593 research outputs found

    Forecasting: A Novel in Stories

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    Focusing on the small, unforseeable moments that define modern American life, this thesis is a collection of short stories that follows a couple from the birth of their first child until that child enters college

    Prospects of lean ignition with the quarter wave coaxial cavity igniter

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    New ignition sources are needed to operate the next generation of lean high efficiency internal combustion engines. A significant environmental and economic benefit could be obtained from these lean engines. Toward this goal, the quarter wave coaxial cavity resonator, QWCCR, igniter was examined. A detailed theoretical analysis of the resonator was performed relating geometric and material parameters to performance characteristics, such as resonator quality factor and developed tip electric field. The analysis provided for the construction and evaluation of a resonator for ignition testing.;The evaluation consisted of ignition tests with liquefied-petroleum-gas (LPG) air mixtures of varying composition. The combustion of these mixtures was contained in a closed steel vessel with a precombustion pressure near one atmosphere. The resonator igniter was fired in this vessel with a nominal 150 W microwave pulse of varying duration, to determine ignition energy limits for various mixtures. The mixture compositions were determined by partial pressure measurement and the ideal gas law. Successful ignition was determined through observation of the combustion through a view port. The pulse and reflected microwave power were captured in real time with a high-speed digital storage oscilloscope. Ignition energies and power levels were calculated from these measurements. As a comparison, these ignition experiments were also carried out with a standard non-resistive spark plug, where gap voltage and current were captured for energy calculations.;The results show that easily ignitable mixtures around stoichiometric and slightly rich compositions are ignitable with the QWCCR using the similar kinds of energies as the conventional spark plug in the low milli-Joule range. Energies for very lean mixtures could not be determined reliably for the QWCCR for this prototype test, but could be lower than that for a conventional spark. Given the capability of high power, high energy delivery, and opportunity for optimization, the QWCCR has the potential to deliver more energy per unit time than a conventional spark plug and thus should be considered be as a lean ignition source

    Method Effects and the Need for Cognition Scale

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    Individual differences in the need for cognition are typically assessed using the 18-item Need for cognition scale (NCS) developed by Cacioppo and Petty (1982). However, in contrast to the unidimensional model proposed by the scale developers, recent factor analyses have introduced two -and three- dimensional models of the scale. Confirmatory factor analyses were used in this study to evaluate different measurement models based on data provided by 590 (236 males, 354 females) young adult members of the general public. Although some alternative models showed promise, a single factor model with method effects associated with positively and negatively worded items provided best fit. Implications for the asses sment of need for cognition are considered

    An optimized return mapping algorithm for the barcelona basic model

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    For the most well-known constitutive model for partially saturated soils, the Barcelona Basic Model, an optimized return mapping algorithm is proposed, which is characterized by analytical integration of the hardening law and by solving only a nonlinear scalar equation at the integration point level. To investigate the performance of the proposed algorithm several implicit and explicit stress update algorithms are compared at the integration point level. Finally, the proposed stress update algorithm is applied to a 2D solid-fluid coupled numerical simulation of water flow through a homogeneous embankment dam

    Neue Strategien molekularer Therapien bei der Duchenne Muskeldystrophie

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    Observability and Decision Support for Supervision of Distributed Power System Control

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