1,149 research outputs found

    Self-consistent theory of molecular switching

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    We study the model of a molecular switch comprised of a molecule with a soft vibrational degree of freedom coupled to metallic leads. In the presence of strong electron-ion interaction, different charge states of the molecule correspond to substantially different ionic configurations, which can lead to very slow switching between energetically close configurations (Franck-Condon blockade). Application of transport voltage, however, can drive the molecule far out of thermal equilibrium and thus dramatically accelerate the switching. The tunneling electrons play the role of a heat bath with an effective temperature dependent on the applied transport voltage. Including the transport-induced "heating" selfconsistently, we determine the stationary current-voltage characteristics of the device, and the switching dynamics for symmetric and asymmetric devices. We also study the effects of an extra dissipative environment and demonstrate that it can lead to enhanced non-linearities in the transport properties of the device and dramatically suppress the switching dynamics

    Charge noise at Cooper-pair resonances

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    We analyze the charge dynamics of a superconducting single-electron transistor (SSET) in the regime where charge transport occurs via Cooper-pair resonances. Using an approximate description of the system Hamiltonian, in terms of a series of resonant doublets, we derive a Born-Markov master equation describing the dynamics of the SSET. The average current displays sharp peaks at the Cooper-pair resonances and we find that the charge noise spectrum has a characteristic structure which consists of a series of asymmetric triplets of peaks. The strongest feature in the charge noise spectrum is the triplet of peaks centered at zero frequency which has a peak spacing equal to the level separation within the doublets and is similar to the triplet in the spectrum of a driven, damped, two-level system. We also explore the back-action that the SSET charge noise would have on an oscillator coupled to the island charge, measurement of which provides a way of probing the charge noise spectrum.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Energy dependence of current noise in superconducting/normal metal junctions

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    Interference of electronic waves undergoing Andreev reflection in diffusive conductors determines the energy profile of the conductance on the scale of the Thouless energy. A similar dependence exists in the current noise, but its behavior is known only in few limiting cases. We consider a metallic diffusive wire connected to a superconducting reservoir through an interface characterized by an arbitrary distribution of channel transparencies. Within the quasiclassical theory for current fluctuations we provide a general expression for the energy dependence of the current noise.Comment: 5 pages, 1 Figur

    Current-current correlations in hybrid superconducting and normal metal multiterminal structures

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    We consider a hybrid system consisting of two normal metal leads weakly connected to a superconductor. Current-current correlations of the normal leads are studied in the tunneling limit at subgap voltages and temperatures. We find that only two processes contribute to the cross-correlation: the crossed Andreev reflection (emission of electrons in different leads) and the elastic cotunneling. Both processes are possible due to the finite size of the Cooper pair. Noise measurements can thus be used to probe directly the superconducting wave function without the drawbacks appearing in average current measurements where the current is dominated by direct Andreev reflection processes. By tuning the voltages it is possible to change the sign of the cross correlation. Quantitative predictions are presented both in the diffusive and ballistic regimes.Comment: 7 pages, 2 Figure

    Pair Wave Functions in Atomic Fermi Condensates

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    Recent experiments have observed condensation behavior in a strongly interacting system of fermionic atoms. We interpret these observations in terms of a mean-field version of resonance superfluidity theory. We find that the objects condensed are not bosonic molecules composed of bound fermion pairs, but are rather spatially correlated Cooper pairs whose coherence length is comparable to the mean spacing between atoms. We propose experiments that will help to further probe these novel pairs

    Coulomb blockade for an oscillating tunnel junction

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    9 pagesInternational audienceWe consider a tunnel junction formed between a fixed electrode and an oscillating one. Accumulation of the charge on the junction capacitor induces a force on the nano-mechanical oscillator. The junction is voltage biased and connected in series with an impedance Z(ω)Z(\omega). We discuss how the picture of Coulomb blockade is modified by the presence of the oscillator. Quantum fluctuations of the mechanical oscillator modify the II-VV characteristics particularly in the strong Coulomb blockade limit. We show that the oscillator can be taken into account by a simple modification of the effective impedance of the circuit. We discuss in some details the case of a single inductance Z(ω)=iLωZ(\omega)=iL\omega and of a constant resistance Z(ω)=RZ(\omega)=R. With little modifications the theory applies also to incoherent transport in Josephson junctions in the tunneling limit

    A crystal mush perspective explains magma variability at la fossa volcano (Vulcano, Italy)

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    The eruptive products of the last 1000 years at La Fossa volcano on the island of Vulcano (Italy) are characterized by abrupt changes of chemical composition that span from latite to rhyolite. The wide variety of textural features of these products has given rise to several petrological models dealing with the mingling/mixing processes involving mafic-intermediate and rhyolitic magmas. In this paper, we use published whole-rock data for the erupted products of La Fossa and combine them in geochemical and thermodynamic modelling in order to provide new constrains for the interpretations of the dynamics of the active magmatic system. The obtained results allow us to pic-ture a polybaric plumbing system characterized by multiple magma reservoirs and related crystal mushes, formed from time to time during the differentiation of shoshonitic magmas, to produce latites, trachytes and rhyolites. The residing crystal mushes are periodically perturbated by new, fresh magma injections that, on one hand, induce the partial melting of the mush and, on the other hand, favor the extraction of highly differentiated interstitial melts. The subsequent mixing and mingling of mush-derived melts ultimately determine the formation of magmas erupted at La Fossa, whose textural and chemical features are otherwise not explained by simple assimilation and fractional crystallization models. In such a system, the compositional variability of the erupted products reflects the complexity of the physical and chemical interactions among recharging mag-mas and the crystal mushes

    Discontinuous Euler instability in nanoelectromechanical systems

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    We investigate nanoelectromechanical systems near mechanical instabilities. We show that quite generally, the interaction between the electronic and the vibronic degrees of freedom can be accounted for essentially exactly when the instability is continuous. We apply our general framework to the Euler buckling instability and find that the interaction between electronic and vibronic degrees of freedom qualitatively affects the mechanical instability, turning it into a discontinuous one in close analogy with tricritical points in the Landau theory of phase transitions.Comment: 4+ pages, 3 figures, published versio

    EMOGA: a hybrid genetic algorithm with extremal optimization core for multiobjective disassembly line balancing

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    In a world where products get obsolescent ever more quickly, discarded devices produce million tons of electronic waste. Improving how end-of-life products are dismantled helps reduce this waste, as resources are conserved and fed back into the supply chain, thereby promoting reuse and recycling. This paper presents the Extremal MultiObjective Genetic Algorithm (EMOGA), a hybrid nature-inspired optimization technique for a multiobjective version of the Disassembly Line Balancing Problem (DLBP). The aim is to minimize the number of workstations, and to maximize profit and disassembly depth, when dismounting products in disassembly lines. EMOGA is a Pareto-based genetic algorithm (GA) hybridized with a module based on extremal optimization (EO), which uses a tailored mutation operator and a continuous relaxation-based seeding technique. The experiments involved the disassembly of a hammer drill and a microwave oven. Performance evaluation was carried out by comparing EMOGA to various efficient algorithms. The results showed that EMOGA is faster or gets closer to the Pareto front, or both, in all comparisons
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