270 research outputs found

    Economic mechanisms of greening agricultural production

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    У статті дано характеристику процесу побудови ефективного економічного механізму екологізації сільськогосподарського виробництва відповідно до концепції стійкого розвитку. Розглянуто теоретичні аспекти природоохоронного вектору розвитку вітчизняної аграрної сфери у контексті оптимізації економічної, екологічної та соціальної складових. Запропоновано розмежувати ринковий і державний механізми екологізації сільськогосподарського виробництва.The article describes the process of constructing an effective economic mechanism of ecological agriculture in accordance with the concept of sustainable development. The theoretical aspects of environmental vector of development of the domestic agricultural sector in the context of optimizing the economic, environmental and social components. A distinction between market and state mechanisms of ecological agriculture

    EBSD analysis of the structural state of the Cu-Zn-Mn-Al-Fe-Ni alloy after hot deformation

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    The structural state of the Cu-Zn-Mn-Al-Fe-Ni alloy after high-temperature forming is studied. It is reported that in the section of a ring blank there are two structural zones with different amounts of strain. It has been found by EBSD analysis that in the maximum strain zone the alloy suffers dynamic recrystallization under forming, whereas in the minimum strain zone there is only dynamic polygonization, coarse grain boundaries become strengthened, this being ac-companied by an increase in the values of hardness to 300 HV 0.2; this causes their embrittlement and brittle grain-boundary cracking of the blank at room temperature under the effect of residual stresses. © 2017 Author(s).The study was partially supported by the UB RAS basic research program, project No. 15-10-1-22. The research was done with the use of the equipment of the Plastometriya collective use center affiliated to IES UB RAS

    Aurora A kinase activity influences calcium signaling in kidney cells

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    Aurora A is abnormally expressed and activated in cells lining cysts associated with polycystic kidney disease and can phosphorylate and inactivate polycystin 2

    Studying the structure and adhesion strength of thermal barrier coating

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    The structure and adhesive strength of thermal barrier coatings produced by successive deposition of layers is studied. The coating is applied in three layers: I) a diffusion aluminosilicide coating that provides protection against high temperature oxidation and corrosion, with a thickness of 50μm; ii) a metal sublayer providing a smooth transition from a metal coating to a ceramic one, with a thickness of 100 to 120μm; iii) a ceramic layer decreasing the temperature of the blades during operation, with a thickness of 70 to 100μm. The total coating thickness ranges from 0.17 to 0.27mm. It is shown that the second and third layers deposited by plasma spraying are quite dense, the porosity being less than 5 vol%. During tensile tests carried out on an Instron testing machine, the failure of glued samples was always detected in the adhesive joint. The adhesive strength of the applied epoxy-based adhesive was 12MPa; it can be stated that the adhesive strength of the coating is higher than 12MPa. © 2019 Author(s)

    Influence of plasma torch design on cutting quality during precision air-plasma cutting of metal

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    Optical interferometry and metallographic analysis were used to study the structure of cutting seams obtained after 09G2S steel cutting by a PMVR-5 plasma torch. These plasma torches have many design features in the gas-dynamic stabilization system of the plasma arc. The application of a new plasma torch can obtain higher quality and lower energy costs of cutting medium-thick 09G2S steel. Metallographic analysis has shown that the qualitative composition of the cut surface structure is almost the same, so priority criteria for comparative quality analysis are surface microgeometry parameters. The parameter evaluation shows high quality of cutting almost along the entire length of a cut, since the technological feature influence of plasma arc cut into the metal affects less than 0.3 mm from the sheet edge. The use of additional methods of gas-dynamic stabilization in PMVR-5.2 plasma torch (feed symmetry with a double swirl system of plasma-forming gas) makes it possible to achieve additional advantages in terms of surface quality compared to PMVR-5.1. A number of features that affects cut quality when cutting metals of different thicknesses for welding depends on the inclination angle of a plasma torch during cutting. Estimates of the surface layer hardness indicate minimal deviations from the requirements of GAZPROM Standard 2-2.4-083 (instructions on welding technologies in the construction and repair of field and main gas pipelines), which allows further use of cutting seams obtained by studied plasma torches for welding without removing thermal influence zones. Thus, the application of new plasma torches for precision-finishing plasma cutting of metals, including production of welded joints, is possible. © 2020, Allerton Press, Inc

    Rapid calcium-dependent activation of Aurora-A kinase

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    Oncogenic hyperactivation of the mitotic kinase Aurora-A (AurA) in cancer is associated with genomic instability. Increasing evidence indicates that AurA also regulates critical processes in normal interphase cells, but the source of such activity has been obscure. We report here that multiple stimuli causing release of Ca2+ from intracellular endoplasmic reticulum stores rapidly and transiently activate AurA, without requirement for second messengers. This activation is mediated by direct Ca2+-dependent calmodulin (CaM) binding to multiple motifs on AurA. On the basis of structure–function analysis and molecular modelling, we map two primary regions of CaM-AurA interaction to unfolded sequences in the AurA N- and C-termini. This unexpected mechanism for AurA activation provides a new context for evaluating the function of AurA and its inhibitors in normal and cancerous cells

    The Ethical Basis for Thinking about Combating the СOVID -19 Pandemic: Albert Schweitzer’s «Reverence for Life»

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    The article discusses various vectors of understanding the ethical idea of «reverence for life», proposed by the doctor, humanist, Nobel laureate Albert Schweitzer more than a hundred years ago, in the context of the current crisis situation associated with the spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), which determines the relevance the topic under consideration. The novelty of the work lies in the proof of the relevance of one of the most significant concepts in the history of ethics to the modern moral conditions of the existence of mankind. The intention of the study is to emphasize the need for not only socio-economic, professional (medical), but also a deep ethical and philosophical understanding of the current situation caused by the pandemic. The article uses a historical and proper ethical approach, as well as a hypothetical-axiological method in the aspect of proving the value of one form of life over others. The main provisions of the ethical concept of Schweitzer are analyzed, and an attempt is made to give a reasoned response to its fair criticism due to the presence of an internal contradiction in the principle of reverence associated with the bifurcation of the will to live, when one life must inevitably suppress the other in order to preserve itself. Main results: the authors come to the conclusion that the moral imperative (according to which: ethics is an unlimited responsibility for everything that lives), proposed by Schweitzer, is one of the possible (and effective) imperatives that encourage society to moral reflection and more active activity to deal with the pandemic situation already in the post-Schweitzer era. During the period of missionary and professional practice in Gabon, Dr. Schweitzer himself comprehended his concept, commensurating it with the development of human civilization in the future. Directions for further research: a deep and comprehensive analysis of the moral imperatives proposed by ethical and philosophical thought in the 20th century is planned in terms of their effectiveness and relevance in the new conditions of human existence. The critically thoughtful idea of reverence for life may be one such imperative in contemporary ethics, including environmental and biomedical ethics

    Two New Metacercariae of Genus Austrodiplostomum (Trematoda: Diplostomidae) from Oreochromis niloticus (Cichlidae) and Varicorhinus beso (Cyprinidae) in Tana Lake, Ethiopia

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    Metacercariae of two new trematode species of the genus Austrodiplostomum are described from fishes of Tana Lake in Ethiopia: Austrodiplostomum sp. 1 from cranial cavity of Oreochromis niloticus and Austrodiplostomum sp. 2 from vitreous humor of Varicorhinus beso. New species metacercariae differs from A. mordax metacercariae in the shape of body, the size of body and organs, the shape of anterior extremity, and site of infection. This is the first record of Austrodiplostomum metacercariae from fish in Afric