84 research outputs found

    On the Stability of Artificial Equilibrium Points in the Circular Restricted Three Body Problem

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    The article analyses the stability properties of minimum-control artificial equilibrium points in the planar circular restricted three-body problem. It is seen that when the masses of the two primaries are of different orders of magnitude, minimum-control equilibrium is obtained when the spacecraft is almost coorbiting with the second primary as long as their mutual distance is not too small. In addition, stability is found when the distance from the second primary exceeds a minimum value which is a simple function of the mass ratio of the two primaries and their separation. Lyapunov stability under non-resonant conditions is demonstrated using Arnold’s theorem. Among the most promising applications of the concept we find solar-sail-stabilized observatories coorbiting with the Earth, Mars, and Venu

    Structure and stability of flames with two sequential reactions

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    An asymptotic analysis is presented for the structure of steady planar flames, and for their response to nonplanar perturbations, when the reaction mechanism can be modelled by two sequential reactions with the same large value of activation energies. The analysis is carried out, with the thermal-diffusive approximation, for the distinguished `merged' regime, when the two reaction constants are such that the two reactions occur in a single thin zone. The nonlinear response of the flame can be described by a model involving only three parameters, associated with the Lewis number of the main reactant and the Lewis number and peak concentration, in the reaction zone, of the intermediate species

    Earth Delivery of a Small NEO with an Ion Beam Shepherd

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    The possibility of capturing a small Near Earth Asteroid (NEA) and deliver it to the vicinity of the Earth has been recently explored by different authors. The key advantage would be to allow a cheap and quick access to the NEA for science, resource utilization and other purposes. Among the different challenges related to this operation stands the difficulty of robotically capturing the object, whose composition and dynamical state could be problematic. In order to simplify the capture operation we propose the use of a collimated ion beam ejected from a hovering spacecraft in order to maneuver the object without direct physical contact. The feasibility of a possible asteroid retrieval mission is evaluated

    Adaptive scheme for Accurate orbit propagation

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    Two extensions of the fast and accurate special perturbation method recently developed by Peláez et al. are presented for respectively elliptic and hyperbolic motion. A comparison with Peláez?s method and with the very efficient Stiefel- Scheifele?s method, for the problems of oblate Earth plus Moon and continuous radial thrust, shows that the new formulations can appreciably improve the accuracy of Peláez?s method and have a better performance of Stiefel-Scheifele?s method. Future work will be to include the two new formulations and the original one due to Peláez into an adaptive scheme for highly accurate orbit propagatio

    Frozen orbits for scientific missions using rotating tethers

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    We derive a semi-analytic formulation that permits to study the long-term dynamics of fast-rotating inert tethers around planetary satellites. Since space tethers are extensive bodies they generate non-keplerian gravitational forces which depend solely on their mass geometry and attitude, that can be exploited for controlling science orbits. We conclude that rotating tethers modify the geometry of frozen orbits, allowing for lower eccentricity frozen orbits for a wide range of orbital inclination, where the length of the tether becomes a new parameter that the mission analyst may use to shape frozen orbits to tighter operational constraints

    Modifying the atlas of low lunar orbits using inert tethers

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    For long enough tethers, the coupling of the attitude and orbital dynamics may show non-negligible effects in the orbital motion of a tethered satellite about a central body. In the case of fast rotating tethers the attitude remains constant, on average, up to second order effects. Besides, for a tether rotating in a plane parallel to the equatorial plane of the central body, the attitude?orbit coupling effect is formally equal to the perturbation of the Keplerian motion produced by the oblateness of the central body and, therefore, may have a stabilizing effect in the orbital dynamics. In the case of a tethered satellite in a low lunar orbit, it is demonstrated that feasible tether lengths can help in modifying the actual map of lunar frozen orbit

    Jovian Capture of a Spacecraft with a Self-Balanced Electrodynamic Bare Tether

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    This paper proposes and analyzes the use of a nonrotating tethered system for a direct capture in Jovian orbit using the electrodynamic force generated along the cable. A detailed dynamical model is developed showing a strong gravitational and electrodynamic coupling between the center of mass and the attitude motions. This paper shows the feasibility of a direct capture in Jovian orbit of a rigid tethered system preventing the tether from rotating. Additional mechanical–thermal requirements are explored, and preliminary operational limits are defined to complete the maneuver. In particular, to ensure that the system remains nonrotating, a nominal attitude profile for a self-balanced electrodynamic tether is proposed, as well as a simple feedback control

    Performance Analysis of Bare Electrodynamic Tethers as Microsats Deorbiting Systems

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    It has recently been proposed to use bare electrodynamic tethers (EDTs) in connection with micro- and nano-satellites, either to provide a cheap test of OML current collection theory or to devise a lightweight deorbiting system for cubesats experiments. In the present article we investigate the orbital evolution of small satellites (2 kg) equipped with electrodynamic tethers of different lengths (100 m to 300 m) different ionospheric conditions and focusing on a nominal VEGA polar orbit of 700 km altitude. Issues of tether integration in the microsatellite system and tether deployment are also addressed. Results show that, given sufficient power availability and once a safe and effective deployment strategy is devised, a small dedicated experiment involving two cubesats is feasible in favorable conditions with tether length of 100-300

    Efficient computation of current collection in bare electrodynamic tethers in and beyond OML regime

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    One key issue in the simulation of bare electrodynamic tethers (EDTs) is the accurate and fast computation of the collected current, an ambient dependent operation necessary to determine the Lorentz force for each time step. This paper introduces a novel semianalytical solution that allows researchers to compute the current distribution along the tether efficient and effectively under orbital-motion-limited (OML) and beyond OML conditions, i.e., if tether radius is greater than a certain ambient dependent threshold. The method reduces the original boundary value problem to a couple of nonlinear equations. If certain dimensionless variables are used, the beyond OML effect just makes the tether characteristic length L* larger and it is decoupled from the current determination problem. Avalidation of the results and a comparison of the performance in terms of the time consumed is provided, with respect to a previous ad hoc solution and a conventional shooting method

    A Special Perturbation Method in Orbital Dynamics

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    Bead models are used in dynamical simulation of tethers. These models discretize a cable using beads distributed along its length. The time evolution is obtained nu- merically. Typically the number of particles ranges between 5 and 50, depending on the required accuracy. Sometimes the simulation is extended over long periods (several years). The complex interactions between the cable and its spatial environment require to optimize the propagators —both in runtime and precisión that constitute the central core of the process. The special perturbation method treated on this article conjugates simpleness of computer implementation, speediness and precision, and is capable to propagate the orbit of whichever material particle. The paper describes the evolution of some orbital elements, which are constants in a non-perturbed problem, but which evolve in the time scale imposed by the perturbation. It can be used with any kind of orbit and it is free of sin- gularities related to small inclination and/or small eccentricity. The use of Euler parameters makes it robust