876 research outputs found

    English as a third language in Norwegian schools. A study on English teachers' multilingual competence and knowledge of third language acquisition

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    This study investigates whether or not English teachers have the ability to teach English as an L3. The basis of this is the increase in multilingual pupils in Norwegian schools that are acquiring/will be acquiring English as their third language. The research question is as follows: ”Do English teachers have sufficient knowledge and competence in multilingualism to teach English as a third language to multilingual pupils?” As well as answering the research question, the study seeks to answer a hypothesis that involves the teacher training programs in Norway, as it is during these programs that English teachers prepare and develop the necessary knowledge to teach the English subject. The hypothesis reads: ”Teacher training programs in Norway do not provide English teachers with the necessary multilingual competence to teach English as an L3”. On the basis of the research question, a quantitative approach in form of a questionnaire is used to gain the necessary information about the respondents’ awareness and knowledge about the phenomenon that is multilingualism. The questionnaire was conducted in the Tromsø area, and there were a total of 8 English teachers that participated in the study. Some of them have prior experience with working with multilingual pupils and some that don’t. The results of the questionnaire indicate that English teachers lack sufficient multilingual competence to teach English as a third language, as they are not fully aware of the complexity that comes with third language acquisition. The results also indicate that teacher training programs don’t have the necessary focus on multilingualism and third language acquisition that they should have

    L’autonomie comme prédicat et objectif de soin des toxicomanes : L’identité de malade négociée autour du traitement de substitution dans les CSAPA

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    Cet article se propose, dans un sens large, de décrire les trajectoires des usagers de drogues utilisant les Centres de Soins, d’Accompagnement et de Prévention en Addictologie (CSAPA). Plus précisément, nous voulons montrer comment l’inscription d’un usager dans un CSAPA transforme son identité, passant de celle de drogué intentionnel à celle de malade devant s’accommoder à un traitement médical. À partir d’une enquête qualitative dans laquelle nous avons interrogé un échantillon de 12 toxicomanes qui reçoivent un traitement de substitution, des membres du personnel des CSAPA, et par l’observation de leurs interactions, nous voulons montrer comment se modifie l’identité des usagers de drogue durant leur parcours de soin dans un CSAPA. Cette transformation des représentations est d’ordre moral et passe par un processus de victimisation de l’expérience toxicomaniaque. Nous étudierons notamment le rôle de la communication dans cette construction identitaire du toxicomane, en ce sens que nous pouvons observer, dans les interactions avec les professionnels du soin, des jeux de normalisations, mais également des négociations et résistances aux attributions identitaires.This article aims, in a broad sense, to describe and analyse the history of drug misusers that have enrolled with a substitution treatment programme at a CSAPA [Centres de Soins, d’Accompagnement et de Prévention en Addictologie]. We specifically aim to demonstrate how the integration of a drug misuser within a center will bring about a transformation in identity, moving from an intentional drug misuser to a patient requiring medical treatment. A qualitative investigation was carried out, in which 12 interviews were carried out with drug misusers receiving substitution treatment, and several members of medical staff at the CSAPA, and observations were made of the interaction between them. Based on these, the transformations in identity of drug misusers during the course of their care pathway were demonstrated. This article intends to review the role of communication in the construction of a drug misuser’s identity, the stabilization measures used, and the incidences of negotiation and resistance concerned with assuming their identity

    Etude des dégradations et reconditionnement d'une semelle romaine cloutée en cuir traitée par PEG 400

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    Ce travail a pour objet l’étude d’une semelle romaine cloutée en cuir découverte en 1990 dans les couches de comblements du canal navigable de la ville antique d’Aventicum (Avenches). Traitée par PEG 400 et lyophilisation, puis conditionnée sur une mousse polyuréthane (PUR) plâtrée, la semelle présente aujourd’hui des dégradations nous ayant amenés à reconsidérer les modes de sa conservation. Au travers d’un examen diagnostique soutenu par des moyens analytiques et avec l’aide de spécialistes, nous avons pu mettre en lumière les traces technologiques présentes sur cette semelle et décrire son état. Les altérations sont des conséquences de l’enfouissement, de la mise au jour, de la conservation et de la manipulation de l’objet. Si le cuir semble stable et permet, de par son bon état, la lecture de certaines informations typologiques et technologiques inédites pour cet objet, les clous présentent une corrosion active avec présence de chlorures (exsudats et akaganéite β-FeOOH) entrainant une perte matérielle des clous et une altération du cuir en provoquant dépôts et fissures. Suite au constat d’état, la semelle a été déplacée de son ancien conditionnement et un nouveau support a été élaboré. L’état mécanique du cuir ainsi que le caractère indissociable des clous a nécessité un conditionnement qui respecte au plus près les formes de l’objet et a demandé la mise en place d’un support de transfert permettant la manipulation sans toucher directement à la semelle. Un matelas en bourre de polyester a permis un transfert efficace de la semelle et n’a pas induit de dommages. Nous avons pu ainsi documenter le côté en contact avec la mousse PUR dont nous ne connaissions pas l’état. Grâce à des retours d’expériences provenant de divers professionnels en conservation-restauration des objets organiques archéologiques, nous avons exploré quelques possibilités de conditionnement. Notre attention s’est portée sur un concept de composite de fibres de verre et d’époxy. Ce dernier a été choisi car sa mise en forme par moulage permet d’épouser les formes d’une surface. Le résultat obtenu permet d’assurer une meilleure conservation de l’objet par son maintien mécanique, sa compatibilité physico-chimique avec les clous et le cuir ainsi que sa stabilité dans le temps. Concernant le climat, la présence d’akaganéite (β-FeOOH) nécessite une atmosphère sèche (12% d’humidité relative) pour limiter sa formation. Ces taux pouvant altérer fortement le cuir, nous proposons de placer la semelle dans une atmosphère dont le taux d’humidité relative se situe entre 35 et 40%. Dans le prolongement de ce travail, nous mettrons aussi en place un conditionnement sous vide partiel d’oxygène afin de limiter la dégradation du cuir et des clous. Enfin, nous recommandons une surveillance régulière de l’état des clous et du cuir afin d’évaluer l’efficience des mesures prises.The aim of this work is to study a roman leather shoe sole with iron nails. It was excavated in 1990 from a navigable canal located near the antique city of Aventicum (Avenches). After the excavation, it was treated with PEG 400 and freeze-drying, and packed in a polyurethane (PUR) foam with plaster. Since, some deteriorations have occurred, which leads us to reassess the conservation conditions. With the help of specialists and analytic methods, new technological marks were discovered on the sole and its deteriorations were described. The deteriorations are the result of burying, excavation, conservation and handling. If the leather appears stable, the nails are not: it shows active corrosion with the presence of akaganeite (β-FeOOH) and weeping iron causes a loss of material and a deterioration of the leather. Following the description of the condition, the sole was removed from the PUR foam and put in a new holder. The mechanical condition of the sole and the presence of the nails led us to use an adjusted holder and required to move the sole with a transfer medium. This stage required to consolidate the leather and the nails. The transfer medium used here allowed us to keep the sole safe. Moreover, it has given us access to the flesh side of the sole that we could not see before due to the PUR foam. With the support of experienced professionals in conservation-restauration of archaeological organics objects, we have explored some possibilities of packaging. We focused on a concept of laminated glass fibres impregnated with epoxy resin. The result ensures a better conservation of the object thanks to mechanical support and physicochemical compatibility. About the climatic control, akaganeite (β-FeOOH) and weeping need a dry climate storage (above 12%) in order not to appear. However, these values are not tolerated by the leather, so we proposed to put the leather under relative humidity of about 35-40%. Furthermore, after this work, we will prepare an anoxic micro-environment packaging in order to limit the deterioration of both leather and iron. Finally, we advise to check regularly the condition of the sole to ensure that the new conditions of conservation are efficient

    Veien videre ... : hvilke erfaringer har intensivsykepleiere når de opplever at behandlingen er nytteløs

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    Masteroppgave i spesialsykepleie – Universitetet i Agder 2014Background: The intensive care units are high tech departments where the patient has access to advance and expensive resources. The distinction between what is medically and ethically possible is increasing. Due to the medical and technological development, health professionals often experience ethical dilemmas regarding lifesustaining treatment. Purpose: The aim of this study is to describe intensive care nurses experiences as they participate in treatment they perceive as futile. Method: Qualitative methodology with in-depth interviews with six intensive care nurses in intensive care units. The aim is to describe nurses’ experiences. Results: The informants perceive they often give treatment that doesn’t benefit the patient. This may cause frustration, discouragement and lack of motivation. They state the cooperation with the doctors as positive, but experiences situations where the communication and interaction is not to their satisfaction. The informants pointed out the importance to notify the relatives at a early stage when the patient's prognosis is uncertain. The informants view their intensive care nursing role as important in the interdisciplinary team, as well as significant when interacting with the patient and his family. Conclusion: It is perceived challenging for informants when decisions are postponed and communication between physician and intensive care nurses fail. The informants are concerned with open dialogue with patients and their families. They believe their role as intensive care nurses should have an impact on treatment provided

    The distribution of quantum fidelities

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    When applied to different input states, an imperfect quantum operation yields output states with varying fidelities, defined as the absolute square of their overlap with the desired states. We present an expression for the distribution of fidelities for a class of operations applied to a general qubit state, and we present general expressions for the variance and input-space averaged fidelities of arbitrary linear maps on finite dimensional Hilbert spaces.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur
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