7,976 research outputs found

    A variance-minimization scheme for optimizing Jastrow factors

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    We describe a new scheme for optimizing many-electron trial wave functions by minimizing the unreweighted variance of the energy using stochastic integration and correlated-sampling techniques. The scheme is restricted to parameters that are linear in the exponent of a Jastrow correlation factor, which are the most important parameters in the wave functions we use. The scheme is highly efficient and allows us to investigate the parameter space more closely than has been possible before. We search for multiple minima of the variance in the parameter space and compare the wave functions obtained using reweighted and unreweighted variance minimization.Comment: 19 pages; 12 figure

    Black Hole-Neutron Star Mergers: Disk Mass Predictions

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    Determining the final result of black hole-neutron star mergers, and in particular the amount of matter remaining outside the black hole at late times and its properties, has been one of the main motivations behind the numerical simulation of these systems. Black hole-neutron star binaries are amongst the most likely progenitors of short gamma-ray bursts --- as long as massive (probably a few percents of a solar mass), hot accretion disks are formed around the black hole. Whether this actually happens strongly depends on the physical characteristics of the system, and in particular on the mass ratio, the spin of the black hole, and the radius of the neutron star. We present here a simple two-parameter model, fitted to existing numerical results, for the determination of the mass remaining outside the black hole a few milliseconds after a black hole-neutron star merger (i.e. the combined mass of the accretion disk, the tidal tail, and the potential ejecta). This model predicts the remnant mass within a few percents of the mass of the neutron star, at least for remnant masses up to 20% of the neutron star mass. Results across the range of parameters deemed to be the most likely astrophysically are presented here. We find that, for 10 solar mass black holes, massive disks are only possible for large neutron stars (R>12km), or quasi-extremal black hole spins (a/M>0.9). We also use our model to discuss how the equation of state of the neutron star affects the final remnant, and the strong influence that this can have on the rate of short gamma-ray bursts produced by black hole-neutron star mergers.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Stable resonances and signal propagation in a chaotic network of coupled units

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    We apply the linear response theory developed in \cite{Ruelle} to analyze how a periodic signal of weak amplitude, superimposed upon a chaotic background, is transmitted in a network of non linearly interacting units. We numerically compute the complex susceptibility and show the existence of specific poles (stable resonances) corresponding to the response to perturbations transverse to the attractor. Contrary to the poles of correlation functions they depend on the pair emitting/receiving units. This dynamic differentiation, induced by non linearities, exhibits the different ability that units have to transmit a signal in this network.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. rev.

    A statistical mechanics model for free-for-all airplane passenger boarding

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    I present and discuss a model for the free-for-all passenger boarding which is employed by some discount air carriers. The model is based on the principles of statistical mechanics where each seat in the aircraft has an associated energy which reflects the preferences of the population of air travelers. As each passenger enters the airplane they select their seats using Boltzmann statistics, proceed to that location, load their luggage, sit down, and the partition function seen by remaining passengers is modified to reflect this fact. I discuss the various model parameters and make qualitative comparisons of this passenger boarding model with models which involve assigned seats. This model can also be used to predict the probability that certain seats will be occupied at different times during the boarding process. These results may be of value to industry professionals as a useful description of this boarding method. However, it also has significant value as a pedagogical tool since it is a relatively unusual application of undergraduate level physics and it describes a situation with which many students and faculty may be familiar.Comment: version 1: 4 pages 2 figures version 2: 7 pages with 5 figure

    Assessing the efficiency of first-principles basin-hopping sampling

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    We present a systematic performance analysis of first-principles basin-hopping (BH) runs, with the target to identify all low-energy isomers of small Si and Cu clusters described within density-functional theory. As representative and widely employed move classes we focus on single-particle and collective moves, in which one or all atoms in the cluster at once are displaced in a random direction by some prescribed move distance, respectively. The analysis provides detailed insights into the bottlenecks and governing factors for the sampling efficiency, as well as simple rules-of-thumb for near-optimum move settings, that are intriguingly independent of the distinctly different chemistry of Si and Cu. At corresponding settings, the observed performance of the BH algorithm employing two simple, general-purpose move classes is already very good, and for the small systems studied essentially limited by frequent revisits to a few dominant isomers.Comment: 11 pages including 8 figures; related publications can be found at http://www.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/th/th.htm

    Phase behavior of the Lattice Restricted Primitive Model with nearest-neighbor exclusion

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    The global phase behavior of the lattice restricted primitive model with nearest neighbor exclusion has been studied by grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations. The phase diagram is dominated by a fluid (or charge-disordered solid) to charge-ordered solid transition that terminates at the maximum density, ρmax=2\rho^*_{max}=\sqrt2 and reduced temperature T0.29T^*\approx0.29. At that point, there is a first-order phase transition between two phases of the same density, one charge-ordered and the other charge-disordered. The liquid-vapor transition for the model is metastable, lying entirely within the fluid-solid phase envelope.Comment: 6 pages, color. submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Velocity fluctuations and hydrodynamic diffusion in sedimentation

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    We study non-equilibrium velocity fluctuations in a model for the sedimentation of non-Brownian particles experiencing long-range hydrodynamic interactions. The complex behavior of these fluctuations, the outcome of the collective dynamics of the particles, exhibits many of the features observed in sedimentation experiments. In addition, our model predicts a final relaxation to an anisotropic (hydrodynamic) diffusive state that could be observed in experiments performed over longer time ranges.Comment: 7 pages, 5 EPS figures, EPL styl

    Exploring binary-neutron-star-merger scenario of short-gamma-ray bursts by gravitational-wave observation

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    We elucidate the feature of gravitational waves (GWs) from binary neutron star merger collapsing to a black hole by general relativistic simulation. We show that GW spectrum imprints the coalescence dynamics, formation process of disk, equation of state for neutron stars, total masses, and mass ratio. A formation mechanism of the central engine of short γ\gamma-ray bursts, which are likely to be composed of a black hole and surrounding disk, therefore could be constrained by GW observation.Comment: Accepted to PR

    Black Holes with Zero Mass

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    We consider the spacetimes corresponding to static Global Monopoles with interior boundaries corresponding to a Black Hole Horizon and analyze the behavior of the appropriate ADM mass as a function of the horizon radius r_H. We find that for small enough r_H, this mass is negative as in the case of the regular global monopoles, but that for large enough r_H the mass becomes positive encountering an intermediate value for which we have a Black Hole with zero ADM mass.Comment: 10 pages, 2 ps figures, REVTeX, some minor change

    Measurement of dynamic Stark polarizabilities by analyzing spectral lineshapes of forbidden transitions

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    We present a measurement of the dynamic scalar and tensor polarizabilities of the excited state 3D1 in atomic ytterbium. The polarizabilities were measured by analyzing the spectral lineshape of the 408-nm 1S0->3D1 transition driven by a standing wave of resonant light in the presence of static electric and magnetic fields. Due to the interaction of atoms with the standing wave, the lineshape has a characteristic polarizability-dependent distortion. A theoretical model was used to simulate the lineshape and determine a combination of the polarizabilities of the ground and excited states by fitting the model to experimental data. This combination was measured with a 13% uncertainty, only 3% of which is due to uncertainty in the simulation and fitting procedure. The scalar and tensor polarizabilities of the state 3D1 were measured for the first time by comparing two different combinations of polarizabilities. We show that this technique can be applied to similar atomic systems.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, submitted to PR