19 research outputs found

    Two-particle quantum correlations in stochastically-coupled networks

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    Quantum walks in dynamically-disordered networks have become an invaluable tool for understanding the physics of open quantum systems. In this work, we introduce a novel approach to describe the dynamics of indistinguishable particles in noisy quantum networks. By making use of stochastic calculus, we derive a master equation for the propagation of two non-interacting correlated particles in tight-binding networks affected by off-diagonal dynamical disorder. We show that the presence of noise in the couplings of a quantum network creates a pure-dephasing-like process that destroys all coherences in the single-particle Hilbert subspace. Remarkably, we find that when two or more correlated particles propagate in the network, coherences accounting for particle indistinguishability are robust against the impact of noise, thus showing that it is possible, in principle, to find specific conditions for which many indistinguishable particles can traverse dynamically-disordered systems without losing their ability to interfere. These results shed light on the role of particle indistinguishability in the preservation of quantum coherence in dynamically-disordered quantum networks.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Generating high-order exceptional points in coupled electronic oscillators using complex synthetic gauge fields

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    Exceptional points (EPs) are degeneracies of non-Hermitian systems, where both eigenvalues and eigenvectors coalesce. Classical and quantum systems exhibiting high-order EPs have recently been identified as fundamental building blocks for the development of novel, ultra-sensitive opto-electronic devices. However, arguably one of their major drawbacks is that they rely on non-linear amplification processes that could limit their potential applications, particularly in the quantum realm. In this work, we show that high-order EPs can be designed by means of linear, time-modulated, chain of inductively coupled RLC (where R stands for resistance, L for inductance, and C for capacitance) electronic circuits. With a general theory, we show that NN coupled circuits with 2N2N dynamical variables and time-dependent parameters can be mapped onto an NN-site, time-dependent, non-Hermitian Hamiltonian, and obtain constraints for PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetry in such models. With numerical calculations, we obtain the Floquet exceptional contours of order NN by studying the energy dynamics in the circuit. Our results pave the way toward realizing robust, arbitrary-order EPs by means of synthetic gauge fields, with important implications for sensing, energy transfer, and topology

    Experimental realization of the classical Dicke model

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    We report the experimental implementation of the Dicke model in the semiclassical approximation, which describes a large number of two-level atoms interacting with a single-mode electromagnetic field in a perfectly reflecting cavity. This is managed by making use of two non-linearly coupled active, synthetic LC circuits, implemented by means of analog electrical components. The simplicity and versatility of our platform allows us not only to experimentally explore the coexistence of regular and chaotic trajectories in the Dicke model but also to directly observe the so-called ground-state and excited-state ``quantum'' phase transitions. In this analysis, the trajectories in phase space, Lyapunov exponents and the recently introduced Out-of-Time-Order-Correlator (OTOC) are used to identify the different operating regimes of our electronic device. Exhaustive numerical simulations are performed to show the quantitative and qualitative agreement between theory and experiment

    Smart Machine Vision for Universal Spatial Mode Reconstruction

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    Structured light beams, in particular those carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM), have gained a lot of attention due to their potential for enlarging the transmission capabilities of communication systems. However, the use of OAM-carrying light in communications faces two major problems, namely distortions introduced during propagation in disordered media, such as the atmosphere or optical fibers, and the large divergence that high-order OAM modes experience. While the use of non-orthogonal modes may offer a way to circumvent the divergence of high-order OAM fields, artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms have shown promise for solving the mode-distortion issue. Unfortunately, current AI-based algorithms make use of large-amount data-handling protocols that generally lead to large processing time and high power consumption. Here we show that a low-power, low-cost image sensor can itself act as an artificial neural network that simultaneously detects and reconstructs distorted OAM-carrying beams. We demonstrate the capabilities of our device by reconstructing (with a 95%\% efficiency) individual Vortex, Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) and Bessel modes, as well as hybrid (non-orthogonal) coherent superpositions of such modes. Our work provides a potentially useful basis for the development of low-power-consumption, light-based communication devices

    Reconfigurable Network for Quantum Transport Simulation

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    In 1981, Richard Feynman discussed the possibility of performing quantum mechanical simulations of nature. Ever since, there has been an enormous interest in using quantum mechanical systems, known as quantum simulators, to mimic specific physical systems. Hitherto, these controllable systems have been implemented on different platforms that rely on trapped atoms, superconducting circuits and photonic arrays. Unfortunately, these platforms do not seem to satisfy, at once, all desirable features of an universal simulator, namely long-lived coherence, full control of system parameters, low losses, and scalability. Here, we overcome these challenges and demonstrate robust simulation of quantum transport phenomena using a state-of-art reconfigurable electronic network. To test the robustness and precise control of our platform, we explore the ballistic propagation of a single-excitation wavefunction in an ordered lattice, and its localization due to disorder. We implement the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model to directly observe the emergence of topologically-protected one-dimensional edge states. Furthermore, we present the realization of the so-called perfect transport protocol, a key milestone for the development of scalable quantum computing and communication. Finally, we show the first simulation of the exciton dynamics in the B800 ring of the purple bacteria LH2 complex. The high fidelity of our simulations together with the low decoherence of our device make it a robust, versatile and promising platform for the simulation of quantum transport phenomena