89 research outputs found
Test de screening en Patología Endocrina como responsable de fibrilación auricular
La fibrilación auricular (FA) es una arritmia cardíaca muy prevalente y presenta un coste económico muy elevado.
Previamente la FA se ha relacionado con algunas endocrinopatías. Se plantea que diferentes endocrinopatías pueden asociarse a la aparición de FA, y que puede ser necesario realizar test de screening de éstas dentro del estudio de la FA.
1) Conocer el perfil de los pacientes vistos por FA en una consulta de Cardiología en un hospital de tercer nivel.
2) Valorar la prevalencia de test de screening positivos para diferentes endocrinopatías y el síndrome metabólico en pacientes con FA.
3) Determinar si existen diferencias clínicas entre los pacientes con algún test de screening positivo frente a los de test de screening negativo, la relación entre éstos con FA paroxística versus permanente y la relación con la calidad de vida.
Se estudió una muestra de pacientes atendidos en los 6 meses previos por FA, descartando aquellos con cardiopatía estructural relevante o isquémica, o insuficiencia renal avanzada. Se recogieron las variables: edad, sexo, HTA, DL, DM, tabaquismo, IMC, perímetro abdominal, SAOS, EPOC, ejercicio físico, antecedentes familiares.
Se valoró la asociación con:
- síndrome metabólico.
- Tirotropina (TSH).
- Parathormona (PTH)
- Prolactina
- Cortisol
- Metanefrinas en orina
- Actividad de renina plasmática
Se valoró la calidad de vida y los fármacos que tomaban, para asociarlo con el tipo de FA y resto de variables.
1) En nuestra muestra existe una alta prevalencia de hipotiroidismo por lo que es necesario diseñar un estudio para valorar adecuadamente la asociación entre hipotiroidismo adecuadamente tratado y la FA.
2) La prevalencia de test de screening positivos es muy alta.
3) La prolactina elevada tiene una prevalencia en los pacientes con FA por encima de la media poblacional publicada. En el estudio hay casi un 50% de pacientes con hiperprolactinemia que toman fármacos asociados al incremento de secreción de prolactina, y aunque el estudio no muestra diferencias significativas en cuanto al uso de fármacos, sería necesario verificar cuantas de estas hiperprolactinemias son secundarias a fármacos.
4) La PTH elevada tiene una prevalencia muy alta en la población con FA y, dados los efectos directos de la PTH sobre la función cardíaca podría tener un papel significativo en la génesis o ser un adyuvante en la aparición de la FA. No obstante, para confirmar los efectos mediados por alteraciones iónicas, habría que diseñar un nuevo estudio con este fin específico.
5) La realización de test de screening de metanefrinas en orina de 24h es de muy baja rentabilidad en la FA.
6) La ARP es un factor a tener en cuenta como productor independiente de cardiopatía, por lo que dada su elevación en la población, ésta puede asociarse a la aparición de FA. Sin embargo, una importante limitación de este estudio es no tener los niveles de aldosterona plasmáticos que son los factores que más influyen sobre la ARP.
7) Los casos de test con cortisol elevado deben ser confirmados mediante otras técnicas.
8) El cortisol está reducido en un número importante de pacientes, sin encontrar diferencias significativas entre los grupos con o sin cortisol reducido en cuanto a las variables del estudio.
9) Los diferentes tipos de presentación de FA no se relacionan con el tipo de alteración en el test de screening.
10) La calidad de vida no se ve afectada en pacientes con alteraciones de los test de screening de endocrinopatías utilizados.
11) La muestra presenta una edad media avanzada, similar número de hombres y mujeres, predomina la FA paroxística y presenta con frecuencia factores de riesgo cardiovascular. La calidad de vida de los pacientes tiene una reducción moderada con la aparición de la FA.
12) La prevalencia de síndrome metabólico en nuestra muestra es baja.
La bibliografía consultada recoge 138 citas bibliográficas
O conceito do Baby Café como rede internacional de apoio à amamentação materna
El objetivo general de este trabajo consiste, en reflexionar sobre el fenómeno del Baby Café como recurso novedoso y conveniente dentro del mundo de la promoción, protección y apoyo a la lactancia materna a nivel internacional. El Baby Café es una iniciativa de apoyo a la lactancia materna, que coordina una red internacional de centros en los que se combina el apoyo formal proveniente de los profesionales sanitarios especializados en lactancia y el apoyo informal propio de los grupos o redes de apoyo a la lactancia. Con el fin último de promover proteger y apoyar a la lactancia materna, adentrándonos en la iniciativa del Baby Café y animando a que se realicen más estudios que avalen el verdadero impacto que éste tipo de iniciativas tienen sobre la sociedad; hemos desarrollado, mediante el estado de la cuestión y un diario de campo, un estudio cualitativo, que nos ha permitido explorar el fenómeno del Baby Café en el distrito 10 de Singapur, durante el mes de marzo de 2015.The general objective of this work is to reflect on the phenomenon of The Baby Café as a novel and convenient concept in a world of promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding worldwide. The Baby Café is an initiative to support breastfeeding that coordinates an international network of centers that combines formal support from health professionals who specialize in lactation with informal support groups or networks of breastfeeding. With the ultimate goal of the promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding, the introduction of The Baby Café initiative encourages more studies of such nature to be conducted, eventually demonstrating the true impact of such initiatives on society; we have developed, through the theoretical framework and a field diary, a qualitative study, which has allowed us to explore the phenomenon of the Baby Cafe in the 10th district of Singapore, during the month of March 2015.O objetivo geral deste trabalho consiste em refletir sobre o fenómeno do bebe café como novo e conveniente recurso dentro do mundo da promoção, proteção e apoio a amamentação materna a nível internacional. O bebe café é uma iniciativa de apoio a amamentação materna que coordena uma rede internacional de centros nos quais se combina o apoio formal proveniente dos profissionais sanitários especializados em amamentação, e no apoio informal próprio dos grupos o redes de apoio a amamentação. Com o fim de promover, proteger e apoiar a amamentação materna aprofundando a iniciativa do bebe café e incentivando a que se realizem mais estudos que avaliem o verdadeiro impacto que este tipo de iniciativa tem sobre a sociedade; temos desenvolvido, mediante o estado da questão e um diário de campo, um estudo qualitativo, que nos permitiu explorar o fenómeno do bebe café no distrito de Singapura durante o mês de Março 2015
Colloidal suspensions of totally inorganic perovskites nanoparticles: A new photoluminescent emission in the near-IR
Luminescent materials have attracted great attention due to the amazing applications. In this sense, perovskite halide materials have shown promising luminescent properties which allows them to be useful in various applications such as LEDs, sensors. In this work, colloidal suspensions of CsPbI3 and Pd-doped CsPbI3 perovskite nanoparticles were prepared at different temperatures, and their structure and luminescence properties were characterized to analyse the effect of the synthesis temperature and the Pd-doping. With the increase of temperature, the main photoluminescence band of perovskite nanoparticles are slightly red-shifted. But the most amazing result is that the Pd-doped CsPbI3 shows a new emission band at 877 nm under excitation at 785 nm. Therefore, this compound may be used as a highly sensitive luminescent sensor in several applications, such as in biosystems due to their emission in the first biological window under NIR excitatio
Photoluminescent Bi-doped CsPbX3 (X: Br, I) perovskite quantum dots for optoelectronic devices
Abstract: Perovskite quantum dots (PQDs) became a hot spot in recent years due to their amazing properties, such as the high photoluminescence quantum yield, tunable emission, and narrow bandwidth being important for their application in different optoelectronic devices. In this work, Bi-doped CsPbBr3 and Bi-doped CsPbI3 PQDs were synthesized through the hot-injection method and compared with pristine CsPbBr3 and CsPbI3 to analyze the effect of Bi and the halogen on their properties. In addition, all the samples were synthesized at 130°C, 150°C, and 170°C with the aim of analyzing the effect of the temperature. The results showed a wide range of the emission wavelength from around 500 nm (Bi-doped CsPbBr3) to 630 nm (Bi-doped CsPbI3) as a consequence of the effect of the halogen in “X” position and a slight blueshift in the main photoluminescence emission band after doping the pristine quantum dots with Bi. Graphical abstract: (Figure presented.) Impact statement: We believe that the work in this article represents an important advance in the application of perovskite quantum dots in optoelectronics applications, such as in LEDs or lasers. We report here the synthesis and characterization of Bi-doped CsPbX3 perovskite quantum dots (PQDs), being X: Br and I. These Bi-doped PQDs show a wide range of the emission wavelength from around 500 nm (Bi-doped CsPbBr3) to 630 nm (Bi-doped CsPbI3) as a consequence of the effect of the halogen in “X” position and a slight blueshift in the main photoluminescence emission band after doping the pristine quantum dots with Bi. Therefore, they are good candidates to fabricate optoelectronic devices such as LEDs and lasers thanks to their high photoluminescence emission and their tunable emission
Emission properties of Pd-doped CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystal: Infrared emission due to the Pd-doping
Perovskite-type materials have attracted great attention in recent times due to their interesting characteristics, such as their luminescent properties. The good photoluminescence quantum yields as well as the possibility of tuning the emission wavelength has allowed the study of these materials in several applications, such as sensors or LEDs. As sensors, making nanocrystals of these perovskites emitting in the near infrared (NIR) would open the possibility of using these materials in biomedical applications. In the present work, Pd-doped CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals (NCs) were synthesized and characterized. We show here Pd-doped NCs synthesized emit in NIR, at about 875 nm, using a laser emitting at 785 nm as the excitation source. This result is really new and promising, because it opens the possibility of using these nanocrystals in many applications as sensor in the field of nanobiomedicine in the futur
Quantitative ultrasound and bone health in elderly people, a systematic review
Reduced bone mineral density (BMD), osteoporosis, and their associated fractures are one
of the main musculoskeletal disorders of the elderly. Quickness in diagnosis could prevent associated
complications in these people. This study aimed to perform a systematic review (SR) to analyze
and synthesize current research on whether a calcaneal quantitative ultrasound (QUS) can estimate
BMD and predict fracture risk in elderly people compared to dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry
(DXA), following the PRISMA guidelines. A search was conducted in the main open-access health
science databases: PubMed and Web of Science (WOS). DXA is the gold standard for the diagnosis
of osteoporosis. Despite controversial results, it can be concluded that the calcaneal QUS tool may
be a promising method to evaluate BMD in elderly people, facilitating its prevention and diagnosis.
However, further studies are needed to validate the use of calcaneal QUS
Frequency of depression and risk factors associated with students from first to eight semester in a decanate of UCLA, january-may 2013
Depression occupies one of the first places as a reason for consultation in psychiatry, with university students being one of the groups most affected. The objective of this investigation was to determine the frequency of depression and associated risk factors in students from the first to the eighth semester in a UCLA Deanery January-May 2013. A cross-sectional, observational analytical study was carried out, In 230 students, 149 females and 81 males. Data collection included a self-administered questionnaire for the measurement of risk factors, validated by experts, and the Beck Depression Inventory of 21 items. It was evidenced that there are 22.6% of depressed students, of whom 20.0% correspond to mild depression and 2.6% to moderate depression. There was a higher frequency of depression in the female sex (25.3%); In students over 20 years old (24.2%); In foreigners (28.1%); In students from the III and VII semesters (29.4% and 34.8%, respectively). In students with regular academic performance, 36.2% (p = 0.0001) of depression was observed; In those who do not share quality time with their family, 50% were evidenced (p = 0.0000); 44.4% (p = 0.000) and 50% (p = 0.007), respectively. Likewise, there is a 35.7% depression rate in students who have poor teacher-student relationships (p = 0.0007), with no respect (p = 0.021) and equity (p = 0.003). Likewise, 28.9% of students with depression have a poor relationship with their classmates. In conclusion, there is a significant percentage of depressed students, mild depression prevailing in them, however, non-depressed students present some risk factors. This paper aims to serve as a pioneer in the aforementioned campus for other research since there is little information on the subjec
IV Congreso de Lingüística General. Cádiz, del 3 al 6 de abril de 2000. Vol. IV
Durante los días 3 al 6 de abril del año 2000 tuvo lugar en la Universidad de Cádiz el IV Congreso de Lingüística General, organizado por el área de Lingüística General de esta Universidad.851 págs
IV Congreso de Lingüística General. Cádiz, del 3 al 6 de abril de 2000. Vol. III
Durante los días 3 al 6 de abril del año 2000 tuvo lugar en la Universidad de Cádiz el IV Congreso de Lingüística General, organizado por el área de Lingüística General de esta Universidad.811 págs
Frecuencia de depresión y factores de riesgos asociados en estudiantes de primer a octavo semestre en un decanato de la UCLA enero-mayo 2013
Depression occupies one of the first places as a reason for consultation in psychiatry, with university students being one of the groups most affected. The objective of this investigation was to determine the frequency of depression and associated risk factors in students from the first to the eighth semester in a UCLA Deanery January-May 2013. A cross-sectional, observational analytical study was carried out, In 230 students, 149 females and 81 males. Data collection included a self-administered questionnaire for the measurement of risk factors, validated by experts, and the Beck Depression Inventory of 21 items. It was evidenced that there are 22.6% of depressed students, of whom 20.0% correspond to mild depression and 2.6% to moderate depression. There was a higher frequency of depression in the female sex (25.3%); In students over 20 years old (24.2%); In foreigners (28.1%); In students from the III and VII semesters (29.4% and 34.8%, respectively). In students with regular academic performance, 36.2% (p = 0.0001) of depression was observed; In those who do not share quality time with their family, 50% were evidenced (p = 0.0000); 44.4% (p = 0.000) and 50% (p = 0.007), respectively. Likewise, there is a 35.7% depression rate in students who have poor teacher-student relationships (p = 0.0007), with no respect (p = 0.021) and equity (p = 0.003). Likewise, 28.9% of students with depression have a poor relationship with their classmates. In conclusion, there is a significant percentage of depressed students, mild depression prevailing in them, however, non-depressed students present some risk factors. This paper aims to serve as a pioneer in the aforementioned campus for other research since there is little information on the subjectLa depresión ocupa uno de los primeros lugares como motivo de consulta en psiquiatría, siendo los estudiantes universitarios uno de los grupos más afectados. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la frecuencia de la depresión y factores de riesgos asociados en estudiantes de primer a octavo semestre en un Decanato de la UCLA Enero-Mayo 2013. Se realizó una investigación de tipo analítica observacional de corte transversal, cuya muestra consistió en 230 estudiantes, 149 hembras y 81 varones. En la recolección de datos se utilizó un cuestionario autoaplicado para la medición de los factores de riesgo, validado por expertos, y el Inventario de Depresión de Beck de 21 ítems. Se evidenció que existe 22,6% de estudiantes deprimidos, de ellos 20,0% corresponde a depresión leve y 2,6% a depresión moderada. Se constató mayor frecuencia de depresión en el sexo femenino (25,3%); en estudiantes mayores de 20 años (24,2%); en foráneos (28,1%); en cursantes del III y VII semestre (29,4% y 34,8% respectivamente). En estudiantes con rendimiento académico regular se observó un 36,2% (p=0,0001) de depresión; en aquellos que no comparten tiempo de calidad con su familia se evidenció un 50% (p=0,0000); los jóvenes que presentan problemas de convivencia y de tipo legal en el hogar 44,4% (p=0,000) y 50% (p=0,007)respectivamente. Asimismo existe 35,7% de depresión en estudiantes que tienen mala relación docente-estudiante (p=0,0007)destacando las variables ausencia de respeto (p=0,021)y equidad (p=0,003). De igual forma, el 28,9% de los estudiantes con depresión presentan una mala relación con los compañeros de clase. En conclusión, existe un porcentaje importante de estudiantes deprimidos, prevaleciendo en ellos la depresión leve, sin embargo, estudiantes no deprimidos presentan algunos factores de riesgo. Este trabajo pretende servir como pionero en el mencionado recinto universitario para otras investigaciones ya que existe poca información sobre el tema
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