127 research outputs found

    Discriminating impacts of geomorphological and human factors on vineyard soil erosion (Burgundy, France)

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    International audienceThe Burgundy vineyards have been recognized for the high diversity of Terroirs, controlled by complex interactions between natural features, historical parameters and soil management practices. Vineyards are known to undergo substantial soil loss in comparison with other types of agricultural land. Hydric erosion on vineyards is controlled by complex interactions of natural and anthropogenic factors leading to intra-plot spatial heterogeneities of topsoil at a scale of a metre. Studying the relationship between soils and their degradation is crucial in this situation where soil sustainability is threatened. This study explores the relative influences of historical and present-day anthropogenic factors and geomorphological processes controlling soil erosion on vineyard hillslopes. The selected area was located in the Monthelie vineyard (CĂ´te de Beaune, France) where intensive erosion occurred during high-intensity rainfall events. Soil erosion quantification was performed at a square-metre scale using dendrogeomorphology. This method is based on the measurement of the unearthing of the stock located on the vine plants, considered as a passive marker of soil-surface vertical displacement since the year of plantation. The obtained maps, together with various complementary datasets, such as geological and geomorphological data, but also historical documents (cadastral plans, cadastral matrices and old aerial photographs) allow landscape evolution to be assessed. The combination of all these data shows that spatial distribution and intensity of erosion are controlled mainly by lithology and slope value. However, our study highlights that the sediment dynamics in this vineyard plot is highly related to historical former plot limits and present-day management practices. Nonetheless, quantification of sediment dynamic for the last decade reveals that the impacts of historical structures are disappearing gradually, in response to present-day management practices and geomorphological factors. Finally, this study shows that it is crucial to take into account the pre-plantation history of vineyard plots in order to increase our understanding of sediment dynamics on vineyard hillslopes

    Mapping soil and substratum at a very high spatial resolution in the hillslope of Couchey (France)

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    International audienceIn this work, we present a method based on very high spatial resolution (VHSR) aerial images acquired in the visible domain and that map soil surface diversity at the hillslope scale with a spatial resolution of a few centimeters. This method combines aerial VHSR image classification with local soil sampling. Principal component analysis (PCA) and non-supervised classification was performed on image characteristics to define soil surface characteristic classes (SSC). Then soil surface mapping was combined with soil surface descriptions and soil profiles to define soil types by physical and chemical characteristics. As soil results from parent material alteration, identifying the geological substratum can help to explain the diversity of vineyard soils. The confrontation between soil map and geological map at a 1:10000 scale highlights a good correlation between the geological substratum and soils classes for this hillslope

    Un site d’élevage de lapins de la fin du moyen âge : les garennes de Sainte-Foy (Val-Suzon, Côte-d’Or)

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    En 2017, un sondage archéologique a été réalisé sur des structures d’élevage de lapins situées à quelques centaines de mètres du hameau de Sainte-Foy, sur la commune de Val-Suzon (Côte-d’Or). Ces structures médiévales que l’on appelle des garennes correspondent ici à des tertres en terre à l’intérieur desquels sont aménagées des galeries en pierre, qui servaient de terriers artificiels aux lapins. Ces garennes ont fait l’objet d’une étude multi-sources s’appuyant sur des données LiDAR, de prospection magnétique et des archives textuelles. Cette étude concerne ainsi les données recueillies sur le site de Sainte-Foy et essaye notamment de répondre aux questions de la construction et de la localisation historique des garennes. D’autres aspects (identification, typologie) concernant de manière plus générale ces structures archéologiques sont également abordés.In 2017, an archaeological test-pit was made on rabbit breeding structures located a few hundred meters from the hamlet of Sainte-Foy, in the commune of Val-Suzon (Côte-d’Or). These medieval structures, which we call “warrens,” correspond here to earth mounds inside of which stone galleries were constructed and served as artificial rabbit burrows. These garennes were the subject of multi-source studies based on lidar data, magnetic surveys and text archives. This study thus concerns the data collected at the site of Sainte-Foy and attempts to answer questions concerning the construction and historic location of the garennes. Other aspects (identification, typology) more broadly concerning these archaeological structures are also addressed.2017 wurde ein paar hundert Meter von dem Weiler Sainte-Foy in der Gemeinde Val-Suzon (Departement Côte-d’Or) eine archäologische Sondierungsgrabung vorgenommen. Die mittelalterlichen, als Wildkaninchengehege bezeichneten, Strukturen einer Kaninchenzucht entsprechen hier Erdhügeln, in denen Steingalerien angelegt sind, die den Kaninchen als künstlicher Bau dienten. Die Gehege waren Gegenstand einer auf LIDAR-Daten, einer magnetischen Prospektion und Textarchiven basierenden Untersuchung, die sich insbesondere bemüht, die Fragen der Konstruktion und der historischen Lokalisierung der Wildkaninchengehege zu beantworten. Weitere Aspekte (Identifizierung, Typologie) die diese archäologischen Befunde allgemein betreffen, werden ebenfalls angesprochen
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