7 research outputs found

    A hőstressz hatása a holstein-fríz termelési és produktivitási mutatóira a szirmaterm kft telepén

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    Témámat azért választottam, mert a hőmérséklet az egyik legjelentősebb befolyásoló tényező a mezőgazdaságban, azon belül is a tejtermelés ágazatában. Magyarországon a Holstein-fríz fajta a legjelentősebb, hazai tejtermelő állomány több mint 85%-át teszi ki. Dolgozatom elkészítésének célja, hogy megvizsgáljam, milyen káros hatásai vannak a hőstressznek a tejelő szarvasmarha termelési tényezőire és adott telepek körülményei között hogyan lehet ezeket a káros hatásokat mérsékelni.BSc/BAMezőgazgasági mérnö

    Examination of the effect of heat stress on reproduction performances of dairy cows

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    SUMMARY Background: The Hungarian climate has continental character, the average temperature is 10 to 11 °C and the annual average temperature is in line with global trends. The warmest period of the year is the end of July and the begin ning of August. According to the data of the National Meteorological Service year 2015 was signifi cantly warmer than usual. Objectives: Heat stress is a major contributing factor to the low fertility of dairy cows inseminated in the late summer months. Materials and methods: We examined the reproductive performances of cows and heifers on Holstein-Friesian farms, with particular regard on hot summer months. We focused mostly on the year 2015, which was the warmest globally since 1850. Results and discussion: Based on our results the conception rate of lactating cows in summer months was poor. However the fertility index of the heifers was equally good throughout the year (between 1.6-2.5), the cow’s fertility index increased from May, and the worst was in August (8.8). Examining the effect of heat stress on gestation length we observed that parallel with the monthly aver age temperature rising, calving began earlier. In summer period the calving may start even on day 273 of gestation. There were up to 13 more day differences in gestation length between the winter and summer calving animals. The calving interval can be 450 days of animals which service period is in the hottest sum mer time, because of the poor fertility. Our results demonstrated in the hottest months of the year that the conception rate was very low. Therefore, we suggest not to do the insemination process routinely, but paying particular attention on physiological condition and age of the animals, on weather (temperature, front-effects), and so on. Insofar the circumstances are inadequate we may decide to postpone the insemination, not to waste time, money and energy

    Comparative pathomorphology of highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N8) infection in Hungary during the 2016-17 outbreak

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    SUMMARY Background: Highly pathogen avian influenza occurs from time to time in Hungary. The latest H5N8 outbreak during 2016-17 was especially devastating for the poultry industry. Objectives: The aim of this study is to summarize the comparative results of the pathomorphological examinations of infected birds during this outbreak, and also to provide up to date information for field veterinarians and poultry industry vets. Materials and Methods: Extensive pathological, histopathological and immunohistochemical examinations were carried out on H5N8 highly pathogenic avian influenza cases from each economically important poultry species that were submitted to our laboratory during the 2016-2017 outbreaks in Hungary. A range of organs was tested by PCR for HPAIV presence and sera of infected birds were tested by haemagglutination inhibition. Results and discussion: The involved H5N8 HPAI strain caused a disease with pronounced pathological lesions in waterfowl (goose, duck) and poor patho-logical lesions in gallinaceous birds (hen, turkey). The brain lesions related to viral infection were found in every species by histopathological examination and the specific virus protein was detected by immunohistochemistry. Microscopic lesions in the liver and pancreas were of major significance in the post mortem diagnostics of the disease in waterfowl. Viral nucleic acid was detected in every organ examined, but serological examinations yielded negative results in every case as expected. In summary, although the ultimate diagnosis of avian influenza should be based on direct detection of the virus, pathomorphological knowledge of the disease is essential in both field and laboratory diagnostics