9 research outputs found

    ‘Cookpetition’: Do restaurants coopete to innovate?

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    This article studies the influence of ‘coopetition’, that is, cooperation between competitors, on the innovative behaviour of restaurant firms. The analysis is based on data gathered from a representative survey conducted on Spanish small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the restaurant industry. A binary logistic regression specification is used to test the core hypotheses in the article. The results confirm that coopetition fosters product innovation in restaurant companies. Coopeting restaurants also introduce more process innovations, although this effect is not found to be statistically significant. However, participation in restaurant chains and commercialization networks is found to stimulate process innovation. Likewise, business owners with intrinsic entrepreneurial motivation favour product innovation in their restaurants. Notwithstanding, investments in ICT and in staff training are observed to be the main determinants of product and process innovation in the restaurant industry.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). España ECO2013-42889-

    Bibliometric analysis of worldwide scientific literature in Project Management Techniques and Tools over the past 50 years: 1967-2017

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    The Project Management (PM) is being seen as a core activity in business, science, education or any field in which the realization of a set of interrelated tasks has to be achieve over a fixed period and within certain cost and other limitations. PM aims to apply knowledge, skills and techniques and tools to deploy and implement projects effectively and efficiently. PM is a strategic competency for organizations; the professionals involved in this area of knowledge are seeking to develop a culture of result orientation, of effective decision-making and of collaboration through the use of PM Techniques and Tools. In this respect, bibliometric reviews and analysis are developed to evaluate the performance and evolution of the authors and publications that are directly related to the Techniques and Tools of PM. It can also enable the recognition of new and trustworthy Techniques and Tools relevant to the Project Manager

    Bibliometric network to identify the intellectual structure and evolution of the big data research field

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    Big Data has evolved from being an emerging topic to a growing research area in business, science and education fields. The Big Data concept has a multidimen-sional approach, and it can be defined as a term describing the storage and analy-sis of large and complex data sets using a series of advanced techniques. In this respect, the researches and professionals involved in this area of knowledge are seeking to develop a culture based on data science, analytics and intelligence. To this end, it is clear that there is a need to identify and examine the intellectual structure, current research lines and main trends. In this way, this paper reviews the literature on Big Data evaluating 23,378 articles from 2012 to 2017 and offers a holistic approach of the research area by using SciMAT as a bibliometric and network analysis software. Furthermore, it evaluates the top contributing authors, countries and research themes that are directly related to Big Data. Finally, a sci-ence map is developed to understand the evolution of the intellectual structure and the main research themes related to Big Data

    Intelligence: origin, evolution and trends (Inteligencia: origen, evolución y tendencias)

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    In the knowledge economy era, information has become the main asset of organizations, regardless of their typology. In response to this scenario, organizations have opted for the active application of intelligence models based on knowledge of the cultural, social, political, business and technological environment from a holistic, dynamic and flexible point of view. This has favored the emergence of new approaches to Intelligence, which like the more traditional approaches, seek to collect, analyze, interpret and disseminate high value data and information at the right time for use in decision-making processes. However, this does not mean that organizations should assume that more traditional intelligence strategies continue to be viable, on the contrary, the "new rules of the game" are currently being defined and therefore we face completely radical changes. In this sense, it is necessary to review the origins of the concept of intelligence to capture the essence, analyze its evolution and consider trends, with the aim of rethinking and redesigning the concept of Intelligence from an integrative approach, regardless of the nuance or scope of application that our organizations are using. The idea of having a single framework of Intelligence adapted to the reality of the organizations will bring with it a greater diffusion of this discipline and a series of advantages for the organizations themselves. In order to achieve this, a detailed analysis of all existing publications in the literature is proposed through tools specialized in the treatment of large amounts of information. From this analysis, we will obtain the current picture of the concept of intelligence, its main lines of work and research, as well as short/medium term trends

    La relación entre Inteligencia de Negocio e Inteligencia Competitiva: un análisis retrospectivo y bibliométrico de la literatura de 1959 a 2017

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    Nowadays, organizations are immersed in complex and variable but, above all, intense scenarios, in terms of production, demand and consumption of information. This, consequently, has led organizations to incorporate intelligence approaches into their strategy improving their competitiveness in an agile and flexible way through the definition, collection, analysis, exploitation and dissemination of information. Nevertheless, the complexity of scenarios and the diversity of the organizations themselves make it hard to have a unique intelligence model. This paper analyzes the documents hosted in Scopus from 1959 to 2017 about Business Intelligence and Competitive Intelligence -the most widespread intelligence approaches-, to identify the most representative thematic areas, their relationship, composition and evolution, with the aim of supporting researches and professionals on research, development with an hollistic intelligence approach. To this end, the performance of the main bibliometric indicators was evaluated and scientific maps of both intelligence approaches were produced.Actualmente, las organizaciones se encuentran inmersas en escenarios complejos y variables, pero sobre todo intensos en la producción, demanda y consumo de datos, información y conocimiento. Esto les ha llevado a desarrollar e incorporar modelos de inteligencia que mejoren su competitividad a través de la definición, recopilación, análisis, utilización y diseminación de información. No obstante, la complejidad de los escenarios y la diversidad de las organizaciones hace que no exista un modelo único de inteligencia, siendo la Inteligencia de Negocio e Inteligencia Competitiva los más difundidos y utilizados. En este sentido, este trabajo analiza los documentos disponibles en Scopus desde 1959 hasta 2017 sobre estos modelos, identificando las áreas temáticas más representativas, relaciones y evolución, estableciendo las bases para la integración de estos modelos bajo un mismo marco organizacional. Para ello, se ha evaluado su productividad y elaborado sus mapas científicos a través del uso de técnicas y herramientas bibliométricas

    Intelligence: origin, evolution and trends (Inteligencia: origen, evolución y tendencias)

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    In the knowledge economy era, information has become the main asset of organizations, regardless of their typology. In response to this scenario, organizations have opted for the active application of intelligence models based on knowledge of the cultural, social, political, business and technological environment from a holistic, dynamic and flexible point of view. This has favored the emergence of new approaches to Intelligence, which like the more traditional approaches, seek to collect, analyze, interpret and disseminate high value data and information at the right time for use in decision-making processes. However, this does not mean that organizations should assume that more traditional intelligence strategies continue to be viable, on the contrary, the "new rules of the game" are currently being defined and therefore we face completely radical changes. In this sense, it is necessary to review the origins of the concept of intelligence to capture the essence, analyze its evolution and consider trends, with the aim of rethinking and redesigning the concept of Intelligence from an integrative approach, regardless of the nuance or scope of application that our organizations are using. The idea of having a single framework of Intelligence adapted to the reality of the organizations will bring with it a greater diffusion of this discipline and a series of advantages for the organizations themselves. In order to achieve this, a detailed analysis of all existing publications in the literature is proposed through tools specialized in the treatment of large amounts of information. From this analysis, we will obtain the current picture of the concept of intelligence, its main lines of work and research, as well as short/medium term trends

    AB Beekherstel Beerze Kampina

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    Tijdens het veldwerk in de periode oktober- december 2013 is het uitgraven van het gehele beektracé gedurende 20 veldwerkdagen archeologisch gevolgd. Het totale oppervlak van de begeleide ontgravingen bedraagt circa 2,0 ha en de maximale ontgravingdiepte van de beek bedroeg circa 2,0 m onder maaiveld. Tijdens de uitgraving van de nieuwe loop van de Beerze kon aan de hand van de opgetekende profielen de ontwikkeling van het landschap en de beek tot in detail worden vastgelegd. Daarbij zijn naast natuurlijke sedimenten zoals dekzand en beekafzettingen , vooral ploegsporen en sporen van ontginnings- en perceleringsgreppels uit de Nieuwe Tijd aangetroffen

    The value pump: Introducing a thermodynamic model to assess innovation systems’ performance

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    Econophysics and thermodynamics have not tackled the measurement of innovation performance as to yet. This paper introduces a thermodynamic approach based on heat pump models, and which is applied to assess the performance of innovation systems. This thermodynamic model can be used to assess innovation performance in such levels as the national, regional, sectoral as well as firm related contexts. This model is applied in the case of the United States of Mexico. In particular we focus on the regional dimension, by measuring innovation performance of Mexican regions between 2010 and 2013. Our results reveal that the conclusions achieved with the application of this approach to measuring innovation performance are robust and stable over time.La econofísica y la termodinámica aún no han abordado la medición del rendimiento de la innovación. Este trabajo introduce un enfoque termodinámico basado en modelos de bombas de calor, y que se aplica para evaluar el rendimiento de los sistemas de innovación. Este modelo termodinámico puede ser utilizado para evaluar el desempeño de la innovación en niveles tales como el nacional, regional, sectorial, así como en contextos relacionados con las empresas. Este modelo se aplica en el caso de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. En particular, nos centramos en la dimensión regional, midiendo el desempeño en innovación de las regiones mexicanas entre 2010 y 2013. Nuestros resultados revelan que las conclusiones obtenidas con la aplicación de este enfoque para medir el rendimiento de la innovación son sólidas y estables en el tiempo

    Nijensleek, Polderweg 1 (Gemeente Westerveld) Een bureauonderzoek en een verkennend booronderzoek ArGeoBoor rapport 1406

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    Uit het bureauonderzoek is gebleken dat onder een dunne veenlaag verspoelde dekzandafzettingen aanwezig verwacht kunnen worden met daarop plaatselijk een dunne laag dekzand. In de oostzijde wordt een dekzandkopje verwacht. Het plangebied is reeds vóór 3.850 v. Chr. overgroeid met veen. Uit de periode van vóór de veenbedekking kunnen op dekzandkopjes en langs beeklopen vindplaatsen uit de peridode laat-paleolithicum – laat neolithicum verwacht worden. Na de ontginning in de late middeleeuwen heeft mogelijk tijdelijk bewoning op het veen plaatsgevonden. Als gevolg van het afgraven van het hoogveen zullen eventuele resten hiervan verloren zijn gegaan. Het verkennend booronderzoek heeft geen podzolbodems ter plaatse van het verwachte dekzandkopje aangetoond. Een ter plaatse uitgevoerde oppervlaktekartering heeft geen archeologisch materiaal in de vorm van bewerkt vuursteen opgeleverd. Geconcludeerd wordt dat er in het plangebied geen archeologische resten meer te verwachten zijn. Het wordt aanbevolen om in het plangebied geen archeologisch vervolgonderzoek uit te voeren