270 research outputs found

    Apophatic and Mystical Realism. Nicholas’ of Cusa Lesson

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    In my paper I consider the question, whether one can reconcile radical apophatic perspective with the realistic interpretation of religious discourse. Both are supported by very important religious intuitions, but seem to be mutually inconsistent. In order to show what form of “apophatic realism” is possible to hold, I analyze the thought of Nicolas of Cusa: fifteenth century mystic and philosopher, whose thought does justice to the deepest religious intuitions and can be inspiring, and – in its basic principles – also tenable, even in XXI century.In my paper I consider the question, whether one can reconcile radical apophatic perspective with the realistic interpretation of religious discourse. Both are supported by very important religious intuitions, but seem to be mutually inconsistent. In order to show what form of “apophatic realism” is possible to hold, I analyze the thought of Nicolas of Cusa: fifteenth century mystic and philosopher, whose thought does justice to the deepest religious intuitions and can be inspiring, and – in its basic principles – also tenable, even in XXI century

    The morphology of the Luciąża River valley floor in the vicinity of the Rozprza medieval ring-fort in light of geophysical survey

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    Multidisciplinary research (including magnetic survey, earth resistance survey, geological mapping, detailed archaeological surface survey and geochemical prospection) was undertaken on an area of about 0.7–9.0 hectares (depending on the method) in the close surroundings of the medieval ring-fort relicts in central Poland. The geophysical studies of the vicinity of the Rozprza ring-fort were part of a multi-method complementary non-destructive archaeological survey. The ring-fort is situated in the Luciąża River (Vistula River basin) valley floor and the flood plain morphology is very important for the reconstruction of palaeoenvironmental conditions of settlement location. Results of aerial photographs and geophysical prospection allowed the discovery of traces of sub-fossil palaeomeanders of different sizes as well as relicts of archaeological features (system of ramparts and moats). It was possible due to the application of high resolution archaeo-geophysical surveys. Both natural structures and also anthropogenic features registered with geophysics have been verified by geological sounding. The surface geology structure of the close vicinity of the ring-fort has been recognised in detail and selected organic deposits of palaeochannel fills and overbank covers have been 14C dated. The Rozprza ring-fort was situated in a defensive location on the surface of a sandy terrace remnant in the central part of a (partly) swampy valley floor. The accumulation of recorded fills of palaeochannels and moats covers the whole Holocene, as documented by 14C data. It gives the possibility for future detailed palaeoenvironmental studies. The results of geophysical studies, due to their known precise location, allow the effective planning of further research activities, both archaeological and palaeoenvironmenta

    Sokratejsko-platońska filozoficzna terapia religii. Zarys problematyki

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    In my paper, I try to apply to religion the idea of philosophy as therapy. The issue seems to be an important one - as far as many contemporary forms of religion seem to be dysfunctional - i.e. are in need of therapy. Can philosophy be such a therapy?            There are arguments that philosophy has no competence to judge religion, even less - to try to change it. „Philosophical” argument claims that philosophy and religion are autonomous language games; no rule of a given game should be judged under the rules of another game. „Theological” argument states that religion is based on the divine revelation, and any human claim to judge what comes from the divine realm is an unjustified and blasphemous usurpation.            I (a) try to show that there is a way of doing philosophy that can face both of the above arguments, and (b) sketch a program of „philosophical therapy of religion”.Przedmiotem mojego artykułu jest próba zastosowaniu idei filozofii jako terapii w odniesieniu do religii. Zagadnienie jest o tyle istotne, iż wiele współczesnych form religii posiada cechy, które wydają się dysfunkcyjne - wymagają „terapii”. Czy taką terapią może być filozofia?             Istnieją argumenty, iż filozofia nie ma kompetencji, by cokolwiek osądzać, a tym bardziej zmieniać w religii. Zarzuty „filozoficzny” głosi, że filozofia i religia to różne, autonomiczne „gry językowe”, zaś każda „gra” posiada sobie właściwe reguły, które nie mogą być osądzane i zmieniane w świetle reguł innej „gry”. Zarzut „teologiczny”: że religia opiera się na boskim objawieniu i wszelkie czysto ludzkie roszczenia do osądu tego, co pochodzi ze sfery absolutnej, są nieuprawnioną, a wręcz bluźnierczą uzurpacją.             W moim tekście chcę pokazać, że (a) istnieje sposób filozofowania, wobec którego powyższe zarzuty są nietrafione oraz (b) zarysować szkic programu „filozoficznej terapii religii”

    Metafizyczne doświadczenie niestałej Arche

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    METAPHYSICAL EXPERIENCE OF THE VARIABLE ARCHE Summary In my paper I sketch a conception of metaphysical experience as the experience of Arche – a ground of being and existence. I argue that Arche is unstable and fluid, but hidden beneath our everyday, commonsense experiences of the world consisting of beings with firmly established identities. I also sketch the way leading from that everyday experience of the world towards the experience of the hidden Arche

    Zastosowanie eksperymentalnej i numerycznej analizy modalnej do określenia właściwości dynamicznych szlifierki kłowej do wałków.

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    W przypadku szlifierek istotnym parametrem decydującym o wynikowych parametrach geometrycznych szlifowanych przedmiotów oraz trwałości narzędzia są ich właściwości dynamiczne. W pracy przedstawiono eksperymentalną i numeryczną analizę modalną zastosowaną do identyfikacji częstotliwości i postaci drgań własnych szlifowanego przedmiotu oraz wrzeciennika ściernicy. Uzyskane rezultaty odniesiono do wyników analizy sygnału drgań wywołanych rozwojem falistości na ściernicy i przedmiocie.In the case of grinding machines an important parameter which affect final part geometrical quality are their dynamic properties. The paper presents experimental and numerical modal analysis to identify the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the ground part and grinding wheel headstock. The results were compared with the results of the analysis of the vibration signal for grinding wheel and workpiece chatter vibrations


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    The vallum in lacu (rampart by the lake) mentioned in 15th-century written sources as part of the Medieval landscape of Ostrowite (East Pomerania) has been researched by archaeologists and antiquaries since the 19th century. A wide range of non-invasive archaeological prospection methods were applied at Ostrowite in 2010-2015, including magnetic gradiometry, earth resistance, aerial photography, intensive field-walking, geochemical (phosphate) prospection, and the analysis of Airborne Laser Scanning. They were supplemented and verified by small-scale excavation work. This vast set of prospection methods was integrated into a Geographical Information System (GIS), and combined with an analysis of written sources, and allowed for the identification of a previously unknown ring-fort, which for the last 15 years has gone unnoticed by researchers conducting annual excavations in its vicinity. Its discovery and identification were only possible due to the integration of results from various methods, particularly non-invasive ones.Key words: magnetometry, surface survey, phosphate prospection, electrical resistivity, aerial photography, Middle Ages.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/ab.v24i0.156

    Stężenie hormonów płciowych w surowicy u młodych kobiet we wczesnym okresie po zakończonym powodzeniem przeszczepieniu nerki

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    Background: Hormonal disorders are frequently present in hemodialysed patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). In women with CKD sex hormones abnormalities may lead to irregular, often anovulatory cycles, sexual dysfunction and infertility. Kidney transplantation done in young women tends to ameliorate most of the aforementioned disorders and improve fertility. The aim of this study was to assess the changes of serum sex hormones concentration in young women before, and after the first 6 months after successful KTx Material and methods: Fourteen chronic hemodialysis women with CKD undergoing kidney transplantation and 46 apparently healthy women in similar age (control group) were enrolled into the study. In all women serum concentration of: FSH, LH, PRL and estradiol determined. Measurements in the transplanted group were done four times: immediately before surgery, in the 14th - and 30th - day and 6 months after the transplantation. The results are presented as means and 95% CI. Results: All of the women that have finished the study presented an excellent function of the transplanted kidney – mean serum creatinine concentration was 92.54 (74.85 – 110.23) µmol/l. After successful KTx a significant decrease in the serum concentrations of FSH and LH was observed. Decrease of serum PRL concentration after KTx did not reach statistical significance in the multiple comparisons analyses, but returned to the values observed in healthy controls. KTx did not significantly influence serum estradiol concentration. Conclusions: Successful kidney transplantation leads to the normalization of serum concentrations of hormones linked to fertility disorders in women with chronic kidney disease. Wstęp: U chorych z przewlekłą chorobą nerek (chronic kidney disease, CKD) poddawanych hemodializie często obserwuje się zaburzenia hormonalne. U kobiet z CKD nieprawidłowe stężenia hormonów płciowych mogą powodować nieregularne, często bezowulacyjne cykle, zaburzenia czynności seksualnych i bezpłodność. Po przeszczepieniu nerki u młodych kobiet zwykle następuje złagodzenie większości z tych zaburzeń i poprawa płodności. Badanie przeprowadzono w celu oceny zmian stężeń hormonów płciowych w surowicy oznaczo­nych przed i po udanym przeszczepieniu nerki. Materiały i metody: Do badania włączono 14 przewlekle hemodializowanych kobiet z CKD, u których planowano przeszczepienie nerki oraz 46 zdrowych kobiet w podobnym wieku (grupa kontrolna). U wszystkich kobiet oznaczono stężenia w surowicy hormonu folikulotropowego (follicle-stimulating hormone, FSH), hormonu luteinizującego (luteinizing hormone, LH), prolaktyny (prolactin, PRL) i estradiolu. W grupie poddanej transplantacji pomiary wykonano 4-krotnie: bezpośrednio przed zabiegiem, w 14. i 30. dobie po zabiegu oraz 6 miesięcy po zabiegu. Wyniki przedstawiono jako średnie i 95-procentowe przedziały ufności. Wyniki: U wszystkich kobiet, które ukończyły badanie stwierdzono bardzo dobrą czynność przeszczepionej nerki — średnie stężenie kreatyniny w surowicy wynosiło 92,54 (74,85–110,23) μmol/l. Po udanym przeszczepieniu nerki zaobserwowano istotne zmniejszenie stężeń w surowicy FSH i LH. Zmniejszenie stężenia PRL w surowicy po przeszczepieniu nerki nie osiągnęło poziomu istotności statystycznej w testach wielokrotnych porównań, ale stężenie tego hormonu wróciło do wartości obserwowanych u zdrowych osób z grupy kontrolnej. Przeszczepienie nerki nie wpłynęło istotnie na stężenie estradiolu w surowicy. Wnioski: Zakończone powodzeniem przeszczepienie nerki powoduje normalizację stężeń w surowicy hormonów związanych z zabu­rzeniami płodności u kobiet z CKD

    Immunolocalization of ABC drug transporters in human placenta from normal and gestational diabetic pregnancies

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    Objectives: ABC transporters, P-gp, MDR3, BCRP and MRP1, can bind both endo- and exogenous ligands. The latter include immunosuppressive, anticancer, sedative, anticonvulsant, antiparasitic and cardiovascular drugs, as well as HIV protease inhibitors and antibiotics. Protein transporters are also involved in tissue distribution of orally administered medicines in combination therapy for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and could be used during GDM treatment. The distribution depends on transporter specificity, its expression and subcellular localization. The aim: The aim of the study was to compare P-gp, MDR3, BCRP and MRP1 localization in placental tissues from normal and GDM diabetic pregnancies. Material and methods: Tissue samples were taken from 10 normal and 10 GDM placentas. Immunohistochemical reactions were performed with the use of adequate monoclonal antibodies. Avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex method was used for the visualization of antigen-antibody complexes. Results: P-gp, MDR3 and BCRP were found in all parts of normal human placenta i.e. the amniotic epithelium, cytotrophoblast, syncytiotrophoblast and decidual cells. P-gp and BCRP, but not MDR3 and MRP1, were also localized on the endothelial cells of fetal blood vessels in the chorionic plate, as well as stem and tertiary villi. MRP1 expression was observed in the cytotrophoblast and the syncytiotrophoblast. Its expression was very low or undetectable in the amniotic epithelium and the majority of decidual cells. Immunohistochemical reactions within the syncytiotrophoblast showed apical (P-gp, BCRP), apical and basal (MRP1) or diffuse (MDR3) distribution. The main changes observed in GDM placentas included weaker MRP1 and MDR3 positive reactions in the syncytiotrophoblast, slightly lower expression of P-gp in the decidual and amniotic epithelial cells, and MDR3 in the amniotic epithelium. Conclusions: Our results indicate that GDM-related changes in the environment of placental cells do not substantially influence tissue and subcellular location of ABC transporters. Nevertheless, the expression of P-gp, MDR3 and MRP1 may be lower in comparison to normal placentas. Basal syncytiotrophoblast transporters, MRP1 and MDR3, seem to be more sensitive to the influence of GDM than apical proteins, what may result in altered biodisposition of endogenous substrates and drugs


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    The results of ultrasonic imaging with the aid of an algorithm with the virtual rays is presented in this paper. The signal associated with the virtual rays is calculated as an arithmetical mean value of the signals of the rays surrounding the virtual one. Developed algorithm was tested on synthetic free noise data then polluted synthetic data in order to move for the real measurements. Conclusions about the imaging with new algorithm are not obvious. In same cases the significant improvement was achieved but in some not.W pracy przedstawiono rezultaty działania algorytmu obrazowania ultradźwiękowego z dodatkowymi wirtualnymi promieniami. Sygnał odpowiadający wirtualnym promieniom jest wyliczany jako średnia arytmetyczna rzeczywistych sygnałów pomiarowych odpowiadających promieniom otaczającym dany promień wirtualny. Zaproponowany algorytm najpierw przetestowano na danych syntetycznych niezaszumionych, następnie na danych zaszumionych aby następnie przejść do danych pomiarowych. Wnioski na temat tego czy promienie wirtualne mają szanse podnieść jakość obrazowania nie są jednoznaczne. W niektórych przypadkach jakość jest znacznie lepsza a w innych nie

    Impact of ticagrelor administration strategy on its pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in patients with unstable angina pectoris: a protocol of a randomized study

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    Introduction. Dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and a P2Y12 receptor inhibitor constitutes an essential part of the management of patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS). Based on the favorable results of the PLATO trial, ticagrelor is currently recommended as the first line P2Y12 receptor inhibitor in a broad spectrum of ACS patients. According to the recently published data, several conditions, including concurrent analgesia with morphine and clinical presentation as an ACS, may alter ticagrelor absorption and its antiplatelet effect. Therefore, the goal of the present study was to investigate pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of new ticagrelor administration strategies aimed to overcome limitations of the standard ticagrelor loading regimen. Methods/design. The study is designed as a phase IV, single center, randomized, investigator-initiated, parallel-group, open-label, interventional study comparing the influence of various ticagrelor administration strategies on its pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Patients with unstable angina pectoris will be randomized in a 1:1:1 ratio into one of three arms, each receiving a 180 mg ticagrelor loading dose (LD). Ticagrelor administration strategies comprise: 1) pulverized ticagrelor administered sublingually, 2) pulverized ticagrelor in 10 mL suspension in tap water administered orally and 3) integral ticagrelor tablets administered orally. An internal pilot study including 30 (10 in each of the arms) is planned in order to determine the final sample size. The primary endpoint of the trial is time (tmax) required for ticagrelor and its active metabolite AR-C124900XX to reach maximum plasma concentration within time frame of six hours after administration of ticagrelor LD. The secondary endpoints include ticagrelor and AR-C124900XX maximum plasma concentration, area under the plasma concentration-time curve for ticagrelor and AR-C124900XX (AUC 0–6h) and platelet reactivity assessed with Multiple Electrode Aggregometry using the Multiplate™ Analyzer prior to and within time frame of six hours following ticagrelor LD. Discussion. This study is expected to provide essential evidence-based data on the impact of ticagrelor administration strategy on its pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in patients with unstable angina pectoris. Hopefully, based on its results, further clinical outcome-powered trials on new ticagrelor administration strategies will be designed and conducted.