5 research outputs found

    Fuertes, libres, rebeldes. Hacia una identidad más agentiva del movimiento feminista en México

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    With the arrival of the feminist movement “ni una menos” in Mexico, a change can be perceived in the way women take over public spaces as well as symbolic-discursive spaces. In this contribution I analyze some of the recurring discursive patterns that build a more agentive feminist identity in Mexico, focusing on the linguistic-semantic part of the slogans and statements of graffiti, banners and posters carried by the members in two massive concentrations on August 12 and 16, 2019 in Mexico City, as well as the massive protest on March 8, 2020 and the national strike “a day without us” on March 9, 2020. Using two fundamental semantic principles, the semantic condensation of enculturated concepts and force dynamics I detect four recurring discursive-symbolic patterns that point to a new agency in the construction of the identity within the feminist movement in Mexico in the course of the last two years.Con la llegada del movimiento feminista “ni una menos” a México se percibe un cambio en la manera como las mujeres se apoderan de los espacios públicos y los espacios simbólico-discursivos. En esta contribución analizo algunos patrones discursivos recurrentes que construyen una identidad feminista más agentiva en México, centrándome en la parte lingüística-semántica de los lemas y enunciados de carteles, pancartas y grafitis portadas por las integrantes en dos concentraciones masivas el 12 y el 16 de agosto 2019 en la Ciudad de México, así como la protesta masiva el 8 de marzo 2020 y el paro nacional “un día sin nosotras” el 9 de marzo 2020. Mediante dos principios semánticos fundamentales, la condensación semántica de conceptos enculturados y la dinámica de fuerzas detecto cuatro patrones discursivos-simbólicos recurrentes que apuntan hacia una nueva agentividad en la construcción del movimiento feminista de México en el transcurso de los últimos dos años

    La ley de herodes: Tendencias del cine mexicano actual

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    Se examinan algunas tendencias del cine mexicano contemporáneo, la primera de las cuales consiste en la siempre latente posibilidad de censura, respecto de la cual el gobierno ya no tiene el monopoloio de la tentación autoritaria; la seguna es la continuidad del género de comedia light, la tercera es la abundancia de filmes cuya temática es el crimen organizado, particularmente el narcotráfico

    Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging / Absolute Quantification of Phosphor-Containing Metabolites in the Liver Using 31P MRSI and Hepatic Lipid Volume Correction at 7T Suggests No Dependence on Body Mass Index or Age

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    Background Hepatic disorders are often associated with changes in the concentration of phosphorus31 (31P) metabolites. Absolute quantification offers a way to assess those metabolites directly but introduces obstacles, especially at higher field strengths (B0 7T). Purpose To introduce a feasible method for in vivo absolute quantification of hepatic 31P metabolites and assess its clinical value by probing differences related to volunteers' age and body mass index (BMI). Study Type Prospective cohort. Subjects/Phantoms Four healthy volunteers included in the reproducibility study and 19 healthy subjects arranged into three subgroups according to BMI and age. Phantoms containing 31P solution for correction and validation. Field Strength/Sequence Phaseencoded 3D pulseacquire chemical shift imaging for 31P and singlevolume 1H spectroscopy to assess the hepatocellular lipid content at 7T. Assessment A phantom replacement method was used. Spectra located in the liver with sufficient signaltonoise ratio and no contamination from muscle tissue, were used to calculate following metabolite concentrations: adenosine triphosphates ( and ATP); glycerophosphocholine (GPC); glycerophosphoethanolamine (GPE); inorganic phosphate (Pi); phosphocholine (PC); phosphoethanolamine (PE); uridine diphosphateglucose (UDPG); nicotinamide adenine dinucleotidephosphate (NADH); and phosphatidylcholine (PtdC). Correction for hepatic lipid volume fraction (HLVF) was performed. Statistical Tests Differences assessed by analysis of variance with Bonferroni correction for multiple comparison and with a Student's ttest when appropriate. Results The concentrations for the young lean group corrected for HLVF were 2.56 0.10 mM for ATP (mean standard deviation), ATP: 2.42 0.15 mM, GPC: 3.31 0.27 mM, GPE: 3.38 0.87 mM, Pi: 1.42 0.20 mM, PC: 1.47 0.24 mM, PE: 1.61 0.20 mM, UDPG: 0.74 0.17 mM, NADH: 1.21 0.38 mM, and PtdC: 0.43 0.10 mM. Differences found in ATP levels between lean and overweight volunteers vanished after HLVF correction. Data Conclusion Exploiting the excellent spectral resolution at 7T and using the phantom replacement method, we were able to quantify up to 10 31Pcontaining hepatic metabolites. The combination of 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging data acquisition and HLVF correction was not able to show a possible dependence of 31P metabolite concentrations on BMI or age, in the small healthy population used in this study.(VLID)341761