10 research outputs found

    Complexity in forecasting and predictive models

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    Te challenge of this special issue has been to know the state of the problem related to forecasting modeling and the creation of a model to forecast the future behavior that supports decision making by supporting real-world applications. Tis issue has been highlighted by the quality of its research work on the critical importance of advanced analytical methods, such as neural networks, sof computing, evolutionary algorithms, chaotic models, cellular automata, agent-based models, and fnite mixture minimum squares (FIMIX-PLS).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Drivers and Barriers of the Cloud Computing in SMEs: the Position of the European Union

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    Cloud computing is one of the technologies that organizations, and especially users, knowthe least about. It is a new Internet-based technology used to store information on servers,and is provided as an on-demand service to clients. Cost savings and simplification of thetechnological infrastructure are two of the most decisive factors in its increasing use.However, the lack of standardization, the need for new professionals and the emergence ofdistrust are some of the barriers to its adoption. The purpose of this paper is, firstly, to present the current situation of this technology from the perspective of businesses byreviewing the existing literature. Secondly, we analyze the situation of this technology froma two-part viewpoint: the European Union, and in particular, the situation in SMEs. Finally,the strategic positions of the European Commission will be reviewed with respect to theconsequences of the adoption of the cloud paradigm

    Digital Disconnection as an Opportunity for the Tourism Business: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    The aim of this study is to carry out a bibliometric review of the existing research on digital disconnection and Digital Free Tourism (DFT) to discover the extent to which this new trend affects technology users and the tourism market. To do this, a systematic literature review and a bibliometric analysis of the research on digital disconnection contained in the Scopus and Web of Science databases were used. This research includes publications from 2012 to December 2021, which included a total of 37 publications about digital disconnection and digital free tourism in scientific journals indexed in the main scientific databases. The analysis concludes that DFT is a growing economic trend in research and that the phenomenon of digital disconnection is beginning to be a peremptory need for more and more users. This work is original and interesting for researchers specialising in technology addictions, as well as academics and professionals in the tourism sector, because the extensive use of smart devices is becoming a type of addiction in many areas and can be a new opportunity for the tourism market. The DFT phenomenon can improve the response to these types of addictions and be a temporary escape and alternative to technological devices. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-05-013 Full Text: PD

    The collaborative economy based analysis of demand: Study of Airbnb case in Spain and Portugal

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    The rise of the collaborative economy has just started to become a reality in the economy of the countries in the European Union. The aim of this article is to use Goal - Question - Metric methodology to verify that the rise of Internet searches has an impact on collaborative economy. Specifically, Airbnb was the collaborative economy service analyzed. The demonstration was carried out with a statistical analysis of the Internet searches, looking at their evolution in Spain, Portugal and USA over the past 10 years. A working hypothesis was also defined to test whether the demand for information about Airbnb has a positive influence on the total spending of tourists who booked apartments in Spain during the period between July 2015 and August 2016. The results lead us to make a projection of growth for Airbnb service in the coming years. The case studied is very representative of this economic model, even though there is a large number of lesser-known websites. Finally, the results corroborate previous studies that defend that tools for studying trends and correlations of search terms are techniques that help decision making in studies and market research

    Ética da reputação online, marca pessoal e privacidade na cloud computing: proteção dos usuários em frente ao direito ao esquecimento

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    Objetivo. Este artículo tiene como principal objetivo, analizar la situación actual y las previsiones futuras que puede tener la falta de privacidad en la nube o cloud computing. El borrado de los datos personales que indexa el buscador Google, retirar una foto de Facebook, eliminar un link de una noticia desafortunada o borrar el pasado puede ser una tarea que se nos antoje imposible. Aquellas personas afectadas por situaciones así, reclaman la aplicación del “derecho al olvido” basado en motivaciones plausibles.Método. Este estudio ha contrastado las opiniones de afectados, abogados y expertos en reputación online y comunicación de marca personal.Resultados. Los resultados demuestran la desproteción legal y la responsabilidad de los buscadores en la vulneración ética y, en algunos casos, legal de estos derechos.Conclusiones. La privacidad va camino de convertirse en el principal quebradero de cabeza para los buscadores. Esta conclusión, no sólo proviene de las polémicas suscitadas, sino por las numerosas denuncias que señalan ahora a la herramienta y no sólo al origen de la información. Normalmente, la herramienta es el buscador, que pone al alcance general datos que los interesados preferirían suprimir o que permanezcan en el olvido.Objective. This article has as main objective to analyze the current situation and the future previsions that can have the lack of privacy in the cloud or cloud computing. Deleting personal data that indexes the Google binder, such as removing a photo from Facebook, deleting a link from an unfortunate news or erasing the past on the network can be a task that we feel impossible. Those who pursue objectives as diverse as those mentioned unanimously invoke the "right to forget" based on plausible motivations.Method. This study has contrasted the views of stakeholders, lawyers and experts in online reputation and personal brand communication, to reach a series of conclusions of great utility for experts, managers and users in general.Results. The results show the lack of legal protection and the responsibility of the search engines in the ethical and, in some cases, legal violation of these rights.Conclusions. Privacy is going to become the main dilemma for search engines. This conclusion comes from the controversies and the numerous denunciations that point to both the origin of the information and the tool. Normally, the tool is the search engine, which provides general access to data that interested parties would prefer to delete or forget.Objetivo. Este artigo tem como principal objetivo, analisar a situação atual e as previsões futuras que pode ter a falta de privacidade na nuvem ou cloud computing. O apagado dos dados pessoais que indexa o buscador Google, retirar uma foto de Facebook, eliminar um link de uma notícia desafortunada ou apagar o passado pode ser uma tarefa impossível. Aquelas pessoas afetadas por situações assim, reclamam a aplicação do “direito ao esquecimento” baseado em motivações plausibles.Método. Este estudo tem contrastado as opiniões de afetados, advogados e experientes em reputação online e comunicação de marca pessoal.Resultados. Os resultados demonstram a desproteción legal e a responsabilidade dos buscadores na vulneración ética e, em alguns casos, legal destes direitos.Conclusões. A privacidade vai caminho de converter-se no principal quebradero de cabeça para os buscadores. Esta conclusão, não só prove das polêmicas suscitadas, senão pelas numerosas denúncias que assinalam agora à ferramenta e não só à origem da informação. Normalmente, a ferramenta é o buscador, que põe ao alcance geral dados que os interessados prefeririam suprimir ou que permaneçam no esquecimento

    Understanding User Behavioral Intention to Adopt a Search Engine that Promotes Sustainable Water Management

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    An increase in users’ online searches, the social concern for an efficient management of resources such as water, and the appearance of more and more digital platforms for sustainable purposes to conduct online searches lead us to reflect more on the users’ behavioral intention with respect to search engines that support sustainable projects like water management projects. Another issue to consider is the factors that determine the adoption of such search engines. In the present study, we aim to identify the factors that determine the intention to adopt a search engine, such as Lilo, that favors sustainable water management. To this end, a model based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is proposed. The methodology used is the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis with the Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS). The results demonstrate that individuals who intend to use a search engine are influenced by hedonic motivations, which drive their feeling of contentment with the search. Similarly, the success of search engines is found to be closely related to the ability a search engine grants to its users to generate a social or environmental impact, rather than users’ trust in what they do or in their results. However, according to our results, habit is also an important factor that has both a direct and an indirect impact on users’ behavioral intention to adopt different search engines

    Understanding the Influence of Wireless Communications and Wi-Fi Access on Customer Loyalty: A Behavioral Model System

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    New technologies offer new possibilities to better understand complex consumer behavior points of sale. The data obtained using wireless communications and Wi-Fi services available in restaurants and catering companies make it possible to acquire in-depth knowledge on consumer behavior complexity. In the present study, the PLS-SEM analysis was used to analyze the impact of free wireless communications and Wi-Fi access on customer loyalty. Our results demonstrate that client satisfaction with wireless communications and Wi-Fi access networks services has a direct impact on customer loyalty. Therefore, wireless communications and Wi-Fi networks and technologies available at the points of sale should be updated in order to better meet customers’ expectations