458 research outputs found

    Theoretical and methodological grounds for the modernization of the tax administration system

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    The article stands for the theoretical underpinning of economic grounds of tax system and its building on the basis of social- and business-oriented socioeconomic features. Authors proved the need for tax process management that represent the features of government-society-taxpayer relations with taxpayer’s leading role as macroeconomic tool for economic regulation process as well as providing the sustainable and balanced economic growth and innovative modernization of Russian economy.peer-reviewe


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    В настоящей статье рассматривается проблема, заключающаяся в необходимости разработки системы управления качеством сварочных процессов с различным технологическим циклом.This article discusses the problem of the need to develop a quality management system for welding processes with different technological cycles

    Dilatometric Research of Cr–Ni–Mo Steels during Isothermal Treatment

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    В проведенной работе дилатометрическим методом были исследованы Cr-Ni-Mo сталь исходного состава, а также стали с добавлением алюминия и кремния. Определены структура сталей в ходе изотермической обработки, а также влияние на структуру алюминия и кремния.In this work, Cr–Ni–Mo steel of the initial composition and alloyed with aluminum and silicon were investigated by the dilatometric method. The structure of steels during isothermal treatment, as well as the effect on the structure of aluminum and silicon, have been determined


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    Changes of phase composition of steels during isothermal quenching were investigated by means of high.temperature X.ray diffraction analysis. The mechanical properties and structure of the steel after such processing were determined.В работе методом высокотемпературного рентгеноструктурного анализа проведено исследование изменения фазового состава сталей в процессе изотермической закалки. Определены механические свойства и структура сталей после такой обработки

    Эндометриоз под маской рака мочевого пузыря (обзор литературы и описание трех собственных наблюдений)

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    The authors consider the prevalence, etiology, pathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and surgical treatment of bladder endometriosis on the basis of 3 own cases and an analysis of 384 cases described in world literature. It has been established that endometriosis may mimic bladder carcinoma. The detection of the cyclic pattern of gross hematuria and other symptoms (during menstruation) and that of the characteristic type of tumorous endrometrioid mass at cystoscopy performed during or just prior to menstruation are of key importance for the differential diagnosis of endometriosis and carcinoma. Indications for open resection of the bladder, transurethral resection, and minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery are determined.Рассмотрены распространенность, этиология, патогенез, симптоматика, диагностика, дифференциальная диагностика и оперативное лечение эндометриоза мочевого пузыря на основе 3 собственных наблюдений и анализа 384 случаев, описанных в мировой литературе. Установлено, что эндометриоз нередко может протекать под маской рака мочевого пузыря. В дифференциальной диагностике эндометриоза от рака главное значение имеют выявление циклического характера макрогематурии и других симптомов (сопутствующих менструации), обнаружение характерных признаков опухолевидного эндометриоидного образования при цистоскопии, выполненной во время менструации или непосредственно перед ней. Определены показания к открытой резекции мочевого пузыря, ТУР и мини-инвазивной лапароскопической операции

    Ferroelectric nanostructure having switchable multi-stable vortex states

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    A ferroelectric nanostructure formed as a low dimensional nanoscale ferroelectric material having at least one vortex ring of polarization generating an ordered toroid moment switchable between multi-stable states. A stress-free ferroelectric nanodot under open-circuit-like electrical boundary conditions maintains such a vortex structure for their local dipoles when subject to a transverse inhomogeneous static electric field controlling the direction of the macroscopic toroidal moment. Stress is also capable of controlling the vortex\u27s chirality because of the electromechanical coupling that exists in ferroelectric nanodots

    MIGHTEE-HI: The relation between the HI gas in galaxies and the cosmic web

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    We study the 3D axis of rotation (3D spin) of 77 HI galaxies from the MIGHTEE-HI Early Science observations, and its relation to the filaments of the cosmic web. For this HI-selected sample, the alignment between the spin axis and the closest filament (cosψ\lvert \cos \psi \rvert) is higher for galaxies closer to the filaments, with cosψ=0.66±0.04\langle\lvert \cos \psi \rvert\rangle= 0.66 \pm 0.04 for galaxies <5<5 Mpc from their closest filament compared to cosψ=0.37±0.08\langle\lvert \cos \psi \rvert\rangle= 0.37 \pm 0.08 for galaxies at 5<d<105 < d <10 Mpc. We find that galaxies with a low HI-to-stellar mass ratio (log10(MHI/M)<0.11\log_{10}(M_{\rm HI}/M_{\star}) < 0.11) are more aligned with their closest filaments, with cosψ=0.58±0.04\langle\lvert \cos \psi \rvert\rangle= 0.58 \pm 0.04; whilst galaxies with (log10(MHI/M)>0.11\log_{10}(M_{\rm HI}/M_{\star}) > 0.11) tend to be mis-aligned, with cosψ=0.44±0.04\langle\lvert \cos \psi \rvert\rangle= 0.44 \pm 0.04. We find tentative evidence that the spin axis of HI-selected galaxies tend to be aligned with associated filaments (d<10d<10 Mpc), but this depends on the gas fractions. Galaxies that have accumulated more stellar mass compared to their gas mass tend towards stronger alignment. Our results suggest that those galaxies that have accrued high gas fraction with respect to their stellar mass may have had their spin axis alignment with the filament disrupted by a recent gas-rich merger, whereas the spin vector for those galaxies in which the neutral gas has not been strongly replenished through a recent merger tend to orientate towards alignment with the filament. We also investigate the spin transition between galaxies with a high HI content and a low HI content at a threshold of MHI109.5MM_{\mathrm{HI}}\approx 10^{9.5} M_{\odot} found in simulations, however we find no evidence for such a transition with the current data.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Atomistic simulations of self-trapped exciton formation in silicon nanostructures: The transition from quantum dots to nanowires

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    Using an approximate time-dependent density functional theory method, we calculate the absorption and luminescence spectra for hydrogen passivated silicon nanoscale structures with large aspect ratio. The effect of electron confinement in axial and radial directions is systematically investigated. Excited state relaxation leads to significant Stokes shifts for short nanorods with lengths less than 2 nm, but has little effect on the luminescence intensity. The formation of self-trapped excitons is likewise observed for short nanostructures only; longer wires exhibit fully delocalized excitons with neglible geometrical distortion at the excited state minimum.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Assessment of the dependence of changes in the anteroposterior eye size of patients using orthokeratological lenses on age

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    The purpose of the study was to assess the dependence of the change in the anteroposterior eye size of patients using ocular lenses on age.Цель исследования – оценка зависимости изменения преднезаднего размера глаза пациентов, использующих ОК-линзы от возраста

    A comparison of the cost of replacement in the clinics of Moscow and payments of disability pension

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    This article discusses the statistics on the number of people in Russian Federation with varying degrees of disability, the cost of payments in the country to this group of citizens, as well as the cost of the procedure of arthroplasty in some clinics in Moscow.В статье рассмотрена статистика по количеству людей в России с различной степенью инвалидности, стоимость выплат в стране данной категории граждан, а сопоставление пенсии и стоимости процедуры эндопротезирования в некоторых клиниках Москвы