100 research outputs found

    Kemunculan Paper Nautilus di Perairan Teluk Tomini Kabupaten Parigi Moutong, Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah

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    aper nautilus merupakan kelompok octopus pelagis yang bercangkang, termasuk dalam filum moluska kelas cephalopoda famili Argonautidae. Beberapa penelitian mencatat kemunculan hewan ini di berbagai negara namun kuantitas kemunculannya digolongkan sangat jarang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemunculan paper nautilus di perairan Teluk Tomini Kab. Parigi Moutong, Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling. Alat tangkap yang digunakan adalah pukat cincin yang dalam pengoperasiannya dibantu oleh rumpon dan diletakkan pada kedalaman 1000 m. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Maret hingga November 2016. Penelitian ini menunjukkan dalam rentang waktu pengambilan sampel hanya ditemukan tiga spesimen Paper nautilus. Kemunculan pertama ditemukan satu spesimen pada bulan Mei di titik stasiun satu pada kedalaman 70 m, kemunculan kedua ditemukan satu spesimen pada bulan Oktober di titik stasiun dua pada kedalaman 80 m dan kemunculan ketiga ditemukan satu spesimen pada bulan November di titik stasiun dua pada kedalaman 80 m, dimana dua spesimen di antaranya adalah betina. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa Paper nautilus merupakan hewan soliter dengan jumlah kemunculan yang digolongkan jarang ditemukan di wilayah Teluk Tomini Kab. Parigi Moutong, Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah

    The potential of Symbiont Ba cteria in Melo melo Gastropod found in Pekalongan Waters as a source of MDR antibacterial active compound

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    The increasing resistance of many pathogenic microorganisms against antibiotics compounds creates an alarming issue in medical world. This concern has created research opportunities in new antibiotics compounds as alternative options. The gastropod Melo melo is a species whose main diet consists of other smaller gastropods. However, Melo-melo does not have any self-defense mechanism save for its thin shell. To protect itself from various pathogenic bacteria existing in its food, Melo melo produces secondary metabolites, which are suspected to contain bioactive compounds with antibacterial properties. This fact puts Melo melo as a marine biota with potential as a source of new antibacterial compounds. This research aims to discover the potency of symbiont bacteria in the gastropod Melo melo with capabilities in producing Multi-drug resistant (MDR) antibacterial compounds. Samples of Melo melo are collected from the vicinity of Pekalongan waters, Central Java, Indonesia. This research begins with the isolation of symbiont bacteria, screening of symbiont bacteria with potency in MDR antibacterial activities, antibacterial test, and isolation of MDR clinical pathogenic bacteria. These protocols are then followed by antibacterial sensitivity test, and identification of bacterial species active against MDR by biochemical test and molecular analysis. Molecular analyses are carried out sequentially by DNA extraction, DNA amplification by PCR, and DNA sequencing. Results of 16S rDNA are analyzed using Genetix program and then followed by sequence analysis of the 16S rDNA. In this research, 11 bacteria in Melo melo are isolated and there are 4 isolates which show antibacterial activities against MDR bacteria from Pseudomonas sp. and Enterobacter sp species. Molecular analysis of the most active isolates identifies that isolate PM 26 matches in characteristics with Brevibacterium celere strain KMM 3637 with 89% homology match. On the other hand, biochemical test shows that isolate PM 26 is identical with Bacillus sp. This research concludes that symbiont bacteria found in Melo melo possess antibacterial activities against bacteria of MDR strain


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    Rumput laut mengandung karagenan berperan meningkatkan viskositas makanan. Serat yang tidak bias dicerna. Serat itu mengabsorsi gula dan sehingga gula gula terbuang bersama seratnya. Pemberian serbuk E.cottonii dengan perlakuan 3 kali/hari dengan pemberian dosis 0.8 g selama enam minggu dapat menurunkan kadar gula darah pada tikus Rattus norvegicus secara bertahap. Selanjutnya bahwa pemberian serbuk E.cottonii meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas spermatozoa tikus

    Explorations of symbiotic microbe from sea cucumber gut as an anti-multi-drug resistant microbe agent for utilization in hand sanitizer products

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    Sea cucumber is well known as medicinal food that has antimicrobial property. The purpose of the study was to determine the potency of symbiotic bacteria from the sea cucumber gut as an antibacterial against MDR pathogens, and its application as hand sanitizer products. In this study, two species of sea cucumber, namely Holothuria atra and Holothuria leucospilota, were examined. Through bacterial isolation, 42 bacteria were obtained from the sea cucumber’s gut. The isolate were screened in order to get the ability against the anti-multi-drug resistant (MDR) i.e. MRSA and ESBL bacteria. Among all isolates, 11 candidates exhibited significant activity against MDR microbe from the MethicillinResistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) while 15 isolates showed significant activity against ExtendedSpectrum β Lactamase (ESBL) MDR microbe. The chosen isolate were identified biochemically and molecularly by DNA extraction, amplification, and sequencing. The antiseptic gel was prepared and then challenged by MRSA and ESBL bacteria at 100, 250, 500, and 1000 µg per disk. Five microbe samples (TB-7, TB-18, TB12, TH-20 and TH-15) showed synergic interaction to each other, which means it can be a bacterial consortium. Anti-microbial activity in ethyl acetate fraction against MRSA was found with 1.7±0.60 mm and 2.8±0.49 mm inhibitory zone diameter at concentration of 500 µg per disk and 1,000 µg g per disk, respectively. The study concluded that symbiotic bacteria found in the gut of sea cucumbers were from genus Bacillus. These bacteria produce anti-microbial substances against MDR strain microbes potentially as hand sanitizer products

    Complete Genome Sequence of the Marine Bacterium Erythrobacter flavus Strain KJ5

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    Erythrobacter flavus strain KJ5 (formerly called Erythrobacter sp. strain KJ5) is a yellowish marine bacterium that was isolated from a hard coral in the Karimunjawa Islands of Indonesia. Here, we report the complete genome sequence of the bacterium and provide a useful resource for studies of the biosynthetic pathways of its unique carotenoids


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    Ikan lomek (Harpadon nehereus) merupakan salah satu ikan yang terkenal di Tanjung Balai Karimun, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia karena rasanya yang gurih, serta dilaporkan dapat memancarkan cahaya ketika diletakkan di ruangan terbuka dalam keadaan mati. Fenomena ini dikenal dengan sebutan bioluminesensi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan asal cahaya yang terdapat pada ikan lomek yang telah mati dan aktivitas bioluminesensinya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan beberapa tahapan yaitu pengambilan dan preparasi sampel, pengamatan aktivitas bioluminesensi selama 13 jam, dan isolasi bakteri luminesen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bioluminesensi pada ikan lomek dapat dilihat di sekitar permukaan tubuhnya. Luminesensi dapat terlihat hingga ke dalam bagian tubuh ikan setelah 10 hingga 11 jam dibiarkan terbuka pada suhu ruang, namun tidak terdapat pola sebaran jangkauan bioluminesensi yang konstan. Bioluminesensi juga terbukti terjadi karena adanya bakteri luminesen pada permukaan tubuh ikan. Bakteri dapat memancarkan cahaya setelah dipindahkan ke dalam media Zobell laut padat dengan masa inkubasi 48 jam dan berlangsung selama 8 jam

    Bakteri Konsorsium dari Serasah Mangrove untuk Produksi Kompos (Organic Compost Production from Bacterial Consortium of Mangrove Leaf Litter)

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    Increasing of populations and activities has also increase the town waste, mainly of the organic waste.  As nowadays had no comprehensive handled optimally. One option of organic waste processing is by compost production, by means of organic biodegradation. The aim of the research is to find out whether 4 types of bacteria, namely: Psedomonas sp., Flavobacterium sp., Acinetobacter sp., Bacillus subtilis are synergies into consortium bacteria, whether potential consortium bacteria as organic waste decomposing bacteria, how compost from bacteria consortium, , smell, color and temperature. The synergy bacteria test was performed by scraping four types of bacteria on Nutrien Broth medium (NB). Compost processing was done by application of bacterial consortium into the municipal organic waste and incubated for about 8 weeks. The results showed that four types of bacteria, namely: Pseudomonas sp., Flavobacterium sp., Acinetobacter sp., Bacillus subtilis is the synergy and potential as a consortium bacterium. Compost is formed after 4 weeks of incubation with crumbed texture, black color, soil like odor and temperature 28oC.Key words : Bacterial consortium, mangrove leaf litter, organic waste, composting

    Explorations of symbiotic microbe from sea cucumber gut as an anti-multi-drug resistant microbe agent for utilization in hand sanitizer products

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    Sea cucumber is well known as medicinal food that has antimicrobial property. The purpose of the study was to determine the potency of symbiotic bacteria from the sea cucumber gut as an antibacterial against MDR pathogens, and its application as hand sanitizer products. In this study, two species of sea cucumber, namely Holothuria atra and Holothuria leucospilota, were examined. Through bacterial isolation, 42 bacteria were obtained from the sea cucumber’s gut. The isolate were screened in order to get the ability against the anti-multi-drug resistant (MDR) i.e. MRSA and ESBL bacteria. Among all isolates, 11 candidates exhibited significant activity against MDR microbe from the MethicillinResistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) while 15 isolates showed significant activity against ExtendedSpectrum β Lactamase (ESBL) MDR microbe. The chosen isolate were identified biochemically and molecularly by DNA extraction, amplification, and sequencing. The antiseptic gel was prepared and then challenged by MRSA and ESBL bacteria at 100, 250, 500, and 1000 µg per disk. Five microbe samples (TB-7, TB-18, TB12, TH-20 and TH-15) showed synergic interaction to each other, which means it can be a bacterial consortium. Anti-microbial activity in ethyl acetate fraction against MRSA was found with 1.7±0.60 mm and 2.8±0.49 mm inhibitory zone diameter at concentration of 500 µg per disk and 1,000 µg g per disk, respectively. The study concluded that symbiotic bacteria found in the gut of sea cucumbers were from genus Bacillus. These bacteria produce anti-microbial substances against MDR strain microbes potentially as hand sanitizer products


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    Ikan lomek (Harpadon nehereus) merupakan salah satu ikan yang terkenal di Tanjung Balai Karimun, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia karena rasanya yang gurih, serta dilaporkan dapat memancarkan cahaya ketika diletakkan di ruangan terbuka dalam keadaan mati. Fenomena ini dikenal dengan sebutan bioluminesensi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan asal cahaya yang terdapat pada ikan lomek yang telah mati dan aktivitas bioluminesensinya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan beberapa tahapan yaitu pengambilan dan preparasi sampel, pengamatan aktivitas bioluminesensi selama 13 jam, dan isolasi bakteri luminesen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bioluminesensi pada ikan lomek dapat dilihat di sekitar permukaan tubuhnya. Luminesensi dapat terlihat hingga ke dalam bagian tubuh ikan setelah 10 hingga 11 jam dibiarkan terbuka pada suhu ruang, namun tidak terdapat pola sebaran jangkauan bioluminesensi yang konstan. Bioluminesensi juga terbukti terjadi karena adanya bakteri luminesen pada permukaan tubuh ikan. Bakteri dapat memancarkan cahaya setelah dipindahkan ke dalam media Zobell laut padat dengan masa inkubasi 48 jam dan berlangsung selama 8 jam

    Sulfur-Containing Carotenoids from A Marine Coral Symbiont Erythrobacter flavus Strain KJ5

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    Erythrobacter flavus strain KJ5 (formerly called Erythrobacter sp. strain KJ5) is a yellowish marine bacterium that was isolated from a hard coral Acropora nasuta in the Karimunjawa Islands, Indonesia. The complete genome sequence of the bacterium has been reported recently. In this study, we examined the carotenoid composition of this bacterium using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with ESI-MS/MS. We found that the bacterium produced sulfurcontaining carotenoids, i.e., caloxanthin sulfate and nostoxanthin sulfate, as the most abundant carotenoids. A new carotenoid zeaxanthin sulfate was detected based on its ESI-MS/MS spectrum. The unique presence of sulfated carotenoids found among the currently known species of the Erythrobacter genus were discussed
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