114 research outputs found

    The drivers of the intention to cruise during the Covid-19 pandemic: the role of the willingness to share personal information

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    The recent Covid-19 crisis has increased consumers’ need/ obligation to share personal data with companies, which may have an impact on the intention to buy. Our study explores this issue focusing on the cruise industry, where we investigate the mediating role of the willingness to share personal information in the relation between the intention to cruise and different antecedent

    Business model innovation: harnessing big data analytics and digital transformation in hostile environments

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    PurposeThe literature mainly concentrates on the relationships between externally oriented digital transformation (ExtDT), big data analytics capability (BDAC) and business model innovation (BMI) from an intra-organizational perspective. However, it is acknowledged that the external environment shapes the firm's strategy and affects innovation outcomes. Embracing an external environment perspective, the authors aim to fill this gap. The authors develop and test a moderated mediation model linking ExtDT to BMI. Drawing on the dynamic capabilities view, the authors' model posits that the effect of ExtDT on BMI is mediated by BDAC, while environmental hostility (EH) moderates these relationships.Design/methodology/approachThe authors adopt a quantitative approach based on bootstrapped partial least square-path modeling (PLS-PM) to analyze a sample of 200 Italian data-driven SMEs.FindingsThe results highlight that ExtDT and BDAC positively affect BMI. The findings also indicate that ExtDT is an antecedent of BMI that is less disruptive than BDAC. The authors also obtain that ExtDT solely does not lead to BDAC. Interestingly, the effect of BDAC on BMI increases when EH moderates the relationship.Originality/valueAnalyzing the relationships between ExtDT, BDAC and BMI from an external environment perspective is an underexplored area of research. The authors contribute to this topic by evaluating how EH interacts with ExtDT and BDAC toward BMI

    La propensi\uf3n al uso del coche compartido y sus bases decisionales. Resultados de una investigaci\uf3n en cuatro ciudades italianas

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    This article aims to further understand the factors that lead to the choice of car sharing, with respect to the attitude towards the use of private cars; we will analyze the role of the (non) perception of the costs associated with car ownership over consumption and alternative mobility practices. The study is based on the results of a CATI that we carry out in this little explored market area in four urban metropolitan cities in Italy (Rome, Milan, Turin and Genova). For this purpose, we first did an exploratory factor analysis to determine the key dimensions of private car behavior. Then we perform a logistic regression model to analyze what factors can affect the dependent variable. According to our analysis, awareness of the costs associated with the use and ownership of the car is of no importance since many of the interviewed car users tend to underestimate the cost of owning and using a car.Este art\uedculo tiene el objetivo de avanzar en el conocimiento de los factores que conducen a la elecci\uf3n del coche compartido (car sharing), en relaci\uf3n al uso del coche privado. En particular, analizaremos el rol de la (no) percepci\uf3n de los costos asociados a la propiedad del coche sobre las pr\ue1cticas de consumo y de movilidad alternativa. El estudio se basa en los resultados de un CATI que llevamos a cabo en esta \ue1rea de mercado poco explorada en cuatro ciudades metropolitanas urbanas en Italia (Roma, Mil\ue1n, Tur\uedn y G\ue9nova). Para este prop\uf3sito, primero hicimos un an\ue1lisis factorial exploratorio para determinar las dimensiones clave del comportamiento del coche privado. Luego realizamos un modelo de regresi\uf3n log\uedstica para analizar qu\ue9 factores pueden afectar a la variable dependiente. Seg\ufan nuestro an\ue1lisis, el conocimiento de los costos asociados con el uso y la propiedad del coche no tiene importancia determinante ya que muchos de los usuarios de coche entrevistados tienden a subestimar el costo de poseer y de usar el autom\uf3vi

    Le relazioni verticali tra industria e distribuzione nel mercato dei beni di largo consumo

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    L\u2019oggetto di questo Volume \ue8 costituito dallo studio delle re- lazioni verticali tra l\u2019impresa industriale (soprattutto quella di marca) e l\u2019impresa della distribuzione commerciale nei mercati dei beni di largo consumo. l volume offre analisi e spunti di riflessione atti a cogliere le complessit\ue0 dello studio del rapporto verticale, sia mediante un\u2019attenta rassegna della letteratura, sia mediante un\u2019analisi delle relazioni verticali di canale che si stanno configurando nell\u2019attuale contesto nazionale; in questa prospettiva, le chiavi di lettura offerte dalla literature review consentono di analizzare le potenziali implicazioni dell\u2019attuale contesto ambientale (caratterizzato da una forte crisi dei consumi e da una maggiore concorrenza a livello industriale e distributivo) sul bilanciamento del potere nei canali di distribuzione nonch\ue9 sulle possibili forme di collaborazione verticale