52 research outputs found

    Formal Verification of Neural Networks: a Case Study about Adaptive Cruise Control

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    Formal verification of neural networks is a promising technique to improve their dependability for safety critical applications. Autonomous driving is one such application where the controllers supervising different functions in a car should undergo a rigorous certification process. In this pa- per we present an example about learning and verification of an adaptive cruise control function on an autonomous car. We detail the learning process as well as the attempts to ver- ify various safety properties using the tool NEVER2, a new framework that integrates learning and verification in a sin- gle easy-to-use package intended for practictioners rather than experts in formal methods and/or machine learning

    Risk-based dynamic security assessment for power system operation & operational planning

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    open6noAssessment of dynamic stability in a modern power system (PS) is becoming a stringent requirement both in operational planning and in on-line operation, due to the increasingly complex dynamics of a PS. Further, growing uncertainties in forecast state and in the response to disturbances suggests the adoption of risk-based approaches in Dynamic Security Assessment (DSA). The present paper describes a probabilistic risk-based DSA, which provides instability risk indicators by combining an innovative probabilistic hazard/vulnerability analysis with the assessment of contingency impacts via time domain simulation. The tool implementing the method can be applied to both current and forecast PS states, the latter characterized in terms of renewable and load forecast uncertainties, providing valuable results for operation and operational planning contexts. Some results from a real PS model are discussed.openCiapessoni, Emanuele; Cirio, Diego; Massucco, Stefano*; Morini, Andrea; Pitto, Andrea; Silvestro, FedericoCiapessoni, Emanuele; Cirio, Diego; Massucco, Stefano; Morini, Andrea; Pitto, Andrea; Silvestro, Federic

    Probabilistic assessment of Net Transfer Capacity considering forecast uncertainties

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    In transmission system planning, researchers propose methods to assess the effect of uncertainties of power system operating condition due to forecasting errors of intermittent generation and loads. In particular probabilistic power flow methods are used to calculate the probability distributions of the voltages and the branch currents, starting from the distributions of power injections/absorptions. These uncertainties play a key role in the operational planning of power systems, as certain configurations of load and intermittent generation can cause security problems. This paper aims to propose a probabilistic methodology to assess Net Transfer Capacity (NTC) among network areas, which quantifies forecast error uncertainties by applying the Point Estimate Method (PEM) combined with Third Order Polynomial Normal (TPN) Transformation. This approach is compared with a conventional NTC assessment technique and has been tested on an IEEE test system

    Ghrelin regulates proliferation and differentiation of osteoblastic cells

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    Abstract It has previously been reported that growth hormone secretagogues (GHS) may have a role in the regulation of bone metabolism in animals and humans. In this study we evaluated the effect of ghrelin, the endogenous ligand of GHS receptors, on the proliferation rate and on osteoblast activity in primary cultures of rat calvaria osteoblasts. In the same experiments, we compared the effects of ghrelin with those of hexarelin (HEXA) and EP-40737, two synthetic GHS with different characteristics. Both ghrelin and HEXA (10(-11)-10(-8) M) significantly stimulated osteoblast proliferation at low concentrations (10(-10) M). Surprisingly, EP-40737 demonstrated an antiproliferative effect at 10(-9)-10(-8) M, whereas lower concentrations had no effect on cell proliferation. Ghrelin and HEXA significantly increased alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and osteocalcin (OC) production. At variance with these peptides, EP-40737 did not significantly stimulate ALP and OC. The mRNA for GHS-R1a receptors and the corresponding protein were detected in calvarial osteoblasts by RT-PCR and Western blot respectively, indicating that ghrelin and GHS may bind and activate this specific receptor. We conclude that endogenous ghrelin and synthetic GHS modulate proliferation and differentiation of rat osteoblasts, probably by acting on their specific receptor

    Importancia del capital humano y el desarrollo de las competencias laborales sobre la competitividad en la cooperativa Starcoop Cta

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    TablasEl presente proyecto permite mostrar la importancia que tienen las competencias laborales en Las empresas de Vigilancia y Seguridad privada. Debido a que los guardas de seguridad, supervisores y directores de seguridad están constantemente en contacto con el cliente. En primer lugar se abordara la caracterización del sector de vigilancia y seguridad privada. En donde se realizara la investigación en la Cooperativa de Vigilantes STARCOOP C.T.A. con el personal operativo que presta los servicios en la cooperativa. El enfoque de estudio es mixto, se utiliza la observación los resultados frente a los diferentes clientes que tiene la cooperativa también se busca evaluar a cuantos asociados se le han brindado las competencias laborales en la cooperativa. Esto nos permite dar un enfoque de la importancia de tener asociados con certificaciones en competencias laborales para así mismo ser más competitivos en el mercado de seguridad privada, brindándoles múltiples soluciones a los clientes. También se deja en evidencia como para los asociados y la cooperativa es fundamental las competencias laborales en su entorno económico y como permite ser más competitivo y como permite mejorar su calidad de vida.This project allows you to show the importance of labor skills and Surveillance Companies Private Security. Because security guards, security supervisors and managers are constantly in contact with the customer. First we address the sector characterization private security. Where will conduct research in CTA STARCOOP Rangers Cooperative with operational staff providing services in the cooperative. The study is a mixed approach, using observation results against different customers that have the cooperative also seeks to evaluate how many associates have provided labor skills in the cooperative. This allows us to focus on the importance of having associated with job skills certifications for himself to be more competitive in the private security market , providing multiple solutions to customers. Also makes it clear to the members and the cooperative work skills is critical to its business environment and how to be more competitive and how to improve your quality of life

    Demonstration of Converter Control Interactions in MMC-HVDC Systems

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    Although the control of modular multi-level converters (MMCs) in high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) networks has become a mature subject these days, the potential for adverse interactions between different converter controls remains an under-researched challenge attracting the attention from both academia and industry. Even for point-to-point HVDC links (i.e., simple HVDC systems), converter control interactions may result in the shifting of system operating voltages, increased power losses, and unintended power imbalances at converter stations. To bridge this research gap, the risk of multiple cross-over of control characteristics of MMCs is assessed in this paper through mathematical analysis, computational simulation, and experimental validation. Specifically, the following point-to-point HVDC link configurations are examined: (1) one MMC station equipped with a current versus voltage droop control and the other station equipped with a constant power control; and (2) one MMC station equipped with a power versus voltage droop control and the other station equipped with a constant current control. Design guidelines for droop coefficients are provided to prevent adverse control interactions. A 60-kW MMC test-rig is used to experimentally verify the impact of multiple crossing of control characteristics of the DC system configurations, with results verified through software simulation in MATLAB/Simulink using an open access toolbox. Results show that in operating conditions of 650 V and 50 A (DC voltage and DC current), drifts of 7.7% in the DC voltage and of 10% in the DC current occur due to adverse control interactions under the current versus voltage droop and power control scheme. Similarly, drifts of 7.7% both in the DC voltage and power occur under the power versus voltage droop and current control scheme.This work was supported by the EU FP7 program, through the project “BEyond State of the art Technologies for re-Powering AC corridors and multi-Terminal HVDC Systems” (BEST-PATHS), grant agreement 612748. The simulation toolbox can be downloaded from the project website at www.bestpaths-project.eu (accessed on 10 December 2021)