39 research outputs found

    Application of a widely-used tropical anti-worm agent, mebendazole, in modern oncology

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    Although clinical trials have not been completed, it has already been confirmed that mebendazole, a well-known anti-parasitic drug widely used in the tropical areas, inhibits cancer cell growth. Preclinical studies show that mebendazole notably impedes the growth of malignant and metastatic tumors such as osteosarcoma and soft tissue sarcoma, melanoma, carcinoma (lung, colorectal, breast, ovarian, hepatocellular and adrenocortical), acute myeloid leukaemia, glioblastoma multiforme andĀ  meduloblastoma. Mebendazole can induce the depolymerization of microtubules in neoplasms and newly formed vasculature, stopping tumor growth and neoangiogenesis, along with other proposed mechanisms of action.Keywords: Anthelmintic, Mebendazole, Cancer treatment, Antimicrotubullar effect, Antineoangiogenesi

    Ultrastrukturna analiza neinstrumentisanih povrŔina u kanalu korena posle različitih irigacionih protokola

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    Introduction During endodontic treatment smaller or larger areas of root canal wall remain non-instrumented. This can affect prognosis of endodontic treatment as some bacteria may be left behind. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the morphology of non-instrumented areas of the root canal wall using scanning-electron-microscopy (SEM) after completed instrumentation and various irrigation regiments. Materials and Methods Eighteen single-rooted extracted teeth were divided into the six groups. One tooth in each group represented a control sample. In all samples only one half of the canal was instrumented using ISO 40 hand files. Control samples were subjected to an irrigation protocols without instrumentation. Irrigants used were physiological saline, 3% sodium hypochlorite and 15% of ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetate. Irrigation protocol included using each of these irrigants alone, or a combination of NaOCl and EDTA, as well as their combination with final irrigation using NaOCl or chlorhexidine. Then after, roots were sectioned longitudinally and prepared for SEM. Results Saline irrigation left pulpal debris on uninstrumented areas of the canal wall. Irrigation with 3% NaOCl left behind canal wall with different forms of calcospherites. However, after EDTA irrigation dentin appeared as an undulating surface with open tubules without a smear layer. The combination of NaOCl and EDTA showed remnants of calcospherites and open slightly widened dentinal tubules. Final irrigation with NaOCl on the uninstrumented areas showed enlarged dentinal tubules along with dentinal erosion, while after final irrigation with CHX clean dentin and open dentinal tubules without smear layer were noted. Conclusion From the morphological point of view, the most favorable effect of irrigation on both uninstrumented and uninstrumented canal walls was achieved after irrigation with NaOCl and EDTA or NaOCl, EDTA and chlorhexidine as the final irrigant.Uvod Tokom endodontske terapije manje ili veće povrÅ”ine kanala korena zuba ostaju neinstrumentisane i mogu sadržavati bakterije, Å”to može dovesti do neuspeÅ”nog ishoda. Cilj rada je bio da se skening-elekron-mikroskopskom (SEM) analizom proceni morfologija neistrumentisanih delova zidova kanala posle instrumentacije i primene različitih irigacionih protokola. Materijal i metode rada Osamnaest jednokorenih ekstrahovanih zuba je podeljeno u Å”est grupa. Jedan zub iz svake grupe je predstavljao kontrolni uzorak. Eksperimentalni uzorci su preparisani do instrumenta veličine ISO40. Kod svakog zuba je instrumentisana samo jedna polovina kanala. Kontrolni uzorci su podvrgnuti samo irigacionim protokolima bez preparacije. Osim fizioloÅ”kog rastvora, 3% natrijum-hipohlorita i 15% etilen-diamin-tetra-acetata, koji su primenjeni samostalno, eksperimentalni uzorci su irigirani i sa kombinacijom NaOCl i EDTA, kao i sa kombinacijom istih iriganasa, pri čemu je kao zavrÅ”ni irigans koriŔćen ili NaOCl ili hlorheksidin. Korenovi su uzdužno presečeni i pripremljeni za SEM. Rezultati Posle irigacije sa fizioloÅ”kim rastvorom u neinstrumentisanim delovima kanala uočen je dentin pokriven debrisom, posle irigacije sa NaOCl dentin sa različitim oblicima kalcisferita. Posle irigacije sa EDTA uočena je talasasta povrÅ”ina dentinskog zida sa otvorenim tubulima bez razmaznog sloja. Irigacija kombinacijom NaOCl i EDTA je pokazala ostatke kalcisferita i otvorene, blago proÅ”irene dentinske tubule. ZavrÅ”no ispiranje sa NaOCl na neinstrumentisanim delovima dentina pokazuje proÅ”irene dentinske tubule i eroziju dentina, a zavrÅ”no ispiranje sa CHX čist dentin i otvorene dentinske tubule bez razmaznog sloja. Zaključak Sa morfoloÅ”kog aspekta, najpovoljniji efekat irigacije (i kod instrumentisanih i kod neinstrumentisanih delova kanala) ustanovljen je posle irigacionih protokola sa: NaOCl i EDTA i NaOCl, EDTA i hlorheksidinom kao zavrÅ”nim irigansom

    Contribution of Osmotically Dehydrated Wild Garlic on Biscuits' Quality Parameters

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    Wild garlic generally improves strengths and regenerates the body and also helps in the treatment of various diseases. In this study the contribution of wild garlic osmotic dehydration process in sugar beet molasses on biscuits' quality parameters is investigated. Presented results showed that addition of osmotically dehydrated wild garlic in molasses impoved textural characteristics of biscuits by lowering hardness and increasing fracturability and also changed colour characteristics of biscuits. Chemical composition of biscuits with added osmotically dehydrated wild garlic was improved in comparison to the biscuits with added fresh wild garlic, where proteins, total sugars, celulose and ash compositions were increased in amounts of 1.86, 3.2, 15.8 and 5.76 % respectively. Addition of osmodehydrated wild garlic had provided higher Zn, Cu and Fe biscuits' content in comparison to the addition of fresh wild garlic, in amounts of 2.75, 15.33 and 15.84 % respectively. Developed mathematical models of biscuits quality parameters were statistically significant, while predicted and observed responses corresponded very well. In effort of obtaining new types of products, new application of known ingredients was proposed, allowing incorporation of sugar beet molasses' rich nutrient content in wheat products formulation

    The effect of zinc oxide based sealer on bone defects healing

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    Introduction Obturation as the final phase of endodontic treatment aims to provide complete hermetic filling along the entire length of the canal system from the coronal opening to the apical end. The aim of this study was to evaluate histological response of bone tissue on the implantation of zinc oxide based material in artificially prepared defect in the mandible of rats. Material and method For the experiment, sixteen male Wistar rats were used. Using sterile steel burs a defect was made in mandible, between the midline and mental foramen. Zinc oxide based sealer was implanted in the defects of experimental group while the defects of control group healed spontaneously. One half of animals in both groups were sacrificed after thirty days, and the second half after ninety days. Microscopic preparations consisted of the defect with surrounding bone and after processing were analyzed using light microscopy. Results The thirtieth day after implantation of the material, fibrovascular connective tissue was noted, with scant chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate. Away from the experimentally made defect, in the depth of the bone, lamellar bone with well-formed larger osteons was noted as well as enlarged Volkmann and Haversian canals. Ninety days after implantation of the material, there was no restitutio ad integrum, but intense focal remodelling of bone tissue was noted. Conclusion Endomethasone N slowed down bone tissue healing process by showing the signs of prolonged inflammation in bone tissue in which it has been implanted. Extension of the healing process is reflected in the slow replacement of fibrovascular connective tissue with newly formed bone tissue

    Upotreba komorača u organskoj poljoprivredi

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    Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) originated from Mediterranean area. His apĀ­pearance is very similar to dill, but unlike it has a sweet taste and odor similar to anise. Fennel has two varieties: var. vulgare also called bitter, and var. dulce or sweet fennel. In organic farming has a much greater significance var. vulgare, which is a perennial species that are grown for fruit. The essential oil of the fruit has antifungal, virostatic, insecticidal and nematicidal properties, and is therefore very suitable for the synthesis of potential biopesticides that could have wide application in organic agriculture. Fennel in flowering produces large quantities of pollen and nectar, so it attracts a large number of beneficial insects for which it is often used for joint planting with other plants, but also as a buffer in organic agriculture. This plant has long been known as a healing, both in human medicine and in veterinary medicine and animal nutrition. Mainly used as a natural antibiotic and stimulator of growth, particularly in poultry, but has great significance in beekeeping, fish and sheep breeding.Komorač (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) potiče iz Sredozemlja. Izgled mu je veoĀ­ma sličan mirođiji, ali za razliku od nje ima sladak ukus i miris sličan anisu. Komorač ima dva varijeteta: var. vulgare koji se joÅ” naziva gorki, i var. dulce ili slatki komorač. Za organsku poljoprivredu mnogo veći značaj ima var. vulgare, koji je viÅ”egodiÅ”nja vrsta koja se gaji zbog plodova. Etarsko ulje plodova poseduje antifungalne, virostatičke, insekticidne i nematocidne osobine, te je stoga veoma pogodano za sintezu potencijalnih biopesticida koji bi mogli da imaju Å”iroku primenu u organskoj poljoprivredi. Komorač u cvetanju produkuje veliku količinu polena i nektara, pa privlači veliki broj korisnih insekata, zbog čega se često koĀ­risti za združenu setvu sa drugim biljkama, ali i kao zaÅ”titni pojas u organskoj poljoprivredi. Ova biljka je od davnina poznata i kao lekovita, kako u humanoj medicini, tako i u veterini i ishrani domaćih životinja. Uglavnom se koristi kao prirodni antibiotik i stimulator rasta, posebno u živinarstvu, ali ima veliki značaj i u pčelarstvu, ribarstvu i ovčarstvu

    Ultrastrukturna analiza povrŔine endodontskih instrumenata nakon potapanja u rastvore za irigaciju

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    Introduction Separation (fracture) of endodontic instruments in the root canal during chemomechanical instrumentation is a complication that can compromise the final outcome of endodontic treatment. One of the most common factors that cause fatigue of endodontic instruments and consequent fracture is surface corrosion. The aim of this study was to investigate the ultrastructure of surface corrosion of endodontic instruments made of stainless steel and nickel-titanium after immersion in the most commonly used root canal irrigants. Material and Methods The study included 48 nickel-titanium and stainless steel endodontic hand files. All instruments were immersed in 5.25% sodium hypochlorite, 0.2% CHX and 17% EDTA. Surface corrosion was analyzed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Results Nickel-titanium instruments showed significantly higher susceptibility to corrosion after immersion in 5.25% sodium hypochlorite compared to stainless steel instruments (p lt 0,001). After immersion in 0.2% CHX corrosion damage was observed on both nickel-titanium and stainless steel instruments but the difference was not statistically significant (p=0.096). No corrosion was observed in both types of instruments after immersion in 17% EDTA. Conclusion The use of 5.25% NaOCl and 0.2% CHX as root canal irrigating solutions can cause serious corrosion changes on the surface of nickel-titanium and stainless steel endodontic instruments.Uvod Fraktura endodontskih instrumenata u kanalu korena tokom hemomehaničke preparacije je značajna komplikacija koja može ugroziti konačan ishod endodontskog lečenja. Jedan od važnih faktora koji izazivaju zamor materijala endodontskog instrumenta je povrÅ”inska korozija. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita ultrastruktura povrÅ”ine endodontskih instrumenata od nerđajućeg čelika i nikl-titanijuma nakon potapanja u najčeŔće upotrebljavane rastvore za irigaciju kanala korena zuba. Materijal i metode rada U istraživanju je koriŔćeno 48 instrumenata od nikl-titanijuma i nerđajućeg čelika. Testiranje osetljivosti na koroziju je izvrÅ”eno potapanjem u rastvore NaOCl od 5,25%, CHX od 0,2% i EDTA od 17%. Analiza korozivnih oÅ”tećenja je urađena pomoću skening elektronskog mikroskopa (SEM) na različitim uveličanjima. Rezultati Instrumenti od nikl-titanijuma su pokazali statistički značajno veću osetljivost na koroziju nakon potapanja u 5,25% NaOCl u poređenju sa instrumentima od nerđajućeg čelika (p lt 0,001). Nakon potapanja u 0,2% CHX uočeno je korozivno oÅ”tećenje instrumenata od nikl-titanijuma i nerđajućeg čelika, ali razlika nije bila statistički značajna. Korozija nakon potapanja u 17% EDTA nije uočena ni kod jedne vrste endodontskih instrumenata. Zaključak Primena 5,25% NaOCl i 0,2% CHX kao rastvora za irigaciju kanala korena može izazvati ozbiljne korozivne promene na povrÅ”ini instrumenata od nikl-titanijuma i nerđajućeg čelika

    Prevalence of Human Cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr Virus in Chronic Periapical Lesions

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in the tissue of chronic periapical lesions, and to compare the results in relation to the symptoms of patients and the size of the lesion. Methods: Periapical lesions analyzed in the study were collected from the roots of the teeth indicated for extraction. Samples were divided according to the symptoms into groups of symptomatic and asymptomatic, and according the size into groups of small and large lesions. Polymerase chain reaction was used to detect HCMV and EBV. The amplification was performed in a DNA Thermal Cycler (Hybaid). Results: Symptomatic lesions were 7.68 times more likely to be infected with HCMV than asymptomatic lesions (p lt 0.001). Large symptomatic lesions were 73.50 times more likely to harbor HCMV than small symptomatic lesions (p lt 0.001). Large symptomatic lesions were 7.64 times more likely to be infected with EBV than small symptomatic lesions (p = 0.05). Large symptomatic lesions were 5.38 times more likely to harbor dual HCMV/EBV infection than small symptomatic lesions (p = 0.115). Conclusion: Detection of HCMV and EBV in the samples of periapical lesions suggests an important role of herpesviruses in periapical tissue destruction

    Job satisfaction in the conventionally employed and teleworkers: The impact of gender, age and education

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    This paper examines and analyses the differences in job satisfaction among the conventionally employed and teleworkers. Differences were examined for three control variables: gender, age and education of the respondents. The research was conducted in West Balkan countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia), and included 313 respondents (conventionally employed and teleworkers). Teleworkers are more satisfied than conventionally employed. This is most evident through satisfaction with all forms of compensation, procedures and associates. Job satisfaction is higher in men, both those who work conventionally and who telework. Men are significantly more appreciative of opportunities for advancement, as well as achieving additional benefits and rewards. Younger respondents have greater job satisfaction than older respondents, but this only applies to the conventionally employed. There are no differences in job satisfaction among teleworkers in terms of dependence on age. Job satisfaction does not depend on the respondents' level of education of, and this applies to both conventionally employed and teleworkers. Companies that apply telework evaluate the results of their employees' work and the contribution they provide to the company more objectively, and accordingly, they reward and promote employees adequately. Thus, all age groups and educational categories of employees see their chance in teleworking conditions

    Utjecaj eteričnog ulja bijeloga pelina (Artemisia absinthium) na antioksidativni status tovnih pilića invadiranih oocistama Eimeria spp.

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of Artemisia absinthium essential oil (AAEO) on the enzymatic activity of superoxide-dismutase (SOD), glutathione-peroxidase (GSHPx), glutathione-reductase (GR), peroxidase (POD) and xanthine-oxidase (XOD) and the content of lipid peroxides (LPx) and glutathione (GSH) in broilers infected with an oocyst mixture of Eimeria tenella, Eimeria mitis and Eimeria necatrix, compared to coccidicide salinomycine. The investigation was carried out on 240 Arbour acres broilers of both sexes. Broilers were distributed completely randomly into four treatment groups: treatment group A was uninfected and untreated; treatment group B was infected and kept untreated; treatment group C preventively received coccidicide salinomycine in a dose of 60 mg/kg of feed and inoculated with an oocyst mixture on the 21st day-of-age; treatment group D received AAEO in their feed in a dose of 3 g/kg and were infected with the oocyst mixture on the 21st day of age. During the study, bloody diarrhoea was observed from the 3rd to 9th day after the challenge. After six days of infection, the most intensive bloody diarrhoea was noticed in the un-medicated treatment group. In order to evaluate the effects of essential oil on poultry coccidiosis induced by Eimeria spp., oocysts per gram of faeces (OPG) were also investigated in all treatment groups. During the experiment, the oocyst output and mortality rate were significantly lower (P<0.05) in the AAEO treatment group (D2) in comparison to the positive control (B), while significant excretion of oocysts was noticed in the faeces of non-treated broilers infected with Eimeria spp. The broilers treated with salinomycin (C2) showed complete reduction of oocysts in their faeces at 30 days of age. The results obtained in this study indicate changes in the content and the activity of the non-enzymatic and enzymatic antioxidative protective systems in blood hemolysates of infected chickens. The positive preventive effects of AAEO, applied in a concentration of 3g/kg of feed, were high on the antioxidative system of erythrocytes. On the basis of the obtained results, it was concluded that AAEO was effective in lowering the intensity of bloody diarrhoea, as well in reducing the oocyst output of the preventively treated and infected broilers; hence it may be used as a prophylactic feed additive. Moreover, AAEO showed an important role in the activation of antioxidative protection systems in infected broilers, which is of great interest since free radicals and lipid peroxides, formed as a result of lower food intake and exhaustion of the organism induced by diarrhoea, could cause cellular membrane damage.U radu je istražen utjecaj eteričnog ulja bijeloga pelina (Artemisia absinthium) (AAEO) na enzimsku aktivnost superoksid dismutaze (SOD), glutation peroksidaze (GSHPx), glutation reduktaze (GR), peroksidaze (POD) i ksantin-oksidaze (XOD), kao i sadržaj lipidnih peroksida (LPx) i glutationa (GSH) u tovnim pilićima inficiranim smjesom oocista Eimeria tenella, Eimeria mitis i Eimeria necatrix u odnosu na kokcidiostatik salinomicin. Istraživanje in vivo provedeno je na 240 pilića Arbor acres, oba spola. Pilići su bili podijeljeni u četiri skupine. Skupina A je bila neinficirana i netretirana (negativna kontrola). Skupina B je bila inficirana i netretirana (pozitivna kontrola). Skupina C je preventivno dobivala kokcidiostatik salinomicin u količini od 60 mg/kg hrane te je bila inokulirana kokcidijama 21. dana starosti. Skupina D je u hrani dobivala AAEO u količini 3 g/kg te je 21. dana starosti bila inficirana mjeÅ”avinom oocisti Eimeria sp. Tijekom istraživanja krvava dijareja javljala se od 3. do 9. dana nakon infekcije. Å est dana nakon inficiranja, najintezivnija krvava dijareja zapažena je u netretiranih pilića. U cilju procjene djelovanja eteričnog ulja bijeloga pelina na kokcidiozu kod peradi izazvanu Eimeria oocistama, broj oocista po gramu fecesa (OPG) također je bio istražen u svim skupinama. Tijekom pokusa utvrđeno je da je broj oocista i razina smrtnosti bila znatno niža (P<0,05) u AAEO skupini (D2) u usporedbi s pozitivnom kontrolom (B), dok je značajno izlučivanje oocista uočeno u fecesu pilića koji nisu bili tretirani. Pilići koji su dobivali salinomicin (C2) pokazali su potpunu redukciju oocista u fecesu 30. dana starosti. Rezultati dobiveni u ovoj studiji pokazali su promjene u sadržaju i aktivnosti neenzimskih i enzimskih sustava zaÅ”tite u krvi inficiranih tovnih pilića. Zapaženi su pozitivni učinci preventivne primjene AAEO u koncentraciji 3 g/kg hrane na antioksidativni sustav eritrocita. Na osnovi dobivenih rezultata zaključeno je da je eterično ulje Artemisia absinthium vrlo učinkovito u smanjenju jačine krvavog proljeva kao i u smanjenju broja oocista u pilića koji su preventivno tretirani s AAEO. Stoga se može zaključiti da eterično ulje bijeloga pelina može biti davano kao profilaktički dodatak hrani za životinje. Također, AAEO ima pozitivan utjecaj na aktiviranje antioksidativnog sustava zaÅ”tite u krvi pilića, Å”to je vrlo značajno s obzirom na to da slobodni radikali i lipidni peroksidi, koji nastaju kao rezultat manjeg unosa hrane i iscrpljenosti organizma uzrokovanog dijarejom, mogu izazvati oÅ”tećenje stanične membrane