3 research outputs found

    Additive Manufacturing of 17-4PH Alloy: Tailoring the Printing Orientation for Enhanced Aerospace Application Performance

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) is one of the fastest-growing markets of our time. During its journey in the past 30 years, its key to success has been that it can easily produce extremely complex shapes and is not limited by tooling problems when a change in geometry is desired. This flexibility leads to possible solutions for creating lightweight structural elements while keeping the mechanical properties at a stable reserve factor value. In the aerospace industry, several kinds of structural elements for fuselage and wing parts are made from different kinds of steel alloys, such as 17-4PH stainless steel, which are usually milled from a block material made using conventional processing (CP) methods. However, these approaches are limited when a relatively small element must withstand greater forces that can occur during flight. AM can bridge this problem with a new perspective, mainly using thin walls and complex shapes while maintaining the ideal sizes. The downside of the elements made using AM is that the quality of the final product is highly dependent on the build/printing orientation, an issue extensively studied and addressed by researchers in the field. During flight, some components may experience forces that predominantly act in a single direction. With this in mind, we created samples with the desired orientation to maximize material properties in a specific direction. The goal of this study was to demonstrate that an additively manufactured part, produced using laser powder bed fusion (LPBF), with a desired build orientation has exceptional properties compared to parts produced via conventional methods. To assess the impact of the build orientation on the LPBF parts’ properties, one-dimensional tensile and dynamic fracture toughness tests were deployed

    Strukturális magyar nyelvtan. 4. A szótár szerkezete = Structural grammar of Hungarian. 4. The structure of the lexicon

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    A kutatás célja a -Magyar strukturális nyelvtan 4., a mentális szótár szerkezetéről szóló kötetének elkészítése. A szótári információk szerteágazó és rendkívül gazdag voltából következően a kutatás esettanulmányok elkészítésére törekedett. Az igékről hat esettanulmány készült: az első az igék szemantikája és a szintaktikai alternációk közötti összefüggést vizsgálja, a második az implicit vonzatok kérdésével foglalkozik, a harmadik témája a határozatlan argumentumok problémája, a negyediké az igék eseményszerkezete és az aspektus összefüggései, az ötödiké az igei poliszémia, végül a hatodiké az igei vonzatkeret ábrázolásának problémái. Külön-külön esettanulmány készült a relációs főnevekről, a melléknevek szemantikájáról, a mellérendelő kötőszókról, a funkcionális kategóriákról és a partikulákról. Általánosabb témákat vesz célba a ?Morfofonológia a szótárban? c. esettanulmány, a mentális szótár pszicholingvisztikai aspektusairól szóló tanulmány, valamint a szótár korpusznyelvészeti vonatkozásaival foglalkozó tanulmány. Az elkészült mű összesen 14 esettanulmányt tartalmaz kb. 800 lap terjedelemben. A kutatás egyes részkérdései külön könyvben jelentek meg, így az OTKA kutatás keretében készült el és jelent meg egy-egy könyv a modalitásról, az aspektusról és akcióminőségről, valamint a szóképzésről. A "Jelentéselmélet" új kiadásának néhány fejezete is az ennek a kutatásnak az eredménye. (Megjegyzés: A Strukturális magyar nyelvtan 4. kötetében két olyan fejezet is szerepel, melynek anyaga nem képezte jelen kutatás témáját, de tartalmilag kapcsolódik hozzá.) | The aim of the research was the preparation of the fourth volume of the structural grammar of Hungarian to be devoted to the structure of the lexicon. In view of the extreme richness of the lexical information and its ramifications the research was confined to prepare case studies on the various domains of the lexicon. Six such case studies are devoted to the lexical structure of verbs: the first study examines the interrelationship between verbal semantics and syntactic alternations, the second deals with the problems of implicit arguments, the third with the lexical aspects of the indefiniteness effect, the fourth with event structure and aspect, the fifth with polysemy, and the sixth with heneral questions of the argument structure of verbs. Separate studies deal with relational nouns, with the semantics of adjectives, with coordinating conjunctions, with functional categories and with particles. More general topics are dealt with in the study on morphophonological aspects of lexical representations, in the study on psycholinguistics aspects of the mental lexicon and in the study on the contribution of corpus linguistics to the study of the lexicon. The volume contains 14 chapters (approximately 800 pages). Some results of the research were published in separate volumes (one on modality, another one on aspect and aktionsart, a third one on derivational morphology and the lexicon). (Note: In vol. 4 of A structural grammar of Hungarian, there are two chapters that did not emerge as a result of the present project, but they are thematically related to it.

    A Novel Process to Produce Ti Parts from Powder Metallurgy with Advanced Properties for Aeronautical Applications

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    Titanium and its alloys have excellent corrosion resistance, heat, and fatigue tolerance, and their strength-to-weight ratio is one of the highest among metals. This combination of properties makes them ideal for aerospace applications; however, high manufacturing costs hinder their widespread use compared to other metals such as aluminum alloys and steels. Powder metallurgy (PM) is a greener and more cost and energy-efficient method for the production of near-net-shape parts compared to traditional ingot metallurgy, especially for titanium parts. In addition, it allows us to synthesize special microstructures, which result in outstanding mechanical properties without the need for alloying elements. The most commonly used Ti alloy is the Ti6Al4V grade 5. This workhorse alloy ensures outstanding mechanical properties, demonstrating a strength which is at least twice that of commercially pure titanium (CP-Ti) grade 2 and comparable to the strength of hardened stainless steels. In the present research, different mixtures of both milled and unmilled Cp-Ti grade 2 powder were utilized using the PM method, aiming to synthesize samples with high mechanical properties comparable to those of high-strength alloys such as Ti6Al4V. The results showed that the fine nanoparticles significantly enhanced the strength of the material, while in several cases the material exceeded the values of the Ti6Al4V alloy. The produced sample exhibited a maximum compressive yield strength (1492 MPa), contained 10 wt.% of fine (milled) particles (average particle size: 3 μm) and was sintered at 900 °C for one hour