43 research outputs found

    Modeling of bioenergy impact on food security of EU countries

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    Ensuring the energy and food independence of each state will not only remain important but that its importance will continue to grow given the constant need for the state to properly guarantee the basic needs of the population. However, the rapid development of bioenergy is a potential precondition for the fuel and food conflict over agricultural raw materials. The article examines the relationship between food safety indices and the overall share of energy from renewable sources and bioenergy production in 13 European countries. The main factors characterizing the food security of these countries for the period from 2012 to 2018 are identified. Statistical methods of correlation analysis are used to determine the links between the outlined factors. It is studied that in most countries the prosperity of the bioenergy sector of agricultural enterprises does not affect the main indices of food security. In 5 countries (Poland, Germany, Norway, Spain, the Czech Republic) correlations were found, but for the most part, they are direct. It means that large values of one variable are associated with large values of the other, in other words with increasing the share of bioenergy production and overall share of energy from renewable sources, food safety indices also increase

    Forming the Territorial Communities' Local Budgets in Ukraine Under Decentralization: Current Condition and Management Tas

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    The budgetary capacity with the tax component as its key aspect is the basis for forming local budgets of a territorial community. The paper outlines the methods for diagnostics of the budgetary capacity of territorial communities by revenues aimed at providing a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative assessment of the status, strengths, and weaknesses of the economy of an administrative-territorial unit and determining the place and role of the local budget in ensuring the socio-economic development of the territory. The main objectives of the suggested methods are to analyze local budget revenues, identify sources and patterns of their formation, study the structure of own revenues of community budgets, justify the dependence of the characteristics of local budgets forming in territorial communities on the level of their socio-economic development and management features. As a result of the conducted research, the problems of filling local budgets were identified, and directions of budgetary capacity increase were substantiated

    Manifestation’s Minimization of Social Exclusion In Ukraine Based on Overcoming Dysfunctionality of the Socio-Economic Systems Regulation

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    Achievement of balanced development of socio-economic systems of different levels lies in the plane of effective regulation of processes arising as a result of the action of various factors associated with negative phenomena of both an economic and social nature. Ensuring effective regulatory influence on the part of state and regional authorities is a guarantee of sustainable socio-economic development of the state and its regions, reducing interregional disparities, increasing the investment attractiveness of territories, preventing complications on a political, economic, and interethnic basis. This, in turn, is the basis of national state policy, as well as regional policy as its integral component. The modern dynamism of socio-economic development poses new challenges to the state due to the need to counteract the negative effects of the incessant transformations. We consider the strengthening of inequality and processes of social polarization caused by changes in the social structure of society to be the most striking of them. These changes have resulted today in the spread of such a negative social phenomenon as social exclusion. The problem of social exclusion in Ukraine and its regions is primarily related to the dysfunctionality of the processes of regulation of the main spheres of ensuring citizens' livelihoods, in particular, the spheres of employment, wages, social guarantees and the availability of social services. In addition, the significant risk for individuals to fall into the category of socially excluded today is caused by the presence of other destabilizing factors of an economic nature. These factors include the presence of significant imbalances in the labor market, in particular, a high level of unemployment and a reduction in the number of jobs, a significant level of poverty, including among the working population, the risk of not getting a job in accordance with the acquired qualification level and other factors that are especially threatening for the preservation and development of the human potential of the state

    Promotions and Team Building for Marketing Campaigns

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    The article analyzes in detail the main aspects of promotional marketing in team building. Team building is very important for marketing campaigns as it allows for the efficient completion of tasks and the achievement of set goals. The main purpose of the article is based on the evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing communications using the Yule model and the creation of a framework for the business modeling of the brand, since having a ready-made business model structure, one can describe the cost structure, which will reflect the key actions and all resources for investment in brand development. The article summarizes the main advantages and disadvantages of promotions and highlights the main consequences of the war for Ukrainian brands. The main reason for team building is that marketing campaigns usually require work with different specialists such as marketers, designers, copywriters, analysts, etc. Therefore, project teams secure necessary communication and coordination between project participants to avoid misunderstandings and ensure the successful implementation of the project. Moreover, project teams can secure efficient management of resources such as time, budget, and other resources. This is especially important for marketing campaigns since they often have limited resources and shorter deadlines. Each team member contributes and performs specific tasks to achieve the campaign goal. Team building is an essential element in the successful implementation of marketing campaigns. It allows for efficient communication and coordination among project participants, resource management, and the achievement of successful results. Effective promotions can provide a company with a competitive advantage. This article discusses the main types of promotions, such as advertising, discounts, gifts, contests, loyalty, etc. An important aspect is choosing the right type of promotion depending on the target audience and the company's marketing goals. The criteria for team building, including the abilities and skills of the participants, leadership, communication, and collaboration, are also considered. The concept of business management implies that the company's management should constantly work to improve business processes, optimize the use of resources, and efficiently utilize personnel. In addition, business management includes the development and implementation of the company's development strategy, as well as control over its financial results

    Content Component of the Educational Process as a Competitive Advantage of Ukrainian

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    The research aims to outline strategic directions of the competitive policy of education development in Ukraine considering the content component of the educational process. The conceptual foundations of administrative mechanisms application in education, taking into account new challenges for the educational system, are characterized. The practical nature of the educational process is substantiated and the main features disclosing it are emphasized (longevity, cyclicality, and components as determinants of its content). The components of the educational process are mapped and explained for all levels of education. The article determines various criteria of public governance applied to secure the competitiveness of educational establishments. The nature of competencies-personnel synergy of educational process improvement in terms of motivation is mapped. The main parameters in education are analyzed, namely, the dynamics of average monthly wages in education are defined. The priorities of educational process improvement in educational establishments of Ukraine are determined

    Economic Aspects of Final Energy Consumption in Ukraine: Prospects of Implementation of the Positive Experience of the European Union

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    The lack of a proper system for the use of energy resources is a nationwide problem in Ukraine. Payment for the consumed services for energy carriers mainly formed according to “consumption rates”, which can significantly ex-ceed the actually received amount of services and leads to an unjustified in-crease in the cost of energy resources. All this requires a search for new tools to stimulate energy intensity, effective accounting of the total volume of ener-gy consumption and the introduction of the best foreign experience in the field of energy saving in Ukraine. The analysis of energy consumption in the coun-try made it possible to identify the existing problems that subsist in the energy sphere today and provided an opportunity to propose ways to eliminate imbal-ances. The proposed methodology makes it possible to build models for estab-lishing the relationship between energy intensity and final energy consump-tion in Ukraine. Evaluation of foreign European experience makes it possible to implement the most necessary reforms and measures in domestic practice to improve the sphere of energy consumption

    Innovative Approaches to Determining the Monopolitisation Level of Regional Primary Residential Real Estate Markets of Ukraine

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    In general terms, real estate market is a constituent of national econ-omy, embodying a lion's share of the world’s total wealth, and its stable func-tioning is one of the most complex market processes occurring in any state. Ukraine is currently experiencing the stage of forming a market system includ-ing the market of primary residential real estate. Due to constant demand for residential real estate, rather insufficient solvency of the population, and the disproportionality of certain regional primary residential real estate markets (RPRREM) development, the question of regional real estate markets’ competi-tiveness and their monopolisation level are extremely significant today. For the purpose of this in-depth study, a large number of statistical, administrative, governmental, and scientific sources elaborated by leading scientists in Ukraine and abroad were processed in order to determine the state of primary real estate market in the regions of the country. A number of measuring instruments for the monopolisation level (concentration) of regional primary residential real es-tate markets (RPRREM) were employed: the market concentration factor; the Herfindahl–Hirschman index; dispersion of market shares; entropy of market shares; the Gini index. The results of the study indicate that methodological ap-proaches were generalised by the authors, as well as specific tools and methods of scientific knowledge, which, in turn, were introduced into a unified model of research with further definition of the monopolisation level of regional primary residential real estate markets (RPRREM) of Ukraine

    Decentralization of local self-government under the conditions of administrative-territorial reform in Ukraine

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    The essence of administrative and territorial reform and decentralization reform in Ukraine is to move away from a centralized model of government in the state, ensure the ability of local self-government and build an effective system of territorial power organization in Ukraine based on the principles of subsidiarity, omnipresence and financial self-sufficiency of local self-government. The purpose of the article is to identify areas for improving the effectiveness of the administrative-territorial reform in Ukraine based on assessing the results of its financial decentralization component. Peculiarities of changing the territorial basis of local self-government in Ukraine investigate the necessity of moving from a voluntary amalgamation of territorial communities to the stage of their formation according to clearly defined criteria and providing opportunities for the development of such communities in the future. It focuses on the need to consolidate areas and change the system of interaction of the subregional level with the amalgamated territorial communities at a basic level

    Current issues of security management during martial law

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    The authors of the book have come to the conclusion that toensuring the country’s security in the conditions of military aggression, it is necessary to use the mechanisms of protection of territories and population, support of economic entities, international legal levers of influence on the aggressor country. Basic research focuses on assessment the resource potential of enterprises during martial law, the analysis of migration flows in the middle of the country and abroad, the volume of food exports, marketing and logistics system. The research results have been implemented in the different decision-making models during martial law, information and economic security management, formation of personnel potential and assets of enterprises, food, energy and environmental security management, use of budgetary levers and financial instruments. The results of the study can be used in the developing of directions, programs and strategies for the post-war recovery of Ukraine’s economy and the attraction of foreign investments in the regions, decision-making at the level of ministries and agencies that regulate security management processes. The results can also be used by students and young scientists in the educational process and conducting scientific research on the problems of ensuring the country’s security


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    Subject and purpose of work: The main purpose of the article is to assess the functioning of the domestic market for consumer products and to characterise its development. Trends in the development of the domestic consumer goods market are analysed in the following areas: consumption of main product groups; food supply through consumption funds; agricultural production in the context of crop and livestock production; the ratio of exports to imports of agricultural and food products; and economic accessibility of the population to foodstuffs. The paper also analyses the problems of developing trade infrastructure facilities. Materials and methods: The methods of scientific abstraction, systemic, structural and functional, synergetic approaches was statistical and comparative analysis to assess the state of development of the domestic market for consumer goods and the determinants of regulation of the internal consumer market were implemented. The open resources of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine were the main sources of data. Results: I t h as b een p roved t hat t rade i nfrastructure c urrently p lays a n i mportant r ole a t t he p resent stage of development of the internal market for consumer goods in Ukraine. Certain trends are primarily due to the reduction in the total number of markets as a result of prohibition of informal markets, where food products were mainly traded, as well as the active development of supermarket chains, which today occupies an important place in the trade infrastructure. Conclusions: The analysis revealed insufficient levels of actual and projected consumption of most basic types of food, compared to the recommended norms