69 research outputs found

    Evaluation of bush snap beans under organic cropping system, during two periods

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    Seis genótipos de feijão-vagem arbustivo foram avaliados em Anápolis-GO, sob sistema orgânico de produção, nos períodos de outono-inverno (2002) e primavera-verão (2002/2003). Avaliou-se a precocidade, produtividade de vagens, peso e número de vagens por planta, total e comercial, peso e número de vagens com defeito (%), produtividade e peso de 100 sementes. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso, com seis tratamentos (linhagens Hab 1, Hab 19, Hab 39, Hab 46, e as cultivares Coralina e Turmalina), em quatro repetições. Todos os genótipos apresentaram maior rendimento no período de outono-inverno. As cultivares Coralina e Turmalina foram as mais precoces nos dois períodos. As maiores produtividades, total e comercial, observadas no outono-inverno foram apresentadas por 'Coralina' e linhagem Hab 39, superando 'Turmalina', mas igualaram-se às demais linhagens, enquanto que na primavera-verão 'Coralina' mostrou-se superior apenas à linhagem Hab 46. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTSix genotypes of bush snap beans were evaluated in Anápolis, Goiás State, Brazil, during autumn-winter (25th May – 13th August, 2002) and spring-summer (12th November, 2002 – 10th January, 2003) seasons cultivation in an organic cropping system. The experimental design was of randomized blocks, with six treatments (breeding lines Hab 1, Hab 19, Hab 39, Hab 46 and cultivars Coralina and Turmalina), with four replications. All the genotypes resulted in higher yield during autumn-winter season. Cultivars Coralina and Turmalina were earlier in both seasons. 'Coralina' and Hab 39 showed the highest yields, higher than cv. Turmalina, but similar to the other breeding lines. During spring-summer season, 'Coralina' presented better results than Hab 46

    Genótipos de feijão vagem arbustivos sob cultivo convencional e orgânico

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    Snap bean is a species widely cultivated in Goiás, in which cultivars of indeterminate growth are used in a staking system. Considering the high cost of staking and the unavailability of a workforce, there has been a demand for bush cultivars, but little is available on the market. In this sense, the present study was developed to evaluate, in 2016, under the conventional and organic cultivation systems, in Anápolis-GO, the behavior of 20 bush snap bean genotypes. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with 20 treatments and three replications. There was a significant interaction between genotypes and cultivation systems for vigor, average pod mass, number of pods per plant, and pod yield, evidencing that the types of cultivation, organic and conventional, interfered with the response of these variables. Although the Commodore Improved cultivar has excelled in pod yield in the conventional system, all genotypes were suitable for organic production. Hab 39, Improved Gold Wax, Kentucky Wonder Bush, Provider, Stringless Green, and Tendergreen genotypes are unsuitable for the conventional production system.O feijão-vagem é uma espécie largamente cultivada em Goiás, em que se utiliza cultivares de crescimento indeterminado em sistema tutorado. Considerando-se o alto custo de tutoramento e indisponibilidade de mão de obra, tem havido demanda por cultivares arbustivas, pouco disponíveis no mercado. Neste sentido desenvolveu-se o presente trabalho, com o objetivo de avaliar, em 2016, sob os sistemas de cultivo convencional e orgânico, em Anápolis-GO, o comportamento de 20 genótipos de feijão vagem arbustivos. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados, com 20 tratamentos e três repetições. Houve interação significativa entre os genótipos e os sistemas de cultivo, para vigor, massa média de vagem, número de vagem por planta e produtividade, demonstrando que tipos de cultivo, orgânico e convencional, interferiu na resposta dessas variáveis. Embora a cultivar Commodore Improved tenha se sobressaído em produtividade no sistema convencional, todos os genótipos mostraram-se apropriados à produção orgânica. Os genótipos Hab 39, Improved Gold Wax, Kentucky Wonder Bush, Provider, Stringless Green e Tendergreen não são apropriados ao sistema convencional de produção


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    Os frutos do Cerrado apresentam atrativas características sensoriais, porém seu consumo é restrito à população local. Visando contribuir para expansão do consumo de cagaita e mangaba, o objetivo do estudo foi elaborar e avaliar a aceitação de bebidas com extrato hidrossolúvel de soja saborizada com esses frutos. Para isso elaborou-se três formulações tendo como base fixa 10% de polpa de fruta e 15% de açúcar, sendo Formulação 1: 10% de polpa de mangaba, Formulação 2: 10% de polpa de cagaita e Formulação 3: 5% de cagaita e 5% de mangaba. Realizou-se a caracterização físico-química tanto das polpas como das bebidas. Estas foram submetidas às análises de pH, acidez total titulável, sólidos solúveis (°Brix), ratio (SS/AT), sólidos totais e cinzas. Para a avaliação sensorial, cinquenta consumidores não treinados avaliaram aparência, aroma, sabor, textura e impressão global, além da intenção de compra. Os resultados das análises físico-química de ambas amostras foram satisfatórios, apresentando parâmetros desejáveis e esperados. Em relação aos atributos sensoriais avaliados, a Formulação 3 (5% de cagaita e 5% de mangaba) obteve uma boa aceitação para os atributos aroma, sabor e impressão global, quando comparada às outras formulações. Além de maiores percentuais no quesito intenção de compra. A elaboração da bebida mostrou-se viável e certamente trata-se de uma opção a mais tanto aos intolerantes à lactose quanto aos alérgicos à proteína do leite de vaca


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    Mung beans (Vigna radiata L.) are of Asian origin and have gained national importance with the production of moyashi. The study aimed to evaluate the seed physiological quality of mung beans according to the row spacing and number of plants per meter. The experiment was conducted at Goiás State University, Ipameri Campus. Tests were performed to determine the water content, germination, and vigor to evaluate the physiological quality of the seeds. The experimental design was completely randomized, with the treatments arranged in a 2 x 6 factorial scheme, having as factors the row spacing (25 and 50 cm) and the number of plants per meter (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 plants) with four replications. Based on the results of the analysis of variance, germination, first germination count, and emergence speed index were not influenced by row spacing and number of plants per meter. The shoot length of seedlings was significative affected by row spacing and the number of plants per meter. For root length, seedling dry mass and thousand-seed weight there was significant interaction between the studied factors. There was significant effect of row spacing on accelerated aging and seedling emergence. The mung bean plant density affected seed quality. Seeds produced with a row spacing of 50 cm with 24 plants per meter had the best physiological potential


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    The study aimed to determine the optimal population density for mung bean crop by defining row spacing, and number of plants per meter. The experimental design was a randomized block with treatments arranged in a split-plot scheme with four replications. Two row spacings (25 and 50 cm) were allocated in the plots, and six number of plants per meter (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 plants) were allocated in the subplots. The experimental units had 4.0 m long, and 2.5 m wide, with 4.0 m2 of useful area. In the useful area of plot, plant height, stem diameter, number of pods per plot, pod length, pod width, number of grains per pod, 100-pods weight, 100-grains weight, final plant population, and grain yield were evaluated. Plant height, pod length, pod width, number of grains per pod, and 100-pod weight were not influenced by row spacing and number of plants per meter. There was influence of significant interaction between the factors studied on 100-grains weight and final plant population. There was a significant effect only of number of plants per meter on stem diameter, number of pods per plot, and grain yield. The row spacing of 50 cm and 24 plants per meter increased mung bean grain yield, revealing itself as a strategy of gain in the grain yield of the crop

    Estrus Cycle Monitoring in Wild Mammals: Challenges and Perspectives

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    The knowledge of reproductive physiology is of paramount importance to guide reproductive management and to make possible future application of assisted reproduction techniques (ARTs) aiming ex situ conservation of wild mammals. Nevertheless, information on the basic reproductive aspects of wild mammals remain scarce, and appropriate management practices have not yet been developed for all the species. This chapter discusses the methods most currently used for reproductive monitoring in wild females. Additionally, the difficulties regarding their use in different species and the possibilities of these procedures in captivity or in free-living mammals are addressed

    Productivity in seeds of the green bean produced under conventional and organic systems

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    Two experiments were carried out during 2016 at the Anápolis Experimental Station of EMATER in the State of Goiás, with the aim of studying the yield of seeds of 18 strains and two indeterminate cultivars of the green bean, one experiment under a conventional system and the other under an organic system. A randomized block experimental design was used, with twenty treatments and three replications, to evaluate the mean number of seeds per pod (NSP), 100-seed weight (100SW) and productivity (PROD). Under the conventional system, the 100SW ranged from 19.3 to 25.0 grams. The highest productivity was achieved with the UEG 0212, UEG 0212, UEG 0712 and UEG 3014 strains, which were superior to the other strains, including the controls. Under the organic system, there was a range of 6.66 to 8.33 for the NSP, while for the 100SW, the range was from 23 to 32 grams. The UEG 0212, UEG 1012, UEG 2014 and UEG 3014 strains, all with cylindrical pods and white seeds, can be used as alternatives for planting, being superior to the ‘Favorito’ cultivar and equal to the ‘Macarrão Bragança’ cultivar, whereas UEG 1112 and UEG 0714, with cylindrical pods and cream-colored seeds, can be used as dual-adapted cultivars, with green pods and dry grain that can be used as end-of-cycle pods if there are defects that are not accepted by the market

    Occurrence of fungi in bean seeds ‘Red Mexican’ and its effect on the germination

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    The seed-born fungi can be transmitted to long distances, also to reduce the viability of seeds. The objective of this study was to verify the occurring pathogens on common bean ‘Red mexican’ seed and evaluate its effect in the obtaining normal seedlings. Therefore, bean seeds 'Red mexican' were submitted to blotter test (25 seeds Gerbox-1) in four different dates. The design was completely randomized design (CRD) and each assessed data had eight replicates (Gerbox). The fungi incidence and obtaining normal seedlings were evaluated at 5 and 9 days, respectively. It was verified a larger incidence for Aspergillus sp. (19 to 57%) when compared to Cladosporium cladosporioides (11 to 29%). The incidence of the genus Aspergillus sp. and C. cladosporioides did not interfere in the percentage of normal seedlings, due to the escape mechanism of the seedlings to pathogens during the germination process.The seed-born fungi can be transmitted to long distances, for the transport of the same, in addition to harming seed viability. Therefore, the objective of this study was to verify the occurring fungi on common bean ‘Red mexican’ seed and evaluate its effect in the development of normal seedlings. Therefore, stored bean seeds ‘Red mexican’ were submitted to blotter test in four different dates. The design was completely randomized (CRD) and each assessed data had eight replicates. Each experimental unit (repetition) consisted in a Gerbox containing 25 seeds. The fungi incidence and development of normal seedlings were evaluated at 5 and 7 days, respectively. It was verified a larger incidence for Aspergillus sp. (19% to 57%) when compared to Cladosporium cladosporioides (11% to 29%). The incidence of the fungi Aspergillus sp. and C. cladosporioides did not interfere in the percentage of normal seedlings, due to the escape mechanism of the seedlings to pathogens during the germination process

    Germinação e vigor em sementes de feijão mungo-verde em função do período de armazenamento

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    A qualidade das sementes não pode ser melhorada pelo armazenamento, mas sim preservada com o mínimo de deterioração possível, através do armazenamento adequado, visando manter o vigor e o poder germinativo pelo maior período possível. Objetivou-se no presente estudo avaliar fisiologicamente as sementes de feijão mungo-verde (Vigna radiata L.) em função dos diferentes períodos de armazenamento. O trabalho foi realizado na Universidade Estadual de Goiás (UEG), Campus Ipameri. O experimento foi conduzido no Laboratório da UEG, em 2017. Foi adotado o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, composto por três tratamentos e quatro repetições, utilizando sementes dos anos de 2013, 2015 e 2017. As sementes foram submetidas aos testes de teor de água, germinação, primeira contagem, condutividade elétrica, biomassa de mil sementes e biomassa seca de plântulas. As avaliações foram feitas no quinto e sétimo dia após a semeadura e o resultado expresso em porcentagem de plântulas normais. Os resultados dos testes de germinação, primeira contagem de germinação, e condutividade elétrica indicaram que as sementes de feijão mungo-verde utilizadas no estudo apresentaram diferenças em relação a sua qualidade fisiológica. As sementes dos anos de 2015 e 2017 são as de melhor qualidade fisiológica.

    Investigation of cultivation conditions for capsular polysaccharide production by Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 14

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is among the most significant causes of bacterial disease in humans. Capsular polysaccharide (CPS) production is essential for pneumococcal virulence. Pneumococcal CPS has been widely used as vaccine antigen. This study is focused on the influence of culture conditions of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 14 as for developing an industrial method for polysaccharide production. The pH proved to be a highly important variable in batchwise culture. Using the pH control all glucose added was consumed resulting in a four-fold increase in polysaccharide productivity relative to cultivation without pH control. S. pneumoniae is a lactic acid bacterium, so named for its primary metabolic byproduct (lactate), which has an inhibitory effect on cell growth in concentrations ranging from 4 to 5 g/L. An increase of 30% in polysaccharide productivity was observed using glucose pulses with 5.5 hrs of growth, resulting in a maximum polysaccharide concentration of 185.2 mg/L. Our data suggest the possibility of using a medium of non-animal origin and employing pH control for the cultivation of pneumococcus to produce a polysaccharide vaccine