22 research outputs found

    La Maquinària agrícola J. Trepat i el seu protagonisme en la història de la mecanització agrària

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    La marca J. Trepat de maquinària agrícola tingué una gran importància des del primer terç del segle xx fins a les darreries de l'últim terç del segle xx pel seu protagonisme en la mecanització de les tasques agrícoles, fins llavors realitzades majoritàriament de forma manual. La màquina més emblemàtica d'aquesta indústria fou la garbelladora, completament adaptada a les especificitats de l'agricultura catalana i als requeriments dels pagesos.La marca J. Trepat de maquinaria agrícola tuvo una gran importancia desde el primer tercio del siglo xx hasta finales del último tercio del siglo xx por su protagonismo en la mecanización de las tareas agrícolas, hasta entonces realizadas mayoritariamente de forma manual. La máquina más emblemática de esta industria fue la agavilladora, completamente adaptada a las especificidades de la agricultura catalana y a los requerimientos de los campesinos

    Minimally invasive bone grafting of simple cyst of the femoral head in femoroacetabular impingement

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    Femoral head and neck cysts are a common finding among patients with femoroacetabular impingement. However, their exact role in this pathology has not been yet clarified. We report herein the case of a 45-year-old male presenting with femoroacetabular impingement in which the treatment of a femoral simple bone cyst resolved the symptomatology

    Patients with rheumatoid arthritis in clinical remission and ultrasound-defined active synovitis exhibit higher disease activity and increased serum levels of angiogenic biomarkers.

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    INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to identify and characterize subclinical synovitis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in clinical remission using power Doppler ultrasound (PDUS) and serum levels of biomarkers of inflammation and/or angiogenesis. METHODS: We selected patients with RA in clinical remission defined as a Disease activity score of 28 joints (DAS28)-erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) <2.6 for more than six months tested by two independent rheumatologists. Clinical, epidemiological, demographic and serological data were analyzed. PDUS of knees and hands was performed by a sonographer. Synovial hypertrophy (SH) and PDUS signal were scored (grades 0 to 3). SH ≥2 and a PDUS signal was classified as active synovitis. Serum levels of biomarkers of inflammation/angiogenesis were determined by Quantibody Human Array. RESULTS: This study included 55 patients, of whom 25 (45.4%) met criteria for ultrasound-defined active synovitis. Patients with active synovitis had higher DAS28-C reactive protein (P = 0.023), DAS28-ESR (P = 0.06), simplified disease activity score, SDAI (P = 0.064), and only 12% were taking oral glucocorticoids (≤5 mg/day) compared with 40% of patients without active synovitis (P = 0.044). Patients with synovitis also had significantly higher serum levels of the angiogenic biomarkers angiopoietin-2 (P = 0.038), vascular endothelial growth factor-D (P = 0.018), placental growth factor (P = 0.043), stromal cell-derived factor-1 (P = 0.035), matrix metallopeptidase-2 (P = 0.027) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) (P = 0.007), but not of pro-inflammatory cytokines. CONCLUSIONS: Nearly half of the patients with RA in clinical remission had ultrasound-defined active synovitis, higher disease activity and less frequent oral glucocorticoid consumption than patients without active synovitis. This clinical situation was associated with a specific biological profile characterized by an excess of angiogenic mediators rather than persistent proinflammatory cytokine responses

    Sports-related lower limb muscle injuries: pattern recognition approach and MRI review

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    Muscle injuries of the lower limbs are currently the most common sport-related injuries, the impact of which is particularly significant in elite athletes. MRI is the imaging modality of choice in assessing acute muscle injuries and radiologists play a key role in the current scenario of multidisciplinary health care teams involved in the care of elite athletes with muscle injuries. Despite the frequency and clinical relevance of muscle injuries, there is still a lack of uniformity in the description, diagnosis, and classification of lesions. The characteristics of the connective tissues (distribution and thickness) differ among muscles, being of high variability in the lower limb. This variability is of great clinical importance in determining the prognosis of muscle injuries. Recently, three classification systems, the Munich consensus statement, the British Athletics Muscle Injury classification, and the FC Barcelona-Aspetar-Duke classification, have been proposed to assess the severity of muscle injuries. A protocolized approach to the evaluation of MRI findings is essential to accurately assess the severity of acute lesions and to evaluate the progression of reparative changes. Certain MRI findings which are seen during recovery may suggest muscle overload or adaptative changes and appear to be clinically useful for sport physicians and physiotherapists

    Museu Trepat Tàrrega: crònica híbrida entre patrimoni/recerca, pedagogia i art contemporani

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    Aquesta és la crònica d’un projecte que s’ha teixit de forma inter i trans-disciplinar des de l’àmbit de la recerca humanística i patrimonial, de la pedagogia i de l’art contemporani. Parteix del “Projecte Absència i presència de la dona a Cal Trepat”, una recerca interdisciplinària i de memòria oral que es desenvolupa en col·laboració amb la Universitat de Lleida, en el marc del projecte “El Museu és una escola” i amb l’Escola d’Arts i Superior de disseny Ondara de Tàrrega on conflueixen els processos de treball des de diferents disciplines què s’imparteixen en aquest centre d’ensenyament, les arts escèniques, l’art contemporani, el dibuix artístic, l’escultura, el disseny, la publicitat..