28 research outputs found

    Fel privatisera Malmös allmÀnnytta

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    Malmö stad sÀljer 1 650 av sina allmÀnnyttiga hyreslÀgenheter till ett nybildat privat aktiebolag i samband med planeringen av prestigeprojektet Culture Casbah i RosengÄrd. FörsÀljningen Àr ett vÀgskÀl i Malmös planerings- och bostadspolitik, menar Maria Persdotter, doktorand i urbana studier vid Malmö högskola

    The politics of legal technicalities : an inquiry into the demolition of a Roma EU-migrant settlement in Malmö, Sweden

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    Social conflicts related to Roma – Europe’s most persecuted people – are often mired in discourses of sanitation and framed around garbage, odour, and smoke. What happens when such elements are translated into objects of legal governance? This chapter explores the legal process that led to the expulsion of about two hundred Roma from a squatter settlement in Malmö, Sweden. Highlighting the role of legal tech- nicalities, it suggests that the process hinged on the categorisation of the settlement as trash and on the power of the municipal authorities to supersede private property rights in order to enforce standards of health and sanitation

    Get them out of the country, in one way or another : On the Undoing of Geographies of Survival for Mobile Roma EU-citizens in Malmö, Sweden

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    In this forum piece I argue that the state and municipal authorities in Malmö, Sweden – in the absence of any direct and formal controls on the entry of EU-citizens – have attempted to discourage, regulate and otherwise manage the presence of mobile Roma EU-citizens by regulating their access to social rights, and their access and use of public space. In effect, if not in intention, this is a politics of mobility control through destitution

    Confessions of Privilege and the Re-constitution of Whiteness

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    Over the last several decades, an approach to critical scholarship and social justice activism has emerged that seeks to interrogate unmarked sites of privilege and power; including whiteness, masculinity and heterosexuality. Some have referred to this turn as the 'politics of privilege'. The growth of whiteness- and masculinity-studies is emblematic of this turn, as is the emphasis on practices of self-reflexivity and the confessing of privilege. This paper seeks to discuss the shortcomings of the politics of privilege in the context of whiteness studies and anti-racist activism, and to reflect on the limits to self-reflexivity as an academic practice and strategy for social and political change. While the politics of privilege is certainly not without merit, this paper argues that they nevertheless serve to reinstall white supremacy and racism in the following ways: 1) by constituting the white subject as the one that is capable of self-reflexivity, while simultaneously positioning the racialized subject as the 'raw-material' for this reflexivity, 2) by (re-)centring conversations about race and racism on the agency of white people, 3) by fixing racialized subjects in a posture of complaint consistent with the so-called 'politics of recognition', and 4) through what Sara Ahmed calls the 'fantasy of transcendence' whereby white people, by declaring an awareness of racism, attempts to position themselves as being immune to its effects. Ultimately then, this papers calls into question the transformative potential of 'good intentions' and underscores the importance of structural change and concrete action

    Free to Move Along : On the Urbanisation of Cross-border Mobility Controls - A Case of Roma 'EU migrants' in Malmö, Sweden

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    Den här avhandlingen – som jag valt att ge den svenska titeln Fri att röra sig, förvisad att röra sig: Rörlighetskontrollens urbanisering – Fallet med romska EU-medborgare i Malmö – behandlar den lokala politik som utvecklades i Malmö under åren 2014–2016 i förhållande till närvaron av så kallade utsatta EU-medborgare, och utvecklar ett teoretiskt resonemang om hur exkluderande gränser tar plats och blir till i städer. ”Utsatta EU-medborgare” är ett begrepp som används av svenska myndigheter för att beteckna medborgare från andra EU länder som vistas i Sverige utan en fast uppehållsrätt och som befinner sig i situationer präglade av extrem fattigdom och marginalisering. Medparten av dem som klassas som ”utsatta EU-medborgare” är romer med ursprung i Bulgarien eller Rumänien. I avhandlingen konstateras att gruppen i den allmänna debatten i mycket hög utsträckning omskrivs som oönskade migranter. Med detta som utgångspunkt ställs således frågan hur kommunala och andra lokala myndigheter i Malmö agerar för att hantera närvaron av ”utsatta EU-medborgare”, och hur detta i sin tur påverkar deras möjligheter att utöva sin ”fria rörlighet”. Avhandlingen gör en ansats att utveckla ett teoretiskt resonemang kring urbana gränspraktiker inom EU. Särskilt undersöks de mekanismer som utgör grunden för urban rörlighetskontroll: hur de fungerar, vilka effekter de medför och vad detta i sin tur innebär för den som blir måltavla för sådana praktiker. Avhandlingen är uppbyggd kring en fallstudie av konflikterna kring det så kallade Sorgenfri-lägret – en provisoriskt byggd bosättning som utgjorde ett hem för en stor andel av Malmös ”utsatta EU-medborgare” under åren 2014–2015. Sorgenfri-lägret revs efter en invecklad och mycket omtvistad process genom ett beslut i Malmö stads miljönämnd. Dessförinnan kom bosättningen som omnämnts som ”Sveriges största slum” att stå i centrum för heta politiska debatter gällande frågan om olovliga bosättningar. Med utgångspunkt i fallet med Sorgenfri-lägret undersöker avhandlingen hur myndigheterna i och bortom Malmö resonerar kring och agerar i förhållande till de juridiska gråzoner, moraliska-politiska dilemman och sociala konflikter som omgärdar just denna fråga. Särskilt behandlas fallet med Sorgenfri-lägret som ett nyckel-exempel på hur ”utsatta EU-medborgare” och deras bosättningar framställs och hanteras som en sanitär olägenhet och görs till föremål för ordningspolitiska insatser. Analysen präglas av en poststrukturalistisk ansats och för samman två huvudsakliga forskningsfält: kritiska migrations-studier och rättsgeografisk forskning kring social och rumslig kontroll. Därtill utgör teorier om det som inom forskningen kallas för skalpolitik en viktig referenspunkt. Analysen behandlar den diskursiva framställningen av Sorgenfrilägret de som bodde där som en sanitär olägenhet och undersöker vilka effekter denna framställning fick för den juridiska process som i slutändan ledde till att lägret utrymdes och revs. Avhandlingen som helhet pekar på staden som en arena där komplexa förhandlingar kring uppehållsrättslig status, rättigheter och tillhörighet utspelar sig. Ett bärande argument är att lokala myndigheter i Malmö har kommit att hantera frågan om ”utsatta EU-medborgare” på ett sätt som sammantaget kraftigt inskränker gruppens tillgång till stadens rum, och som därför kan beskrivas som en slags exkluderande gränspolitik på den urbana skalnivån. Detta bidrar i sin tur (i praktiken) till att omforma och inskränka villkoren för den fria rörligheten.This thesis traces the local government response to the presence of impoverished and street-homeless so-called vulnerable EU-citizens in Malmö (Sweden’s third largest city) between the years 2014-2016, and develops an analysis about how bordering takes place in cities. “Vulnerable EU-citizens” is an established term in the Swedish context, used by the authorities to refer to citizens of other EU Member States who are staying in Sweden without a right of residence and in situations of extreme poverty and marginality. A majority of those whom are categorised as “vulnerable EU-citizens” are Roma from Bulgaria or Romania. Starting from the observation that “vulnerable EU-citizens” have been pervasively problematised as unwanted migrants, the thesis asks how the municipal- and local authorities in Malmö act to discourage and otherwise manage their mobilities by controlling their conditions of stay. In doing so, it seeks to elaborate on theories about intra-EU bordering practices, and to elucidate some of the mechanisms, effects and implications of urban mobility control practices. Methodologically, the thesis is structured as a case study, centring on the case of the intensely contested Sorgenfri-camp – a makeshift squatter settlement that housed a large proportion of Malmö’s estimated total population of “vulnerable EU-citizens”. The Sorgenfri-camp was established in 2014 and lasted for a year and a half before it was demolished in November 2015 on the order of the City of Malmö’s environmental authorities. Often referred to in the media as “Sweden’s largest slum”, the Sorgenfri-camp was quite literally a central locus of a local and national political “crisis” regarding the growth of unauthorised squatter settlements. As a “critical case”, it offers a vantage point from which to trace the development of policy and government practices towards “vulnerable EU-citizens” and observe how the authorities negotiate the legal ambiguities, moral-political dilemmas, and social conflicts that swirl around the unauthorised settlements of “vulnerable EU-citizens”. It also serves as a key example of a more widespread framing of “the problem of vulnerable EU-citizens” as an order, nuisance and sanitation problem. The analysis is carried out with a theoretical framework informed by Foucaultian poststructuralist theory and theories of scale, combining insights from the field of critical border and migration studies with concepts from the legal geographic literature on urban socio-spatial control. In particular, it follows socio-legal scholar Mariana Valverde’s (2010) call to foreground the role of scalar categorisation and politics in the networked policing of various non-citizens. The analysis addresses the construction of the Sorgenfri-camp and its residents as a “nuisance problem” in popular and policy discourse, and explores the effects and consequences of this framing in the context of the administrative-legal process that resulted in the demolition of the settlement. The thesis highlights the city as a space where complex negotiations over residency-status, rights and belonging play out. It submits that local authorities in Malmö have responded to the presence and situation of vulnerable EU-citizens in the city by enacting a series of practices and programs that jointly add up to an indirect policy of exclusionary mobility control, the cumulative effect of which is to eliminate the “geographies of survival” for the group in question. Furthermore, it argues that this reinforces the complex modulations of un/free mobility” in the EU: destitute EU-citizens who are formally free to move and reside within the union are repeatedly moved along, and thus effectively prevented from settling. This is taken to be illustrative of an urbanisation of mobility control practices: a convergence between mobility control and urban socio-spatial control, or a rescaling of mobility control from the edges of the nation-state to the urban scale and, ultimately, to the body of the “vulnerable EU-citizen”

    Adapting the environmentallysustainable logistics performancemanagement process

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    Process based approaches to environmentally sustainable logistics performancemanagement are lacking within organizations that buy logistics services (buyers) and thatsell logistics services (LSPs), which puts a damper on environmentally sustainablelogistics performance. Organizations understand the potential of environmentallysustainable logistics performance management, but they seems unable to developeffective management processes and accurate environmentally sustainable logisticsmetrics. An environmentally sustainable logistics performance management process(ESLPM process) is one way for an organization to manage its performance in line withits environmental strategy and overall environmental targets.The purpose of this thesis is to adapt the logistics performance management process toinclude environmental sustainability. The first research question is about thecharacteristics for including environmentally sustainable logistics in the logisticsperformance management process. Characteristics that need to be included in the logisticsperformance management process must be identified in order to illustrate the process, inorder to improve the environmental performance. Moreover, by identifying thecharacteristics of the process activities, it is possible to compare how the characteristicsof the process are similar and/or different between organizations. The performancemanagement process can only be used successfully if the strategy is closely aligned tosome process activities being implemented; this motivates the second research question,which is how the ESLPM process can be expanded to measure alignment.The method used to collect empirical data is primarily interviews in eight multiple-casestudies of four organizations buying logistics services and four organizations sellinglogistics services. The frame of reference is based on the inclusion of environmentalsustainability characteristics in the logistics performance management process and thealignment between process and strategy as well as within processes. The results include a description of an ESLPM process that contains five activities withseventeen characteristics for managing environmentally sustainable logistics. Specificcontexts of eight organizations, like type (private, public, or private/public) and size(small, medium, or large) and their influence and implications concerning the ESLPMprocess are discussed and presented. The matching between the theoretical ESLPMprocess (based on the frame of reference) and the empirical ESLPM process is presentedand then compared within the eight organizations, resulting in a modified ESLPM processwith twenty characteristics. The results shows that the use of an ESLPM process is stillin beginning stages and is not done in a structured manner; in particular, the organizationsfind it difficult to establish appropriate ESLP metrics, to define the ESLP metrics, to setaccurate ESLP targets, and to collect and measure the ESLP metrics.Results from measuring level of alignment include theoretical measurement models fortwo types of alignment, a model for measuring alignment between process and strategy,as well as a model for measuring alignment within a process. The two theoretical modelscontain different aspects that measure alignment on three different levels (high, medium,low). These models are tested within each organization, and the results from measuringlevel of alignment per organization is used to evaluate the two theoretical models,resulting in modified models for measuring alignment.The results lead to increased understanding of how type and size influence thecharacteristics of the ESLPM process and the level of alignment. The results also contribute to the literature on environmentally sustainable logistics performancemanagement and the alignment both between process and strategy as well as within theESLPM process. The result can be used by organizations selling and buying logisticsservices to improve their environmentally sustainable logistics performance

    UmgÀngesstöd - en familjerÀttslig studie av gÀllande rÀtt och praktik

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    This thesis is written within the field of family law, covering the problematic area of access right where the court decides that supervised access is going to be used in order to obtain the child’s right to meet and have contact with his or her parents. To obtain an adequate general idea about how supervised access is used, I have chosen to explore a) how the intervention is intended to work in Sweden, b) how the new requirement regarding limited time has changed the applicability regarding supervised access, c) on which occasions the court order the intervention and d) what consequences this brings to the child and parents involved. A child has certain rights in relation to his or her parents, one of them being the right to meet the parents and the right to have good contact with both the mother and the father. Adding to that, the child has a right not to be badly treated when meeting the parents, which involves problems since this is creating a difficult balance between the different rights. Because of this, supervised access is used as help and support at times of access which for some reason should be supervised. The intervention supervised access was subject to a legislative amendment in August 2010, which now means that the court can order the National Board of Health & Welfare to organize and evaluate the access intervention. A time limit of one year was also introduced, which means that if the court does not appreciate that normal access can work within a year, then supervised access should not be used and access therefore should not take place at all. This time limit involves higher requirements and demands from the investigations made by the court and the National Board of Health & Welfare since they have to appreciate how the relationship between the child and parent is going to evolve and develop for a period of time. The National Board of Health & Welfare is also responsible for following-up the access in a careful way, to ascertain that the intervention does not last longer than necessary. This essay furthermore discusses legal practice concerning risk-associated access right cases and how this risk should be assessed. Additionally, this essay studies legal practice regarding supervised access in order to illustrate how the Courts of Appeals are deliberating regarding the new supervised access legislation; when is supervised access suggested to be an appropriate action, and in which situations is it inappropriate for any right of access to occur? To assist me I have interviewed a specialist at the National Board of Health & Welfare and a judge at the District Court in Lund working within this area of the Swedish law to obtain an understanding about their reasoning regarding the work with supervised access. The child, the parent with custody and the parent who has access right often have divergent opinions regarding how this intervention should function and what the true outcome of the intervention has been. There is some relevant research showing that many processes of access are stopped as soon as the supervised access intervention is stopped. This is one of the shortcomings I will highlight in my analysis. I will also explore and comment on other difficulties related to the intervention; are the rights of parents too strong in Sweden at the expense of the child’s wishes, and is supervised access a good way to promote access between the child and parent?Denna uppsats Ă€r ett examensarbete i juris kandidatprogrammet. Uppsatsen Ă€r skriven inom omrĂ„det familjerĂ€tt och behandlar problemomrĂ„det riskfyllda umgĂ€ngen dĂ€r domstolen förordnar om umgĂ€ngesstöd för att tillvarata barnets rĂ€tt till umgĂ€nge. Jag kommer i uppsatsen redogöra för hur de rĂ€ttigheter som ett barn har i förhĂ„llande till sina förĂ€ldrar ser ut, dĂ€ribland rĂ€tten till umgĂ€nge och rĂ€tten till en god kontakt med bĂ„da förĂ€ldrar. DĂ€rtill besitter barnet en rĂ€tt att inte fara illa vid umgĂ€nge, vilket problematiserar situationen och skapar en svĂ„r avvĂ€gning mellan de olika rĂ€ttigheterna. Dessa rĂ€ttigheter Ă€ger barnet bĂ„de enligt svensk rĂ€tt och internationella konventioner, sĂ„som FN:s konvention om barnets rĂ€ttigheter. Vid ett saklĂ€ge dĂ€r det konstateras att viss risk föreligger kan domstolen förordna om umgĂ€ngesstöd för att tillgodose barnets rĂ€ttigheter och agera som ett stöd vid umgĂ€nge som av nĂ„gon anledning bör vara övervakade. För att fĂ„ en bra överblick av nĂ€r och hur umgĂ€ngesstöd anvĂ€nds har jag valt att undersöka hur Ă„tgĂ€rden umgĂ€ngesstöd skall fungera i Sverige, hur det nya tidsbegrĂ€nsningskravet har förĂ€ndrat tillĂ€mpningen av umgĂ€ngesstöd, vid vilka tillfĂ€llen domstolen förordnar om insatsen samt vilka praktiska konsekvenser detta fĂ„r för de inblandade. Insatsen umgĂ€ngesstöd var i augusti 2010 föremĂ„l för en lagĂ€ndring som innebar att domstolen nu gavs rĂ€tt att ge socialnĂ€mnden i uppdrag att anordna och följa upp insatsen. Det infördes Ă€ven en tidsbegrĂ€nsning om ett Ă„r, vilket innebĂ€r att dĂ„ domstolen inte uppskattar att ett normalt umgĂ€nge kan komma till stĂ„nd inom ett Ă„r, sĂ„ skall inte umgĂ€ngesstöd anvĂ€ndas och umgĂ€nge skall sĂ„ledes inte ske. Denna tidsbegrĂ€nsning stĂ€ller högre krav pĂ„ domstolen och socialtjĂ€nstens utredningsarbete dĂ„ de mĂ„ste uppskatta hur barnet och förĂ€lderns relation och umgĂ€nge kan komma att se ut och utvecklas. SocialnĂ€mnden skall Ă€ven följa upp umgĂ€nget pĂ„ ett noggrant sĂ€tt för att tillse att insatsen inte varar lĂ€ngre Ă€n nödvĂ€ndigt. Med anledning hĂ€rav anser jag det vara av intresse att redogöra för hur denna lagförĂ€ndring i praktiken tagit form och hur domstolen nu tillĂ€mpar umgĂ€ngesstöd. Uppsatsen behandlar Ă€ven rĂ€ttspraxis rörande riskfyllda umgĂ€ngen och hur denna risk skall bedömas, samt rĂ€ttspraxis angĂ„ende umgĂ€ngesstöd för att visa pĂ„ hur hovrĂ€tterna har tĂ€nkt kring den nya lagstiftningen om umgĂ€ngesstöd; nĂ€r anses umgĂ€ngesstöd vara en lĂ€mplig Ă„tgĂ€rd och nĂ€r skall umgĂ€nge överhuvudtaget inte föreligga mellan barn och umgĂ€ngesförĂ€lder? Till min hjĂ€lp har jag ocksĂ„ anvĂ€nt mig av intervjuer med yrkesverksamma personer som arbetar med detta omrĂ„de inom lagen för att fĂ„ en inblick i hur de tĂ€nker kring arbetet med umgĂ€ngesstöd. Barnet, boendeförĂ€ldern och umgĂ€ngesförĂ€ldern har ofta tĂ€mligen olika uppfattningar om hur insatsen bör fungera och hur det i realiteten har gĂ„tt. Det finns Ă€ven forskning som visar pĂ„ att mĂ„nga umgĂ€ngen avslutas i samband med att umgĂ€ngesstödsinsatsen avslutas. Detta Ă€r ett av de 4 problem som jag pekar pĂ„ i min analys. I analysen tar jag Ă€ven upp andra svĂ„righeter som Ă€r relaterade till insatsen; Ă€r förĂ€ldrarĂ€tten alltför stark i Sverige pĂ„ bekostnad av barnets vilja samt Ă€r umgĂ€ngesstöd en tillfredstĂ€llande insats att anvĂ€nda sig av för att frĂ€mja umgĂ€nge mellan barn och förĂ€lder

    Vad Ă€r den svenska modellen? : historieskrivning i den samtida ’tiggeridebatten’

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    Denna presentation problematiserar den historieskrivning som förmedlas genom den pĂ„gĂ„ende debatten rörande nĂ€rvaron av tiggande EU-medborgare i svenska stĂ€der. NĂ„got som Ă€r utmĂ€rkande för denna debatt Ă€r de Ă„terkommande hĂ€nvisningarna till vĂ€lfĂ€rdsstatens tillblivelse. Nyligen meddelades det att regeringen övervĂ€ger att införa ett tiggeriförbud. Detta för att försvara ’den svenska modellen’. PĂ„ liknande sĂ€tt rĂ€ttfĂ€rdigade politiker i Malmö stad beslutet att utrymma och riva det sĂ„ kallade SorgenfrilĂ€gret med hĂ€nvisning till folkhemspolitikens löfte om ’goda bostĂ€der för alla’. Även de som stĂ€llt sig kritiska till dessa Ă„tgĂ€rder har Ă„beropat historiskt baserade argument. MĂ„nga har hĂ€vdat att dagens politik Ă€r ett uttryck för en historiskt kontinuerlig antiziganism, och att denna politik sĂ€rskilt pĂ„minner om de exkluderande Ă„tgĂ€rder som riktades mot romer och resande under 1900-talets första Ă„rtionden. Vi frĂ„gar oss hĂ€r vilka förestĂ€llningar om det svenska vĂ€lfĂ€rdssamhĂ€llet och dess historia som Ă„beropas och Ă„terskapas genom den sĂ„ kallade tiggeridebatten. Baserat pĂ„ vĂ„r forskning om det svenska samhĂ€llets reaktioner mot nĂ€rvaron av tiggande EU-medborgare, belyser vi hur dagens debatt mĂ„nga gĂ„nger framstĂ€ller vĂ€lfĂ€rdssamhĂ€llets tillblivelse som en enhetlig nationell framgĂ„ngssaga pĂ„ ett sĂ€tt som osynliggör de krĂ€nkningar och övergrepp mot romer och resande som pĂ„gick under tidsperioden. Vi visar ocksĂ„ pĂ„ hur dagens tiggande EU-medborgare gĂ„ng efter annan utpekas som ett hot mot den nationella framgĂ„ngssagan

    Vad är den svenska modellen? Socialdemokratisk historieskrivning i den samtida ”tiggeridebatten”

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    Denna text gör nedslag i debatten om tiggande EU-medborgare i Sverige – en debatt som nu har pĂ„gĂ„tt i flera Ă„r. KĂ€nnetecknande för denna debatt, sĂ€rskilt dådet kommer till att föreslå möjliga ”lösningar” pĂ„ det som ofta kallas ”tiggeriet”, Ă€r de Ă„terkommande hĂ€nvisningarna till det svenska vĂ€lfĂ€rdssamhĂ€llets tillblivelse, och framförallt då etablerandet av det socialdemokratiska folkhemmet. Textens fokus på folkhemmet som just ett socialdemokratiskt projekt beror till viss del påatt partiet har suttit vid regeringsmakten sedan 2014. En koppling görs mellan dagens socialdemokratiska makthavare och de som styrde landet dådet utbredda ”tiggeriet” pĂ„stĂ„s ha avskaffats. Påså sĂ€tt rör debatten synen pådet svenska vĂ€lfĂ€rds- samhĂ€llets historia. Denna historia Ă€r dock lĂ„ngt ifrĂ„n entydig. I denna text vill vi visa hur dagens debatt innefattar en aktiv historieskrivning i form av en diskursiv kamp kring begrepp som ”den svenska modellen” och ”vĂ€lfĂ€rdspolitiken”