyésztési módszert dolgoztunk ki neuronok szaporítására. Ebben lehetőség nyílik a hypothalamicus hormon-interakciók vizsgálatára. | Two important metabolic hormones the leptin and the thyroid hormone were examined using molecular biology tools. In situ hybridization technique was used to show the tissue distribution of leptin and its receptors. The amount of mRNA was measured by competitive PCR later on by real time PCR. We found that in the udder of the cow the locally produced leptin affects milk production in with paracrine effect. In negative energy balance the locally produced leptin contributes to the limited plasma leptin available. We also demonstrated the local regulatory effects of leptin in the male accessory glands. In chicken we proved that the restricted feed intake lowers circulation T3 level not only by increasing hormone inactivation (deiodinase 3, D3), but also by decreasing D2 activity. Former literature data show that there is no change in D1 enzyme activity. Complex experiments were designed to show the effects of restricted food intake. Deiodinase activity was proved to have biological effect: the oxygen consumption finally changes consequently. Carbohydrates increase local leptin production in cows with negative energy balance. Elevated T3 increases local leptin production witch finally decreases the chance to develop fatty liver syndrome. Cell culturing method was established to grow neuron cells. This gives us the possibility to examine hormone interactions in the hypothalamus
Marginal Cost Calculations and Price Discrimination in the Railway Freight Sector
It has been a long discussion in the field of transport economy whether the
socially optimal marginal cost based prices should be a basis for price
policy even in the railway freight forwarding services. The general
advantages seem to confirm marginalists in their belief, while others draw
the attention to the serious diseconomies of price setting equal to marginal
costs. The paper summarises the main arguments from both sides, and tries to
clarify some of the difficulties within the railway freight services. Since
the `ordinary´ marginal cost does not seem to provide full cost coverage
in the case of most railway companies, an outlook to the theory and to the
practice of price discrimination, its possibilities within the transport
sector might be of help. One of the most important outcomes is that a
multi-theory price setting is needed to fulfil all requirements set,
assessing both the good cost coverage and the social optimum. The text flow
strongly depends on the great literature [4]
Examination of the effect of heat stress on reproduction performances of dairy cows
Background: The Hungarian climate has continental character, the average
temperature is 10 to 11 °C and the annual average temperature is in line with
global trends. The warmest period of the year is the end of July and the begin ning of August. According to the data of the National Meteorological Service year
2015 was signifi cantly warmer than usual.
Objectives: Heat stress is a major contributing factor to the low fertility of dairy
cows inseminated in the late summer months.
Materials and methods: We examined the reproductive performances of cows
and heifers on Holstein-Friesian farms, with particular regard on hot summer
months. We focused mostly on the year 2015, which was the warmest globally
since 1850.
Results and discussion: Based on our results the conception rate of lactating
cows in summer months was poor. However the fertility index of the heifers
was equally good throughout the year (between 1.6-2.5), the cow’s fertility index
increased from May, and the worst was in August (8.8). Examining the effect of
heat stress on gestation length we observed that parallel with the monthly aver age temperature rising, calving began earlier. In summer period the calving may
start even on day 273 of gestation. There were up to 13 more day differences in
gestation length between the winter and summer calving animals. The calving
interval can be 450 days of animals which service period is in the hottest sum mer time, because of the poor fertility. Our results demonstrated in the hottest
months of the year that the conception rate was very low. Therefore, we suggest
not to do the insemination process routinely, but paying particular attention
on physiological condition and age of the animals, on weather (temperature,
front-effects), and so on. Insofar the circumstances are inadequate we may
decide to postpone the insemination, not to waste time, money and energy