37 research outputs found

    Un an谩lisis de las competencias b谩sicas para el profesor del siglo XXI

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    Las competencias se generan en el mundo laboral y su inclusi贸n como competencias educativas no ha estado exenta de dificultades y de cr铆ticas. En este art铆culo, se hace un an谩lisis de las competencias b谩sicas de la escolarizaci贸n obligatoria para vincularlas con las competencias de los docentes

    Relationship between basic competencies of students and teacher competencies

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    En este art铆culo, se parte de una selecci贸n de definiciones y de algunas clasificaciones de las competencias b谩sicas o clave, con objeto de profundizar en un an谩lisis de las competencias b谩sicas de la escolarizaci贸n obligatoria en el sistema educativo espa帽ol, que proceden de competencias consensuadas en la Uni贸n Europea. Estas competencias b谩sicas, que deben adquirir los estudiantes, las vinculamos con el trabajo de los docentes, partiendo del supuesto de que no se puede propiciar el aprendizaje de competencias en los estudiantes, si el profesorado no las posee. De esta forma esas competencias b谩sicas se convierten en un referente de las competencias para el profesorado europeo de ense帽anzas obligatorias en el siglo XXI.In this article, are based on a selection of definitions and some classifications of basic or key competencies in order to deepen in an analysis of the basic skills of compulsory schooling in the Spanish educational system, coming from powers agreed in the European Union. We link these basic skills that students should acquire the work of teachers, based on the assumption that not is can promote the learning of skills in students, if the teacher does not possess them. Thus these basic skills become a benchmark of skills for European teachers of compulsory teaching in the 21st century

    El profesorado principiante de secundaria ante la reforma educativa en Uruguay: La coordinaci贸n docente y el proyecto de centro

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    En este trabajo presentamos algunas conclusiones de una investigaci贸n realizada en Uruguay y que tiene como objeto conocer c贸mo valoran los profesores principiantes de educaci贸n media, dos elementos significativos de la reforma educativa en: la coordinaci贸n docente y el trabajo en proyectos de centro. En el proceso de investigaci贸n se ha aplicado un cuestionario autoadministrado, bajo supervisi贸n del investigador, a una muestra de 304 profesores de 24 centros educativos (que incluye egresados de dos modelos diferentes de formaci贸n docente). El estudio concluye que hay dificultades para promover los cambios educativos cuando s贸lo se llevan a cabo desde la l贸gica burocr谩tica y no se contempla los intereses del profesorado, ni las pr谩cticas tradicionales de las instituciones escolares

    Study about the Frequency of Attendance to the Cinema by University Students of Latinamerica.

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    El presente art铆culo tiene como objetivo presentar los resultados de una investigaci贸n descriptiva, tipo encuestas, realizada en el a帽o 2010 con estudiantes de seis universidades, pertenecientes a cinco pa铆ses (Argentina, Chile, Espa帽a, M茅xico y Per煤). A los estudiantes se les pas贸 un cuestionario con 38 铆tems, sobre usos de TIC y medios de comunicaci贸n. En este art铆culo nos centraremos en el cine. La muestra total ha sido de 5.186 alumnos, de los cuales 3.322 son mujeres y 1.863 hombres. En la investigaci贸n hemos obtenidos diferencias en el uso del cine de los estudiantes de las distintas universidades.This article aims to present the results of a descriptive research, a survey type, made in 2010 with students from six universities and five different countries (Argentina, Chile, Spain, Mexico and Peru). Students answer a 38-item questionnaire on the use of ICT and media. In this article the focus is, more specifically, on the cinema. The total sample is of 5186 students, of whom 3322 are women and 1863 are men. In the research are identified differences between students, from different universities, in its attendance to the cinema

    The professorship beginner of secondary before the educational reform in Uruguay: The educational coordination and the School Project

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    En este trabajo presentamos algunas conclusiones de una investigaci贸n realizada en Uruguay y que tiene como objeto conocer c贸mo valoran los profesores principiantes de educaci贸n media, dos elementos significativos de la reforma educativa en: la coordinaci贸n docente y el trabajo en proyectos de centro. En el proceso de investigaci贸n se ha aplicado un cuestionario autoadministrado, bajo supervisi贸n del investigador, a una muestra de 304 profesores de 24 centros educativos (que incluye egresados de dos modelos diferentes de formaci贸n docente). El estudio concluye que hay dificultades para promover los cambios educativos cuando s贸lo se llevan a cabo desde la l贸gica burocr谩tica y no se contempla los intereses del profesorado, ni las pr谩cticas tradicionales de las instituciones escolares.In this project, we present some conclusions of research done in Uruguay, the object of which is to know how inexperienced teachers of secondary education are assessed. Two significant elements in the reform of Education in teaching coordination and the work planned in the school. In the process of research, an self-administrative questionnaire, under the supervision of the researches, has been applied to a sample of 304 teachers from 24 secondary education centres (which include graduates from two different models of teaching formation). The study concludes that there are difficulties in promoting educational changes when these are only implement from burocratic logic and the interests of the teachers are ignore, as also are the traditional practices of educational institutions.Grupo de Investigaci贸n FORCE (Formaci贸n Centrada en la Escuela) Universidad de Granad

    Assertiveness research related to the domain, use of ICTs in students of the University of Guadalajara (M茅xico)

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    This research seeks to find if the skill of assertiveness is reflected in the interaction with others using Information Technology, was conducted with students from M茅xico in the University of Guadalajara, Valleys' Campus, with a semi-classroom educational model, with 50% of presence of the student and the rest with the use of Information Technology.聽Data were collected using two questionnaires, one aimed at placing students in relation to assertiveness and others about ICTs.聽Data were analyzed with measures of central tendency and distribution, and a positive relationship was found between assertiveness and dominance and use of ICTs students

    The difficult transition to blended learning in higher education: a Latin American example

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    En el Centro Universitario de los Valles (CUValles) de la Universidad de Guadalajara (M茅xico) se ha implementado un modelo semipresencial, en respuesta a algunas caracter铆sticas de la poblaci贸n y de la zona donde se ubica. La investigaci贸n es parte de una evaluaci贸n realizada con estudiantes y profesores del Centro sobre el modelo. El tratamiento de los datos que se presentan son de tendencia central (media) y distribuci贸n porcentual. Los temas de inter茅s que se abordan se relacionan son la aceptaci贸n que tiene el modelo, los motivos o razones por el que lo aceptan y la interactividad que tiene el profesorado con los estudiantes. Los datos reflejan que las principales causas o motivos por el que los estudiantes aceptan la semipresencialidad son personales, y reflejan una cr铆tica en la implementaci贸n, ya que la mayor铆a creen que las actividades en l铆nea no sustituyen la presencialidad. Por otro lado, los profesores se quejan de falta de formaci贸n para trabajar en un modelo semipresencial y del poco nivel de los estudiantes. La semipresencialidad, es una alternativa viable, para que las universidades presenciales iberoamericanas puedan aumentar su oferta educativa. Pero este tr谩nsito no est谩 exento de riesgos que pueden poner en peligro los posibles beneficios.At Community College "de los Valles" (CuValles), institution from University of Guadalajara (M茅xico) a blended e-learning model has been developed. It was in order to satisfy the educational needs of local and regional population. This study, as part of a bigger research, has the aim of evaluating the blended model learning from CuValles. The main analyzed dimensions were the acceptance of model, and the acceptance or not acceptances motives and reasons. Sample included students and lecturers from CuValles, and a descriptive analysis was conducted. The result was that the main acceptance reasons are related to personal factors. Furthermore, several model weaknesses were found: deficit in implementation of nonface-to-face model side, mainly lack of lecturers training, and low level of students training. However, the main conclusion is blended learning is a very powerful learning-teaching system in order to increase the educational level in latin american, although moving from traditional education to this systems has risks

    Assessment of ICT skills of university lecturers: a case in Chile

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    El objetivo del art铆culo es indagar en la importancia que le da, el profesorado de la Universidad de Santo Tom谩s de Chile, a las TIC y el dominio que tiene de las competencias relacionadas con las mismas. Se llev贸 a cabo un estudio de encuesta, a partir de una muestra representativa. Los resultados indican que en todas las funciones o indicadores, en los que se ha desglosado la competencia TIC, las medias de importancia son superiores a las medias del dominio que dice tener el profesorado. Entre los resultados destaca que afirman dominar m谩s los aspectos tecnol贸gicos que los pedag贸gicos.This article aims to analyze the level of competence in ICT and the ICT importance in a representative sample from Sto. Tom谩s University of Chile. A survey methodology was conducted. The results were that the level of importance, from sample, is higher than their competence level about ICT. on the other hand, lecturers say they have more ICT skills than pedagogical skills

    Big data in education: Perception of training advisors on its use in the educational system

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    Big Data has revolutionized decision making in many fields, including education. The incorporation of information and communication technologies into education enables us to gather information about the teaching and learning process. As Big Data can help us improve it, it is paramount to integrate it into initial and continuous learning stages. This study therefore aims at finding out the perception of the training advisors of teacher training centers (N = 117) in Andalusia on the application of Big Data in education. The tool is an adaptation of the VABIDAE (Assessment of Big Data Applied to Education) scale, and the study of the descriptive statistics was carried out by using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Mann-Whitney U tests in order to check the existence of significant differences and correlations between the items that make up the scale. The results reflect the positive perception of training advisors on the use of Big Data in education. Significant differences were found in the competence level variable, whereby this tool was better rated by those advisors who feel that they have an advanced competence level. In conclusion, Big Data is valued for its ability to personalize educational processes and the consequent improvement in academic results, which shows the need to increase the level of knowledge about this tool

    C贸mo se predijo el tiempo de confinamiento por la covid-19: implicaciones de la "inteligencia colectiva" en la investigaci贸n educativa

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    Covid19 is one of the biggest global threats since the Second World War. The mathematical models regarding its evolution have been many, although none was found estimating how long confinement would be in Spain. This study aim was to estimate the days of confinement in Spain, using Collective Intelligence. Other both objectives were set out, to analyze the estimation accuracy and to debate about possibilities of Collective Intelligence in Education. A non-probability sample of 203 people was recruited. It was conducted a descriptive analysis, estimation of parameters and a focus group too. The results show a good estimation, with differences by age and gender. Finally, the capacity of Collective Intelligence as teaching resources as well as to research in education is debated.La Covid19 ha supuesto una de las mayores amenazas mundiales desde la segunda guerra mundial. Los modelos formales para estimar su evoluci贸n han sido m煤ltiples, pero no se ha encontrado ninguno que estimase el tiempo de confinamiento, lo que podr铆a aportar un dato para gestionar la ansiedad de la ciudadan铆a ante la incertidumbre. Este estudio se plante贸 hacer una estimaci贸nde los d铆as de confinamiento en Espa帽a, utilizando la Inteligencia Colectiva. Otros dos objetivos fueron analizar la precisi贸n de la estimaci贸n y debatir el potencial del procedimiento para la investigaci贸n en Educaci贸n. Se cont贸 con una participaci贸n de 203 sujetos. Se realiz贸 un an谩lisis descriptivo, estimaci贸n de par谩metros y un grupo de discusi贸n. Los resultados muestran una estimaci贸n relativamente precisa, con diferencia por edad y g茅nero. Finalmente se debate sobre la capacidad de usar la inteligencia colectiva como recursos docentes, as铆 como para la investigaci贸n e innovaci贸n educativa. Se comentan sus limitaciones y la necesidad de estudiarse con m谩s profundidad por parte de la Pedagog铆a.Universidad Pablo de Olavid