76 research outputs found

    First report of Leptonectes (Ichthyosauria: Leptonectidae) from the Lower Jurassic (Pliensbachian) of Asturias, northern Spain

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    Early Jurassic ichthyosaurs are well-known based on the abundant and exquisitely preserved European records of the Western Tethys. For example, faunas from Southern England and the Toarcian Posidonia shales of Holzmaden and surrounding areas (Germany) are known worldwide. However, between these areas there are still gaps and/or under-sampled localities from the northern coast of Europe. In recent years as a result of systematic palaeontological and geological explorations of Pliensbachian fossiliferous localities along the coast of Asturias (northern Spain), ichthyosaur specimens have been collected. One of them can be identified at lower taxonomic levels and it is referred to Leptonectes sp. These new findings highlight the richness of the fossil record of the northern coast of Spain and suggest that the abundance of Pliensbachian ichthyosaurs worldwide may have been underestimated.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    First report of Leptonectes (Ichthyosauria: Leptonectidae) from the Lower Jurassic (Pliensbachian) of Asturias, northern Spain

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    Early Jurassic ichthyosaurs are well-known based on the abundant and exquisitely preserved European records of the Western Tethys. For example, faunas from Southern England and the Toarcian Posidonia shales of Holzmaden and surrounding areas (Germany) are known worldwide. However, between these areas there are still gaps and/or under-sampled localities from the northern coast of Europe. In recent years as a result of systematic palaeontological and geological explorations of Pliensbachian fossiliferous localities along the coast of Asturias (northern Spain), ichthyosaur specimens have been collected. One of them can be identified at lower taxonomic levels and it is referred to Leptonectes sp. These new findings highlight the richness of the fossil record of the northern coast of Spain and suggest that the abundance of Pliensbachian ichthyosaurs worldwide may have been underestimated.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Gravity processes and palaeontological discoveries on The Dinosaur Coast (Asturias, N Spain)

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    En este trabajo se ha llevado a cabo una caracterización geomorfológica del entorno del Faro de Tazones, con el fin de analizar la incidencia de los procesos de gravedad en la evolución de un tramo de la Costa de los Dinosaurios y en el patrimonio paleontológico. Para ello, se ha realizado trabajo de campo y de fotointerpretación con el fin de elaborar un mapa geomorfológico de un área de 1,13 km2 que recoge formas marinas, de gravedad y fluviales. Además, se ha llevado a cabo un análisis de la evolución histórica del entorno mediante fotografías aéreas y ortofotografías disponibles desde 1984. Se ha constatado la gran inestabilidad de la zona, con presencia de grietas y escarpes/cicatrices cada vez más abundante desde 1984. Estos movimientos han facilitado el hallazgo y recuperación de hasta 32 fósiles de vertebrados jurásicos en el Yacimiento del Faro de Tazones, aunque también se tiene constancia de pérdidas de patrimonio fósil, debido a la repercusión negativa de los fenómenos de gravedadA geomorphological characterization of the Tazones´ Lighthouse surroundings has been carried out in order to analyze its incidence in the evolution of a section of The Dinosaur Coast and in the paleontological heritage. Fieldwork and photointerpretation have been performed to elaborate a geomorphological map of a 1.13 km2 area that includes marine, gravity and fluvial forms. In addition, the analysis of the historical evolution of the environment by means of aerial photographs and orthophotographs available since 1984, have been carried out. The presence of cracks and escarps since 1984 has revealed the instability of the area. The gravity processes have facilitated the discovery and recovery of up to 32 Jurassic vertebrate fossils along the Tazones Lighthouse Tracksite, although there is also evidence of losses of fossil heritage due to the negative repercussion of this kind of phenomen

    Palynology from “The Jurassic Dinosaur Coast” of Asturias (Lastres Fm., Northwestern Spain): palynostratigraphical and palaeoecological insights

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    Abundant fossils of vertebrates (mainly footprints and bones of dinosaurs) and numerous invertebrates occur in the Upper Jurassic deposits of the Lastres Formation in the Asturias region, North of Spain. However, no palynological study has been published from this geological formation; therefore, much palaeoenvironmental and palaeoecological information is still unknown. In this study, a total of 62 morphospecies, belonging to 49 different morphogenera were identified, including pollen, spores, algae remains, fungi spores, dinoflagellates, foraminifera, and scolecodonts from four different locations on the Asturian coast. Spores are the dominant group of palynomorphs, both in diversity and abundance, contrasting with the minor diversity of pollen grains. The age of some key taxa indicates that the palynological assemblage cannot be older than the Kimmeridgian, suggesting a Kimmeridgian-Tithonian age. The botanical and environmental affinities of the pollen and spores indicate the presence of different plant assemblages, including plant communities from humid areas such as the margin of rivers and small freshwater ponds that were dominated by bryophytes and ferns, and a coastal plant community that would inhabit arid areas and would be dominated by gymnosperms and some pteridophytes. The SEM analyses of wood remains show the abundance of charcoalified remains suggesting that wildfires were usual in The Dinosaur Coast of Asturias during the Kimmeridgian.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481A-2019/243Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481A-2020/175Chinese Academy of Sciences | Ref. XDB26000000Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades | Ref. PGC2018-094034-B-C2

    Lower Jurassic bivalves of Suárez Vega collection held at Museo del Jurásico de Asturias (MUJA), Spain

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    Presentado en la XX Bienal RSEHN, Madrid 2013Los datos obtenidos a partir de colecciones paleontológicas que se encuentran en los museos pueden ser útiles para hacer una estimación de la diversidad así como para estudios paleobiogeográfi cos. Suárez Vega en su Tesis Doctoral sobre el Jurásico de Asturias citó un número importante de especies de bivalvos y su contexto estratigráfico. En 2007, una parte importante de este material fue depositado en el Museo del Jurásico de Asturias. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de la revisión taxonómica de la colección de bivalvos del Jurásico Inferior de este autor, procedentes de diecisiete afl oramientos distribuidos por toda la Cuenca Asturiana y que corresponden a intervalos estratigráficos diferentes. El mayor número de ejemplares se ha recogido en los acantilados de la Playa de Peñarrubia, Gijón (33%). En conjunto, se han revisado más de 250 ejemplares y alrededor de 200 se han podido determinar específicamente debido a su buen estado de conservación. Corresponden al intervalo Sinemuriense Superior (Cronozona Obtusum)-Toarciense Superior (Cronozona Aalensis), repartiéndose la mayoría entre las cronozonas Obtusum, Oxynotum e Ibex. Con anterioridad a este trabajo la diversidad estaba subestimada y con este estudio se ha ampliado a veintinueve géneros, pertenecientes a once órdenes y veintidós familias. Los géneros mejor representados, en relación con el número total de ejemplares analizados, son Gryphaea (18%), Pholadomya (15%), Semuridia (13%), Pseudopecten (10%) y Pleuromya (7%). Se cita, por primera vez, el género Anningella, que hasta el momento, sólo se había reconocido en Gran Bretaña y, destaca la presencia de otros nuevos taxones para Asturias como son Dacryomya, Palaeoneilo, Modiolus (Cyranus) entre los protobranchios, Semuridia y Meleagrinella entre los pteriomorphios, y Mesomiltha y Unicardium entre los heteroconchios.Data from museum palaeontological collections can contribute to estimates of diversity as well as to palaeobiogeographical studies. Linkages between species occurrence and descriptive information from the fi eld can also be useful to verify taxa and species association occurrences in a space-temporal analysis. This can be especially valuable when data refl ect stratigraphically well-constrained sampling intervals. Part of the scientifi c research of Suárez Vega was dedicated to the Jurassic stratigraphy of Asturias (N Iberian Peninsula). He made a diverse and extensive palaeontological collection of material between the late 1960s and early 1970s, leading to his PhD thesis publication in 1974, “Estratigrafía del Jurásico en Asturias”. In that work he refers to some signifi cant bivalve occurrences observed and cited in their stratigraphical context. In 2007 Suárez Vega donated his collections to the Museo del Jurásico de Asturias (MUJA), where it was incorporated and has been held and curated ever since. A re-evaluation study was carried out on the Suárez Vega Lower Jurassic bivalve specimens at MUJA. Twenty-eight fossil sites were analysed, providing bivalve material from several sections showing distinct space-temporal resolution of the Asturian basin. The localities range from E to W, from Ribadesella to Playa de Peñarrubia (Gijón) respectively, on the coast and with others provenances from inner parts of Asturias such as Borines (Piloña). Most sections represent short chronostratigraphies with the exception of the coastal cliff sections, although these are almost impossible to sample in good conditions or they are completely inaccessible due to urban development. The major bivalve material comes from Playa de Peñarrubia (33%), Santa Mera (8%), Villaviciosa (8%), and Péon (10%) sections, but there are fourteen other localities with less abundance. The collected material corresponds and refl ects well exposed sections with abundant strata surfaces or shell concentrations in exceptionally preserved conditions as in Peón. The Lower Jurassic bivalve analysed material comprises more than 250 specimens; the large majority of them (ca 200) were indentifi ed to species level because of their well preserved nature. They span from the Upper Sinemurian (Obtusum Chronozone) to the Upper Toarcian (Aalensis Chronozone) and most of the specimens are equally represented in the Obtusum, Oxynotum and Ibex chronozones. The apparent diversity is equitable distributed in these chronozones too. The diversity of bivalve taxa cited for all the time intervals in Asturias in previous publications were underestimated and our re-evaluation suggest 31 genera and 39 species, representing 24 families and 12 orders. The most represented genera, in terms of total number of specimens, are Gryphaea (18%), Pholadomya (15%), Semuridia (13%), Pseudopecten (10%) and Pleuromya (7%). These data are refl ected at family level with Gryphaeidae (17%), Pectinidae (15%), Pholadomyidae (15%) and Pergamidiidae (13%). Therefore the major represented orders are: Ostreida (33%), Pectinida (33%) and Pholadomyida (16%). The occurrence of pectinoid Anningella outside of Great Britain is recognized for the fi rst time. We also record new occurrences for Asturias for the protobranchs Dacryomya, Palaeoneilo, Modiolus (Cyranus), the pteriomorphs Semuridia and Meleagrinella, and the heteroconchs Mesomiltha and Unicardium. Although the Suárez Vega collection was biased by fi eld collecting methodology, these precise data are important for palaeobiogeographical analysis on the same interval in NW European Provinces. This revision provides and updated bivalve biodiversity data set allowing the comparison between Asturias with other nearby basins like Lusitanian (Portugal), Basque-Cantabrian basin and Iberian Ranges (NE to E of Spain). In future studies this information will be integrated in palaeontological analysis with newly collected material from the same time and space intervals in order to better understand the palaeoceanographic dynamics of these faunas.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN)pu

    Sistem Pengendali Kecepatan Motor Dc Pada Lift Barang Menggunakan Kontroler Pid Berbasis Atmega 2560

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    Lift barang adalah angkutan transportasi vertikal digunakan untuk memindahkan barang. Lift ini sangat khusus fungsinya untuk barang saja, lift ini hampir sama dengan lift penumpang namun ada sedikit perbedaan dalam sistem keamanannya. Lift barang yang sekarang memang sudah otomatis tetapi hanya pada gedung bertingkat tinggi. Untuk minimarket atau home industry yang memiliki struktur bangunan 2 lantai, banyak dijumpai masih menggunakan pengkatrolan secara manual oleh tenaga manusia untuk memindahkan barang. Hal ini cukup tidak efisien. Pada penelitian ini telah dirancang sistem pengaturan kecepatan motor DC pada lift barang menggunakan kontoler PID dengan kontruksi sistem yang sederhana. Digunakan Kontroler PID untuk mengurangi kesalahan, sehingga putaran motor dapat sesuai dengan kecepatan yang diinginkan. Dengan bantuan kontroler PID maka lift barang mampu bergerak dengan aman dan halus. Pada skripsi ini digunakan metode Ziegler-Nichols tunning 2. Dalam pembuatannya digunakan Arduino Mega 2560, rotary encoder Autonic E40H8 500-6-L-5, limit switch, dan motor DC. Berdasarkan data respons sistem yang diperoleh dari pengujian dengan menggunakan metode kedua Ziegler-Nichols, maka parameter kontroler PID dapat ditentukan dengan gain Kp = 7.71, Ki = 7.035 dan Kd = 2.113.Kata Kunci— Lift barang, Pengendalian Kecepatan, PID, Arduino Mega 2560

    El Sinemuriense superior: cronozonas Obtusum y Oxynotum en Asturias,España. Ammonoideos y correlación con otras cuencas del oeste de Europa

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    Se estudia la cronoestratigrafía, biosedimentación y, en particular, la sucesión de los ammonoideos que, con un registro relativamente pobre, se encuentra en varias secciones del Sinemuriense superior (cronozonas Obtusum y Oxynotum) de la costa de Asturias, entre la Playa de Peñarrubia (Gijón) y la Playa de Vega (Ribadesella). Si se exceptúa el límite inferior de la cronozona Obtusum, todas las unidades cronoestratigráficas han podido ser caracterizadas con bastante precisión. En la cronozona Obtusum (subcronozonas Obtusum y Stellare) se suceden en el tiempo siete especies de Asteroceras (A. aff. confusum-A. confusum-A. obtusum-A. cf. margaritoides-A. stellare-A. blakei) y Aegasteroceras (A. sagittarium), que de forma puntual pueden estar asociadas a escasos Epophioceras, Xipheroceras, Promicroceras y Cymbites. La subcronozona Denotatus se caracteriza por la sucesión de tres especies de Eparietites (E. undaries-E. impendens-E. glaber) asociadas a raros Promicroceras. En la cronozona Oxynotum se registran Palaeoechioceras, Gagaticeras (G. cf. exortum-G. gagateum) y Oxynoticeras (O. simpsoni) en la subcronozona Simpsoni y Oxynoticeras (O. oxynotum) asociado a Cheltonia (C. accipitris) en la subcronozona Oxynotum. En la parte media y superior de esta subcronozona, se registran asimismo escasos Paroxynoticeras y escasos Bifericeras y Gleviceras. En el aspecto paleobiogeográfico, la sucesión obtenida es típica de la Provincia del NO Europeo con la inclusión de algunos elementos más propios de la Provincia Mediterránea en la parte media y superior de la cronozona Obtusum (Asteroceras cf. suevicum, E. glaber) y en la parte media de la cronozona Oxynotum (Paroxynoticeras salisburgense)