17 research outputs found

    Molecular and Biotechnological Approaches in the Diagnosis of Leprosy

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    Leprosy is a worldwide health problem, which needs the development of new and innovative strategies to be controlled. Early diagnosis of leprosy is an important contribution to reducing the incidence of the disease; thus, the development of biotechnology platforms, which include the mapping of antigens with potential to be used in immunodiagnostic and molecular methods for the detection of Mycobacterium leprae, is an important tool to confirm the clinical diagnostic. Molecular biology and biotechnological methods have been used to assist in the diagnosis of this disease, each one with its advantages and drawbacks. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is the used method for leprosy diagnosis, and it allows the detection of infection-related antigens. Alternatively, due to their versatility to perform the same functions as the protein and non-protein natural antigens, mimetic peptides are considered an important tool. On the other hand, lateral flow assay (LFA) and optical and electrochemical biosensors are rapid and portable methods, capable of performing diagnosis in the field without sample preparation. This chapter presents such techniques, their uses in the diagnosis and detection of M. leprae, as well as the potential for the development of new techniques and strategies that can help to control and understand mycobacteriosis

    microRNAs: Are They Important in the Development of Resistance in Leishmaniasis?

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    Leishmaniasis is an infectious and parasitic disease of great importance in public health. Numerous studies indicate that biochemical and molecular mechanisms are factors that contribute to the emergence of antileishmanial drug resistance. Currently, miRNAs have been identified as targets for the invasion of pathogens to control the immune response and imply resistance to treatments. Considering the alarming growth in drug resistance, new possibilities for controlling leishmaniasis have been emerging. Natural compounds originating from medicinal plants are being increasingly explored as promising antileishmanial alternatives. The chapter aims to provide a brief review on mechanisms of action associated with traditional agents used to treat leishmaniasis, focusing mainly on molecular bases associated with the resistance of Leishmania spp. to current drugs and identifying the possible miRNAs involved in this process. In addition, we seek to describe some of the promising plant molecules that can be used as potential antileishmanial agents and their possible mechanisms of action

    What is the role of circRNAs in the pathogenesis of cervical cancer? A systematic literature review

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    Cervical Cancer (CC) is one of the most prevalent neoplasms among women, considered the leading cause of gynecological death worldwide, and the fourth most common type of cancer. Regional metastasis is closely related to the low effectiveness of treatment, and validating biomarkers can optimize accuracy in diagnosis and prognosis. Among the potential biomarkers associated with disease metastasis are circular RNAs (circRNAs), whose altered expression has been linked to CC progression. In this context, this systematic review aims to compile information on the clinical-pathological significance and describe the biological function of circRNAs. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were used to include relevant literature, followed by in silico analysis. Additionally, we employed the UALCAN tools to search for host genes of circRNAs and expression data, miRTargetLink 2.0 to predict interactions of microRNA target genes and the Cytoscape software to predict possible interactions of microRNA target genes. According to the research, most circRNAs were found to be overexpressed and described as regulators of processes such as invasion, cell proliferation, apoptosis and migration. They were also implicated in clinical significance, including metastasis, TNM staging and microRNA interactions. CircRNAs may participate in critical processes in tumorigenesis; therefore, understanding the underlying molecular mechanisms of gene regulation in CC can contribute to the accuracy of diagnosis, prognosis and therapy

    Conhecimento e percepção de alunos sobre a infecção por HIV/AIDS em uma escola indígena

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    O vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) é o causador da Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida (AIDS), devido a sua alta incidência, representa um problema de saúde pública. Estudos têm destacado maior vulnerabilidade dos povos indígenas quanto a transmissão do HIV, onde as baixas condições de vida, menor nível socioeconômico, educacional, exclusão social e dificuldades de serviços públicos de saúde, são fatores que influenciam a transmissão desta doença. Porém, há uma escassez de informações sobre as taxas de infecção pelo HIV/ AIDS entre os povos indígenas. Portanto, o presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar o conhecimento e percepção de alunos de uma escola indígena no interior do Maranhão acerca da infecção por HIV/AIDS. Como instrumento de coleta de dados, foi aplicado um questionário que contemplava questões sociodemográficas comparando o conhecimento sobre o HIV dos alunos. A análise dos dados foi realizada através da ferramenta SPSS. Os resultados demonstraram que 60,3% dos entrevistados foram mulheres e 39,6% homens, onde apresentavam em média 14 anos de idade, no qual 39 são estudantes do ensino fundamental e 19 do ensino médio. Observou-se uma preocupante lacuna de conhecimento sobre diversos aspectos da infecção, tais como a utilização da vacina como medida preventiva (65%) e escassez de campanhas informativas (68%). Verifica-se que as variáveis sociodemográficas não interferiram no conhecimento sobre HIV/AIDS visto que não houve grandes diferenças estatísticas, porém, percebe-se que o conhecimento sobre a temática abordada é limitado. Portanto, fica evidente a necessidade da implantação de políticas que visem a divulgação da prevenção ao combate às IST, em especial o HIV/AIDS, para comunidades indígenas


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    A carência de condições básicas de higiene e saneamento, aliadas à falta de limpeza dos reservatórios de água e a não utilização de água fltrada ou fervida, intensifcam a ocorrência de problemas de saúde pública. Com o intuito de contribuir para a conscientização da população acerca dos problemas de saúde decorrentes da contaminação da água, realizou-se no Bairro do Jambeiro, localizado nas mediações da Universidade Federal do Maranhão, um projeto interdisciplinar que visou, pela divulgação dos dados da pesquisa científca, avaliar a água utilizada pelos moradores através de análise físico-química, microbiológica e parasitológica, de modo que os resultados permitissem a conscientização, através de atividades educacionais dos moradores. Os resultados endossam a precariedade de condições sanitárias encontradas nessa comunidade. Os poços, as torneiras e o córrego apresentam níveis de contaminação acima do recomendável pela Resolução CONAMA e ANVISA, sendo, portanto, impróprias para o consumo. Os exames parasitológicos revelaram alta prevalência (91%) de enteroparasitoses nas crianças. A partir desses resultados os integrantes do projeto e seus parceiros realizaram palestras destinadas à comunidade sobre os meios de tratamento da água, biologia dos parasitas e medidas profláticas das principais verminoses. Concomitante, ocorreu a entrega e esclarecimentos dos laudos da análise físico-química, microbiológica e parasitológica, onde houve a distribuição de remédios às crianças que estavam infectadas.Descritores:  Enteroparasitos; Epidemiologia; Prevalência.Abstract: The lack of basic conditions hygiene and sanitation, allied to grubbiness of water reservoirs and no use of fltered or boiled water, enhance the occurrence of health public problems. With the aim of contribute to awareness of the population about the health problems resulting from the water contamination, was held in the District of the Jambeiro, located near the Federal University of Maranhão, an interdisciplinary project the aimed, by disclosure of scientifc research, to evaluate the water used by population through physico-chemical, microbiological and parasitological analyses, so that the results allow awareness through educational activities of population. The results comproved the precarious sanitary conditions found in this community. The level contamination of the wells, taps and stream is higher than recommended by Resolution CONAMA and ANVISA, therefore, unft for consumption. The parasitological revealed a high prevalence (91%) of intestinal parasites in children. Based on these results the members of the project and its partners held talks for the community about the water treatment, biology of parasites and worms and of the main prophylactic measures. Concomitantly, there was the delivery and clarifcation of reports of physico-chemical, microbiological and parasitological, where there was the distribution of drugs to children who were infected.Descriptors: Enteroparasites; Epidemiology; Prevalence

    Rhinosporidiosis: the largest case series in Brazil

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    Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Rhinosporidiosis is a chronic infection of the mucous membrane and is caused by Rhinosporidium seeberi, an aquatic mesomycetozoan. The mode of infection is probably transepithelial penetration. The large number of rivers and lakes and the strong presence of riparian populations in the State of Maranhão are strong predisposing factors for rhinosporidiosis. METHODS: A 5-year retrospective study was conducted in a tertiary medical center situated in Maranhão, Northeast Brazil. Twenty-five Maranhense patients diagnosed with rhinosporidiosis were analyzed. RESULTS: Most of the patients were children, adolescents and young adults (age range: 7-24 years, mean age: 14 years). The majority of the participants were male (84%), brown (76%), and students (92%). All lesions involved the entire nasal cavity and presented with a vascular polypoid mass. All patients were treated by surgical excision of the lesions. CONCLUSIONS: Rhinosporidiosis affects younger age groups, especially students from the countryside and the outskirts of urban areas. This study will aid and guide physicians in diagnosing and treating this infection in endemic areas

    P16INK4a expression in patients with penile cancer.

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    BACKGROUND:Infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) is reported to be present in 30-50% of penile cancer cases. The immunohistochemical test for p16INK4a is used as an indicator of the presence of HPV and as a prognostic marker for squamous cell carcinomas in various sites. However, the role of this marker in penile carcinoma has not yet been completely elucidated. The aim of this study was to analyze whether the expression of p16INK4a is associated with the presence of HPV, histological parameters, and survival in penile cancer. METHODS:A study was conducted from 2014 to 2016 that included 55 patients with penile carcinoma. HPV DNA was detected through PCR using fresh tumor tissue, and immunohistochemistry was performed for analysis of p16INK4a protein using paraffin-embedded tissue. Evaluation of histological parameters was performed following complete embedding of the tumor tissue in paraffin. RESULTS:HPV DNA (low-risk and high-risk genotypes) was found in 49 (89.1%) cases, and 46/49 (93.9%) showed high-oncogenic risk HPV (HR-HPV). Of the 22 cases positive for p16INK4a, HR-HPV DNA was present in 21 (95.5%) (p = 0.032). Regarding histological parameters, p16INK4a and HR-HPV were significantly associated only with tumor subtype (p = 0.036 and p = 0.032, respectively); all carcinomas with basaloid characteristics were positive for p16INK4a. Although HPV+ patients had a higher disease-free survival (p <0.001), p16INK4a expression was not associated with patient survival. CONCLUSIONS:Our study, using fresh tissue samples, showed the highest incidence of HPV compared to that observed in the literature. Expression of the p16INK4a protein was significantly associated with the presence of HR-HPV and this expression may serve as a marker for the presence of the virus. The p16INK4a protein was not associated with the histological prognostic parameters, with the exception of tumor subtype, nor with patient survival. In the results, we showed that the objective of the present study was reached