9 research outputs found

    Planning target volume (PTV) definition and its effects in the radiotherapy

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    Este trabalho visa estudar as margens necessárias para definir o volume de planejamento do alvo (PTV) requeridas para tratar adequadamente tumores móveis como os localizados na próstata ou tumores localizados em áreas com pouca mobilidade como os da região da cabeça e pescoço, na ausência de localização do alvo por imagem. Também tem como objetivo avaliar o impacto causado pelo PTV, em termos de dose, nas estruturas críticas ao seu redor e sua influência quando planejamento inverso é utilizado na radioterapia com modulação de feixe (IMRT). Dados de 387 pacientes de próstata foram analizados retrospectivamente. Todos os pacientes receberam localização pré-tratamento com ultra-som 2D resultando em 10.327 localizações, cada uma com deslocamento de isocentro em três direções: antero-posterior (AP), lateral direitaesquerda (DE), e superior-inferior (SI). O deslocamento médio e desvio padrão (SD) para cada direção foi estimado a partir dos dados de tratamento gravados diariamente. As incertezas (SD) na posição do alvo foram 4,4 mm (AP), 3,6 mm (DE), e 4,5 mm (SI). O estudo das incertezas no posicionamento diário de 78 pacientes com tumores de cabeça e pescoço que utilizaram máscaras termoplásticas como imobilizadores, avaliados com equipamento de portal com imagem eletrônica (EPID), mostrou variações (SD) na posição do isocentro de tratamento de 3,1 mm (AP), 1,5 mm (DE), 4,5 mm (SI). Aplicando estes desvios num simulador antropomórfico estudou-se os histogramas de dose-volume resultantes do deslocamento do isocentro no tratamento diário. Os resultados mostraram a importância de se colocar margens no volume clínico do alvo para garantir um tratamento adequado e também mostraram que a variação diária do isocentro de tratamento pode causar um aumento de dose maior que o nível de tolerância dos órgãos críticos.This work intends to study the margins required to define a planning target volume (PTV) for adequate treatment of the mobile tumors such as prostate or those located in areas with less mobility as the ones in head and neck region, in the absence of daily localization imaging based. It is also intends to evaluate the impact caused by the PTV, in terms of dose, to the critical structures surrounding the PTV and its influence when inverse planning is used in the intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). Data from 387 prostate patients were analyzed retrospectively. Every patient in the study received daily pre-treatment localization with 2D ultrasound resulting in a total of 10,327 localizations, each comprising of an isocenter displacement in 3 directions: anterior-posterior (AP), right-left lateral (RL), and superior-inferior (SI). The mean displacement and standard deviation (SD) for each direction for each patient was computed from daily treatment records. The uncertainties (SD) in the target position were 4.4 mm (AP), 3.6 mm (RL), and 4.5 mm (SI). A study of the uncertainties in the daily positioning of 78 head and neck patients who used thermoplastic mask to immobilize them, evaluated with electronic portal imaging device (EPID), showed variations (SD) in the isocenter treatment position of 3.1 mm (AP), 1.5 mm (RL), and 4.5 mm (SI). By applying these shifts in an anthropomorphic phantom it was studied the dose-volume histograms resultant of the isocenter displacement in the daily treatment. The result showed the importance of putting margins in the clinical target volume to assure an adequate treatment and also showed that isocenter daily variation can cause an increase to the dose greater than the tolerance level to the critical organs

    Low doses of ionizing radiation activate endothelial cells and induce angiogenesis in peritumoral tissues

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    © 2020 Published by Elsevier B.V.Purpose: During radiotherapy the peritumoral tissues are daily exposed to subtherapeutic doses of ionizing radiation. Herein, the biological and molecular effects of doses lower than 0.8 Gy per fraction (LDIR), previously described as angiogenesis inducers, were assessed in human peritumoral tissues. Material and methods: Paired biopsies of preperitoneal adipose tissue were surgically collected from 16 patients diagnosed with locally advanced rectal cancer who underwent neo-adjuvant radiotherapy. One of the biopsies is located in the vicinity of the region where the tumor received the prescribed dose of radiation, and thus exposed to LDIR; the other specimen, outside all beam apertures, was used as an internal calibrator (IC). Microvessel density (MDV) was quantified by immunohistochemistry and the expression of angiogenic, pro-inflammatory, adhesion and oxidative stress genes was assessed by quantitative RT-PCR using exclusively endothelial cells (ECs) isolated by laser capture microdissection microscopy. Results: LDIR activated peritumoral ECs by significantly up-regulating the expression of several pro-angiogenic genes such as VEGFR1, VEGFR2, ANGPT2, TGFB2, VWF, FGF2, HGF and PDGFC and down-regulating the pro-inflammatory IL8 marker. Accordingly, the MVD was significantly increased in peritumoral tissues exposed to LDIR, compared to the IC. The patients that yielded a larger pro-angiogenic response, also showed the highest MVD. Conclusions: LDIR activate ECs in peritumoral tissues that are associated with increased MVD. Although the technological advances in radiotherapy have contributed to reduce the damage to healthy tissues over the past years, the anatomical regions receiving LDIR should be taken into account in the treatment plan report for patient follow-up and in future studies to correlate these doses with tumor dissemination.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Low-dose ionizing radiation induces therapeutic neovascularization in a pre-clinical model of hindlimb ischemia

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    Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. © The Author 2017.Aims: We have previously shown that low-dose ionizing radiation (LDIR) induces angiogenesis but there is no evidence that it induces neovascularization in the setting of peripheral arterial disease. Here, we investigated the use of LDIR as an innovative and non-invasive strategy to stimulate therapeutic neovascularization using a model of experimentally induced hindlimb ischemia (HLI). Methods and results: After surgical induction of unilateral HLI, both hindlimbs of female C57BL/6 mice were sham-irradiated or irradiated with four daily fractions of 0.3 Gy, in consecutive days and allowed to recover. We demonstrate that LDIR, significantly improved blood perfusion in the murine ischemic limb by stimulating neovascularization, as assessed by laser Doppler flow, capillary density, and collateral vessel formation. LDIR significantly increased the circulating levels of VEGF, PlGF, and G-CSF, as well as the number of circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) mediating their incorporation to ischemic muscles. These effects were dependent upon LDIR exposition on the ischemic niche (thigh and shank regions). In irradiated ischemic muscles, these effects were independent of the recruitment of monocytes and macrophages. Importantly, LDIR induced a durable and simultaneous up-regulation of a repertoire of pro-angiogenic factors and their receptors in endothelial cells (ECs), as evident in ECs isolated from the irradiated gastrocnemius muscles by laser capture microdissection. This specific mechanism was mediated via vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor signaling, since VEGF receptor inhibition abrogated the LDIR-mediated gene up-regulation and impeded the increase in capillary density. Finally, the vasculature in an irradiated non-ischemic bed was not affected and after 52 week of LDIR exposure no differences in the incidence of morbidity and mortality were seen. Conclusions: These findings disclose an innovative, non-invasive strategy to induce therapeutic neovascularization in a mouse model of HLI, emerging as a novel approach in the treatment of critical limb ischemia patients.PO is supported by a fellowship (SFRH/BD/80483/2011) from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia. KS received a Postdoctoral fellowship (SFRH/BPD/78039/2011) and an Investigator Program (IF/00004/2014) from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Molecular Changes In Cardiac Tissue As A New Marker To Predict Cardiac Dysfunction Induced By Radiotherapy

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    International audienceThe contribution of radiotherapy, per se , to late cardiotoxicity remains controversial. To clarify its impact on the development of early cardiac dysfunction, we developed an experimental model in which the hearts of rats were exposed, in a fractionated plan, to clinically relevant doses of ionizing radiation for oncological patients that undergo thoracic radiotherapy. Rat hearts were exposed to daily doses of 0.04, 0.3, and 1.2 Gy for 23 days, achieving cumulative doses of 0.92, 6.9, and 27.6 Gy, respectively. We demonstrate that myocardial deformation, assessed by global longitudinal strain, was impaired (a relative percentage reduction of >15% from baseline) in a dose-dependent manner at 18 months. Moreover, by scanning electron microscopy, the microvascular density in the cardiac apex was significantly decreased exclusively at 27.6 Gy dosage. Before GLS impairment detection, several tools (qRT-PCR, mass spectrometry, and western blot) were used to assess molecular changes in the cardiac tissue. The number/expression of several genes, proteins, and KEGG pathways, related to inflammation, fibrosis, and cardiac muscle contraction, were differently expressed in the cardiac tissue according to the cumulative dose. Subclinical cardiac dysfunction occurs in a dose-dependent manner as detected by molecular changes in cardiac tissue, a predictor of the severity of global longitudinal strain impairment. Moreover, there was no dose threshold below which no myocardial deformation impairment was detected. Our findings i) contribute to developing new markers and exploring non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging to assess cardiac tissue changes as an early predictor of cardiac dysfunction; ii) should raise red flags, since there is no dose threshold below which no myocardial deformation impairment was detected and should be considered in radiation-based imaging and -guided therapeutic cardiac procedures; and iii) highlights the need for personalized clinical approaches

    The 3rd ESTRO-EFOMP core curriculum for medical physics experts in radiotherapy

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    Purpose: To update the 2011 ESTRO-EFOMP core curriculum (CC) for education and training of medical physics experts (MPE)s working in radiotherapy (RT), in line with recent EU guidelines, and to provide a framework for European countries to develop their own curriculum. Material and methods: Since September 2019, 27 European MPEs representing ESTRO, EFOMP and National Societies, with expertise covering all subfields of RT physics, have revised the CC for recent advances in RT. The ESTRO and EFOMP Education Councils, all European National Societies and international stakeholders have been involved in the revision process. Results: A 4-year training period has been proposed, with a total of 240 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System). Training entrance levels have been defined ensuring the necessary physics and mathematics background. The concept of competency-based education has been reinforced by introducing the CanMEDS role framework. The updated CC includes (ablative) stereotactic-, MR-guided- and adaptive RT, particle therapy, advanced automation, complex quantitative data analysis (big data/artificial intelligence), use of biological images, and personalized treatments. Due to the continuously increasing RT complexity, more emphasis has been given to quality management. Clear requirements for a research project ensure a proper preparation of MPE residents for their central role in science and innovation in RT. Conclusion: This updated, 3rd edition of the CC provides an MPE training framework for safe and effective practice of modern RT, while acknowledging the significant efforts needed in some countries to reach this level. The CC can contribute to further harmonization of MPE training in Europe

    The 3rd ESTRO-EFOMP core curriculum for medical physics experts in radiotherapy.

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    PURPOSE To update the 2011 ESTRO-EFOMP core curriculum (CC) for education and training of medical physics experts (MPE)s working in radiotherapy (RT), in line with recent EU guidelines, and to provide a framework for European countries to develop their own curriculum. MATERIAL AND METHODS Since September 2019, 27 European MPEs representing ESTRO, EFOMP and National Societies, with expertise covering all subfields of RT physics, have revised the CC for recent advances in RT. The ESTRO and EFOMP Education Councils, all European National Societies and international stakeholders have been involved in the revision process. RESULTS A 4-year training period has been proposed, with a total of 240 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System). Training entrance levels have been defined ensuring the necessary physics and mathematics background. The concept of competency-based education has been reinforced by introducing the CanMEDS role framework. The updated CC includes (ablative) stereotactic-, MR-guided- and adaptive RT, particle therapy, advanced automation, complex quantitative data analysis (big data/artificial intelligence), use of biological images, and personalized treatments. Due to the continuously increasing RT complexity, more emphasis has been given to quality management. Clear requirements for a research project ensure a proper preparation of MPE residents for their central role in science and innovation in RT. CONCLUSION This updated, 3rd edition of the CC provides an MPE training framework for safe and effective practice of modern RT, while acknowledging the significant efforts needed in some countries to reach this level. The CC can contribute to further harmonization of MPE training in Europe