93 research outputs found

    Prenatal maternal effects appear to be insensitive to experimental or natural environmental variation:Environmental effects on egg traits

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    In many birds, hatching asynchrony is a common phenomenon, primarily driven by patterns of incubation behaviour. However, experimental results in blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) have shown that asynchrony is reduced by intrinsic properties of later eggs that accelerate prenatal development. These intrinsic differences between early and late eggs could be driven by changes in resource availability to females, which are then passively passed onto the egg. Alternatively, it may be due to an anticipatory maternal effect, wherein some signal or resource is actively placed within the egg, which is beneficial to those eggs laid late within the clutch. In order to distinguish between these hypotheses we designed a supplementary feeding experiment, wherein females were provided with food at certain times during the laying phase. This had no discernible effect on development rate, or other egg characteristics, consistent with anticipatory maternal effects. Using a larger dataset we also tested whether natural environmental variation (weather) during egg formation affected maternal investment in eggs. Similarly, egg characteristics were found to be relatively insensitive to the environmental variation, supporting the experimental results.</p

    Use of materials in nest construction by Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca reflects localised habitat and geographical location.

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    Capsule Pied Flycatchers use different materials to construct their nests according to localised habitat and geographical location. Aims This study tested the hypotheses that birds would use the leaves they normally encountered within their breeding territories and that nest composition varied between geographical locations. Methods In Lancashire, Pied Flycatcher nests were collected from nestboxes built in locations dominated by different tree species and were deconstructed to determine which materials were used. Results Materials found in nests generally reflected the localised habitat around the nest rather than showing evidence of active collection from distant sources of material. Nests from Lancashire were significantly different in composition when compared with published data for nests from north Wales and central Spain. The use of moss was dominated by the use of one species in all but two nests. Conclusion Pied Flycatchers exhibit plasticity in nest construction behaviour because they were opportunistic in their choice of most nesting materials although they may be selective in their choice of moss

    First-egg date and air temperature affect nest construction in Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus, but not in Great Tits Parus major

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    Capsule For nest construction by Blue Tits, but not Great Tits, first-egg date (FED) and air temperature significantly affected the mass of the nest as a whole and some of its component parts. Aims To test the hypothesis that use of nest materials is influenced by prevailing climatic conditions during nest construction. Methods Nests used in the study were built by Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus and Great Tits Parus major in nestboxes at a site in Lincolnshire, England during the 2008 and 2009 breeding seasons. Nests were dissected into their component parts and then weighed. Results Stepwise discriminant analysis showed that the asses of grasses, feathers and bark were significantly affected by species (all higher in Blue Tits) and year significantly affected the mass of wool and dust in the nests. ANOVA showed that total mass of the nest was not significantly affected by year of construction or species. By contrast, species, but not year, did significantly influence the masses of animal- and plant-derived materials in the nest. In Blue Tit nests there were significant correlations between FED and the mass of animal-derived material in 2008, but with plant-derived material in 2009. There were significant correlations between mean air temperature recorded during the seven days up to FED and the mass of the nests and their plant-derived materials. No significant correlations were observed between FED and nest components for Great Tits. Conclusion Nest construction is potentially affected by a variety of environmental factors, which may impact upon how nests function. A better understanding of how nest variability affects its function may allow better assessment of how climate change may impact upon the reproductive performance of bird

    Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) predation on tits (Parus spp.)

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    The present research was conducted to assess the effect of Sparrowhawk predation on the tit population of Wytham Woods, Oxford. Chapter 1 describes the history of the Wytham hawk population until this study began and the nesting biology of the hawks during the study. Six to nine pairs of hawks settled in the wood each year, but reproductive success was low due to pesticide contamination. Chapter 2 shows that tit nesting success was reduced when they nested near hawk nests. Circumstantial evidence is presented for reduced tit nesting success throughout the wood since the return of the hawks. Chapter 3 examines rates of hawk predation during the nesting period. Findings indicate that hunting rates and the percentage of the diet formed by tits are regulated by prey availability or vulnerability, with highest predation rates occurring at the time that tits fledge. In Chapter 4 the selection of tits by hawks is analysed. Results indicate that on the basis of brood and physical characteristics adult tits were selected on the basis of availability and juvenile tits were selected primarily by date of fledging. The ratio of adult to juveniles taken differed between years and was thought to be related to the number of tits available per hawk each year. Chapter 5 presents estimates showing that 22-42% of each segment of the tit population was killed by hawks each year. The effects of these losses are discussed, concentrating on the shift in the structure of the tit breeding population which has occurred since the hawks returned to the wood. In Chapter 6 the findings of the study are compared to the findings of previous predator-prey research and the attributes of Wytham as an area for studying predation discussed.</p

    Selection for the Timing of Great Tit Breeding in Relation to Caterpillar Growth and Temperature

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    1. We investigated the relation between the timing of great tit breeding, measured as the mean date of laying the first egg in each clutch, the timing of caterpillar availability, measured as median pupation dates of winter moth, selection for laying dates, measured from the recruitment into the local breeding population in subsequent years, and temperature in the period after egg laying. 2. There was a significant positive correlation between the timing of the great tit's laying and the timing of the caterpillars. 3. In most years there was selection for earlier laying in this great tit population. The selection differentials were usually the same for male and female recruits. 4. The selection differential for laying date was strongly correlated (r = 0.84, n = 21, P < 0.0001) with the difference in timing between birds and caterpillars. This difference in timing was in turn strongly correlated with temperatures in the period after egg laying. 5. When the period after the laying date was subdivided, the selection differential was strongly correlated with the mean temperature during the period when most birds were incubating. 6. We discuss six alternative hypotheses explaining a consistent selection differential for earlier laying. One of these is new and is based on the fact that the birds can delay their breeding more succesfully than they can speed it up, once they have started laying. [KEYWORDS: Caterpillar pupation; insectivorous birds;natural selection; timing of breeding; wytham wood Parus-major; clutch size; incubation; heritability;reproduction]