29 research outputs found
Heikkotuottoisten ojitettujen soiden puustoinventointi Maanmittauslaitoksen laserkeilausaineistoa hyödyntäen
TutkimusselosteSeloste artikkelista: Niemi, M., Vastaranta, M., Peuhkurinen, J. & Holopainen, M. 2015. Forest inventory attribute prediction using airborne laser scanning in low-productive forestry-drained boreal peatlands. Silva Fennica 49(2), article id 121
Predicting Forest Inventory Attributes Using Airborne Laser Scanning, Aerial Imagery, and Harvester Data
The aim of the study was to develop a new method to use tree stem information recorded by harvesters along operative logging in remote sensing-based prediction of forest inventory attributes in mature stands. The reference sample plots were formed from harvester data, using two different tree positions: harvester positions (XYH) in global satellite navigation system and computationally improved harvester head positions (XYHH). Study materials consisted of 158 mature Norway-spruce-dominated stands located in Southern Finland that were clear-cut during 2015–16. Tree attributes were derived from the stem dimensions recorded by the harvester. The forest inventory attributes were compiled for both stands and sample plots generated for stands for four different sample plot sizes (254, 509, 761, and 1018 m2). Prediction models between the harvester-based forest inventory attributes and remote sensing features of sample plots were developed. The stand-level predictions were obtained, and basal-area weighted mean diameter (Dg) and basal-area weighted mean height (Hg) were nearly constant for all model alternatives with relative root-mean-square errors (RMSE) roughly 10–11% and 6–8%, respectively, and minor biases. For basal area (G) and volume (V), using either of the position methods, resulted in roughly similar predictions at best, with approximately 25% relative RMSE and 15% bias. With XYHH positions, the predictions of G and V were nearly independent of the sample plot size within 254–761 m2. Therefore, the harvester-based data can be used as ground truth for remote sensing forest inventory methods. In predicting the forest inventory attributes, it is advisable to utilize harvester head positions (XYHH) and a smallest plot size of 254 m2. Instead, if only harvester positions (XYH) are available, expanding the sample plot size to 761 m2 reaches a similar accuracy to that obtained using XYHH positions, as the larger sample plot moderates the uncertainties when determining the individual tree position
Assessing feasibility of the forest trafficability map for avoiding rutting - a case study
Information on forest trafficability (i.e. carrying capacity of the forest floor) is required before harvesting operations in Southern Boreal forest conditions. It describes the seasons when harvesting operations may take place without causing substantial damage to the forest soil using standard logging machinery. The available trafficability information have been based on subjective observations made during the wood procurement planning. For supporting forest operations, an open access map product has been developed to provide information on trafficability of forests. The forest stands are distributed into classes that characterize different harvesting seasons based on topographic wetness index, amount of vegetation, ground water height and ditch depth. The main goal of this case study was to evaluate the information of the static forest trafficability map in relation to the detected rutting within logging tracks measured in the field. The analysis concentrated on thinning stands since the effect of rutting is significant on the growth of the remaining trees. The results showed that the static trafficability map provided reliable and slightly conservative estimation of the forest trafficability. The majority (91.7%) of the evaluated stands were harvested without causing significant damage if harvesting was timed correctly compared to the trafficability information. However, it should be pointed out that the weather history at small scale, the skills of a driver, and effects of used machinery are not considered in the map product although they can have a considerable impact on the rutting.Peer reviewe
Comparing individual tree detection and the areabased statistical approach for the retrieval of forest stand characteristics using airborne laser scanning in Scots pine stands
Airborne laser scanning based forest inventories employ two major methods: individual tree detection (ITD) and the area-based statistical approach (ABSA). ITD is based on the assumption that trees are of a certain form and can be delineated using airborne laser scanning techniques, whereas ABSA is an empirical method based on the relations between area-level forest attributes and laser echo height distributions. These two methods are compared here within the same test area in terms of their usefulness for estimating mean forest stand characteristics and tree size distributions. All evaluations were performed using leave-one-out cross validation. The average errors in volume and basal area did not differ significantly between the methods. ABSA resulted in overall better accuracies when estimating the diameter and height of the basal area median tree and the number of stems, whereas ITD produced significantly biased estimates for the number of stems and the mean tree size. Tree size distributions were estimated with slightly better accuracy using ABSA. More comprehensive investigations revealed that both methods were not able to estimate forest structure (tree size distribution and spatial distribution of tree locations), which in turn, affected the estimation accuracies. </jats:p
Estimating species-specific diameter distributions and saw log recoveries of boreal forests from airborne laser scanning data and aerial photographs : a distribution-based approach
The low-density airborne laser scanning (ALS) data based estimation methods have been shown to produce accurate estimates of mean forest characteristics and diameter distributions, according to several studies. The used estimation methods have been based on the laser canopy height distribution approach, where various laser pulse height distribution -derived predictors are related to the stand characteristics of interest. This approach requires very delicate selection methods for selecting the suitable predictor variables. In this study, we introduce a new nearest neighbor search method that requires no complicated selection algorithm for choosing the predictor variables and can be utilized in multipurpose situations. The proposed search method is based on Minkowski distances between the distributions extracted from low density ALS data and aerial photographs. Apart from the introduction of a new search method, the aims of this study were: 1) to produce accurate species-specific diameter distributions and 2) to estimate factual saw log recovery, using the estimated height-diameter distributions and a stem data bank. The results indicate that the proposed method is suitable for producing species-specific diameter distributions and volumes at the stand level. However, it is proposed, that the utilization of more extensive and locally emphasized reference data and auxiliary variables could yield more accurate saw log recoveries.</ja:p
Puulajeittaisten läpimittajakaumien ja tukkisaannon ennustaminen laserkeilausaineiston ja digitaalisen ilmakuvan avulla
TutkimusselosteSeloste artikkelista: Peuhkurinen, J., Maltamo, M. & Malinen, J. 2008. Estimating species-specific diameter distributions and saw log recoveries from ALS data and aerial photographs: a distribution-based approach. Silva Fennica 42(4): 625–641
Effect of minimum diameter at breast height and standing dead wood field measurements on the accuracy of ALS-based forest inventory
Where airborne laser scanning (ALS) measures the entire aboveground vegetation, the target of a stand-level forest inventory is usually the living tree stock above a given diameter but excluding standing dead trees. The aim here was to investigate the effects of varying field-measured minimum diameters (3–10 cm) and standing dead wood on ALS-based forest inventories. The characteristics considered in this case were volume, basal area, number of stems, mean diameter, and mean height for each species, as well as the total growing stock and the total aboveground biomass. The field data comprised measurements of all trees that were ≥3 cm at breast height (1.3 m) on 601 sample plots located in pine-dominated managed forests in eastern Finland. The results showed that the minimum diameter had a significant effect on the estimates obtained in young forests, for which the three smallest minimum diameter datasets (3, 4, and 5 cm) gave the most accurate estimates. Minimum diameter had no marked influence in the case of middle-aged or mature forests. The inclusion of standing dead trees did not have any effect on the estimates of living tree characteristics. The effect of minimum diameter is minor where large-area inventory applications are concerned; however, especially from a silvicultural point of a view, a minimum diameter of 3 cm should be employed in young forests, for which a large proportion of the tree stock usually consists of small trees, i.e., with diameters of <5 cm. </jats:p