433 research outputs found

    He lived for the sake of people. To the 180th anniversary of the Ekaterinoslav zemstvo doctor V.T. Skrylnikov (1837-1898) (part 2).

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    The second part of the essay about zemstvo doctor, V.T. Skrylnikov elucidates his fruitful activity in the field of balneology: study and popularization of therapeutic properties of the so-called "Timofeev clay", publication of his "Seasonal Bulletin of Slaviansk mineral water ". We describe recent years of the doctor’s life, complicatedwith the disease and severe family affairs. The grateful memoriesof his fellow doctors about himare listed

    He lived for the sake of people. To the 180th anniversary of the Yekaterinoslav zemstvo doctor V.T. Skrylnikov (1837-1898).

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    For the first time the article introduces to the reader biography of one of the founders of the Yekaterinoslav Medical Society, a local doctor, author of numerous scientific papers on medicine and hygiene VasiliyTimofeevich Skrylnikov. The first part provides previously unknown details about his origin, the work as the head of the free zemstvo clinic, highlights his proposals in the field of sanitary service of the city Yekaterinoslav, wide publishing activities. The aspects of V.T. Skrylnikov’s service on guardianship of orphans, and the initiative to create Yekaterinoslav Department of Russian society of public health are touched upon

    He lived for the sake of people. To the 180th anniversary of the Ekaterinoslav zemstvo doctor V.T. Skrylnikov (1837-1898) (part 2).

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    The second part of the essay about zemstvo doctor, V.T. Skrylnikov elucidates his fruitful activity in the field of balneology: study and popularization of therapeutic properties of the so-called "Timofeev clay", publication of his "Seasonal Bulletin of Slaviansk mineral water ". We describe recent years of the doctor’s life, complicatedwith the disease and severe family affairs. The grateful memoriesof his fellow doctors about himare listed

    He lived for the sake of people. To the 180th anniversary of the Yekaterinoslav zemstvo doctor V.T. Skrylnikov (1837-1898).

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    For the first time the article introduces to the reader biography of one of the founders of the Yekaterinoslav Medical Society, a local doctor, author of numerous scientific papers on medicine and hygiene VasiliyTimofeevich Skrylnikov. The first part provides previously unknown details about his origin, the work as the head of the free zemstvo clinic, highlights his proposals in the field of sanitary service of the city Yekaterinoslav, wide publishing activities. The aspects of V.T. Skrylnikov’s service on guardianship of orphans, and the initiative to create Yekaterinoslav Department of Russian society of public health are touched upon

    Damaging of a structural steel under monotonic and cyclic deformation

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    The paper presents the characteristics of inelastic properties of the surface material of laboratory specimens under monotonic deformation and fully reversed cyclic loading. The comparative results are shown for calculating the values of the surface layer inelastic strains determined based on the fractal parameterization method for statistically non-uniform surfaces of the material for two states of the deformation-induced relief under identical conditions of elasto-plastic deformation in specimens. The kinetic characteristics of discrete strains in the material at the stage of non-localized damaging are presented

    Vere-Jones' Self-Similar Branching Model

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    Motivated by its potential application to earthquake statistics, we study the exactly self-similar branching process introduced recently by Vere-Jones, which extends the ETAS class of conditional branching point-processes of triggered seismicity. One of the main ingredient of Vere-Jones' model is that the power law distribution of magnitudes m' of daughters of first-generation of a mother of magnitude m has two branches m'm with exponent beta+d, where beta and d are two positive parameters. We predict that the distribution of magnitudes of events triggered by a mother of magnitude mm over all generations has also two branches m'm with exponent beta+h, with h= d \sqrt{1-s}, where s is the fraction of triggered events. This corresponds to a renormalization of the exponent d into h by the hierarchy of successive generations of triggered events. The empirical absence of such two-branched distributions implies, if this model is seriously considered, that the earth is close to criticality (s close to 1) so that beta - h \approx \beta + h \approx \beta. We also find that, for a significant part of the parameter space, the distribution of magnitudes over a full catalog summed over an average steady flow of spontaneous sources (immigrants) reproduces the distribution of the spontaneous sources and is blind to the exponents beta, d of the distribution of triggered events.Comment: 13 page + 3 eps figure

    The amplitude characteristics of discrete inelastic submicrocrystalline titanium VT1-0 at high-cycle loading

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    Структурна неоднорідність конструкційних матеріалів проявляється під час механічних випробувань у вигляді масштабного фактора або розкиду результатів втомних випробувань. Наслідком такої неоднорідності є нерівномірний розподіл у навантаженому матеріалі локальної напруженості, еволюція якої є немонотонною. Амплітудно-часові параметри локальної нестабільності матеріалу під навантаженням залежать від рівня напружень у локальному об’ємі розміром у кілька зерен полікристала. Прояв ефекту структурної неоднорідності на пружнопластичні властивості матеріалу за дії знакозмінного деформування полікристала, виявлений Баушингером, проявляється під час змінного навантажування і супроводжується зміненням фізико-механічних властивостей матеріалу з перших циклів навантажування. Отримано амплітудні характеристики змінення гомогенності субмікрокристалічного титану ВТ1-0 в об’ємному наноструктурованому стані за дії змінного навантажування. Виявлено закономірності кінетики непружності матеріалу з пластичною нестабільністю після попереднього обробляння інтенсивним пластичним деформуванням. Запропоновано феноменологічні аналогії кривих багатоциклової втоми і характеристик розподілу параметрів неоднорідності пошкодженості поверхневого шару матеріалу під час втоми лабораторних зразків.The nature of polycrystalline materials manifests itself during mechanical tests of materials as a scale factor or the fatigue test results scattering. The consequence of the structural inhomogeneity is the non-uniform distribution in the loaded specimen the evolution of which is not monotonous. The amplitude-time parameters of local instability of the material under loading are dependent on the actual stress level in the local volume of the size of a few polycrystalline grains. The effect of structural inhomogeneity on the elasto-plastic properties of the material under the action of the alternating deformation of a polycrystal was observed by Bauschinger. It manifests itself under variable loading and is accompanied by a change in the mechanical properties of the material starting from the first cycles of loading. The amplitude characteristics showing the change in the VT1-0 alloy homogeneity in a three-dimensional nanostructured state under variable loading are obtained. The regularities governing the inelasticity kinetics of the material with plastic instability after a severe plastic deformation pretreatment are established. The phenomenological analogies of the high-cycle fatigue and statistical distribution characteristics of the parameters of non-uniform damage in the material surface layer of a laboratory specimen in fatigue are proposed

    For predicting of the endurance of aluminium and titanic alloys by characteristics of discrete properties of damageability at the fatigue

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    Отримано характеристики пошкоджуваності алюмінієвих та титанових сплавів. Застосування дискретної моделі пошкоджуваності дозволяє прогнозувати циклічну довговічність на стадії нелокалізованої пошкоджуваності (90% відносної кількості циклів напрацювання). Отримані характеристики дозволяють визначити пошкодженість полікристалічного матеріалу за її кінетичними характеристиками на мезоструктурному рівні.The characteristics of the damageability of aluminum and titanium alloys were obtained in this paper. Use of the discrete damage model can allow one to predict cyclic life at the stage of non-localized damage (90 % relative life). The obtained characteristics shows the possibility for monitoring of damage accumulation in a polycrystalline material according to its kinetics at a mesolevel

    Inventions in the Area of Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials. Part I

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    Introduction. Advanced technologies inspire people by demonstrating the latest achievements (materials, methods, systems, technologies, devices etc.) that dramatically change the world. This, first of all, concerns nanotechnological inventions designed by scientists, engineers and specialists from different countries. Main part. The article provides an abstract overview of inventions of scientists, engineers and specialists from different countries: Germany, Russia, China, USA et al. The results of the creative activity of scientists, engineers and specialists, including inventions in the field of nanotechnology and nanomaterials allow, when introduced to industry, achieving a significant effect in construction, housing and communal services, and related sectors of the economy. For example, the invention «The composition and manufacturing method of non-fired zirconium heat-resistant concrete» refers to the construction materials industry and can be used in the manufacture of products from zirconium non-fired heat-resistant concrete obtained without pre-firing. The purpose of the invention is to increase the thermal resistance at 1300оC, improve the water resistance of non-fired zirconium heat-resistant concrete and the exclusion a technologically complex method of converting the above-mentioned components into nanoscale particles and heat-shock treatment requiring high energy costs. The following inventions in the field of nanotechnology can also be interesting for specialists: a method to obtain multi-layered nanocomposite coating: a method for modifying carbon nanomaterials in nitrogen-containing plasma; a method for regeneration of aerosol filters and protective membranes; a method for obtaining a polymer nanocomposite material with reduced flammability; a robotic complex for obtaining nanostructured chromium coatings; a method for producing hydrogen from methane, a method for forming a combined hydrophilic coating; thermochromic nanoencapsulated material, production method and a product containing such material; a method for obtaining a water-soluble paint-and-lacquer material with photobactericidal activity for applying photobactericidal coatings based on water-soluble paint-and-lacquer materials еt al. Conclusion. One of the most challenging tasks the economy of every country face is to increase industrial competitiveness through technological upgrade. From the side of the state and companies the principal object to control in this process are the people and enterprises dealing with introduction of inventions and new technologie

    Black swans or dragon kings? A simple test for deviations from the power law

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    We develop a simple test for deviations from power law tails, which is based on the asymptotic properties of the empirical distribution function. We use this test to answer the question whether great natural disasters, financial crashes or electricity price spikes should be classified as dragon kings or 'only' as black swans