2,071 research outputs found


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    Type specimens of Javanese clavarias described by van Overeem — i.e. Clavaria depokensis. Clavaria luteo-tenerrima, Clavaria sanguineo-acuta and Clavulinopsis sulcata — are extant and well preserved in Herbarium Bogoriense. These are reexamined and reassigned to their respective genera and infrageneric complexes

    Towards more inclusive electronic tutoring: tutors’ experiences of using a data-free mobile instant messenger in a first-year accounting class

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    The use of data-intensive synchronous tutoring options, such as Zoom, can be exclusionary in South Africa where there is limited access to the internet in homes. The literature indicates the following challenges for electronic tutoring in South Africa: a lack of devices, high data costs, network connectivity issues, inadequate digital skills and competencies. To address the challenge of high data costs, a South African data-free mobile instant messenger was tested for electronic tutoring. The research model used the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Framework (TPACK) as the theoretical basis. This research used a case study in a large, first-year accounting course of 496 students with fifteen tutors, at a historically disadvantaged institution. Qualitative data was collected from accounting tutors using a survey and purposive sampling. The data was analysed using thematic content analysis. The findings highlighted Technology Knowledge was key to using a mobile instant messenger to tutor effectively online. Tutors with good accounting Content Knowledge found it easier to use the data-free application to explain concepts. Tutors used their Pedagogical Knowledge to be more flexible and provide support to students after hours. Tutors indicated Technological Content Knowledge as they used the features of the data-free instant messenger students to assist student learning. Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge was evidenced by tutors’ use of multimodal approaches such as using voice notes and pictures to explain concepts to students at convenient times, even without data. However, students with Apple devices were still excluded. The findings from this study can assist in designing more inclusive student electronic tutoring interventions

    Searching for Standards: Disclosure in the Municipal Securities Market

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    Prokrastinering, eller att mot bÀttre vetande skjuta upp nÄgot, Àr ett stort problem i samhÀllet i allmÀnhet och för studenter i synnerhet. I denna artikel beskriver vi en utbildningsmodul om prokrastinering som vi introducerat pÄ tvÄ civilingenjörsprogram pÄ KTH, varav denna rapport behandlar datateknikprogrammet dÀr 466 studenter deltog. UtvÀrderingen hade 100% svarsfrekvens, och visar att 95% av studenterna hade problem med prokrastinering varav 43% hade stora eller mycket stora problem. 88% ansÄg att prokrastinering var ett bra tema att ha med i utbildningen, och 57% ansÄg att momentet haft positiva effekter pÄ deras studievanor. Endast 7% ansÄg att momentet inte hade gett nÄgra mÀrkbara effekter pÄ studierna. DÄ modulen endast krÀver ca 8 timmars arbete frÄn studenternas sida anser vi att fördelarna Àr sÄ stora att denna eller en liknande modul borde ingÄ i samtliga utbildningsprogram.QC 20131216</p

    The mycological legacy of Elias Magnus Fries

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    The taxonomic concepts which originated with or were accepted by Elias Magnus Fries were presented during his lifetime in the printed word, illustrative depiction, and in collections of dried specimens. This body of work was welcomed by the mycological and botanical communities of his time: students and associates aided Fries and after his passing carried forward his taxonomic ideas. His legacy spawned a line of Swedish and Danish mycologists intent on perpetuating the Fries tradition: Hampus von Post, Lars Romell, Seth Lundell and John Axel Nannfeldt in Sweden; Emil Rostrup, Severin Petersen and Jakob Lange in Denmark. Volumes of color paintings and several exsiccati, most notably one edited by Lundell and Nannfeldt attached fungal portraits and preserved specimens (and often photographs) to Fries names. The result is a massive resource from which to harvest the name–concept relationship with clarity. In the 20th century, nomenclatural commissions legislated Fries’s Systema and Elenchus as the “starting point” for names of most fungi, giving these books special recognition. The present paper attempts to trace Fries’s legacy from his lifetime to the recent past

    Atmospheric transport of hydrogen sulfide from proposed geothermal power plant (unit 18): predictions by physical modeling in a wind tunnel

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    CER77-78JEC-RLP3.Prepared for Pacific Gas and Electric Company.September 1977.Tests were conducted in the Colorado State University environmental wind tunnel facility of the transport and dispersion of the H2S plume emanating from a cooling tower (Unit 18) positioned at two locations near Anderson Springs, California. The wind tunnel tests were conducted with a cooling tower and terrain modeled to a scale of 1:1920. The effects of wind direction and wind speed upon the groundlevel H2S concentrations in the vicinity of Anderson Springs were established. Data obtained include photographs and motion pictures of smoke plume trajectories and ground-level tracer gas concentrations downwind of the cooling tower

    Atmospheric transport of hydrogen sulfide from proposed geothermal power plant (units 13, 14, 16, and 18) for the west wind direction: Predictions by physical modeling in a wind tunnel

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    CER77-78RLP-JEC10.Prepared for Pacific Gas and Electric Company.Includes bibliographical references (page 12).November 1977.Tests were conducted in the Colorado State University environmental wind tunnel facility of the transport and dispersion of the H2S plume emanating from cooling towers positioned at four locations in the Geysers area. The wind tunnel tests were conducted with the cooling towers and terrain modeled to a scale of 1:1920. Ground-level concentrations were measured in the vicinity of Anderson Springs for selected wind speeds and one wind direction. Ground-level concentration patterns were established for each test condition studied. Data obtained include photographs and motion pictures of smoke plume trajectories as well as ground-level tracer gas concentrations downwind of the cooling towers

    Wind-tunnel study of downwash at the Bay Shore Power Station

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    CER78-79RLP-JEC54.Prepared for The Toledo Edison Company.Includes bibliographical references (pages 40-41).April 1979.The proposed Environmental Protection Agency stack height regulation gives regional administrators the authority to require a field or fluid modeling demonstration of an air quality problem due to downwash, wakes or eddies at existing sources. If the demonstration indicates the existence of an air quality problem then an existing source which increases its stack height may employ an empirical equation to determine the stack height credit it will receive. Since Toledo Edison is replacing its existing four stacks at the Bay Shore Power Station with one taller single stack, the requirement of the regulation seemingly must be satisfied before credit for the new stack is obtained. Toledo Edison contracted Colorado State University to conduct a fluid modeling investigation of the effect of structural generated downwash, wakes or eddies upon ground level concentrations. The tests were conducted using state of the art wind-tunnel testing procedures. Visualization and concentration measurements of the simulated plumes from the Bay Shore Power Station stacks were obtained for eight wind directions, three plant load conditions and one wind speed. For comparison several tests were run without the plant structure present. The results of the study show that the maximum concentration is in excess of the national ambient air quality standard for SO2 and is at least 40 percent in excess of the maximum concentration experienced in the absence of downwash, wakes, and eddy effects produced by nearby structures. The maximum concentration excess observed was approximately 650 percent

    Atmospheric transport of hydrogen sulfide from proposed geothermal power plant (unit 13). Predictions by physical modeling in a wind tunnel

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    CER76-77RLP-JEC-SA51.Prepared for Aminoil USA, Incorporated.Includes bibliographical references (page 32).April 1977

    Geophysical applications to the development of a groundwater model of Washoe Valley, Nevada

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    Online access for this thesis was created in part with support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) administered by the Nevada State Library, Archives and Public Records through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). To obtain a high quality image or document please contact the DeLaMare Library at https://unr.libanswers.com/ or call: 775-784-6945.Gravity, ground magnetic, and terrain conductivity surveys were run in Washoe Valley to define subsurface lithology for input to a groundwater model. The gravity results map basin configuration, with a shallower basement on the east indicated. High magnetic and terrain conductivity values reflect a volcanic unit overlying this shallow eastern basement, which is in turn overlain by electrically conductive fine-grained sediments. Together, these units suggest much lower transmissivities on the east side of the valley, relative to a thicker section of coarse-grained sediments to the west. These low transmissivities are required by the groundwater model to fit the 1965 potentiometric surface to which the model is calibrated. This study demonstrates the utility of combining the results of multiple geophysical surveys with conventional hydrological parameters. This integration is particularly useful for mapping spatial distributions of interbasin hydraulic properties, and it provides excellent constraints the groundwater model
