326 research outputs found

    A Systematic Review: Prevention of Japanese encephalitis in Asia

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    Japanese encephalitis ( JE) is one of the vector-borne diseases caused by infection with Japanese encephalitis virus, through the Culex tritaeniorrhynchus mosquito bites. Pigs and birds are the main reservoirs of JE viruses. JE is an important cause of encephalitis in most of Asia, with high case fatality rates and often significant neurologic sequelae among survivors. This study aimed to describe the prevention of JE in some countries in Asia. This study is a systematic review of 29 studies in Asia conducted in 2010 - 2017. It found that the most prevalent of JE prevention program in Asia is vaccination. It was recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) to integrate JE vaccinations in national immunization programs and to prioritize in endemic areas. Some countries have well established or developing JE vaccination programs; those are Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. While some other countries in Asia have minimal or no JE vaccination programs, that are Bangladesh, Philippines, and Indonesia. JE prevention measures in some countries in Asia are the establishment of guidelines and service improvements, diseases and vectors/hosts surveillance, implementation of immunization programs, local vector control, education, and health promotion campaigns, and community engagement and environmental management that should focus on high-risk areas. The incidence of JE is decreased significantly in countries that have implemented JE vaccination programs. Keywords: Japanese encephalitis, prevention, Asi

    Perbaikan Tata Kelola Warehouse PT Mustika Ratu Semarang dengan Konsep 5s + Pengaplikasian Rak Barang

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    REDESIGN OF PT MUSTIKA RATU SEMARANG'S WAREHOUSE USING 5S CONCEPT AND GOODS RACK – The goal of this research if to identify and analyze the problem of warehouse management in PT Mustika Ratu Semarang, calculate the needs of warehouse volume to store the goods, calculate the rack dimension include the amount of the needs, and arrange the effective and efficient layout. The primary data came from interview and observation, while the secondary data came from PT Mustika Ratu Semarang's warehouse manager. The research uses 5S methods to create a layout arrangement which would be integrated with rack USAge. Research result shows that recommended layout has an utillity at almost 100% or much higher than current state with 48,97%, also it needed goods rack with dimension of 3 meters length; 0,5 meters of width; with 4 columns each 0,45 meters talls. The warehouse also needed 111 units of rack

    Kekuatan Lentur Balok Komposit Beton Dan Bata Ringan Tulangan Bambu Dengan Variasi Tinggi Bata Ringan

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    Teknologi beton ringan sangat dibutuhkan dalam pembangunan infrastruktur di Indonesia, terutama pada gedung-gedung pencakar langit yang menghendaki berat sendiri yang kecil guna meminimalkan daya impact akibat beban gempa. Penelitian kemudian didesain dengan dua variable tinggi bata ringan yaitu 6,5 cm dan 8,5 cm, serta dengan mutu beton rencana 25 MPa. Benda uji memiliki dimensi 200 x 16 x 20 cm, sedangkan bata ringan yang digunakan memiliki dimensi 50 x 8 x 8,5 cm. Dalam proses pengujian, balok diletakkan di atas dua tumpuan sederhana dengan beban terpusat dibagi menjadi dua titik ntuk mendapatkan kapasitas lentur murni. Dialgauge diletakkan di kedua sisi untuk mengetahui lendutan yang terjadi.Berdasarkan pengujian diperoleh tinggi bata ringan 8,5 cm memiliki berat volume yang lebih kecil dibandingkan balok komposit dengan tinggi 6,5 cm. Balok komposit dengan tinggi bata ringan 6,5 cm mampu menahan beban 2476 kg, sedangkan balok komposit dengan tinggi bata ringan 8,5 cm mampu menahan beban 2537 kg. Dengan menggunakan metode conjugate beam dan mengambil beban pada saat kondisi elastis, maka didapatkan tinggi bata ringan 6,5 cm memiliki lenduta 0,858 mm dan tinggi bata ringan 8,5 cm memiliki lendutan 0,972 mm. Balok komposit dengan tinggi bata ringan 6,5 cm, memiliki kekakuan 519,23 kg/mm sedangkan balok komposit dengan tinggi bata ringan 8,5 cm memiliki kekakuan 605,23 kg/mm. Sedangkan berdasarkan pengamatan pola retak, tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan akibat variasi tinggi bata ringan

    Improving Gold Recovery From Artificial Preg-Robbing Ore by Pre-treatment Using Blinding Agent and Resin-in-Leach

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    In the present paper, the effectiveness of the use of blinding agents, ionic exchanger resins and the combination of them in improving gold extraction from simulated preg-robbing ore is discussed. The blinding agents used were kerosene, diesel oil and pine oil, while the ion exchange resins used were Lewatit Monoplus MP 800, Lewatit AF 5 and guanidine. Preg-robbing conditions were simulated by blending fine activated carbon with ore sample. The investigation results show that the presence of artificial carbonaceous materials at 2% (w/w) in the gold ore significantly reduces gold recovery. Pretreatment of artificial preg-robbing ore prior to cyanidation by mixing with kerosene, diesel oil and pine oil for 0.5h improved gold recovery up to 25.4%. A combination of pre-treatment using blinding agent and a resin in leach (RIL) test using Lewatit MP 800 resin demonstrated a synergistic effect that improves gold recovery up to a level of 99.5%,which is significantly higher than using activated carbon and without pretreatment

    Model Kaji Tindak Program Pembangunan Partisipatif Pengentasan Kemiskinan Dan Rawan Pangan

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    The objective of the article was to explain essential and urgency of the model of participative development program as an effort to maximize real potencies: economy, social, poli- tic and local culture, so that they can meet living need themselves independently and sustainability. The subjects of the study are all local poor people in Bringin rural area. Result of the research indicated that people awareness can maximize their potency that determined by the creativity and not due to the facility as government gave. The research explained that the incapable people problem was not merely due to absence of capital. However, it was due to awareness and working ethos that awakening in order to resolve the poverty problem. Therefore, in the evaluative action at least it was required four pillars, namely: job opportunity, social protection, capability improvement and people-empowering pillars. Then, evaluative action implementation of widening empowerment program based on local resource and creative economy was an essential, urgent strategy model to develop as effort of resolving poverty

    Simulasi Pelepasan Beban Dengan Relayfrequency Pada Sistem Tenaga Listrik Cnooc Ses Ltd.north Business Unit Menggunakan Software Etap 7.5

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    Adanya gangguan pada sistem tenaga listrik dapat memicu ketidakstabilan frekuensi sistem. Tugas Akhir ini membahas tentang skema pelepasan beban menggunakan rele frekuensi pada sistem tenaga listrik CNOOC SES Ltd. North Business Unit yang mempunyai pembangkit listrik tenaga gas. Metode yang digunakan untuk simulasi transien analisis adalah perangkat lunak ETAP 7.5. Pelepasan beban dapat memulihkan frekuensi dengan cepat dan jumlah beban yang dilepaskan seminimal mungkin. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan seting waktu tunda rele, frekuensi kerja dan besar beban yang dilepaskan. Dari simulasi menggunakan rele frekuensi dapat mencegah penurunan frekuensi dan mengembalikan ke kondisi normal
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