3 research outputs found

    A model for universal service provider resource optimization based on maesuring the efficiency of postal services providing

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    U ovoj disertaciji predmet istraživanja je rešavanje problema optimizacije resursa javnog poštanskog operatora (JPO). Predložen je model koji optimizuje ograničene resurse, troškove i operativne prihode korišćenjem neparametarske analize, DEA (engl. Data Envelopment Analysis). Testiranje i verifikacija predloženog modela izvršeni su na skupu od 27 JPO iz zemalja Evropske Unije i Srbije. Dobijeni rezultati eksplicitno pokazuju da su postojeći resursi i način kako se oni koriste ključni u postizanju rezultata rada, kao i to kako može da bude definisan efikasan operativni plan. Između ostalog, za slučaj javnog poštanskog operatora u Srbiji, rezultati ukazuju da ne postoji višak u broju zaposlenih, dok je višak prepoznat u ukupnom broju jedinica poštanske mreže. Pored toga, predstavljeno je izvođenje analize evaluacije efikasnosti javnog poštanskog operatora tokom vremena. U disertaciji, predložen je originalni višeulazni i višeizlazni model za merenje troškovne efikasnosti, CE (engl. Cost Efficiency) dostavnih jedinica poštanske mreže. Analizirana je dostavna mreža javnog poštanskog operatora u Srbiji koja uključuje 1,194 dostavne jedinice. Problem brojnosti i heterogenosti ovih jedinica prevaziđen je definisanjem originalnog algoritma za klasterovanje. Ovaj algoritam je obezbedio poređenje efikasnosti uporedivih jedinica, kao i troetapnu analizu: jedinice-klasterimreža. Dobijeni nalaz ukazuje da je posmatrana dostavna mreža troškovno neefikasna (CE=40%). Dalje, dekompozicijom CE objašnjeno je kako nivo troškovne efikasnosti može biti poboljšan. Ilustracije radi, utvrđeno je da najmanje 794 dostavne jedinice imaju mogućnost za poboljšanje samo na osnovu realokacije resursa. Istražen je uticaj ekonomije obima na efikasnost dostavnih jedinica gde je utvrđeno da ona ima jači uticaj na efikanost malih jedinica u poređenju sa velikim jedinicama. Konačno, na osnovu izvedenih rezultata, dato je obrazloženje zašto predloženi model za merenje troškovne efikasnosti može da bude dragoceno sredstvo za kreatore politike i regulatore iz poštanskog sektora, kao i za menadžere poštanskih operatora. Doktorska disertacija, Predrag V. Ralević vi U disertaciji je predstavljen novi koncept univerzalne poštanske usluge. Suština ovog koncepta je mogućnost da se pošiljalac opredeljuje za uslugu koja bi se obavila u roku do 24 časa od vremena predaje pošiljke na prenos ili za drugu vrstu prenosa koji bi podrazumevao duži rok. Na osnovu toga, predstavljene su tri alternative novog koncepta koje ukazuju da se redefinisanjem univerzalne poštanske usluge može doprineti boljoj diversifikaciji ponude poštanskih usluga. Sa druge strane, u slučaju JPO iz Srbije pokazano je da predloženi koncept nove usluge ima pozitivan uticaj sa stanovišta očekivanih prihoda. To potvrđuju rezultati koji su izvedeni korišćenjem analize vremenskih serija, regresione i korelacione analize, teorije difuzije za prognoziranje tražnje za novom poštanskom uslugom (Basov model), kao i metode upitnika i intervjua.In this dissertation the research subject was to solve the problem of resource optimization of Universal Service Provider (USP). The model optimizing the limited resources, expenditure and operating revenue by using nonparametric analysis (DEA) is proposed. The testing and verification of the proposed model were performed on a set of 27 USPs from European Union member states and Serbia. The obtained results explicitly show that existing resources and how they are used are crucial in achieving the performance outcomes as well as to define the efficient operational plan. Among other, in the case of the USP in Serbia, the results indicate that there is not an excess in the number of employees, while the excess is recognized in the total number of permanent post offices. Beside that, in this thesis the derivation analysis of efficiency change over time for universal service provider is presented. In the dissertation, a multiple-input and multiple-output model for measuring the cost efficiency (CE) of postal delivery branches is proposed. The complete postal network of the Serbian Post delivery offices, which includes 1,194 post office branches is analyzed. The problem of numerous and heterogeneous of delivery offices was overcome by defining a new clustering algorithm. This algorithm enable to compare the branches that operate under the same or similar conditions and a three-level analysis: branches-clusters-network. The findings obtained indicate that the observed delivery network is cost inefficient (CE=40%). Furthermore, the explanation of how the level of CE could be improved is given by the decomposition of cost efficiency. For illustration, the results of this thesis indicate that, at a minimum, 794 delivery branches could improve their efficiency by resource reallocation. An impact of the economies of scale to efficiency of delivery branches is investigated and it indicates that the economies of scale have a stronger impact on small branches compared to large units. Finally, based on obtained results, the rational of how suggested model for measuring the cost efficiency can be beneficial to policy makers from the postal sector and to company managers is provided. Doktorska disertacija, Predrag V. Ralević viii In the dissertation a new concept of universal service obligation is presented. The essence of this concept is a possibility that the sender choose a transit time for his/her shipment, should it be within 24h or more. Based on that, three alternatives to the new concept are presented and they indicate that can contribute to a better diversification of offer of postal services. On the other hand, in the case of the USP from Serbia is demonstrated that the proposed concept of new service has a positive impact from the standpoint of expected revenue. This confirms the results derived by using time series analysis, regression and correlation analysis, the diffusion theory for forecasting demand for new postal service (Bass Model) as well as interview and questionnaire methods

    Increasing organizational performance by human resource management

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    Upravljanje ljudskim resursima u praksi (HRM prakse) je bitan organizacijski mehanizam za generiranje, jačanje i podržavanje akcijskih planova u svakoj organizaciji. Kapacitet akcijskog plana ovisi o radnom profilu pojedinaca i timova. Ovaj članak predlaže model HRM prakse, s ciljem povećanja učinkovitosti organizacije kroz razvoj i održavanje tijekom vremena radnog profila pojedinaca i timova. Ovaj rad pokazuje da klasificiranjem aktivnosti modela u dva bloka, rad i učinkovitost pojedinaca i timova mogu se povećati, čime se potom povećava i održava organizacijska uspješnost tijekom vremena.Human Resource Management practices (HRM practices) are essential organizational mechanisms to generate, reinforce and sustain the action plan in every organization. The capacity of an action plan depends on the work profile of individuals and teams. This paper proposes a model of HRM practices, with the aim of increasing organizational performance through the development and maintenance over time of the work profile of individuals and teams. This paper shows that by classifying the activities of the model into two blocks, the work performance of the individuals and teams can increase, which subsequently increases and sustains the organizational performance over time

    Increasing organizational performance by human resource management

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    © 2015, Strojarski Facultet. All rights reserved. Human Resource Management practices (HRM practices) are essential organizational mechanisms to generate, reinforce and sustain the action plan in every organization. The capacity of an action plan depends on the work profile of individuals and teams. This paper proposes a model of HRM practices, with the aim of increasing organizational performance through the development and maintenance over time of the work profile of individuals and teams. This paper shows that by classifying the activities of the model into two blocks, the work performance of the individuals and teams can increase, which subsequently increases and sustains the organizational performance over time