1,109 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Pellerin, Glenora D. (Brunswick, Cumberland County)

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    Structure and dynamics of Oxide Melts and Glasses : a view from multinuclear and high temperature NMR

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    Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) experiments allow characterizing the local structure and dynamics of oxide glasses and melts. Thanks to the development of new experiments, it now becomes possible to evidence not only the details of the coordination state of the network formers of glasses but also to characterize the nature of polyatomic molecular motifs extending over several chemical bonds. We present results involving 31P homonuclear experiments that allow description of groups of up to three phosphate units and 27Al/17O heteronuclear that allows evidencing μ3 oxygen bridges in aluminate glasses and rediscussion of the structure of high temperature melts.Comment: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (2007) in press; Also available online at: http://crmht.cnrs-orleans.fr/Intranet/Publications/?id=207

    Taking the pulse of snowmelt: in situ sensors reveal seasonal, event and diurnal patterns of nitrate and dissolved organic matter variability in an upland forest stream

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    Highly resolved time series data are useful to accurately identify the timing, rate, and magnitude of solute transport in streams during hydrologically dynamic periods such as snowmelt. We used in situ optical sensors for nitrate (NO3 −) and chromophoric dissolved organic matter fluorescence (FDOM) to measure surface water concentrations at 30 min intervals over the snowmelt period (March 21–May 13, 2009) at a 40.5 hectare forested watershed at Sleepers River, Vermont. We also collected discrete samples for laboratory absorbance and fluorescence as well as δ18O–NO3 − isotopes to help interpret the drivers of variable NO3 − and FDOM concentrations measured in situ. In situ data revealed seasonal, event and diurnal patterns associated with hydrological and biogeochemical processes regulating stream NO3 − and FDOM concentrations. An observed decrease in NO3 − concentrations after peak snowmelt runoff and muted response to spring rainfall was consistent with the flushing of a limited supply of NO3 − (mainly from nitrification) from source areas in surficial soils. Stream FDOM concentrations were coupled with flow throughout the study period, suggesting a strong hydrologic control on DOM concentrations in the stream. However, higher FDOM concentrations per unit streamflow after snowmelt likely reflected a greater hydraulic connectivity of the stream to leachable DOM sources in upland soils. We also observed diurnal NO3 − variability of 1–2 μmol l−1 after snowpack ablation, presumably due to in-stream uptake prior to leafout. A comparison of NO3 − and dissolved organic carbon yields (DOC, measured by FDOM proxy) calculated from weekly discrete samples and in situ data sub-sampled daily resulted in small to moderate differences over the entire study period (−4 to 1% for NO3 − and −3 to −14% for DOC), but resulted in much larger differences for daily yields (−66 to +27% for NO3 − and −88 to +47% for DOC, respectively). Despite challenges inherent in in situ sensor deployments in harsh seasonal conditions, these data provide important insights into processes controlling NO3 − and FDOM in streams, and will be critical for evaluating the effects of climate change on snowmelt delivery to downstream ecosystems

    Physiological and clinical consequences of relief of right ventricular outflow tract obstruction late after repair of congenital heart defects.

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    BACKGROUND: Right ventricular outflow tract obstruction (RVOTO) is a common problem after repair of congenital heart disease. Percutaneous pulmonary valve implantation (PPVI) can treat this condition without consequent pulmonary regurgitation or cardiopulmonary bypass. Our aim was to investigate the clinical and physiological response to relieving RVOTO. METHODS AND RESULTS: We studied 18 patients who underwent PPVI for RVOTO (72% male, median age 20 years) from a total of 93 who had this procedure for various indications. All had a right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) gradient >50 mm Hg on echocardiography without important pulmonary regurgitation (less than mild or regurgitant fraction <10% on magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]). Cardiopulmonary exercise testing, tissue Doppler echocardiography, and MRI were performed before and within 50 days of PPVI. PPVI reduced RVOT gradient (51.4 to 21.7 mm Hg, P<0.001) and right ventricular systolic pressure (72.8 to 47.3 mm Hg, P<0.001) at catheterization. Symptoms and aerobic (25.7 to 28.9 mL.kg(-1).min(-1), P=0.002) and anaerobic (14.4 to 16.2 mL.kg(-1).min(-1), P=0.002) exercise capacity improved. Myocardial systolic velocity improved acutely (tricuspid 4.8 to 5.3 cm/s, P=0.05; mitral 4.7 to 5.5 cm/s, P=0.01), whereas isovolumic acceleration was unchanged. The tricuspid annular velocity was not maintained on intermediate follow-up. Right ventricular end-diastolic volume (99.9 to 89.7 mL/m2, P<0.001) fell, whereas effective stroke volume (43.7 to 48.3 mL/m2, P=0.06) and ejection fraction (48.0% to 56.8%, P=0.01) increased. Left ventricular end-diastolic volume (72.5 to 77.4 mL/m2, P=0.145), stroke volume (45.3 to 50.6 mL/m2, P=0.02), and ejection fraction (62.6% to 65.8%, P=0.03) increased. CONCLUSIONS: PPVI relieves RVOTO, which leads to an early improvement in biventricular performance. Furthermore, it reduces symptoms and improves exercise tolerance. These findings have important implications for the management of this increasingly common condition

    Percutaneous pulmonary valve implantation in humans - Results in 59 consecutive patients

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    Background - Right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) reconstruction with valved conduits in infancy and childhood leads to reintervention for pulmonary regurgitation and stenosis in later life.Methods and Results - Patients with pulmonary regurgitation with or without stenosis after repair of congenital heart disease had percutaneous pulmonary valve implantation (PPVI). Mortality, hemodynamic improvement, freedom from explantation, and subjective and objective changes in exercise tolerance were end points. PPVI was performed successfully in 58 patients, 32 male, with a median age of 16 years and median weight of 56 kg. The majority had a variant of tetralogy of Fallot (n = 36), or transposition of the great arteries, ventricular septal defect with pulmonary stenosis (n = 8). The right ventricular (RV) pressure (64.4 +/- 17.2 to 50.4 +/- 14 mm Hg, P < 0.001), RVOT gradient (33 +/- 24.6 to 19.5 +/- 15.3, P < 0.001), and pulmonary regurgitation ( PR) (grade 2 of greater before, none greater than grade 2 after, P < 0.001) decreased significantly after PPVI. MRI showed significant reduction in PR fraction (21 +/- 13% versus 3 +/- 4%, P < 0.001) and in RV end-diastolic volume (EDV) (94 +/- 28 versus 82 +/- 24 mL (.) beat(-1) (.) m(-2), P < 0.001) and a significant increase in left ventricular EDV ( 64 +/- 12 versus 71 +/- 13 mL (.) beat(-1.) m(-2), P = 0.005) and effective RV stroke volume ( 37 +/- 7 versus 42 +/- 9 mL (.) beat(-1) (.) m(-2), P = 0.006) in 28 patients (age 19 +/- 8 years). A further 16 subjects, on metabolic exercise testing, showed significant improvement in V(O2)max (26 +/- 7 versus 29 +/- 6 mL (.) kg(-1) (.) min(-1), P < 0.001). There was no mortality.Conclusions - PPVI is feasible at low risk, with quantifiable improvement in MRI-defined ventricular parameters and pulmonary regurgitation, and results in subjective and objective improvement in exercise capacity

    Compositional and functional trajectories of herbaceous communities after deer density control in clear-cut boreal forests

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    Overabundant populations of large herbivores have strong persistent effects on forest composition, structure, and function. However, the mechanism through which plant communities recover their original composition and function after herbivore management remains poorly understood. We assessed the temporal trajectories of the herbaceous communities in Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. and Picea glauca (Moench) Voss stands on Anticosti Island (Quebec, Canada) over 8 years following clear-cutting and deer management. The impact of deer exclusion or reduction to 7.5 and 15 deer·km–2 was compared with benchmark in situ deer densities (27 and 56 deer·km–2). Effects of deer management treatments on plant species and functional trait assemblages over time were assessed using principal response curves. Although complete deer exclusion seemed necessary to modify species composition from that occurring under intense browsing, a reduced density of 7.5 deer·km–2 was sufficient to induce significant changes in functional trait assemblages of regenerating stands. For instance, reduced deer densities favored plants with brightly colored flowers and compound inflorescences pollinated by animals and producing large seeds and fleshy fruits dispersed by animals. We conclude that the boreal forest's herbaceous communities are resilient to chronic browsing when deer population reduction and forest clearcutting are applied in synergy.Les populations surabondantes de grands herbivores ont des effets majeurs et persistants sur la composition, la structure et le fonctionnement de la forêt. Toutefois, le mécanisme par lequel les communautés végétales retrouvent leur composition et leur fonctionnement originels en réponse au contrôle des herbivores demeure mal compris. Nous avons évalué les trajectoires temporelles des communautés herbacées dans des peuplements d'Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. et de Picea glauca (Moench) Voss à l'île d'Anticosti (Québec, Canada) pendant 8 années après avoir effectué une coupe à blanc et contrôlé les populations de cerfs. L'impact de l'exclusion du cerf ou d'une réduction de la densité à 7,5 ou 15 cerfs·km–2 a été comparé à des densités témoins in situ (27 et 56 cerfs·km–2). Les effets des traitements de gestion du cerf sur les espèces végétales et les assemblages de traits fonctionnels ont été évalués en fonction du temps au moyen de la méthode des courbes de réponses principales. Bien que l'exclusion complète du cerf ait semblé nécessaire pour modifier la composition spécifique par rapport à celle observée en conditions de broutage intense, une densité réduite à 7,5 cerfs·km–2 était suffisante pour induire des changements significatifs dans les assemblages de traits fonctionnels des peuplements en régénération. À titre d'exemple, des densités réduites de cerfs ont favorisé les plantes à fleurs de couleur vive et les plantes à fleurs composées pollinisées par les animaux et produisant de grosses graines et des fruits charnus dispersés par les animaux. Nous concluons que les communautés herbacées de la forêt boréale sont résilientes au broutage chronique quand une réduction des populations de cerfs et une coupe forestière à blanc sont appliquées en synergie

    A Period and a Prediction for the Of?p Spectrum Alternator HD 191612

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    The observational picture of the enigmatic O-type spectrum variable HD191612 has been sharpened substantially. A symmetrical, low-amplitude light curve with a period near 540 d has recently been reported from Hipparcos photometry. This period satisfies all of the spectroscopy since at least 1982, including extensive new observations during 2003 and 2004, and it has predicted the next transition during September--October 2004. Measurements of the H alpha equivalent width reveal a sharp emission peak in the phase diagram, in contrast to the apparently sinusoidal light curve. The He II absorption-line strength is essentially constant, while He I varies strongly, possibly filled in by emission in the O6 state, thus producing the apparent spectral-type variations. The O8 state appears to be the "normal" one. Two intermediate O7 observations have been obtained, which fall at the expected phases, but these are the only modern observations of the transitions so far. The period is too long for rotation or pulsation; although there is no direct evidence as yet for a companion, a model in which tidally induced oscillations drive an enhanced wind near periastron of an eccentric orbit appears promising. Further observations during the now predictable transitions may provide a critical test. Ultraviolet and X-ray observations during both states will likely also prove illuminating.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; scheduled for the 2004 December 10 issue of ApJL, Vol. 617, No. 1. ApJ

    Update on leukodystrophies and developing trials

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    Leukodystrophies are a heterogeneous group of rare genetic disorders primarily affecting the white matter of the central nervous system. These conditions can present a diagnostic challenge, requiring a comprehensive approach that combines clinical evaluation, neuroimaging, metabolic testing, and genetic testing. While MRI is the main tool for diagnosis, advances in molecular diagnostics, particularly whole-exome sequencing, have significantly improved the diagnostic yield. Timely and accurate diagnosis is crucial to guide symptomatic treatment and assess eligibility to participate in clinical trials. Despite no specific cure being available for most leukodystrophies, gene therapy is emerging as a potential treatment avenue, rapidly advancing the therapeutic prospects in leukodystrophies. This review will explore diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for leukodystrophies, with particular emphasis on new trials

    Estimation rapide de vitesse à base de triades de filtres de Gabor

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    Les méthodes fréquentielles d'estimation de vitesse dans les séquences d'images fournissent des flux optiques de qualité, mais sont réputées gourmandes en calculs. Nous présentons une nouvelle méthode fréquentielle qui repose sur quatre estimations de vitesse unidimensionnelle. Chaque estimation 1D est réalisée en combinant directement les réponses énergétiques d'une triade de filtres de Gabor spatio-temporels. Ce modèle possède deux propriétés essentielles : il représente un maillon important dans la chaîne de traitement du système visuel, et constitue un algorithme rapide et efficace
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