5 research outputs found
This research concerning heavy metal analysis of Co and V on Mamuju Regency water sediments using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Sediment sampling was conducted on four stations, namely the mouth of the Mamuju river, the mouth of the river Karema, the mouth of the river Rimuku, and front of Manakarra beach platform. The results showed that Co metes ranged from 0.167-0.208 mg/L while for metal V ranged from 0.649-0.944 mg/L. Of the three metals in the analysis are still below the threshold of metal quality standards in sediments or can be said not polluted
Analisis Karakteristik Dan Persepsi Pengguna Pelayanan Terhadap Pemanfaatan Puskesmas Sebagai Gatekeeper Di Kabupaten Sragen
This study aims to analyze the characteristics and perceptions of service users on the use of health centers as gatekeepers in Sragen Regency. The sample in this study amounted to 105 respondents from public health centers in Sidoharjo, Sragen Regency using a questionnaire for data collection. Sampling technique with non-probability sampling method. The data analysis technique uses path analysis. The results of this study indicate that: 1) There is a relationship between differences in age, education, occupation, chronic disease, attitude of officers, length of treatment with the perception of service users using the use of health centers as gatekeepers in Sragen Regency 2) There is an influence of perceptions of health service quality on the use of health centers as gatekeepers in Sragen Regency
Pengolahan Eceng Gondok (Eichornia crassipes) Menjadi Pupuk Organik di Kelurahan Panjisari Kecamatan Praya, Kabupaten Lombok Tengah
Panjisari merupakan desa yang terletak di sekitar genangan dan daerah aliran sungai Bendungan Batujai. Di bendungan ini, gulma eceng gondok (Eichhornia crassipes) tumbuh pesat yang berdampak pada pemanfaatan perairan dan pendangkalan waduk. Salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah dengan memanfaatkan eceng gondok sebagai pupuk. Pupuk organik dari eceng gondok mampu memperbaiki struktur fisik tanah, meningkatkan ketersediaan unsur hara, dan pertumbuhan vegetatif. Tim KKN menjadikan kegiatan pembuatan pupuk ini sebagai program utama mereka. Program ini dilaksanakan dengan memberikan bantuan kepada kelompok masyarakat mulai Desember 2021 hingga Februari 2022 bertempat di rumah produksi. Proses pembuatannya dimulai dengan persiapan alat, pengambilan bahan (eceng gondok, kotoran sapi dan sekam), pencacahan dan pengeringan, pencampuran dan fermentasi, yang terakhir adalah pengemasan pupuk. Tim KKN berhasil membuat pupuk organik dengan bahan utama eceng gondok dan memberikan edukasi cara membuatnya kepada masyarakat. Selain itu, produk pupuk organik eceng gondok dapat dipasarkan secara luas, sehingga menciptakan peluang usaha baru untuk meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat Panjisari
Local autonomy demanded the Local Government to be able to give the best
services to the society by giving transparent and accountable information. In
running the local autonomy, the government of regency was demanded to have
capability to finance the government administration, reconstruction and
development, and social needs which were under its responsibility. It showed that
the region itself should make some effort to enhance its Local Income
(Pendapatan Asli Daerah – PAD) which becomes a standard for local area to run
and realize the local autonomy. With relatively low Local Income, it would be
difficult for a region to run the government administration and development
independently, without the support from other parties.
The aim of this research was to analyze the Local Income (PAD) toward the Local
Expense in Musi Rawas Regency by calculating the contribution of the Local
Income sources toward the total realization of the Local Expense in Musi Rawas
Regency. The method of analyzing the data used in this research was descriptive
method in which the data was taken from the documents related to the Local
Income in fulfilling the Local Expense by using the ratio between Local Income
and local revenue before drawing conclusions and suggestions.
Analysis result showed that the Local Income contribution in fulfilling the Local
Expense of Musi Rawas Government Administration during 2005-2010 periods
was still very low with the average point of 3.85% per year. The highest
percentage was reached in 2006 as much as 4.84% and the lowest was in 2009 as
much as 3.42%.
After doing the analysis, it can be concluded that the Local Income of Musi
Rawas Regency which consisted of local taxes, local retribution, separated result
of natural wealth processing, and others legal Local Income, was not adequate to
finance the whole local expense consisted of operational and apparatus expenses.
To fulfill those inadequacy, there were others income sources that were fund
balance and others legal revenue
Iron Recovery from Residue of Lateritic Nickel Leaching Industry
HPAL (High-Pressure Acid Leaching) is one of the important technologies for extracting nickel and cobalt from nickel laterite ore. In the next few years, some plants using this technology will be operated in Indonesia. The production will be estimated to be 543,000 tons per year by 2025. On the other hand, HPAL will produce more than 26 million tonnes of residue, and it requires good management. The residue utilization for certain industrial raw materials is one of the solutions. To determine the potential utilization residue, the characteristic of the residue must be elaborated through some methods. The characterization is carried out based on mineralogical and chemical properties. The feed used in the HPAL process dominates with magnetite and goethite with 41,15 % Fe and 1,35 % Ni content. The residue of HPAL contains Fe and significant Sulphur content, silica, aluminium and calcium. The quantity of Sulphur must be decreased by the desulfurization method then followed by the reduction process. The analysis shows that HPAL residue is still required additional processing for reducing the Sulphur content. The residue utilization trial still needs to be done to determine the quality of the iron-making products produced produced