8 research outputs found

    The Catalan Process

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    [ENG] In Catalonia over a long period of time, between the xth century and 1878, some installations were developed, which at first were called «factories» and «fargues», since they manufactured iron and steel of low carbon content of excellent quality. Because of their singular quality, the fam e of this metal made in Catalonia spread to many countries. «Fargues» were started in Corsica, the Low Countries, Germany, Eastern India, Madagascar, Finland and along the rivers Orinoco, Mississipi and others. The extractive process used in these «fargues» has passed in to history as the «Catalan Farga Process» or just «Farga Catalana». With this technology, raw material was obtained to supply the transformation industries, such as the manufacturing of to ol, nails, weapons, grills, etc., which in addition to supplying the national marked, were exported

    Color i Pigments

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    [CAT] En primer lloc, es descriu la llum, es defineix el color i les seves propietats, com són ara el matís, la lluminositat i la saturació. Després es defineixen les mescles additives i les mescles subtractives per comprendre les bases de color i les pastes, formulades mitjançant els pigments, tant inorgànics com orgànics. Es destaca, també, la química d'aquests productes. [ENG] Firstly light is described, and colour and its propieties, such as shade, luminosity and saturation, are then defined. Additive and subtractive mixtures are defined to understand basis of colour and pastes, made from pigments, both inorganic and organic. The chemistry of these products is highlighted

    The Catalan Process

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    [ENG] In Catalonia over a long period of time, between the xth century and 1878, some installations were developed, which at first were called «factories» and «fargues», since they manufactured iron and steel of low carbon content of excellent quality. Because of their singular quality, the fam e of this metal made in Catalonia spread to many countries. «Fargues» were started in Corsica, the Low Countries, Germany, Eastern India, Madagascar, Finland and along the rivers Orinoco, Mississipi and others. The extractive process used in these «fargues» has passed in to history as the «Catalan Farga Process» or just «Farga Catalana». With this technology, raw material was obtained to supply the transformation industries, such as the manufacturing of to ol, nails, weapons, grills, etc., which in addition to supplying the national marked, were exported

    Color i Pigments

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    [CAT] En primer lloc, es descriu la llum, es defineix el color i les seves propietats, com són ara el matís, la lluminositat i la saturació. Després es defineixen les mescles additives i les mescles subtractives per comprendre les bases de color i les pastes, formulades mitjançant els pigments, tant inorgànics com orgànics. Es destaca, també, la química d'aquests productes. [ENG] Firstly light is described, and colour and its propieties, such as shade, luminosity and saturation, are then defined. Additive and subtractive mixtures are defined to understand basis of colour and pastes, made from pigments, both inorganic and organic. The chemistry of these products is highlighted

    Color i pigments

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    La Reflexió com a eina d’aprenentatge

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    L'aprenentatge de l'estudiant i la seva formació com a professional i com a persona han de ser els objectius fonamentals de tot ensenyament. Sovint el professorat capficat en la transmissió de coneixements i en l'assoliment del programa, descuida, inconscientment, una part fonamental del paper que ha de jugar en la formació dels seus estudiants. La reflexió sobre un mateix, sobre la societat que l'envolta i sobre el seu futur com a professional és una eina formativa que sovint no s'utilitza a les aules. En aquest treball es presenten diferents formes de promoure la reflexió com a eina d'aprenentatge i els resultats obtinguts en assignatures de llicenciatura, de grau i de màste