1,969 research outputs found

    In situ observations of ClO in the Antarctic: Evidence for chlorine catalyzed destruction of ozone

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    Results from a series of 12 ER-2 aircraft flights into the Antarctic polar vortex are summarized. These in situ data define the spatial and temporal distribution of ClO as the aircraft flew at an altitude of approx. 18 km from Punta Arenas (54 deg S latitude) to the base of the Palmer Peninsula (72 deg S latitude), executed a rapid descent to approx. 13 km, turned north and climbed bach to approximately 18 km, returning to Punta Arenas. A general pattern in the ClO distribution is reported: mixing ratios of approximately 10 ppt are found at altitude in the vicinity of 55 deg S increasing to 50 ppt at 60 degrees S. In the vicinity of 65 deg S latitude a steep gradient in the ClO mixing ratio is observed. At a fixed potential temperature, the ClO mixing ratio through this sharp transition increases by an order of magnitude within a very few degrees of latitude, thus defining the edge of the chemical containment vessel. From the edge of that containment vessel to the southern extension of the flights, 72 deg S, a dome of slowly increasing ClO best describes the distribution. Conclusion are drawn from the data

    Correlation of N2O and ozone in the Southern Polar vortex during the airborne Antarctic ozone experiment

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    In situ N20 mixing ratios, measured by an airborne laser spectrometer (ATLAS), have been used along with in situ ozone measurements to determine the correlation of N2O and ozone in the Antarctic stratosphere during the late austral winter. During the 1987 Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment (AAOE), N2O data were collected by a laser absorption spectrometer on board the ER-2 on five ferry flights between Ames Research Center (37 deg N) and Punta Arenas, Chile (53 deg S), and on twelve flights over Antarctica (53 S to 72 S). Of all the trace gas species measured by instruments on board the ER-2, only one showed a relationship to the N2O/O3 correlations in the vortex. With few exceptions, positive N20/O3 correlations coincided with total water mixing ratios of greater than 2.9 ppmv, and total water mixing ratios of less than 2.9 ppmv corresponded to negative correlations. The lower water mixing ratios, or dehydrated regions, are colocated with the negative correlations within the vortex, while the wetter regions always occur near the vortex edge

    Migration of northern Yellowstone elk: implications of spatial structuring

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    Migration can enhance survival and recruitment of mammals by increasing access to higher-quality forage or reducing predation risk, or both. We used telemetry locations collected from 140 adult female elk during 2000– 2003 and 2007–2008 to identify factors influencing the migration of northern Yellowstone elk. Elk wintered in 2 semidistinct herd segments and migrated 10–140 km to at least 12 summer areas in Yellowstone National Park (YNP) and nearby areas of Montana. Spring migrations were delayed after winters with increased snow pack, with earlier migration in years with earlier vegetation green-up. Elk wintering at lower elevations outside YNP migrated an average of 13 days earlier than elk at higher elevations. The timing of autumn migrations varied annually, but elk left their summer ranges at about the same time regardless of elevation, wolf numbers, or distance to their wintering areas. Elk monitored for multiple years typically returned to the same summer (96% fidelity, n 5 52) and winter (61% fidelity, n 5 41) ranges. Elk that wintered at lower elevations in or near the northwestern portion of the park tended to summer in the western part of YNP (56%), and elk that wintered at higher elevations spent summer primarily in the eastern and northern parts of the park (82%). Elk did not grossly modify their migration timing, routes, or use areas after wolf restoration. Elk mortality was low during summer and migration (8 of 225 elk-summers). However, spatial segregation and differential mortality and recruitment between herd segments on the northern winter range apparently contributed to a higher proportion of the elk population wintering outside the northwestern portion of YNP and summering in the western portion of the park. This change could shift wolf spatial dynamics more outside YNP and increase the risk of transmission of brucellosis from elk to cattle north of the park

    Migration of northern Yellowstone elk: implications of spatial structuring

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    Migration can enhance survival and recruitment of mammals by increasing access to higher-quality forage or reducing predation risk, or both. We used telemetry locations collected from 140 adult female elk during 2000– 2003 and 2007–2008 to identify factors influencing the migration of northern Yellowstone elk. Elk wintered in 2 semidistinct herd segments and migrated 10–140 km to at least 12 summer areas in Yellowstone National Park (YNP) and nearby areas of Montana. Spring migrations were delayed after winters with increased snow pack, with earlier migration in years with earlier vegetation green-up. Elk wintering at lower elevations outside YNP migrated an average of 13 days earlier than elk at higher elevations. The timing of autumn migrations varied annually, but elk left their summer ranges at about the same time regardless of elevation, wolf numbers, or distance to their wintering areas. Elk monitored for multiple years typically returned to the same summer (96% fidelity, n 5 52) and winter (61% fidelity, n 5 41) ranges. Elk that wintered at lower elevations in or near the northwestern portion of the park tended to summer in the western part of YNP (56%), and elk that wintered at higher elevations spent summer primarily in the eastern and northern parts of the park (82%). Elk did not grossly modify their migration timing, routes, or use areas after wolf restoration. Elk mortality was low during summer and migration (8 of 225 elk-summers). However, spatial segregation and differential mortality and recruitment between herd segments on the northern winter range apparently contributed to a higher proportion of the elk population wintering outside the northwestern portion of YNP and summering in the western portion of the park. This change could shift wolf spatial dynamics more outside YNP and increase the risk of transmission of brucellosis from elk to cattle north of the park

    Examining Seasonal Anthrax Risk in Wildlife: Comparing Home Ranges and Site Fidelity in Sero-Positive and Sero-Negative Ungulates

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    Anthrax is frequently reported from wildlife and livestock in the US.  While useful in reducing risk in livestock, vaccination, the primary method of prevention, is untenable for free-ranging wildlife. Because of this, accurate surveillance and carcass clean-up are the most efficacious control measures for wildlife.  However, surveillance is expensive and requires significant personnel across large landscapes. Likewise, the transmission pathways are poorly understood in most species. Wildlife telemetry improves our understanding of movement patterns during risk periods. At the same time, serological surveys provide data on host exposure. Such data allow us to test hypotheses about host/pathogen interactions on the landscape. Starting in 2010, we initiated GPS telemetry and sero-prevalence studies for managed bison, Bison bison bison, and free-range elk (Cervus elaphus) in Montana. Here we will evaluate summertime home ranges in bulls from both species in western Montana. We compared home ranges and site fidelity metrics in sero-positive and sero-negative animals. Serological tests indicated that ~30% of bull elk and ~27% of unvaccinated bison were sero-positive for anthrax exposure, suggesting that low-level exposure is frequent on this landscape. Seasonal ranges can be useful for defining areas where animals may have increased likelihood of anthrax, comparing ranges to niche-based estimates of B. anthracis. Fidelity metrics suggest both species spent considerable time in niche-based high risk areas. Inter-annual data from elk suggest long-term range fidelity and overlap with high risk areas. These data can be used to prioritize surveillance efforts in those areas to maximize disease control, while managing search costs

    Testing Rotational Mixing Predictions with New Boron Abundances in Main Sequence B-type Stars

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    (Abridged) New boron abundances for seven main-sequence B-type stars are determined from HST STIS spectroscopy around the BIII 2066A line. Boron abundances provide a unique and critical test of stellar evolution models that include rotational mixing since boron is destroyed in the surface layers of stars through shallow mixing long before other elements are mixed from the stellar interior through deep mixing. Boron abundances range from 12+log(B/H) = 1.0 to 2.2. The boron abundances are compared to the published values of their stellar nitrogen abundances (all have 12+log(N/H) < 7.8, i.e., they do not show significant CNO-mixing) and to their host cluster ages (4 to 16 Myr) to investigate the predictions from models of massive star evolution with rotational mixing effects (Heger & Langer 2000). Only three stars (out of 34) deviate from the model predictions, including HD36591, HD205021, and HD30836. These three stars suggest that rotational mixing could be more efficient than currently modelled at the highest rotation rates.Comment: 10 figures, 7 tables; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Distance-decay effect in stone tool transport by wild chimpanzees

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    Stone tool transport leaves long-lasting behavioural evidence in the landscape. However, it remains unknown how large-scale patterns of stone distribution emerge through undirected, short-term transport behaviours. One of the longest studied groups of stone-tool-using primates are the chimpanzees of the Taï National Park in Ivory Coast, West Africa. Using hammerstones left behind at chimpanzee Panda nut-cracking sites, we tested for a distance-decay effect, in which the weight of material decreases with increasing distance from raw material sources. We found that this effect exists over a range of more than 2 km, despite the fact that observed, short-term tool transport does not appear to involve deliberate movements away from raw material sources. Tools from the millennia-old Noulo site in the Taï forest fit the same pattern. The fact that chimpanzees show both complex short-term behavioural planning, and yet produce a landscape-wide pattern over the long term, raises the question of whether similar processes operate within other stone-tool-using primates, including hominins. Where hominin landscapes have discrete material sources, a distance-decay effect, and increasing use of stone materials away from sources, the Taï chimpanzees provide a relevant analogy for understanding the formation of those landscapes

    Detailed Analysis of Nearby Bulgelike Dwarf Stars II. Lithium Abundances

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    Li abundances are derived for a sample of bulgelike stars with isochronal ages of 10-11 Gyr. These stars have orbits with pericentric distances, Rp, as small as 2-3 kpc and Zmax < 1 kpc. The sample comprises G and K dwarf stars in the metallicity range -0.80<[Fe/H]< +0.40. Few data of Li abundances in old turn-off stars (> 4.5 Gyr) within the present metallicity range are available. M67 (4.7 Gyr) and NGC 188 (6 Gyr) are the oldest studied metal-rich open clusters with late-type stars. Li abundances have also been studied for few samples of old metal-rich field stars. In the present work a high dispersion in Li abundances is found for bulgelike stars for all the metallicity range, comparable with values in M67. The role of metallicity and age on a Li depletion pattern is discussed. The possible connection between Li depletion and oxygen abundance due to atmospheric opacity effects is investigated.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Analysis of wild macaque stone tools used to crack oil palm nuts

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    The discovery of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) nut-cracking by wild long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) is significant for the study of non-human primate and hominin percussive behaviour. Up until now, only West African chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) and modern human populations were known to use stone hammers to crack open this particular hard-shelled palm nut. The addition of non-habituated, wild macaques increases our comparative dataset of primate lithic percussive behaviour focused on this one plant species. Here, we present an initial description of hammerstones used by macaques to crack oil palm nuts, recovered from active nut-cracking locations on Yao Noi Island, Ao Phang Nga National Park, Thailand. We combine a techno-typological approach with microscopic and macroscopic use-wear analysis of percussive damage to characterize the percussive signature of macaque palm oil nut-cracking tools. These artefacts are characterized by a high degree of battering and crushing on most surfaces, which is visible at both macro and microscopic levels. The degree and extent of this damage is a consequence of a dynamic interplay between a number of factors, including anvil morphology and macaque percussive techniques. Beyond the behavioural importance of these artefacts, macaque nut-cracking represents a new target for primate archaeological investigations, and opens new opportunities for comparisons between tool using primate species and with early hominin percussive behaviour, for which nutcracking has been frequently inferred