5,294 research outputs found

    Comparing two scale lengths in the context of a customer satisfaction survey

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Statistics and Information Management, specialization in Marketing Research e CRMIn addition to tangible assets, nowadays, companies are being measured by their orientation towards customers. Thereby, organizations are making efforts to survey and understand their customers’ needs, which would result in customer satisfaction and ultimately bring competitive gains. Customer satisfaction surveys can be done in several ways, within the various methodologies used across the world, since the 1990s. To this end, there are a couple industry standards in customer satisfaction measurement, such as the American and the European Customer Satisfaction indexes. Customers were surveyed in several attributes, which estimated other attributes that could culminate in the estimation of the satisfaction index. Indeed, this is done by using partial least squares structured equation modeling. In this study, the methodology for the European Customer Satisfaction Index, ECSI, was applied to the customers of an online company in Brazil called Singu. Although, the ECSI methodology uses a scale length of ten points, in this work a five-point scale was used simultaneously, aiming at comparing the results obtained with both surveys and evaluating which one estimates best in this context. In the conclusion, results show why the longer scale is the best option in the end, in spite of having significant fewer respondents

    Vision of Tnugdal. Harmony, Paradise and Salvation in Medieval Beyond

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    Medieval Church spread various narratives of imaginary journeys which describe the environment reserved to the elected souls in post-mortem in the space of Heaven. Vision of Tnugdal, example of those narratives, from anonymous authorship, produced in the 12 th century, was translated to Portuguese in the 15th century and give us the symbolic description of Heaven in Medieval Beyond. In this text, the knight Tnugdal, guided by an angel, runs through the various the paths of Celestial Kingdom, divided in the Walls of Silver, Gold and Precious Stones, where are placed the faire souls who possess Christian virtues. To earn and enjoy the things that those spaces offered, the Catholic Church spread ideal models of behavior, since its conception, for the faithful ones achieve eternal salvation in Celestial Paradise

    A Visão de Túndalo : Harmonia, Paraíso e Salvação no Além Medieval

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    A Igreja Medieval divulgava vários relatos de viagens imaginárias que descrevem o ambiente reservado às almas eleitas no pós-morte no espaço do santo Paraíso. A Visão de Túndalo, exemplo desses relatos, produzido no século XII, de autoria anônima, foi traduzido para o português no século XV e nos oferece a descrição simbólica do Paraíso no Além medieval. Nesta narrativa, o cavaleiro Túndalo, guiado por um anjo, percorre as diferentes moradas do Reino Celestial, divididas em Muro de Prata, de Ouro e de Pedras Preciosas, onde estão alocadas as almas justas dotadas de virtudes cristãs. Para merecer e desfrutar todos os bens que esses espaços oferecem, a Igreja Católica divulgava modelos de comportamento ideais, conforme os seus valores, para os fiéis alcançarem a salvação eterna no Paraíso Celestial.Medieval Church spread various narratives of imaginary journeys which describe the environment reserved to the elected souls in post-mortem in the space of Heaven. Vision of Tnugdal, example of those narratives, from anonymous authorship, produced in the 12 th century, was translated to Portuguese in the 15th century and give us the symbolic description of Heaven in Medieval Beyond. In this text, the knight Tnugdal, guided by an angel, runs through the various the paths of Celestial Kingdom, divided in the Walls of Silver, Gold and Precious Stones, where are placed the faire souls who possess Christian virtues. To earn and enjoy the things that those spaces offered, the Catholic Church spread ideal models of behavior, since its conception, for the faithful ones achieve eternal salvation in Celestial Paradise

    Elaboração de jogo pedagógico aplicado a população com baixa escolaridade – o jogo DECOT

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    Trabalho apresentado no 31º SEURS - Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 04 a 07 de agosto de 2013 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar a lógica incorporada no Jogo Decot o qual objetiva resolver problemas de otimização de processos e redução de desperdício oriundos do processo de fabricação de produtos artesanais desenvolvidos pelos agentes de produção da FAS (Fundação de Ação Social de Curitiba). O Decot é um jogo de tabuleiro que simula os produtos - em sua maioria têxteis- confeccionados pelos grupos de produção da FAS e apresenta pontuações compostas por penalidades e benefícios, conforme a qualidade da disposição das peças no tabuleiro. A pontuaçãobusca, de forma lúdica, apresentar aos participantes noções de otimização e custos. O objetivo maior do jogo é o incremento da capacidade empreendedora e de produção das pessoas atendidas, refletindo na redução dos custos de produção. Esta redução (tanto com material quanto monetária) acaba sendo um fator determinante no incremento produtivo. A metodologia de pesquisa utilizada foi a da pesquisa-ação, aplicada diretamente nos grupos já estruturados pela FAS. Os resultados obtidos até o momento são: a produção física do jogo e sua aplicação aos facilitadores da FAS (coordenadores da ação nos grupos). As próximas etapas são a interpretação dos questionários de avaliação da aplicação para poder prosseguir com a aplicação nos grupos, efetivamente. Com isso, espera-se uma maior autonomia econômica dos cidadãos atendidos, bem como uma melhora na auto-estima do grupo, tornando-o mais unido e motivado no seu processo de emancipação ante a FAS

    Implementação da Educação a Distância na Universidade de Cabo Verde: Análise de uma Experiência-Piloto

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    The development and spread of networks of communication and the ability to learn collaboratively at a distance are providing new scenarios for learning and training, with contours not yet fully defined. It is against this background that the public University of Cape Verde (Uni-CV) has tried to create conditions for the operation of these modes of teaching (e-learning and b-learning). This paper aims to present and analyze an experience at the Uni-CV by the working group for implementation of the Center for Distance Education at the University of Cape Verde in the 2008/2009 academic year, whose main task is to promote the enrichment of classroom and increased interaction between students and teachers contributing to the operationalization of the proposed University Network and meaningful learning in the Uni-CV. The pilot project developed in the academic year at Uni-CV, using the Moodle platform and with the collaboration of two trainers from the University of Minho is part of the recommended strategy for fulfilling the assignment above. The target audience for the pilot project was set for thirty nine hundred teachers and students (one class for each teacher at least thirty students) and the main results were: (1) subjects created in Moodle with essential contents and programs available, (2) tools for interaction with students are heavily used (mainly Discussion Forum), (3) classroom supplemented and enriched.O desenvolvimento e a generalização das redes de comunicação e a possibilidade de aprender colaborativamente a distância estão a proporcionar novos cenários de aprendizagem e formação, com contornos ainda não completamente definidos. É neste cenário que a Universidade Pública de Cabo Verde (Uni-CV) vem tentando criar condições para a operacionalização destas modalidades de ensino (e-learning e blearning). A presente comunicação visa apresentar e analisar uma experiência desenvolvida na Uni-CV pelo grupo de trabalho para implementação do Núcleo de Educação a Distância na Universidade de Cabo Verde no ano lectivo 2008/2009, cuja principal atribuição consistia em fomentar o enriquecimento das aulas presenciais e o aumento da interacção entre os estudantes e docentes contribuindo assim para a operacionalização do projecto de Universidade em Rede e de aprendizagem significativa na Uni-CV. A experiência-piloto desenvolvida, neste ano lectivo na Uni- CV, com recurso à plataforma Moodle e que contou com a colaboração de dois formadores da Universidade do Minho faz parte da estratégia preconizada para o cumprimento da atribuição acima referida. O público-alvo da experiência-piloto foi constituído por trinta docentes e novecentos estudantes (uma turma para cada professor, com pelo menos trinta estudantes) e os principais resultados foram: (1) disciplinas criadas na plataforma Moodle com programas e conteúdos essenciais disponibilizados, (2) ferramentas de interacção com os estudantes intensamente utilizadas (sobretudo Fórum de discussão), (3) aulas presenciais complementadas e enriquecidas

    Virtual Reality Applied in Distance Education

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    On verbal agreement variation in European Portuguese: syntactic conditions for the 3SG/3PL alternation

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    In this paper we scrutinize a case of concord variation in European Portuguese (EP) concerning third plural vs. third singular verbal agreement in the co-presence of an overt plural argument, which in the standard variety agrees with the in! ected verb. " e paper is focused on the linguistic factors that correlate with singular concord in this context. Going beyond previous proposals that emphasize the correlation between agreement variation and particular morphological and phonological factors, it is shown that the incidence of non-standard singulars in EP may be straightforwardly explained within a syntactic account. " e empirical basis for this investigation is CORDIAL-SIN, a dialect corpus of EP (600,000 words). " e evidence from this corpus leads us to discuss and reconsider the role that di# erent linguistic factors play in the manifestation of non-standard singulars. It is shown that this case of third singular agreement occurs in the investigated EP varieties in correlation with particular syntactic conditions, mainly in unaccusative-like con- gurations.Furthermore,itissuggestedthatthiskindofagreementvariationmaybeultimatelyascribedtolexicalvariationconcerningtheavailabilityandfeaturespeci gurations. Furthermore, it is suggested that this kind of agreement variation may be ultimately ascribed to lexical variation concerning the availability and feature speci cation of (null) expletives.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Energy community flexibility solutions to improve users’ wellbeing

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    Funding Information: Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge the infrastructure and support of the Department of Electrical and Computer—NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT NOVA), and of the Centre of Technology and Systems, CTS—UNINOVA. Funding Information: Funding: This research was funded by “Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia” (FCT), grant number UIDB/00066/2020. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Energy communities, mostly microgrid based, are a key stakeholder of modern electrical power grids. Operating a microgrid based energy community is a challenging topic due to the involved uncertainties, complexities and often conflicting objectives. The aim of this paper is to present a novel methodology demonstrating that energy community flexibility can contribute to each community member’s wellbeing when a grid fault occurs. A three-house energy community will be modelled considering as consumption sources non-controllable and controllable devices in each house. As power supply sources, PV systems installed in a community’s houses are considered, as well as the power obtained from main grid. Each house’s flexibility inside the community will be studied to improve the management of loads during a fault occurrence. Moreover, three different scenarios will be considered with different available power in the community. With these simulations, it was possible to understand that houses’ energy flexibility can be used under a fault situation, either to maintain the users’ wellbeing or to change the energy flow. Furthermore, energy flexibility can be used to create better energy price markets, to improve the resilience of the grid, or even to consider electrical vehicles’ connection to a community’s grid.publishersversionpublishe

    Agreement variation in European Portuguese dilaects: on syntactic conditions for the alternation 3SG/3PL

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    In this paper we scrutinize a case of concord variation in European Portuguese (EP) concerning third singular vs. third plural verbal agreement in the co-presence of an overt plural argument, which in the standard variety agrees with the inflected verb. The paper is focused on the linguistic factors that correlate with singular concord in this context. Going beyond previous proposals that emphasize the correlation between agreement variation and particular morphological and phonological factors, it is shown that there exist syntactic conditions that favor the incidence of non-standard singulars in EP. The empirical basis for this investigation is CORDIAL-SIN, a dialect corpus of EP (600,000 words). The evidence from this corpus leads us to discuss and reconsider the role that different linguistic factors play in the manifestation of non-standard singulars. It is shown that this case of third singular agreement occurs in EP dialects in correlation with particular syntactic conditions, mainly in unaccusative-like configurations. Furthermore, it is suggested that this kind of agreement variation may be ultimately ascribed to lexical variation concerning the availability and feature specification of (null) expletives.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Metalinguistic activity in higher education: Thinking about words

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    This study investigates the metalinguistic activity of students attending the second year of the Bachelor’s degree in Basic Education, which provides the credits required to apply to masters on Pre-school Education (3 to 5 years) and Teaching in 1st and 2nd Cycles of Basic Education (6 to 10 years and 10 to 12 years, respectively). Students were engaged in a multiple-choice quiz which involved the identification of the syntactic categories of words (20 questions, each with 3 possible answers). On the basis of the content analysis of students’ collaborative talk, the study aims at: (i) identifying students’ conceptions about syntactic categories; (ii) analysing the strategies used to identify the syntactic category of words (morphological, syntactic, semantic criteria); (iii) suggesting instruction guidelines to promote the development of students’ syntactic awareness in higher education. Data collected includes audio recording of 30 groups peer-to-peer interaction and quiz scores. The results show that metalinguistic activity emerges at different levels (see Fontich 2016; Camps et al. 2000): declarative knowledge is involved, for instance, in the memorization of the intensive and extensive properties of the syntactic categories (see Excerpt (1)), whereas procedural knowledge arises in the strategies used to identify the syntactic category of words (see Excerpt (2)). Other variables will be explored in the triangulation of data, such as the quality of the talk (Mercer, 1996; Fernández, Wegerif, Mercer & Rojas-Drummond 2001) and group dynamics (Corcelles & Castelló, 2015).info:eu-repo/semantics/draf