109 research outputs found

    Экспресс-метод оценки долговечности покрытий из порошковых красок

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    The durability of coatings made of powdered polyether paints has been defined with a rapid test method for the first time. The method is based on the empirical exponential dependence of coating life on the energy of activation of the thermal-oxidative breakdown of paint film-forming material . Quantitative estimation of the influence of the basic destructive factors during the use of coatings on their durability has been made. The rapid test method reduces significantly the period of certification of powdered paints in terms of «durability». It also reduces the period of introduction of powdered paints in order to obtain the metal, concrete, slate, plaster coatings.Впервые экспресс-методом определена долговечность покрытий из порошковых полиэфирных красок Он основан на эмпирической экспоненциальной зависимости долговечности покрытия от энергии активации термоокислительной деструкции пленкообразователя краски Произведена количественная оценка влияния основных разрушающих факторов при эксплуатации покрытий на их долговечность. Экспресс-метод существенно сокращает сроки сертификации порошковых красок по показателю «долговечность» и их внедрение для получения покрытий по металлу, бетону, шиферу, штукатурке


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    The article considers theimpacton the stability of compositions consisting thermoelastoplast against thermo-oxidative degradation

    Effect of Temperature on Solid-state Hydride Metal Synthesis According to Thermodynamic Modeling

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    Thermodynamic modeling of the reduction of copper dichloride in the media of various gaseous hydrides (ammonia, monosilane, methane) in the temperature range 273-1000 K was carried out. Calculations show that in narrower temperature ranges corresponding to the reactions of solid-state hydride synthesis (SHS) of metal sub- stances metal formation is usually supported by theoretical propositions. As a result of thermodynamic modeling, a principal result was obtained on the suppression of  competing processes of nitriding, siliconizing and carbonization  of metal under SHS conditions, which is important for metallurgical production. This additionally substantiates the correctness of previous experimental studies of SHS metals with modified surface and improved properties. By mod- eling, it was found that the reduction of solid copper dichloride to metal in ammonia or methane occurs stepwise (se- quentially, according to the Baykov rule) through the intermediate stages of the formation of a compound of low- valent copper – copper (I)chloride


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    The development of electrical products with increased technical and economic indicators requires further improvement of electrical insulating materials. Due to the wide introduction of automatic winding methods, it is of great importance to develop varnish coatings that ensure the reliability of insulation under significant mechanical stresses. This study was devoted to the development of the operational properties of electrical insulating varnishes by developing technologies for high-efficiency secondary products of terpenomaleinic resins (TMS resins) and thermosetting compositions based on them. In this work, physical and chemical properties of TMS resins modified with heavy metal salts such as acid number (AN, mg of KOH/g), softening temperature (Ts, °C), viscosity (v20) and destruction temperature (Td, °C) were studied. The effect of the obtained TMS resins on physical and mechanical properties of lacquer coatings based on them such as film thickness (μm), hardness of the varnish coating (conventional units) and the corrosion resistance was studied. The effect of TMS resins modified with salts of heavy metals (Co, Mn and Zn acetates) on physical and mechanical properties of lacquer coatings based on them was studied as well. Создание электротехнических изделий с повышенными технико-экономическими показателями требует дальнейшего совершенствования электроизоляционных материалов. В связи с широким внедрением автоматических методов намотки большое значение имеет разработка лаковых покрытий, обеспечивающих надежность изоляции при значительных механических воздействиях. Данное исследование посвящено повышению эксплуатационных свойств электроизоляционных лаков путем разработки технологий высокоэффективных вторичных продуктов терпеномалеиновых смол (смол ТМС) и термоотверждаемых композиций на их основе. В процессе выполнения работы изучены физико-химические свойства смол ТМС, модифицированных солями тяжелых металлов (ацетатами Со, Mn и Zn), такие как кислотное число (КЧ, мг КОН/г), температура размягчения (Тр, °С), вязкость (ν20) и температура деструкции (Т срД, °С). Исследовано влияние полученных смол ТМС на физико-механические свойства лаковых покрытий на их основе: толщина пленки (мкм), твердость лакового покрытия (усл. ед.) и антикор- розионная стойкость.

    Получение и антисептические свойства состава на основе таллового пека

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    The tall pitch, modified by polyethylenepolyamine, has been prepared. Antimicrobic and anticorrosion properties of the product obtained, have been studied. The possibility of its use in impregnating compositions for protection of cable yarn and underground power cable, has been shownПриведены результаты получения и изучения свойств таллового пека, модифицированного полиэтиленполи-амином. Изучены антимикробные и антикоррозионные свойства полученного продукта. Показана возможность его использования в пропиточных составах, применяемых для защиты кабельной пряжи, силовых кабелей подземной прокладки

    Получение нановолокон из хитозана методом электроформования

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    For the first time in Belarus chitosan nanofibers are obtained using NANOSPIDER technology at the laboratory unit NS WAB 500 S produced by Elmarco s . r . o . (Czech Republic). The chemical composition is developed, rheological behavior of the forming solution is adjusted, the elecroforming technology is designed, the structure of the nanofiber layer on the backing material is examined at electronic microscope JSM-5610 LV Jeol (Japan). Potentially successful use of chitosan nanofiber membranes in filtration and sorption healthcare and biology processes, particularly in burn injuries and indolent wounds treatment stressed is discussed.Впервые в Республике Беларусь получены нановолокна из хитозана по технологии NANOSPLDER на лабораторной установке NS LAB 500 S производства ф. «Элмарко» (Чешская Республика): разработан химический состав, подобраны реологические параметры формовочного раствора, оптимизирована технология электроформования, исследована структура нановолоконного слоя на подкладочный материал на электронном микроскопе JSM-5610 LV Jeol (Япония), отмечена перспективность использования мембран из нановолокон хитозана в фильтрационных и сорбионных процессах медицины и биологии, особенно при лечении ожогов, плохо заживающих ран

    Модельные составы для точного литья

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    The review is devoted to model compositions for exact molding of the metal articles with complicated geometrical configuration obtained from petrochemical, polymer and rosin products.Обзор посвящен модельным составам для точного литья металлических изделий сложной геометрической конфигурации, полученных с использованием нефтехимических, полимерных и канифольных продуктов


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    The review is devoted to terpenoid-maleic adducts and their derivatives. Terpenoid-maleic adducts find wide application in various industries. In this review, the ways of adducts’ preparation, their properties, afterproducts on their basis and application in various compositions are discussed. Levopimaric and abietic rosin acids, turpentine components, terpene hydrocarbons, solid turpentine polymers and rosin oils formed in production of rosin and its glycerol ester, have been used as raw materials for production of adducts.Обзор посвящен терпеноидномалеиновым аддуктам и их производным. Терпеноидномалеиновые аддукты находят широкое применение в различных отраслях промышленности. Приводятся способы получения аддуктов, их свойства, вторичные продукты на их основе и применение в различных композиционных составах. В качестве сырья для получения аддуктов были использованы левопимаровая, абиетиновая кислоты канифоли, компоненты терпентина, терпеновые углеводороды и твердые полимеры скипидара, а также канифольные масла, которые образуются в процессе получения канифоли и ее глицеринового эфира

    A review of hyperfibrinolysis in cats and dogs

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    The fibrinolytic system is activated concurrently with coagulation; it regulates haemostasis and prevents thrombosis by restricting clot formation to the area of vascular injury and dismantling the clot as healing occurs. Dysregulation of the fibrinolytic system, which results in hyperfibrinolysis, may manifest as clinically important haemorrhage. Hyperfibrinolysis occurs in cats and dogs secondary to a variety of congenital and acquired disorders. Acquired disorders associated with hyperfibrinolysis, such as trauma, cavitary effusions, liver disease and Angiostrongylus vasorum infection, are commonly encountered in primary care practice. In addition, delayed haemorrhage reported in greyhounds following trauma and routine surgical procedures has been attributed to a hyperfibrinolytic disorder, although this has yet to be characterised. The diagnosis of hyperfibrinolysis is challenging and, until recently, has relied on techniques that are not readily available outside referral hospitals. With the recent development of point‐of‐care viscoelastic techniques, assessment of fibrinolysis is now possible in referral practice. This will provide the opportunity to target haemorrhage due to hyperfibrinolysis with antifibrinolytic drugs and thereby reduce associated morbidity and mortality. The fibrinolytic system and the conditions associated with increased fibrinolytic activity in cats and dogs are the focus of this review article. In addition, laboratory and point‐of‐care techniques for assessing hyperfibrinolysis and antifibrinolytic treatment for patients with haemorrhage are reviewed

    The immunosuppressive cytokine interleukin-4 increases the clonogenic potential of prostate stem-like cells by activation of STAT6 signalling

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    Interleukin-4 plays a critical role in the regulation of immune responses and has been detected at high levels in the tumour microenvironment of cancer patients, where concentrations correlate with the grade of malignancy. In prostate cancer, interleukin-4 has been associated with activation of the androgen receptor, increased proliferation and activation of survival pathways such as Akt and NF-κB. However, its role in therapy resistance has not yet been determined. Here we investigate the influence of interleukin-4 on primary epithelial cells from prostate cancer patients. Our data demonstrate an increase in the clonogenic potential of these cells when cultured in the presence of interleukin-4. In addition, a Phospho-Kinase Array revealed that in contrast to previously published work, signal transducer and activator of transcription6 (STAT6) is the only signalling molecule activated after interleukin-4 treatment. Using the STAT6-specific inhibitor AS1517499 we could confirm the role of STAT6 in increasing colony-forming frequency. However, clonogenic recovery assays revealed that interleukin-4 does not rescue the effects of either irradiation or docetaxel treatment. We therefore propose that although the interleukin-4/STAT6 axis does not appear to be involved in therapy resistance, it does play a crucial role in the colony-forming abilities of the basal cell population in prostate cancer. IL-4 may therefore contribute to disease relapse by providing a niche that is favourable for the clonogenic growth of prostate cancer stem cells