1,533 research outputs found

    Dealing with appetites: Angela Carter’s fiction

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    Tese de doutoramento, Estudos de Literatura e de Cultura (Estudos Ingleses), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2013Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    A school-based intervention for improving malaria-related knowledge and practices in Maputo Province, Mozambique : a randomised controlled trial

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 63-66).The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of a school-based malaria education intervention and its effectiveness in the changing knowledge and practices related to malaria at randomly selected schools in Maputo Province

    Calling for a Thought on Food in Anglo-American Studies

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    The growing acceptance and legitimacy of food-cultural studies as a distinct field seems to be a sign of the growing acknowledgment that ground-breaking scholarship often crosses disciplinary boundaries. Whereas some believe that the identification of food-cultural studies as a discrete field may not be of much relevance in the academic environment, I question the firmness of this statement based on the issue of their claimed inherent interdisciplinarity. The range of research concerning the field of food-cultural studies over the last fifteen years validates their increasing relevance to Anglo-American Studies. One can see the way the food studies movement has promoted scholars and students in longestablished academic disciplines to follow a line of investigation on food themes. The last couple of years have also been prolific in terms of new academic journals on food studies, culinary history societies, and publishers announcing food series. While American Studies, as a celebrated interdisciplinary field, apparently offers fewer cautions than other disciplines about dipping into multiple methods, when it comes to food studies scholars working with other professionals they take in the tools to read wide-ranging data through a cultural lens. Has the so acclaimed interdisciplinary matter grown into a need for developing cross-disciplinary dialogues?info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Educação Ambiental no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico de São Tomé e Príncipe

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    O presente trabalho tem a finalidade de compreender a organização da Educação Ambiental no 1º nível do Ensino Básico em São Tomé e Príncipe. Consiste, especificamente, em conhecer, por um lado, de que forma esta área é trabalhada neste nível de ensino e, por outro perceber a relevância dada ao assunto pelos órgãos de gestão. Neste estudo a amostra foi constituída por 16 professores de 2 escolas do 1º nível do Ensino Básico, sendo 8 de cada escola e abarcando, assim, professores de todas as classes. Além dos professores, colaboraram no estudo 3 dirigentes. Recolhemos os dados através da análise documental e do inquérito por questionário. A partir da análise dos resultados pudemos verificar que ainda há muito a fazer para a formação de indivíduos ambientalmente cultos, capazes se comprometer com as causas efetivas de defesa do ambiente. Há necessidade de investir ao nível dos programas escolares, do incentivo para os elementos da comunidade educativa, da formação e informação dos professores, das condições e meios para trabalhar esta matéria. Concluímos ser necessário um melhor desenvolvimento de projetos de Educação Ambiental no 1º nível do Ensino Básico e salientamos, ainda, a necessidade de um ensino mais ajustado aos valores que caracterizam a Educação Ambiental e adaptado às realidades sociais e económicas em que se inserem os nossos alunos. É ainda indispensável que os currículos académicos passem a ter mais conteúdos relacionados com a valorização do ambiente

    O percurso da gestão de uma escola pública em Portugal no caminho para a autonomia

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    Face às mudanças impulsionadas pela sociedade do conhecimento e da globalização, é exigida uma nova postura, uma melhoria no serviço público prestado, através da capacidade de intervenção do órgão de gestão e administração – o director, sujeito não apenas de maior autonomia, mas também de maior responsabilidade individual expressa pelo conceito de prestação de contas ou accountability. Esta autonomia deve corresponder a maior responsabilização, que se exprime na auto-organização da escola, na criação de estruturas operacionais, de coordenação e supervisão pedagógica que funcione em condições de equidade e qualidade. São necessárias pessoas que ponham as ideias em prática, que construam um ideário que se concretize num projecto para a escola, pois entramos numa “nova era” mais exigente que no passado. Perante a diversidade de desafios e tarefas que se prevêem, é de um bom desempenho que a escola necessita (Decreto-Lei n.º 75/2008, pp. 2341-2346). A presente comunicação apresenta parcialmente os resultados de uma dissertação de Mestrado em Administração e Planificação da Educação, em fase de conclusão, sobre o conhecimento da acção dos directores de escolas públicas básicas e secundárias em Portugal, caracterizando a forma como desempenham os seus cargos, identificando as suas formas de dirigir, avaliando os impactos organizacionais daí decorrentes e a influência que esta multiplicidade de factores exerce na relação com os docentes e a comunidade educativa, mas também a forma como utilizam a autonomia de que dispõem. Os resultados agora apresentados decorrem da aplicação de um inquérito por questionário a (n=120) docentes de duas escolas com ensino básico e secundário, com vista a analisar as percepções dos docentes sobre a gestão e autonomia das escolas. O estudo revelou, face ao novo modelo de gestão, administração e autonomia, preconizado pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 75/2008 de 22 de Abril, passados três anos da sua implementação, desacordo por parte dos professores questionados, na medida em que consideram que deu lugar a maior controlo do Ministério da Educação sobre o funcionamento das escolas; maior concentração de poderes no órgão de gestão; mais burocracia administrativa; os professores perderam poderes e dividem-se quanto à existência de inovações para melhor dignas de registo

    The Unified Patent Court and Non-Practicing Entities in Europe

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    Under the European Patent Convention, applicants can seek patent protection in several jurisdictions in one single application before the European Patent Office. However, the post-grant life of the patent implies the application of as many patent laws as the jurisdictions which the applicant designates. Thus, the right holder has a bundle of national patents, which implies the risk of parallel patent litigation and its often prohibitive costs. The Unitary Patent Package proposes to create a European Patent with Unitary Effect as a single object of property, recognized throughout the European Union, to which one law only is applicable. It also aims to create a centralized Court for the enforcement of European and European Patents with Unitary Effect. Our main research question will be that of understanding the possible relationship between the Unified Patent Court and Non-Practicing Entities activity in Europe. In order to gain a proper understanding of the problem, we will firstly consider the current issues with the transnational enforcement of patent rights, namely, income distribution inequalities. Secondly, we will address the Unitary Patent Package legality under European Union and international law. Thirdly, we will revisit the purpose of patent law and understand its evolution towards patent monetization. Fourthly, we must understand the current patent market characteristics and define a Non-Practicing Entity. Afterwards, we will seek to understand these entities under recent empirical research. Finally, we will place the proposed European Patent with Unitary Effect on the current framework of patent protection in Europe, and finally analyze the provisions which may be favorable to Non-Practicing Entity’s activities


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    The use of different quantities of vegetables, forages or fresh grass as fodder for growing-finishing pigs is an important factor of the northern Portugal traditional system. The increasing development of swine production in outdoor systems, extensive and organic production, turns to upcoming natural diets, in which grass performs a significant part. With regard to this, some investigation has been made concerning the use of fibre-rich feed ingredients in pig nutrition. Metabolic effects of its ingestion are analysed concerning different sights (economical, social, environmental and physiological ones). The aim of this work was to study the effects of grass utilization in the diets on performances of finishing Bísaro pigs. A total of 22 pigs (16 castrated males and 6 females) was housed outdoor and fed ad libitum (37 – 85 kg live weight) with a growing diet and then transferred to an indoor system (with free access to an outdoor area) for 49 days, according to 3 different treatments: 100% concentrate (C), 75% concentrate + ad libitum grass (CE75), 50% concentrate + ad libitum grass (CE50). The grass was supplied and its intake registered on a daily basis. Every 14 days, the pigs were weighted and their back fat (P2 in vivo) measured. After slaughter (average weight of 107 kg LW), yield and ½ left carcass characteristics were controlled. During the outdoor growing phase, the ADG was 513 g/day. During the indoor finishing phase, the increase grass intake was proportional to the reduction of concentrate in the diet. The ADG (g) and the fat deposition (P2 cm) were significantly different (P<0,05) in the 3 treatments (ADG: C=641, CE75=467, CE50=356 and: C=11,4, CE75=+9,5, CE50=+6,2). The empty body weight (kg) was also proportional to the intake of concentrate (C=116,2; CE75=107,7; CE50=102,2). Comparatively to the weight of the body parts, pigs that had higher intake of grass and lower of concentrate showed a higher % of shoulder (P<0,05; C=20,4, CE75=21,7, CE50=22,2) and the pH45min of CE carcasses was significantly higher (P<0,05). As a conclusion, concentrate substitution for grass showed a slower growing rate, thinner carcasses and a high technological quality. Neverthelles variability (CV %) of the productive parameters at the end of this study were higher in the treatments that included grass: live weight (C= 10,5%; C75=10,7%; C50=14,3%), finishing ADG (C=24%; C75=37%, C50=42%), and final fat (C=37%; C75=32%, C50=52%). These values suggest that the utilization of fibrous feeds in growing-finishing swine may be one of the possible explanations of the more heterogeneous products and carcasses found in the traditional or extensive systems, common users of fibrous feeds in the carcass finishing phase

    Training Needs of Portuguese Practitioners Working with Children and Young People with Complex and Intense Support Needs

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    Upon the publication in Portugal of Decree-Law No. 3/2008, inclusive education for all children in regular schools became compulsory. In a short period of time, the educational community (special education teachers, regular education teachers, administrators, and technicians) were required to include and teach all students in regular schools. This article characterizes Portuguese teachers’ perceptions (TPs; N ¼ 105) about the training needs of practitioners working with children and young people with complex and intense support needs (CISNs). In this work, we use data collected using the questionnaire for practitioners working with children and young people with CISN—TPs, which was drawn up under the auspices of project ENABLINþ. The results of content analysis showed that the most frequently mentioned themes were special education, intervention strategies, international classification of functioning, disability and health, educational legislation, and family everyone (practitioners and nonpractitioners), and should aim to improve practices, while being sufficiently flexible and differentiated to meaningfully inform each professiona

    Educação alimentar na formação de adultos: contributos para a educação: promoção da saúde

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    A saúde deve ser entendida como um recurso para a vida, como tal, exige a adoção de comportamentos saudáveis para se atingir o bem-estar pleno. Atualmente, as alterações dos estilos de vida começam a repercutir-se em problemas graves de saúde pública. Nesta perspetiva, todos os espaços e tempos são profícuos para a promoção de atitudes saudáveis, sendo a escola um dos locais de excelência para implentar a Educação/ Promoção da Saúde (Precioso, 2004). A alimentação para além de ser uma necessidade fundamental do ser humano, é um dos fatores mais determinante no estado de saúde (Loureiro, 2004). Como tal, é de extrema importância conhecer os hábitos alimentares das populações, a fim de se poder agir e promover a educação alimentar (Baixinho 2008). O presente estudo teve como objetivos principais: conhecer os hábitos alimentares dos alunos dos cursos do 1º ciclo de Educação de Adultos do concelho de Vinhais, elaborar recursos didáticos adequados, contribuir para a promoção de uma alimentação saudável e aumento dos níveis de literacia. A análise dos resultados permitiu inferir que os referidos alunos apresentavam alguns hábitos e conceções alimentares incorretos. Face aos resultados obtidos foram elaborados recursos didáticos adequados a este nível de ensino, para orientar atividades e procedimentos no sentido de alterar os hábitos nocivos, melhorar a saúde e aumentar a literacia numa perspetiva de aprendizagem ao longo da vida e ao exercício de uma cidadania ativa e responsável

    The Portuguese experience with bee pathology laboratories for the diagnosis of bee diseases

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    In Portugal there are two referenced laboratories responsible for the diagnosis of bee diseases, namely the National Laboratory of Veterinary Investigation (LNIV) which is the National Reference Laboratory and the Bee Pathology Laboratory which belongs to the Agrarian Superior School of Bragança (ESAB). This laboratory was created in collaboration with the Apicultural Association of Montesinho Natural Park (AAPNM) and was certified by the Veterinary Authority in 2006. The Bee Pathology Laboratory is located in the city of Bragança, integrated in the Trás – Os – Montes e Alto Douro region. Is a research and also laboratory that provides a service to individual beekeepers when requested either directly from the laboratory or through the Apicultural Association including those of Controlled Zones. These Zones are defined as areas within the national territory where the systematic control of the bee diseases is undertaken. They are regulated at the national level by the Decree – Law nº 203 of November 25th -2005, which also established which diseases are considered to be of mandatory notification in our country. The diseases referred in this regulation are: American Foulbrood (AFB), European Foulbrood (EFB), Acarapidosis, Varroosis, Small Hive Beetles (SHB) infestation, Tropilaelaps infestation, Chalkbrood (only in Controlled Zones) and Nosemosis (only in Controlled Zones)