7,169 research outputs found

    Advances in plant reproduction: from gametes to seeds

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    At a time of unprecedented human population growth, climate change, and losses in biodiversity, plant reproduction is a particularly strategic research topic. From the very moment that a sporophytic cell switches its developmental pathway to become the megasporocyte or microsporocyte until a seed is finally formed, an intricate network of tightly regulated signalling pathways is in action. In recent years our understanding of the plant reproductive system has evolved enormously, and at a great pace. This special issue includes a collection of reviews that present the current state of the art across several areas of research in plant reproduction

    Skin tests and challenge-based drug allergy diagnosis: a retrospective study of patients with confirmed drug allergy

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    Objectives. To describe clinical manifestations and performed diagnostic workup, focusing drug challenge tests (DCT), in patients with drug allergy. Methods. Retrospective study including all patients with skin tests (STs) or DCT-based drug allergy diagnosis, between 01/2014 - 06/2018 in a Portuguese allergy unit. Data were collected from electronic and paper-based clinical records. Results. We had 75 drug allergy diagnoses. Most index reactions were mild and major or equal 1 hour after drug intake. 59 (78%) diagnoses were based on DCTs, all based on multistep protocols with major or equal 3 predicted steps. Only 10% of the DCT were positive during up-dosing; timing and severity of the index reaction predicted DCT interruption during up-dosing. Conclusions. Most drug allergy diagnoses were based on multistep DCT. The identified predictors of DCT interruption during up-dosing can support the development of more personalized DCTs protocols.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Asthma costs and social impact

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    In recent decades, both asthma prevalence and incidence have been increasing worldwide, not only due to the genetic background, but mainly because of the effect of a wide number of environmental and lifestyle risk factors. In many countries noncommunicable diseases, like asthma, are not yet considered a healthcare priority. This review will analyze and discuss disparities in asthma management in several countries and regions, such as access to healthcare human resources and medications, due to limited financial capacity to develop strategies to control and prevent this chronic disease. This review tries to explore the social and economic burden of asthma impact on society. Although asthma is generally accepted as a costly illness, the total costs to society (direct, indirect and intangible asthma costs) are difficult to estimate, mainly due to different disease definitions and characterizations but also to the use of different methodologies to assess the asthma socio-economic impact in different societies. The asthma costs are very variables from country to country, however we can estimate that a mean cost per patient per year, including all asthmatics (intermittent, mild, moderate and severe asthma) in Europe is USD1,900,whichseemslowerthanUSA,estimatedmeanUSD 1,900, which seems lower than USA, estimated mean USD 3,100.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    In silico and expression analyses of fasciclin-like arabinogalactan proteins reveal functional conservation during embryo and seed development

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    Fasciclin-like arabinogalactan proteins (FLAs) are a subclass of arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs), which contain fasciclin-like domains in addition to typical AGP domains. FLAs are present across all embryophytes, and despite their low overall sequence similarity, conserved regions that define the fasciclin functional domain (FAS) have been identified, suggesting that the cell adhesion property is also conserved. FLAs in Arabidopsis have been organized into four subgroups according to the number and distribution of functional domains. Recent studies associated FLAs with cell wall-related processes where domain organization seemed to be related to functional roles. In Arabidopsis, FLAs containing a single FAS domain were found to be important for the integrity and elasticity of the plant cell wall matrix, and FLAs with two FAS domains and two AGP domains were found to be involved in maintaining proper cell expansion under salt stress conditions. The main purpose of the present work was to elucidate the expression pattern of selected FLA genes during embryo and seed development using RT-qPCR. AtFLA8 and AtFLA10, two Arabidopsis genes that stood out in previous microarray studies of embryo development, were further examined using promoter-driven gene reporter analyses. We also studied the expression of cork oak FLA genes and found that their expression partially parallels the expression patterns of the putative AtFLA orthologs. We propose that the functional organization of FLAs is conserved and may be related to fundamental aspects of embryogenesis and seed development across angiosperms. Phylogenetic studies were performed, and we show that the same basic four-subgroup organization described for Arabidopsis FLA gene classification is valid for most Arabidopsis FLA orthologs of several plant species, namely poplar, corn and cork oak

    Gestão do Estado Emocional da Criança (dos 6 aos 8 anos) através da Actividade de Brincar: Analisando o Cuidado de Enfermagem em Contexto de Internamento de Pediatria

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    O presente estudo, de abordagem qualitativa, visa compreender como o brincar integrado na prática de enfermagem pode ser usado na gestão do estado emocional da criança a viver uma experiência de hospitalização/cirurgia. Neste processo investigativo recorreu-se ao diário de campo para descrever e analisar a própria prática de enfermagem associada ao fenómeno em estudo. A recolha dos dados foi realizada num serviço de internamento de pediatria cirúrgica de um hospital pediátrico de Lisboa, no período de Abril a Junho de 2008, a partir de interacções de cuidados com 9 crianças de idades compreendidas entre os 6 e os 8 anos. Os dados foram analisados segundo a técnica de análise de conteúdo, os quais revelaram um processo de gestão do estado emocional da criança, através da actividade de brincar, que implica as seguintes acções/interacções: promover o confronto adaptativo, favorecer o relaxamento, incrementar o sentimento de controlo, promover o sentimento de segurança, facilitar a aproximação, promover a expressão emocional, minimizar o sentimento de solidão, promover a distracção e desmistificar os medos. Conclui-se que a actividade de brincar é um instrumento terapêutico primordial em enfermagem pediátrica, na medida em que se revela um meio para favorecer o bem-estar das crianças, e por isso é sugestivo de contribuir para resultados terapêuticos. De facto, usado de modo intencional e sistemático promove a adaptação e aprendizagem das crianças numa experiência positiva de hospitalização/cirurgia

    Anti-inflammatory activity of Blutaparon portulacoides ethanolic extract against the inflammatory reaction induced by Bothrops jararacussu venom and isolated myotoxins BthTX-I and II

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    This article reports the anti-inflammatory effect of Blutaparon portulacoides (B. portulacoides), specifically the ethanolic extract of its aerial parts, on the edema formation and leukocyte influx caused by Bothrops jararacussu (B. jararacussu) snake venom and Bothropstoxin-I and II (BthTX-I and II) isolated from this venom as an alternative treatment for Bothrops snakebites. The anti-inflammatory effect of B. portulacoides ethanolic extract was compared with an animal group pretreated with dexamethasone. B. portulacoides ethanolic extract significantly inhibited paw edema induced by B. jararacussu venom and by BthTX-I and II. Also, results demonstrated that the extract caused a reduction of the leukocyte influx induced by BthTX-I. However, the extract was not capable of inhibiting the leukocyte influx induced by the venom and by BthTX-II. In conclusion, these results suggest that the ethanolic extract of this plant possess components able to inhibit or inactivate toxins present in B. jararacussu venom, including its myotoxins, responsible for the edema formation. However, the leukocyte migration caused by the venom and BthTX-II was not inhibited by the plant, probably due to the different mechanisms involved in the edema formation and leukocyte influx. This is the first report of B. portulacoides extract as anti-inflammatory against snake venoms and isolated toxins

    Primary biliary cirrhosis in a rheumatoid arthritis patient treated with rituximab, a case-based review

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    Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is an autoimmune disease in which intrahepatic bile ducts are targeted by an immune-mediated injury. This disease tends to progress to fibrosis and cirrhosis with hepatic failure. The authors report a case of a 50-year-old rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patient, with erosions and seropositive for rheumatoid factor and anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies, with 18 years disease duration refractory to prednisolone and several disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, either conventional or biological (adalimumab and etanercept). In April 2007, she started therapy with rituximab (RTX) with good European League Against Rheumatism response achieved 9 months later. In June 2008, she was admitted with intrahepatic cholestasis, steatorrhea, and spontaneous fractures of various ribs. After excluding cholelitiasis, as well as infectious and neoplastic diseases a liver biopsy was performed that was compatible with the diagnosis of PBC. The antinuclear antibodies (1/160) were positive as well as the antimitochondrial antibodies (1/640). Other antibodies were negative such as anti-SSA and anti-SSB. Afterwards, the patient started ursodesoxycholic acid 15 mg kg(-1) day(-1) with progressive improvement of cholestatic markers. A labial salivary gland biopsy was performed and showed findings compatible with the concomitant diagnosis of Sjögren's syndrome. Based on this clinical report, a detailed review of the clinical aspects of PBC is presented as well as its association with other immune-mediated inflammatory diseases, particularly, with RA

    The PlaceMarker Survey: A Place-Based Tool for Supporting the Monitoring and Appraisal of River-Related Projects and Natural Capital Assessments

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    The PlaceMarker Survey is an operational tool to support the delivery of the core aims of England’s Environment Agency (EA) in helping to increase resilience to climate change, manage flood risk, and create a better place for people and wildlife. It was developed in response to a recognised need by the EA’s National Environmental Assessment and Sustainability (NEAS) team for a broad-based survey undertaken in the field to get to know the site and prior to more specialist surveys. The key aim of the survey is to capture in a systematic and consistent way the character and condition of a place where river-related projects such as flood risk management and river restoration schemes are proposed to inform discussions around the design and planning of a project and provide the baseline for future place-based monitoring. The tool comprises: a Study Area Survey and one or more River Surveys, which provide measurements to generate metrics and information to support assessments of Habitat and Biodiversity, Landscape, Amenity, and Heritage. Data are stored, analysed, retrieved, shared, and displayed through a web-based information system. It is intended that a PlaceMarker Survey will be conducted on at least three occasions in the lifetime of a project or asset: pre-inception of a project to understand the broad environmental baseline and assist in the design of a scheme; immediately post-project to confirm the “as-built condition”; and post-recovery from the works to monitor the environmental response to interventions at the site. Tracking the assessments over time informs evaluations of environmental enhancements and supports decision-making around adaptive management

    Optimal Design of Robust Combinatorial Mechanisms for Substitutable Goods

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    In this paper we consider multidimensional mechanism design problem for selling discrete substitutable items to a group of buyers. Previous work on this problem mostly focus on stochastic description of valuations used by the seller. However, in certain applications, no prior information regarding buyers' preferences is known. To address this issue, we consider uncertain valuations and formulate the problem in a robust optimization framework: the objective is to minimize the maximum regret. For a special case of revenue-maximizing pricing problem we present a solution method based on mixed-integer linear programming formulation

    Multilevel cervical arthroplasty-clinical and radiological outcomes

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    Cervical disc arthroplasty (CDA) is a valid option for single-level cervical disc disease (CDD) as an alternative to fusion. However, the use in 3- and 4-level disc disease is under scrutiny with scarce data published so far. Our aim was to study clinical and radiological outcomes of arthroplasty in patients with multilevel CDD.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio