14 research outputs found


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    The retail sector is one of the sectors affected by the covid-19 pandemic. Giant is one of the hypermarkets that has closed several outlets from 2019 to 2021 permanently closed. This is due to suboptimal financial performance and exacerbated by the impact of the covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study is to analyze financial distress predictions in the retail sector. This study uses a sample of retail public sector companies that run hypermarket, superstore and minimarket businesses. The research analysis technique used the original Altman Z-Score model, which was developed in 1968. This study indicates generally companies are in the “safe” zone for 2018 and 2019, except for HERO, which is in the “gray” zone. Furthermore, in 2020, several companies are still in the "safe" zone, except MIDI and RALS shifting to the "gray" zone and even HERO shifting to the "distress" zone. The implications of the results of this study provide information for retail companies to pay attention to their financial conditions so that they can determine long-term strategies to have long business sustainability


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    This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of 8 (eight) HR functions at PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) KCU Semarang. This research is a qualitative study, through the distribution of questionnaires using a purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques were carried out by interviews, questionnaires, documentation studies, and observations. Data analysis uses management audit with four stages, namely preliminary audit, management control reviews and tests, detailed audits, and reports. The results show that the company has implemented 8 (eight) existing HR functions. In the implementation of the 8 (eight) HR functions, it was found that performance appraisal, reward and compensation system, employment relations, and termination of employment function have been effective. The functions of orientation and placement, training and development


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    Business sustainability is essential for enterprises to endure in the future and provide economic, social, and environmental opportunities for future generations. By establishing business sustainability in economic, social, and environmental aspects, a business can enhance its success. This study seeks to analyse business sustainability and success in tofu SMEs in Magelang Regency, with a focus on sustainable practices. The study was conducted using purposive sampling technique with specific criteria and considerations to determine the sample. A total of 60 participants from the tofu industry hub in Candimulyo District were included in the sample. The analysis employed quantitative methods and a descriptive analysis approach, using variables and indicators. The research findings indicate that the sustainability of tofu SMEs is influenced by economic, social, and environmental variables within the triple bottom line concept. Meanwhile, the success of small and medium-sized enterprises producing tofu is determined by economic and social factors, operating within the framework of the triple bottom line concept


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    Most UMKM have not kept basic accounting records, which will affect their ability to obtain capital to develop their business. The purpose of this is to provide an understanding of basic accounting so that it can produce financial reports. The method used is socialization and brief training. The result is that UMKM in hydroponic plants do not yet use basic accounting so cash in and cash out are still being recorded. With this socialization, UMKM get basic accounting knowledge. The socialization activities ran smoothly according to the team's expectations, the UMKM were very enthusiastic and responsive. Suggestions are given by providing deeper training and assisted by using system tools or Microsoft Excel.Keywords: Basic Accounting, MSME, Hydroponic Farmers

    The Influence of the Use of Audit Technology and Auditor Competency on Audit Quality in Public Accounting Firms

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji bagaimana penggunaan teknologi audit dan kompetensi auditor berpengaruh pada kualitas audit di firma akuntansi publik. Dengan perkembangan teknologi seperti Big Data dan kecerdasan buatan, serta kebutuhan akan auditor yang kompeten, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami sejauh mana teknologi dan kemampuan auditor mempengaruhi kualitas audit. Dengan mengumpulkan data dari 100 auditor di Indonesia melalui survei, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa baik penggunaan teknologi maupun kompetensi auditor memiliki dampak positif pada kualitas audit. Temuan ini dapat membantu firma akuntansi publik dalam meningkatkan kualitas layanan audit dengan mengintegrasikan teknologi dan memperkuat kompetensi auditor.   Kata Kunci: Teknologi Audit, Kompetensi Auditor, Kualitas Audit, Public Accountin

    Evaluasi Determinan E-Commerce terhadap Desain Sistem Informasi Akuntansi pada Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM)

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    Studies on the design of accounting information systems by SMEs that adopt e-commerce are still challenging to find, so it is interesting to research the development of more effective and efficient SMEs. This research was conducted on SMEs in Central Java who adopted e-commerce by filling out online questionnaires. The structural equation model was used to analyze the data to test the significant determinants of e-commerce on the SME accounting information system. This study was empirically successful in identifying the determinants of accounting information systems in e-commerce adoption, which are determined by resource readiness, usefulness, compatibility, convenience, security, cost, and SME managers' management characteristics. These variables influence the characteristics, management, and readiness of SME business processes on an internal level. The equation model has been empirically demonstrated to estimate the drivers of AIS as a result of e-commerce, and it may be used as a reference variable when creating information systems for SME business processes

    Asah, Asih dan Asuh Ketahanan Ekonomi Keluarga Melalui Usaha Minyak Atsiri

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    Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengevaluasi asah, asih dan asuh ketahanan ekonomi keluarga melalui Usaha Minyak Atsiri. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif menggunakan metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa menjalankan usaha minyak atsiri dengan sikap moral asah, asih, dan asuh meningkatkan ketahanan ekonomi keluarga dengan meningkatnya kepedulian, kesopanan, peningkatan kemampuan diri hingga mampu mengelola ekonomi keluarga. Asah, Asih dan Asuh Ketahanan Ekonomi Keluarga melalui Usaha Minyak Atsiri menjadi suatu kebaruan. Dampak Covid-19 melalui Asah, Asih dan Asuh menjadi keteladanan yang baik dikembangkan dalam keluarga. Maka, tata krama, unggah ungguh, empati, tanggung jawab, disiplin, kreatif, mengesampingkan ego dapat diterapkan

    Comparative Analysis of Financial Performance Before and After the Acquisition (Study on the Go Public Acquisitors For The Period of 2011-2019)

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    The study aims to compare financial performance in Go Public Acquirer Companies before and after acquisition by analyzing significant differences in related to Liquidity (Current Ratio and Quick Ratio), Solvency (Debt to Asset Ratio and Debt to Equity Ratio), Activity (Total Asset Turn Over) and Profitability (Return on Assets, Return on Equity, and Net Profit Margin). This study used secondary data of financial statements two years before and after the acquisition of the acquirer company 2013-2017 with the research period of 2011-2019. The sampling technique use purposive sampling. A hypothesis test tool for testing H1 until H8 using Paired Sample T-Test or Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. The results showed that there is a significant difference in Debt to Equity Ratio, Total Asset Turn Over, Return on Assets, Return on Equity, dan Net Profit Margin, while in Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, and Debt to Asset Ratio there is no significant difference


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    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on MSME entrepreneurs was felt in the Semarang. The MSME clusters most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic are the Milkfish, Culinary and Batik clusters. Especially for the Batik MSMEs cluster in Semarang City before the crisis caused by Covid 19, the business conditions of the Batik MSMEs in the batik village have also experienced a decline in sales. The business development strategy can be applied as one of the MSME survival strategies, especially for Batik MSMEs. The research method used in this study is qualitative analysis with exploratory steps with participatory observation techniques. This study uses SWOT analysis as a tool used in formulating strategies to survive in the midst of this pandemic by using a list of questionnaires. The results of the survey that have been carried out show that during the COVID-19 pandemic which began to spread in Indonesia in early 2020 until now, Semarang batik craftsmen experienced a very significant decline in turnover. From the survey data, it can be seen that there are 47% of Semarang batik artisans who experienced a decrease of 81% even up to 100%, while the lowest decline in turnover of 21% to 40% was experienced by 6% of respondents as Semarang batik artisans. From the perspective of Porter's Competitive Power Model, the Semarang Batik Cluster MSMEs business actors have problems in terms of traditional competitors, where their traditional competitors are fellow Semarang batik entrepreneurs. The next problem is the presence of newcomers, during this pandemic it is not uncommon for people who are laid off from their jobs or experience business setbacks to try to find new business opportunities to cultivat