370 research outputs found

    Trade-offs between fisheries and the conservation of ecosystem function are defined by management strategy

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    Efforts to conserve marine biodiversity must move beyond conserving individual species within protected areas and seek to preserve the functional roles that species perform in ecosystems across seascapes. For instance, herbivorous and predatory (including invertebrate-feeding) fish are critical for maintaining coralreef habitat and the diversity of dependent fish assemblages. However, increasing the biomasses of fished species may come at a cost to fisheries. Using coral reefs as an example, we examined critical functional roles and model trade-offs between fishery profits and the spatial extent of functional fish communities. The nature of the trade-off depended on the management scenario: protecting functions in small areas could be achieved with marine reserves at minimal cost to fisheries, whereas reducing fishing effort was a more effective method for protecting functional communities across a seascape. An appropriate choice of management actions can alter the trade-off and, in doing so, ameliorate potential for conflict with resource users

    A remote sensing method for resolving depth and subpixel composition of aquatic benthos

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    The problem of subpixel heterogeneity in cover types has been addressed in terrestrial environments by the application of linear spectral unmixing techniques. However, in aquatic systems the interceding depth of water causes the apparent reflectance of the substrate to diverge from a linear model, and if depth is unknown these methods cannot be applied. A new technique is presented in which the conventional spectral unmixing method has been modified to calculate depth at each pixel in addition to the proportions of substrate type. The technique requires knowledge of the reflectance spectra of m pure substrata in n (n > m) spectral bands at depth 0 and the water diffuse attenuation coefficients for the site in the same bands. Depth, z, can be entirely unknown. The method is comparable to "classical" spectral unmixing and proceeds by performing a Gaussian elimination for endmember quantities and then solving the remaining nonlinear function of z for f(z) = 0 by successive approximation. Computer-based models are used to test the technique with realistic water diffuse attenuation coefficients and random spectra and actual spectra of coral reef substrata. The robustness of the technique is assessed against three forms of introduced error: measurement errors on the spectra to be unmixed, differences between the true endmember spectra and those used in the analysis, and measurement error on the water diffuse attenuation coefficients. The results of these tests imply the technique is sufficiently robust for use on real data. Furthermore, spectral unmixing of aquatic systems appears to be relatively insensitive to inaccuracies in depth estimation and offers great utility for benthic mapping

    A critical assessment of data derived from coral cay conservation volunteers

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    Since 1986, Coral Cay Conservation (CCC) has utilized a workforce of over 900 specially-trained volunteer divers to collect detailed topographic, bathymetric and biological data for the establishment of management plans for selected areas of the Belize barrier reef. The biological data recorded are ordinal and reflect the abundance of reef organisms including fish, macroalgae and hermatypic corals on a scale of 0-5. Substrate composition and the coverage of principal biotic classes are also visually assessed using an ordinal scale of 0-5. An exercise was carried out to assess the accuracy and consistency of data recorded by volunteers. Transects were laid in each of the major reef zones and in lagoon habitats. Each transect was surveyed independently by six teams of trained volunteers and compared to a reference obtained by experienced CCC staff. Analyses were carried out to test the accuracy and consistency of the coral, macroalgal and habitat data. Further analyses sought to quantify the proportion of species correctly identified, the frequency of erroneous species recordings and the variation of abundance ratings. The overall accuracy of coral surveys varied from 52-70% with the poorer values obtained in deeper outer and inner drop-off reef zones. The trend of reduced surveyor performance in deeper water is discussed in terms of physical, physiological and psychological phenomena. Inter-group consistency exhibited a similar bathymetric trend to that found for coral accuracy. Macroalgae were generally accurately and consistently recorded. No clear trend of improved accuracy and consistency following greater survey experience was apparent. Substrate composition and biological cover were recorded with an accuracy exceeding 90% in seagrass habitats and 70-90% in reef sites. A number of recommendations are made to improve survey methodology and volunteer training

    Marine Reserves Enhance the Recovery of Corals on Caribbean Reefs

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    The fisheries and biodiversity benefits of marine reserves are widely recognised but there is mounting interest in exploiting the importance of herbivorous fishes as a tool to help ecosystems recover from climate change impacts. This approach might be particularly suitable for coral reefs, which are acutely threatened by climate change, yet the trophic cascades generated by reserves are strong enough that they might theoretically enhance the rate of coral recovery after disturbance. However, evidence for reserves facilitating coral recovery has been lacking. Here we investigate whether reductions in macroalgal cover, caused by recovery of herbivorous parrotfishes within a reserve, have resulted in a faster rate of coral recovery than in areas subject to fishing. Surveys of ten sites inside and outside a Bahamian marine reserve over a 2.5-year period demonstrated that increases in coral cover, including adjustments for the initial size-distribution of corals, were significantly higher at reserve sites than those in non-reserve sites. Furthermore, macroalgal cover was significantly negatively correlated with the change in total coral cover over time. Recovery rates of individual species were generally consistent with small-scale manipulations on coral-macroalgal interactions, but also revealed differences that demonstrate the difficulties of translating experiments across spatial scales. Size-frequency data indicated that species which were particularly affected by high abundances of macroalgae outside the reserve had a population bottleneck restricting the supply of smaller corals to larger size classes. Importantly, because coral cover increased from a heavily degraded state, and recovery from such states has not previously been described, similar or better outcomes should be expected for many reefs in the region. Reducing herbivore exploitation as part of an ecosystem-based management strategy for coral reefs appears to be justified

    Uniting paradigms of connectivity in marine ecology

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    The connectivity of marine organisms among habitat patches has been dominated by two independent paradigms with distinct conservation strategies. One paradigm is the dispersal of larvae on ocean currents, which suggests networks of marine reserves. The other is the demersal migration of animals from nursery to adult habitats, requiring the conservation of connected ecosystem corridors. Here, we suggest that a common driver, wave exposure, links larval and demersal connectivity across the seascape. To study the effect of linked connectivities on fish abundance at reefs, we parameterize a demographic model for The Bahamas seascape using maps of habitats, empirically forced models of wave exposure and spatially realistic three-dimensional hydrological models of larval dispersal. The integrated empirical-modeling approach enabled us to study linked connectivity on a scale not currently possible by purely empirical studies. We find sheltered environments not only provide greater nursery habitat for juvenile fish but larvae spawned on adjacent reefs have higher retention, thereby creating a synergistic increase in fish abundance. Uniting connectivity paradigms to consider all life stages simultaneously can help explain the evolution of nursery habitat use and simplifies conservation advice: Reserves in sheltered environments have desirable characteristics for biodiversity conservation and can support local fisheries through adult spillover

    Optimal scales to observe habitat dynamics: A coral reef example

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    A new technique to estimate the characteristic length scales (CLSs) of real ecological systems provides an objective means to identify the optimal scale(s) of observation to best detect underlying dynamical trends. Application of the technique to natural systems has focused on identifying appropriate scales to measure the dynamics of species as descriptors of community and ecosystem dynamics. However, ecosystem monitoring is often based not on assessing single species, but on species assemblages, functional groups, or habitat types. We asked whether the concept of CLSs based on dynamic interactions among species could be extended to examine interactions among habitat types and thus to identify optimal scales for observing habitat dynamics. A time series of three spatial maps of benthic habitats on a Caribbean coral reef was constructed from aerial photographs, Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) images, and IKONOS satellite images, providing the short time sequence required for this technique. We estimated the CLS based on the dynamics of three distinct habitat types: dense stands of seagrass, sparse stands of seagrass, and Montastrea patch reefs. Despite notable differences in the areal extent of and relative change in these habitats over the 21-year observation period, analyses based on each habitat type indicated a similar CLS of similar to 300 m. We interpret the consistency of CLSs among habitats to indicate that the dynamics of the three habitat types are linked. The results are encouraging, and they indicate that CLS techniques can be used to identify the appropriate scale at which to monitor ecosystem trends on the basis of the dynamics of only one of a disparate suite of habitat types

    Physical environments of the Caribbean Sea

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    The Caribbean Sea encompasses a vast range of physical environmental conditions that have a profound influence on the organisms that live there. Here we utilize a range of satellite and in situ products to undertake a region-wide categorization of the physical environments of the Caribbean Sea (PECS). The classification approach is hierarchical and focuses on physical constraints that drive many aspects of coastal ecology, including species distributions, ecosystem function, and disturbance. The first level represents physicochemical properties including metrics of satellite sea surface temperature, water clarity, and in situ salinity. The second level considers mechanical disturbance and includes both chronic disturbance from wind-driven wave exposure and acute disturbance from hurricanes. The maps have a spatial resolution of 1 km. An unsupervised neural network classification produced 16 physicochemical provinces that can be categorized into six broad groups: (1) low water clarity and low salinity and average temperatures; (2) low water clarity but average salinity and temperature, broadly distributed in the basin; (3) low salinity but average water clarity and temperature; (4) upwelling; (5) high latitude; and (6) offshore waters of the inner Caribbean. Additional mechanical disturbance layers impose additional pattern that operates over different spatial scales. Because physical environments underpin so much of coastal ecosystem structure and function, we anticipate that the PECS classification, which will be freely distributed as geographic information system layers, will facilitate comparative analyses and inform the stratification of studies across environmental provinces in the Caribbean basin

    Interactions among chronic and acute impacts on coral recruits: the importance of size-escape thresholds

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    Newly settled recruits typically suffer high mortality from disturbances, but rapid growth reduces their mortality once size-escape thresholds are attained. Ocean acidification (OA) reduces the growth of recruiting benthic invertebrates, yet no direct effects on survivorship have been demonstrated. We tested whether the reduced growth of coral recruits caused by OA would increase their mortality by prolonging their vulnerability to an acute disturbance: fish herbivory on surrounding algal turf. After two months' growth in ambient or elevated CO levels, the linear extension and calcification of coral (Acropora millepora) recruits decreased as CO partial pressure (pCO) increased. When recruits were subjected to incidental fish grazing, their mortality was inversely size dependent. However, we also found an additive effect of pCO such that recruit mortality was higher under elevated pCO irrespective of size. Compared to ambient conditions, coral recruits needed to double their size at the highest pCOto escape incidental grazing mortality. This general trend was observed with three groups of predators (blenny, surgeonfish, and parrotfish), although the magnitude of the fish treatment varied among species. Our study demonstrates the importance of size-escape thresholds in early recruit survival and how OA can shift these thresholds, potentially intensifying population bottlenecks in benthic invertebrate recruitment

    Minimizing the Short-Term Impacts of Marine Reserves on Fisheries While Meeting Long-Term Goals for Recovery

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    Abstract Marine reserves are a promising tool for recovering overfished ecosystems. However, reserves designed to rebuild profits in the long-term may cause short-term losses-a serious issue in regions where fisheries are key for food security. We examine the tension between the long-term benefits of reserves and short-term losses, using a multispecies model of coral reef fisheries. Reserves designed to maximize long-term profits caused significant short-term losses. We model several policy solutions, where we incrementally increased either: the number of months per year that the reserve is closed to fishing; the size of the reserve; or the number species protected within the reserve. Protecting species sequentially, starting with the most valued species, provided the best outcome in the short-term with the most rapid recovery of profits. Solving the dilemma of meeting short-and long-term goals will ultimately improve the effectiveness of marine reserves for managing fisheries and conserving ecosystems

    Species-specific effects of herbivorous fishes on the establishment of the macroalga Lobophora on coral reefs

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    Herbivory is a key ecosystem function that influences ecosystem trajectories. However, interactions between plants and herbivores are species-specific and change throughout the plants' lifetime. On coral reefs, herbivorous fishes reduce competition between corals and macroalgae through their grazing activity, thereby regulating the ecosystem state. Grazing vulnerability of marine algae generally decreases with increasing algal size. Therefore, the removal of newly settled recruits by herbivorous fish is likely important in preventing macroalgal blooms and reducing competition with corals. We studied the grazing susceptibility of recruits of the brown macroalga Lobophora to multiple fish species through a combination of feeding observations and manipulative in situ and ex situ experiments. Further, we recorded short-term Lobophora growth patterns and adult survival over 9 wk. Lobophora recruits were more susceptible to herbivory than adults, likely owing to their smaller size. However, recruit mortality was driven by only 3 of the studied species: Acanthurus nigrofuscus, Scarus niger and Chlorurus spilurus, whereas other common herbivores did not remove any Lobophora recruits. Our data also suggest variable growth and recruitment among months. These findings point to a possible increase in grazing resistance with age for Lobophora. As such, a decrease in grazing pressure by key fish species controlling Lobophora recruits could permit Lobophora to establish more grazingtolerant adult populations
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